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Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 45

The demons armored gauntlets come off without too much trouble, seemingly undamaged and uncorrupted, though she thought that the bulky things might make using her rifle a little harder. The boots appear to be simple leather with a bit of metal plating, in good shape and of good quality but nothing to write home about.

Matthias waits until Sable finishes speaking before making any sort of reply, apparently counting on the fact that she would have more than a few questions; "I could. But I won't. Experience has taught me the folly of allowing weapons made for immortals fall into the hands of mortals, and any enchantment cast onto an object soon takes on a life of its own. Even weapons created for the Fey lords that have been given to mortals have often dominated their wielders lives, and I am far more powerful than any Faerie smith."

"As for the merchant, I know him because I've tried to kill him every time I've encountered him. He is a daemon himself, one that collects enchanted items and absorbs the magic in them. He'll usually try to sell items that aren't powerful enough to be worth eating so that he can buy more powerful items. He's tried to steal this sword from me twice now, the idiot. It seems that the avatar he's speaking through is only a construct though, as I've never detected his soul after I've killed his body;" He says, pausing a moment before continuing.

"The demons corruption is both a spiritual and a physical process. The physical obviously has no effect on me, and one of the very first things I learned after I became a daemon was how to free a soul of its corruption. The physical aspect, the mutations, are irreversible, but the stains on the soul are simple enough to wash off. I can even do the same for either of you, if you require, though I cannot remove any marks that the demons have left on your body."

By the time Matthias finishes talking, Sable has finished casting her mines, and Elea is standing with her bow ready. "One minute, fifty seconds. I would recommend that you both take hiding places and attack the demons from there after they've tripped some of your traps. The longer you manage to hold them off, the better. As for me, I believe this is the part of the plan where I go to the camp to clear out the rest of the demons there, and free the captives. Unless either of you has any objections;" Matthias says.

(Sable gains a pair of boots, and Knights Gauntlets[ +2 to h2h damage, -2 to to-hit for all attacks.] )
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(nice lore ;))

Elea listens to Matthias' explanations of the folly of daemon forged weapons in the hands of mortals with a bit of chagrin. The immortal is powerful, she knows, but to think that he is so powerful that any small bit of magic he were to grant to them would overpower their very minds is humbling. Upon hearing of Matthias' ability to remove the corruption placed on their souls by the demons, the elf is stunned. Though it seems like much has happened since her encounter with the demoness in the warehouse, Elea can still feel the foul woman's presence upon her like a cloud covers sunlight. As a noblewoman, and more importantly, a priestess, the impurity brought upon by the demons is a threat more dire to her than any to her life.

"You can cleanse us of the demon's taint?" Elea asks, almost incredulous. The prospect of her soul being purified is enticing, even drawing the normally focused ranger away from her vigil. She takes a step towards the daemon, but says nothing more, her mind suddenly overcome with doubt. 'Can I take such an offer?' she thinks, her pride warring with her desire for purification, 'Is the demon's corruption a blasphemy, or a test? Something to be removed like a diseased limb, or an enemy to be fought to prove one's worth?' Her mouth opens and closes as she considers the implications of the daemon's proposition, but it is his warning of the impending attack that stops her. 'There is no time for such fancy.'

"Yes, of course," she says, the expression on her face changing from one of surprise and reflection to determination. "Free the captives, the demons that approach shall not live to take more." With that, the elf stalks over to the ruined remains of a building, seeking out suitable cover she can hide behind until the enemies are in range of her bow.

(Elea will hide behind some debris until the stalkers get in the middle of Sable's mine field)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable would've protested the notion that she couldn't handle a weapon crafted by the Daemon, except that she'd already known spells that were so overwhelming, they left her almost helpless after casting one... She only knew one spell stronger than her chain lightning, but knowledge such magic could exist let her endure Matthias' words, with a simple utterance of a reply. "I understand." And she gave Elea the kind of nod that said Matthias was right about this thing.

Hearing information about the merchant, Sable could only nod slowly, "That... doesn't explain why he wants demon parts though..." she mused quietly, mostly to herself, but not bothering to say anything else on it. "As long as you don't expect us to attack him as well, since he's also apparently a benefit for us."

After Matthias' brief replies were finished, she bowed to him and smiled, "Not quite what I'd had in mind for our attack.. But I think it'll work.... Go ahead, we got things here." she urged him along, chanting a few more preparation spells...

As she cast the spells, she couldn't help but overhear Elea's thoughts through the mental link, laughing quietly to herself as a rather determined voice rang back into Elea's mind, "Quit trying to make yourself a martyr just because of some foolish dreams of greatness. Demonic corruption will taint your body and soul, and turn you into a useless piece of fuckmeat, like those captives we're trying to help. What good is your faith then? Will the gods you worship be more pleased that you're enduring the trials of being a slut to demons... or that you're helping to vanquish the evil from this land?"

As the pair let Matthias leave, Sable lifted her hands with another soft spell drifting off of her fingertips, giggling at the way those large gloves felt on her hands, though thankfully it didn't seem to be hindering her magical abilities, and slowly the area would fill with a light mist... (Storm, level 1. Rolling Mists) and soft jolts of electricity would begin to erupt off of her dampening fur as she lifted her other hand, whispering softly... (Lightning, level 1. Static)

"This fight won't last long... I can promise that..." Sable thought quietly to herself, merely chuckling, though as she laughed to herself, a new thought crossed her mind. "Hey... can you cast any decently powerful area damaging spells? I think I just got a horrible idea... I can trap all of the lesser demons at once, and you can wipe them out, if you've got the magic to do it... When Matthias returns, all that'll be left is for him is to enjoy the feast."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea, having forgotten about the mental link in her surprise at Matthias' revelations, tenses with shock as Sable's voice rings through her mind. As the catwoman's mocking tone carries over the link, Elea's temper begins to flare. "B-bold words, coming from a-a slave that becomes a piece of f-fuckmeat at the whim of her master," she thinks back at Sable, the images she had seen through the mental link coming readily back to her. Her petulant attitude continues as she thinks to the catwoman, "My faith is what enables me to vanquish evil, and to conquer this demonic corruption despite whatever effects it has upon me is a sign of true piety." Still fuming, the humiliated elf focuses on scanning the street for the coming attack, attempting to clear her mind of any other thoughts she might not want to broadcast over the mental link.

Having long been taught the importance of discipline, Elea soon finds her temper calming and regret over her insults settling in. "I'm... sorry" she thinks over the link, her feeling of contrition readily apparent, "my words were improper. I ask your forgiveness." Mulling the matter over for a few seconds, she adds, "You are right, the destruction of these fiends is more important than any personal glories I may endeavor for. I believe that allowing Matthias to remove whatever corruption I may have been infected with will have to wait until after this battle, however."

The elf settles back in to her ambush location, once again concentrating on the streets before her. At Sable's questions of her magical ability, she responds apologetically, "No, I have no ability to harm my foes. Though you seem more than capable of handling an army on your own."
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

The catgirl looked down for a second before glancing back in the vague direction of her elf friend's hiding place, thinking through the link. "No... I have nothing to be ashamed of. I'm sorry I pushed you... you should take what help you can get. I may be a plaything for my master... but it's my role. And I love my master greatly. Maybe not as much as you love and serve your gods... but that's the point. Serve your gods... That's why you're here. So take what help you can get. Even if it is just from a mere feline fucktoy, hopelessly in love with her master. As long as it doesn't disobey your gods, and it keeps serving them... why would you deny the help?"

Sable giggled a bit and thought back through the link, "Besides. I'm still hoping that by the time this is all through, you'll let me ravage your body again, as both of us would happily remain together. After all, I doubt being a slave is against the laws of your gods... and I bet you'd really enjoy it."

Sable shivered a bit, feeling a bit uncertain about her plans... through the mental link, the others would know that she was intending to attempt a bluff, of sorts. To intimidate the demons into stopping and opening a dialogue. She knew that if this worked, it would delay them far more than merely starting a fight, though just for good measure, she found herself chanting one final spell... (Nature, level 1. Minor Buff - To-Hit)

(Assuming the spells were cast since they're all level 1, and we had ample time left according to the last post Tass made. Sable stays out in the center of the road until the demons start to arrive.

10 Scorching Mines, Static, Rolling Mists, Minor Buff To-Hit.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

(I expect Elea's going to have a response to that, but I'm going to move things along a bit anyhow. You can put it in your next post xivvix. Also, just FYI, the better you do here, IE: The longer you survive, will determine your reward when all is said and done. If you make it past everything I throw at you, then you get the best reward.)

"He wants the parts so he can make something of them, and then sell the finished product. He usually traffics in Fey parts, which are fairly hard to come by themselves, so he'll probably make quite a killing off of what he gets from the demons. I wouldn't be surprised if the bastard was trading with them as well, though they likely don't trade in coin. As for the problem with enchantments, I'll explain that in greater detail later. Now, fare well." And with that, Matthias disappears into thin air once more, leaving the two women alone. What's more, if he pays attention to their mental conversation, he doesn't show it, as neither woman hear anything from him.

Sable casts the rest of her spells, her strength increasing, a bit of energy running through her body, more mines hiding themselves in the dirt, and finally, a cloud of mist appearing from out of thin air to bathe the area in fog. Seconds after the last of her spells complete, Elea spots the first of the stalkers round the corner, the creature making only a half-hearted attempt at stealth as it slinks around the corner. It spots the cloud of mist up ahead, and turns to bark something in a guttural croak to his companions behind him. Further down the street and close to the demons camp, Elea can just make out a great deal of movement, as though a large number of people were making their way down the main road toward their defensive position.

The stalkers come round the corner in force, an even dozen of the foul creatures. Two in back catch the pairs eye, which seem thinner, but are treated as though they are in command. Sable can also sense a magical aura about them, as though they too were practitioners of magic. The creatures advance swiftly toward their defensive position in a staggered formation, the leading members coming within forty feet, while the leaders are still sixty feet away. If the demons are intimidated by the sight of the magical fog, they don't show it in any way. If Sable doesn't want to be spotted in the center of the fog, she'd better get into a building or behind cover, though she'd have to avoid the traps Elea had set earlier.

(Also, does Sable have the boots and/or gauntlets on?)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

As the group approached, Sable spoke to Elea through the mental bond one final time. "Don't start attacking until they make their move on me... I'm going to attempt to scare these beasts into turning on their own kind."

Sable hissed softly as she saw the first group of demons arriving. She'd taken note of the few traps here and there so she wouldn't mis-step and land in the pair's own traps. As the demons came into view, Sable flexed her magical might, parting the mists slowly, first revealing, one by one, the still smoldering corpses of the black knights, as she picked up one of their helmets silently in the mist.

The mass of demons approaching had her fur standing on end, but she wasn't going to let herself be intimidated.

Mists parting further, slowly her naked form would come into view, clutching the helm of the defeated foe, her body half turned away from the creatures as the outline of her sexy form came into their vision.

Perfect, bare breasts, with excited nipples proudly on display, her face upturned in the softest smile as she licked the destroyed faceplate of the dead knight, giving off a moan of lust that echoed down the otherwise empty streets.

"By the dark gods, your souls were tasty..." she whispered out in a strangely booming and powerful voice, straining her vocal chords to sound as imposing and powerful as possible.

"To think, the ten of you almost could've defeated me... mmmrrr... but now your souls fuel my magical power... twenty of you fools couldn't defeat me with how powerful I feel now." she gasped, drawing the helm closer to her body and tracing it softly across her breasts, cradling the remains of her defeated foe.

Her ear twitched as she heard the stalkers approaching again, their complete lack of stealth making it an easy task to spot them. It was time to bring the act to a climax, as she waved her hand fiercely and with the power she still held over the mist, she drew it forth onto her body, revealing all of the corpses around her, just enough of the mists lingering on the ground to give the area an eerie feeling, while her body was scantily covered by the magically crafted fogs, still clearly outlined as she raised one black armored fist towards the group approaching her. "You. Beasts. Do not come closer, nor flee my presence... Answer me. What are you doing here? Speak quickly in the tongue of this land, lest I tear your souls from your bodies next... tell me what I'd like to hear, and perhaps... I may even let you follow me." she spoke down at the group, then threw the helm of her defeated enemy into the group of them, laughing softly to herself as she let the crackles of static energy jolt off her body, taking a powerful step forward, using the armored boot to cause an explosive clank to echo off the walls from her step.

[Intimidation check! Scare stalkers into becoming her servants! Worst case, they'll try to attack her anyhow, and her mines will end them. Defensive stance, to-hit -10, dodge +20. Just in case they try ranged combat against Sable.]
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"Despite my words," Elea says to Sable over the link, "I know you are more than a f-... a slave. You are brilliant, and a powerful sorceress, and I am eternally grateful for your assistance. Your devotion to your master is nothing short of admirable." Over the mental connection, the other two would easily feel the elf's honesty, as well as her continued shame at the way she had acted before. At Sable's gleeful remark about her desires for her though, another wave of embarrassment washes over the link, as Elea thinks to her, "Slavery has never been spoken against directly by my gods, no... but I can't imagine it being looked too kindly upon." The priestess falls silent, not commenting on the catwoman's mention of ravaging her.

Matthias' departure is expected, but still sudden, leaving Elea in surprise as his powerful presences fades, taking with it the sense of security he had lended to them. As soon as the stalkers appear around the corner, the ranger readies her bow, but holds back upon Sable's command. Mentally, the elf disagree's with the catwoman's plan as inherently too risky, but goes along with it for now, and continues to attempt to keep herself hidden, while at the same time watching the approaching demons intently.

As Sable begins her attempt at "diplomacy", Elea grins. Who else but her supremely confident yet oddly submissive new friend could think to try overpowering a demonic horde through sheer will? After the catwoman finishes her show, Elea softly sends a series of short thoughts over the mental link, so as not to distract her friend. "The ones in back look important. Try to get them closer, and I think I can kill one before they can react." The ranger's previous experience with stalkers convinces her that she can easily fell one without trouble. She watches the rearward stalkers, the way they stand, the way their heads move, as she picks one out and prepares herself to strike.

(Remain hidden)
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Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

(That was awesome. Now, if only they all spoke the same language as you, I could have given that to you. As is, only the mages know what it is that you just said. Diplomacy, when I do feel the need to roll for it, is an opposed check. In this case, Sables Mind vs the stalker leaders mind.)

Mind Check: 3 + 48 + 3 + 20(idea bonus) = 74 vs 8 + 36 + 33 (3 per additional stalker) = 77 == Enemy wins. (Narrowly. Damn, that sucks.)

As Sable goes through her impressive performance, Elea sees immediately that one of the demons isn't quite buying it. The other one in back is practically cowering in fear of her companion, while the rest are merely frightened and confused, unable to understand what this strange woman was saying, but the other stalker mage shows no signs of fear. Unfortunately, he also remains in his position, just out of Eleas bowshot range, so she can only watch as the demons expression twists strangely. It could almost be called a smile, perhaps, though it was far to frightening for Elea to think of it as such.

Once Sable finishes, the demon suddenly cries out a series of short barking commands in the stalkers strange guttural language, and the demonic creatures rally. The mages stay back, out of Eleas reach, while the warriors form a wall in front of them, remaining loose on their feet in order to avoid an attack rather than advancing, suggesting to both women that Sables attempt to turn the demons against their own hadn't worked out as planned. The two had an opportunity to regroup, at least, as the demons were too busy getting into formation to launch any kind of attack at the highly exposed Sable. She was free to try and take cover, and proceed into a position that would ensure that they hit as many traps and mines as possible.

(This has taken a lot of lead up, but it's finally fight time.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

(DAMN! So close. ... Hmm, I wonder if that +3 per additional stalker would dwindle if we killed a few of their allies.)

Sable growled low, outwardly, a sign of disapproval and fearsome rage, showing the beasts that this kind of defiance would not be tolerated. Inwardly, she realized that, wether they understood her or not, they were plotting to attack her.

Through her mental link, she muttered to Elea, "They're not going for it... the beasts are terrified of me, but still think they can take me... I need something that will inspire more terror. Make them obey me unquestioningly. Hah, as if destroying these knights wasn't enough." She hesitated for a moment before adding casually, "Our conversation about slavery shall have to wait for another time..."

Sable knew her gun and armor would be easily fetched if she fled, and she could duck into a nearby building rather easily, releasing the mist back into the area and her body slowly becoming little more than a shadow in the fogged over street. Elea's vantage point giving her an easy overview of everyone there still, but anyone trying to hide in the fog obviously would have an easier time than without it.

Just as Sable was about to try something, her ears twitched at Elea's suggestion, "Wait... lure them... That's... a good idea." She chuckled out and changed her approach from intimidation to teasing the demons, parting the mists again as she smiled at the things before her, "Very well, foolish creatures. I can see you're little more than creatures of lust and desire. You see me as nothing but a lewd plaything to be had... used... ravaged... for your amusement."

She began tracing her blackmetal clad hands across her body, lightly pinching her nipples and bouncing her breasts, tracing lower to caress her firm ass as she turned to flaunt it at the beasts, sliding the smooth metallic tip of her glove across her pussy lips and lightly fondling beneath her lifted tail, as if offering her body to the demons if they only came closer, actually winking back at them in her alluring manner. "You desire my flesh and deny my will? Then come. Take my body, if you think you can. I will enjoy our playtime before I end your foul lives."

She spun round again playfully, her tail whipping through the mists, "Let's make a game of it, shall we? Whichever of you dares to come at me and tugs my tail, then bows to my will, I will give a night of pleasure." she taunted, only wincing inwardly after she'd already said it, but still she was fairly sure that none of them would go for such a deal. Either way, she would only maintain her advantage if she continued to exude an aura of confidence and that attitude she was unbeatable.

"Have at thee!" she cried out boldly, building up her first attack spell on her fingertips, and unleashing one of her stronger spells... She wanted the start of this to be good, as she tried to target one of the special beasts in the rear that Elea had pointed out, rushing forward close enough to cast, but staying safely out of range of her own mines. (Lightning, lightning level 4. Range 50 feet. Target, One of the mages.)

(Defensive Fighting, +20 dodge, -10 to hit. If the enemies are too far out of range, she uses the first turn to stall, then casts lightning once they come in range.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

The sight of the demons nearly cowering before her feline companion almost brings the ranger to laugh, but the one that remains calm quickly sobers her. As the closer demons form into a battle line, Elea begins to forget her plan to try to pick off the leaders. But once again, Sable arrives on a completely unexpected plan.

"What are you..." Elea thinks as Sable begins her attempt to tease the demons. As the catwoman seductively runs her hands over her body and sets the rules of her 'game', the elf gasps, feeling over the psychic link her companion's seriousness. Turning back to the demons to see if any of them seem intent to take Sable up on her offer, Elea silently vows to not let any get close enough to grab her friend's tail.

As soon as Sable's magical attack roars out to strike their enemies, the ranger decides that the time for her inaction has passed. Each stalker dead is one less that can attempt to play her friend's 'game', and any more confusion she can add may just addle the creature's minds enough for Sable's plan to work. She rises just enough from her cover to take a shot at the nearest demon, then quickly ducks down again and readies another arrow. "Be careful, Sable," she thinks, "Please."

(Attack nearest stalker, one of the mages, preferably, if they move in closer)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 51, P = 38, EP = 43
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 39/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

(You only get the check once, and the rank-and-file stalkers can't understand a word that Sable's saying anyway. They'll gladly take her up on her offer of a night of fun if they get their claws on her though. :D )

Casting: 12 + 24 + 12 + 3 + 2 = 53 vs 30 == Success.
Damage: 10 + 2 + 24 + 2 = 38 x 3 = 114 - 5 = 109 damage.
To-hit: Automatic Success.
Damage: 1 + 18 = 19 x 2 = 38 damage.
Stealth: Success.

Unable to get within range of the mages without endangering herself, Sable is forced to send her magical attack at one of the closer demons. Her lightning bolt lances out and hits one of the stalkers directly in the chest. The demon is blasted backwards with a massive chunk out of the center of its torso burnt to ash, leaving the creature quite dead. Unfortunately, none of the other demons could be caught in the blast, as they had formed a line in front of her going across the street. Elea, still out of the two demon wizards range, pops up and shoots an arrow at one of the stalkers closest to her. It hits the demon in the throat, and she is able to take cover once more without being spotted by the other demons. The other demons scatter, all of them rushing toward Sable, but at curves and angles, which Elea recognizes as an attempt to flank the cat-woman.

Damage: 5 + 4 + 5 - 5 = 9 damage.
Damage: 7 + 4 + 5 - 5 = 11 damage.

On their approach, two of the demons end up stepping on one of Sables magical mines, the constructs exploding in a wave of fire that scorches the demons. The creatures survive, however, the wounds from the mines not enough to bring the demons down. In fact, the demons don't seem all that badly injured, suggesting that the stalkers might have some resistance to destructive magics, though it clearly hadn't been enough to survive her lightning bolt. Another of the demons ends up stumbling as its legs are swept out from under it in a snare. The creature isn't injured, but at least it will be out of the fight for a few moments. The demons are getting close to Sable now, however, and there are still 7 of the demons up and moving straight toward her, with another 1 only immobilized until it can untie its legs, and the two mages still standing in back, not doing anything that either woman can recognize as relevant for the moment. The demons are also cutting off her avenues of retreat, since they are approaching in a wave, as well as cutting her off from Elea, though the demons likely don't know that.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"Damn" Sable's mind called out, "As powerful as lightning magic is, I can't take on this many of them without burning off my heavy magics."

She waved her gloved hand through the slightly chilled air defensively, feeling the moisture clinging to her body when her mind locked onto a new idea, and a dark grin filled her.

"Come you filthy beasts, that I may make your blood run cold..." she purred loudly, clenching her fist as she whispered magical words, her breath floating in the air thicker and thicker as the air itself began to freeze over. (Cold 3, Extreme Cold)

As the beasts came closer and began to flank her, Sable merely grinned, taking a few brisk leaps away from the line of mines and widening the gap between herself and the stalker mages that were still in the distance, forcing them to come closer if they wanted to cast spells at her, while she faced off against the lesser beasts. While through the mental link she tried to speak to Elea again, "Try to get closer to those special ones if you can. For some reason they're holding back, and I don't like it. I can handle these weaker ones... I think. But I'm worried what those other ones might try..."

(Defensive fighting, as much dodge as Sable can buy to face off against the group trying to flank her, letting her cold magic injure the enemies for her. Sable also makes it a point to protect her tail, just in case any of the creatures understood her.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"Keep your distance," Elea thinks over the link as she considers the catwoman's plan. She doesn't like the idea of the two splitting up, especially with Sable having to ward off so many of the stalkers. Even so, the ranger looks out over the street to see if she can spot a bit of cover closer to the stalkers that were holding back. "I'll kill the ones in back as quickly as I can."

Using Sable's magical mist to her advantage, the ranger moves out of her covered position and heads closer to the demons holding back. As she moves she tries to find a good position she can remain hidden from the demons while still being close enough to fire on them. As soon as she is in range, and satisfied with her position, Elea lets loose another arrow, hoping to slay one of the demons outright.

(move just in range of the mages, try to stay in stealth. fire an arrow at the closest one.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 46/51, P = 38, EP = 43, Stunned
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 35/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

Stealth: Failure.
To-hit: 8 + 48 = 56 vs 29 == Hit.
Damage: 2 + 18 = 20 damage.
Casting: 18 + 24 + 3 = 45 vs 22 == Success.
Damage: 1 + 12 - 5 + 2 = 10 damage.

Despite the fog and her inherent stealth, Elea is spotted by the demon who is apparently in charge almost as soon as she gets out of the building. He points her out to his companion, but by the time the other demon sights her, Elea is already in range and letting an arrow fly. Her shaft strikes the demon in the shoulder as he turns toward her, wounding him, but not killing the foul demon as she'd intended. Sable, meanwhile, backs away from the approaching stalkers, very nearly getting herself caught by one of Eleas snares as she tries to avoid the demons. She notices it at the last second, luckily, and leaps over it. Her spell goes off without a hitch, the air around her freezing. The fog only enhances the effect of the cold, since the demons skin was slightly damp, but the demons resistance to magic seems to spread even to extreme cold. While none of the creatures drop immediately from her spell, she can tell that the ones who'd been hit by her mines are feeling the effects more than others.

Casting: Success.
To-hit: 18 + 36 = 54 vs 41 + 5 = 46 == Hit.
Mind Check: Enemy wins. Elea takes 5 damage and is stunned for one round.

The mage she'd hit cradles his wounded arm and tries to get out of the line of fire. The other mage, however, takes a step forward, growling in its guttural language, and thrusts out one of its clawed hands toward her. Before she can try to move out of the way, Elea is suddenly wracked with incredible pain, her body spasming uncontrollably as she collapses to her knees and groans in agony. Meanwhile, as Sable falls back, the demons continue to flank her, matching and even surpassing Sables face. Fortunately, the closest of them gets caught by the same trap that she'd jumped over, and ends up flat on his face. The other demon that had been caught manages to slash the bindings holding it away, however.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

"Damn," Elea mutters as her arrow catches the demon in the shoulder. "Not what I was hoping for," she says over the mental link, "and now they-" Elea's thought is cut short as the demon mage works his evil magic.

Elea suddenly screams in pain, falling to her knees and hugging herself, as a wave of agony spreads throughout her body. Her mind likewise cries out over the mental link, the elf unwittingly transmitting her pain to her companion. For one long moment, all Elea can focus on is the pain, before her training compels her to return her attention to the demons before her.

With her many years of training, the ranger begins to chant the mantra of discipline taught to her by her superiors, "Clear stream... clear mind... clear stream... clear mind..." The chant brings forth images of the many calm, clear waterways of her homeland, which she often stared into to clear her mind. The searing pain wracking her body, however, turns her visions of serenity into fire filled visions of destruction and desolation.

Despite her feeble attempts to suppress the pain, the spell of torment continues and she can only stare at the ground as she tries to calm herself. Elea shudders, repeating the phrase over and over again, her knuckles turning white as her grip on her bow tightens.

Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable heard, rather than saw, what was going on in the distance with her ally, her own attention too locked onto the beasts leaping and scattering around her, limiting her options to help the elf.

"I need some way to get through... something to get past these beasts... like a big bridge I could run over them with... or a wall... or..." The catgirl mentally facepalmed, "I knew I should've paid more attention to raw energy manipulation studies... stupid elements always seeming so alluring... how impressive is a wall of force when you've got lightning bolts erupting from your palms..."

She raised her hand again, hissing out, prepared to burn her enemies to a crisp... right until she realized the foolishness of contradicting heat and cold. The few burn injuries on the stalkers may have been playing to her advantage, but to try to burn them now would've just been a waste of her magical efforts. "Think Sable, THINK..."

"Why don't you all just get down and let me go save... El...e..a..." Her mind sparked back to life, and she knew she had one more of her elemental spells that would work wonderfully here, laughing softly as she grinned.

"Mmmh, yes. Let's do that indeed... You beasts are too lowly to understand my gracious offer to serve me, even seeing what I've done to your much stronger allies. Then compared to you, I am a goddess... So you shall all... bow before me."

She raised one hand to the sky and chanted a few brisk words, commanding the air itself to swirl around her, creating a small vortex of power as it tussled her fur back and forth, a gentle laughter escaping her lips, and those demons would know all too well that she was intending to do something as she let them move in to attack her, deftly putting all of her physical talents in towards dodging the beasts so they could all get in range, as she whispered the final command word to the air itself, 'Downburst.' (Storm level 3, Downburst)

As her spell's magic churned through her body and prepared to put these beasts to the ground, and allow her to rush past, she spoke softly to Elea through the mental link. "Endure... I will be there to help you soon."

(Sable attempts to lure enemies in closer by moving forward and letting them flank her, taking as much of her to-hit bonus as she can as dodge. Then she downbursts, hoping to stun and injure all of them.)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Eleas Status HP = 41/51, P = 38, EP = 43, Stunned
Sables Status: HP = 54, P = 65, EP = 31/45, Static, Minor Buff +5 to-hit

(Due to the way in which you described your action, the enemies get their turn first.)

Mind Check: Enemy wins. Elea takes 5 damage and is stunned for one round.
To-hit: 18 + 34 = 52 vs 41 + 96 = 137 == Miss. (Not rolling the rest. No point.)

Despite her attempt to resist the agony coursing through her body, Elea finds herself unable to throw off the pain caused by the demon wizards spell. Her muscles spasm, the magical attack making her nervous system go haywire, reducing her to a twitching lump on the ground. The other wizard, meanwhile, begins approaching her, still holding the arrow in his shoulder. He moves slowly, but if Elea doesn't recover soon, the demon would be right on top of her, and she certainly did not like that idea.

Sable, meanwhile, didn't see any of this, as she was too busy preparing her spell, and avoiding the constant attacks of the demons, which were now swiftly encircling her. Just the way she'd wanted.

Casting: 18 + 24 + 3 = 45 vs 22 == Success.
Damage: 3 + 16 = 19 x 2 = 38 damage.

Her spell goes off perfectly, catching all of the demons except the mages, and the one who was extracting himself from one of Eleas snares. All of them already injured by her previous magical attacks are crushed to the ground, and do not rise. The only two creatures around her now are the ones that had been trapped, and were now free. The first is about 10 feet away and badly injured, while the second is still 20 feet away. Unfortunately, her retreat has ended up making her a good ways off from her ally, leaving her over 60 feet from Elea, and over 100 from the two mages.
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Elea's mumbled attempts to calm herself give way to a scream as she feels yet another wave of pain wash over her body. From her previous position on her knees, the ranger falls forward, unable to hold herself up. Shuddering in pain, with her body curled up in a ball, she weakly raises her head and stares blankly at the injured demon advancing towards her.

With the pain spiking in her brain, the ranger can no longer attempt to calm herself to break free of the demon's magic. Instead she attempts to force her body into movement, knowing that if she does nothing, the demons will do to her what they had done to the other women she had come across in the town. "Get up, Elea," she spits out between clenched teeth, trying to will herself to stand despite the pain. "Get up!"

(stunned again!)
Re: Lost and Found (xivvix/Kathy)

Sable had to keep her cool, she knew if she let slip for even a second that she wasn't as in charge of her emotions and power as she was showing off, there would be big trouble. She glanced at the remaining two demons and nodded, recanting her active spells and assured of herself, with the badly injured beast a mere ten feet away, it was time to end this silly battle against the weaklings and take on their leaders.

The magically charged catgirl walked forward boldly and powerfully, drawing the icy chill in the air with her as the injured beast drew into her chilling spell's range, waiting just long enough to let him suffer it's ill effects before she crouched onto all fours and rushed past him, half ignoring him in hopes the spell would finish him off before she had to. Her target, a full body pounce on the uninjured stalker, diving at him with powerful gloves aimed not to pummel him, but to catch him in a grapple and hold him tight, hoping to catch his arms in her gloved hands, and the force of her blow to pin him to the ground, while she rubbed her naked body up against him, letting the electrical jolts of her static spell and the icy touch of death soon embrace him, knowing that all she'd need to do to stop him from walking away from this naked embrace, was to simply hold him until the life left his body.

(Actions: Immediately move into range of the weaker one so he gets injured by her spell, then attempt to rush/pounce/grapple the uninjured one, letting her spells do the damage to him. The two should be close enough that they'll both be in range of her when she rushes forward, right?)