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Lost in the Jungle

Re: Lost in the Jungle

Glad you're feeling better Shadow!

A2 - Bad luck II, then Thunderbolt in the rain - it's supereffective!

Target the bird first, but get the goblins between us if possible, tell them to distract it and work with us. Allies are always good, especially if they know the lay of the land. If they try anything, waste 'em.

ETA: agreeing with the_taken, if things go south, cut and run!
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

Option A2) Fight with Magic!


"äfesterni!" Eve cries. A clump of thick, black webbing flies from her hand and strikes the bird straight in the chest. With an indignant squawk, it charges forward, closing the distance between itself and Eve. The three parties stand almost on the points of a triangle - the Gastornis facing Eve directly, with the rather terrified looking Goblins standing slightly off to the side (although they themselves are standing facing the hole from which Eve so recently escaped).

The feathered menace picks up the pace, its legs slamming into the ground with each stride. The beak opens as it runs - it's hard to get over how huge the beak is, it looks like it could snap an arm off in one blow. Or crush a skull.
"Don't just stand there, help!" Eve screams at the Goblins. There's no response - they just stand there, mouths agape, frozen in fear.
"Kveykva!" Eve shouts - in an instant, a crackling pulse of blinding electricity is fired from her outstretched right palm. The huge bird may be a terrifying threat, a top predator of the jungle - but at least it presents a big target. The spell flies true again, catching the beast just across the bottom of the chest, running along its sternum. With a roar of pain, it tumbles to the ground. As it falls, its head swings out to the side, reaching just past one unwary Goblin, before snapping sharply to the center again. The Goblin, shocked by the beak almost as tall of as itself bashing into the side of its body, goes flying a short distance through the air, before landing back in the wet, rainsoaked soil. It skids - glances once at Eve, a desperate, pleading look in its eyes - before tumbling into the hole, vanishing out of sight with a high-pitched wail.

The Gastornis glares up at Eve from its new, considerably lower view. It starts to pick itself to its feet - it's only a couple of metres away now, a bit close for comfort - but Eve's having none of it.
"Brisingr!" she shouts. A ball of blazing, red fire forms in her left palm, this time, then flies straight into the brute's face.
A roar of rage, but laced with pain this time. The Gastornis shies away from Eve, turning its head around, then tries again to regain its footing. Facing away, it starts to make a sad, almost mewling sound - a very odd noise, coming from a bird - then starts to trot away, its head held low.

Satisfied with her victory, Eve turns to the remaining Goblin. It looks up at her with something close to awe in its eyes - although this swiftly turns to fear when Eve unsheathes her sword and points it at his chest.
"Right, twat," she begins. "Where's the Fountain of Knowledge? Speak up, I haven't got all day."


Option A) Right, it's clear the Goblin doesn't know where it is. Why would he?
Option A1) Let's kill him and be on our way.
Option A2) Let's spare him and be on our way.

Option B) He does know, Goblins have a knack of knowing these sorts of things. We just need to beat the information out of him. Sword and magic tends to be quite persuasive.

Option C) Offer sex in exchange for information about the Fountain.
Option C1) Wait until after the sex for the information (wait, didn't we get screwed like that before?)
Option C2) Demand the information first, then have sex.
Option C3) Get the information first, then renege on the deal. Fuck Goblins. Metaphorically.

Option D) Dangle the Goblin over the hole his mate fell into. Make it very clear what lives in there, and what they'll do to him.
Option D1) If he tells us, let him fall in anyway.
Option D2) If he tells us, spare him.

HP: 50/50
MP: 105 - 15 for BL2 - 10 Thunderbolt 1 - 15 for FireII
Corruption: 31/?
Re: Lost in the Jungle

C1, then D1.

Why? Partially for lulz, I admit, but look at it this way: Sex = more corruption = more powers. If the information is bad or he doesn't give us any, we're chucking into the pit anyway, and at least we potentially got some more powers and a good fuck. If the info is good, we got the info and more potential powers and a good fuck, plus we're chucking him in anyway. Honestly, it's win-win (except for the goblin, it's win then lose for him).

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Re: Lost in the Jungle

A3 Toss him into the pit, lol!
Re: Lost in the Jungle


Why? Partially for lulz, I admit, but look at it this way: From what I can tell, sex = more corruption = more powers. If the information is bad or he doesn't give us any, at least we potentially got some more powers and a good fuck. If the info is good, we got the info and more potential powers and a good fuck. Honestly, it's win-win.


Yeah, generally sex builds corruption, which leads to more powers and a more terrifying appearance. There are other ways to build corruption though; certain foods and liquids will boost (or reduce it) as will certain actions (specifically evil ones, they're good for boosting corruption). Why, some might consider some of the options on offer now almost evil... ;)

A3 Toss him into the pit, lol!

I'm not sure you meant A3, lol. D1, maybe?
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Nope, just toss him in. No negotiation, no way around it, no Sparta. Just into the pit of rape for him.

Oh, I see. Taking another option. My mistake. :)

(Yes, I can certainly see why this option is tempting, lol ;).
Re: Lost in the Jungle

In that case... *edits vote slightly*
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I'm with xgkf. Delicious xps - I mean corruption.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Aww, come on. Let's at least get SOME use out him. I agree that it'd be hilarious to simply toss him in there without another word, but it's also just wasteful.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Option C1 with D1 as a follow-up!


"Right, you green low-life, I'll make you a deal. A much better one than you deserve. I'll give you the best, most mind-blowing sex you've ever had in your life, and in exchange, you tell me exactly where to find the Fountain of Knowledge, alright?"


('Dear God, he's actually thinking it over...') Eve despairs, internally.

"I accept?"

"Thank you." Eve simpers, a wide, cat-like grin beginning to stretch across her face.
"Let's have a look you, then."

Eve sheathes her sword, sliding it back into its scabbard with the pleasant sound of sharp metal rubbing against metal. Without pausing, she then lunges at the Goblin, knocking him flat onto his back and pinning him down. Satisfied he's not about to throw her off, she slides her hands up the inside of his thighs, long, slender fingers dancing daintily over his skin. They skitter up, climbing ever higher, sliding below his loincloth... before settling on his dick. Which, bizarrely, is flaccid.

"What, am I not your type or something?" Eve grumbles, before deducing the solution. Flicking his loincloth up and out of the way, she grabs his cock in her right hand, before stroking it tenderly up and down its length.
Success! It feels a bit firmer now. Abandoning refinement, Eve pumps him harder, squeezing his penis as her hand runs up it, rubbing her thumb over the slick, swollen helmet.
Finally, he becomes fully erect, pre-cum dribbling from his tip. In a flash of inspiration, Eve, kneeling over the prone Goblin, pulls her top down lower, exposing as much cleavage as possible. The Goblin stares at her breasts, fixated.
Stretching, Eve lowers her back and rubs the front of her breasts, the line of her cleavage, against the phallus in front of her. A shudder of pleasure runs through it, as Eve bobs up and down. The Goblin's thin, green-scaled arms are splayed out to the side, its mind completely focused on the sex - leaving it utterly defenseless, Eve can't help but notice.
Growing bored, Eve slips her breasts back into the confines of her top (the rain seems to have washed the worst of the slime off her atire, she spots with a degree of satisfaction). Placing her hands back around the width of the Goblin's wood, she lowers her mouth, and begins the lick gently at the tip of it. This elicits a moan of pleasure from the helpless Goblin - he's completely under her spell.
Eve picks up the pace, her head bobbing up and down over the cock, taking as much as possible into the tight, wet confines of her mouth. Her tongue dashes up and down the length of it, twisting around the circumference, licking furiously at the peak.

"Oh baby, oh baby..." groans the Goblin; the faint spasmeming of his cock indicating that he's drawing ever closer to orgasm. Faint drops of pre-cum fleck the inside of Eve's mouth, a sweet taste that, as before, drives her just a little wild.

Then, without warning, she stops, pulling off the Goblin's rock-hard penis with a long, loud shlurp.
"Wait, what're you doing?" the Goblin cries, but Eve only smiles at him. Climbing forward, she places her hand on her victim's shoulders, holding him down, then lowers her abdomen over his crotch.
With a look of dawning realisation, the Goblin stops struggling, and watches as his penis slides under the cover of Eve's skirt. A brief pause, as their two organs make contact. Eve begins to rock, backward and forward, teasing him; only the very tip of him runs along the outer edges of her wet folds.

She grows stronger, more urgent, and drops her waist lower, allowing some of his length into her. Juices begin to flow from both of them, and with a satisfied sigh, Eve lowers herself completely, taking the entirety of his cock into her. The Goblin closes his eyes and moans gently as Eve begins to thrust up and down on his cock. The cloying, sticky smell of sex begins to pervade the air, and Eve thrusts harder, faster. She begins to moan as well, but it's nothing compared to the Goblin - his quiet groans have become full-blown howls of pleasure. Once, twice, thrice - Eve grunts with each thrust down onto the member, grinding her pelvis a little with each push. It all becomes too much for the poor Goblin - with a final cry, he explodes inside her. Thick, greenish cum splatters against the inside of Eve's womb, before pooling up inside her. Eve orgasms shortly after, her pussy clamping around his cock, wringing it dry of all its delicious spunk.

Groaning, Eve rolls off the Goblin onto her back, cum spilling from her pussy and onto the wet ground.
"Well," she gasps, recovering slowly. "I hope you enjoyed that."

"Oh God, yes!" is the response - the Goblin's still splayed out on the ground, eyes closed in delight.

5 minutes later, both parties are slightly more recovered; Eve stands, facing the Goblin, who's chosen to remain sitting on the ground. At least it's stopped raining, she notes with approval.

"So. Talk."

"Well, us Goblins are aware of the Fountain. Never been there, you see, but we hear all sorts from passers by. One wizard once, he said he'd been... Funny fellow.

Anyway, generally we like to cause trouble - anyone what asks about the Fountain, we make some shit up. Can't have everyone running about, all full of Knowledge! Not good for buisness.

But on account of... services rendered, I feel obliged to tell you the truth. No bullshit. The Fountain is stored in a temple - well, so this wizard said - a great, big, pyramid like temple, only accessible from under the ground. Problem is, the Fountain's at the top, so you've got to get up through all the floors just to reach the thing! Oh, and each floor contains something that'll take great pleasure in ruining your shit. In a manner of, erm, speaking. Did I mention there's loads of floors?

"Thank you." replies Eve. "What direction is it in from here?"

The Goblin stands, and looks briefly puzzled.

"Erm... where are we now? Ah. Yeah, I think it's north from here. There should be a ravine nearby, you can follow that most of the way."

"Well, thank you, sir. You've been most helpful."

Smiling broadly, Eve darts forward, getting in close to the Goblin - then punches him in the chest, just below the sternum. A massive rush of air bursts from the Goblin, and he collapses backwards, eyes bulging.

Still grinning, Eve picks up the prone Goblin by the arm, and drags him closer to the hole. Slowly, inexorably, he's drawn closer, coughing and spluttering. Eve stops, about a foot from the hole, and grabs the Goblin by the throat. Leaning forward, she whispers in his ear:
"You're going to have lots of time to think about these words. These last words that you'll ever, ever hear. Feel free to reflect on them in the months and years to come.

I. hate. fucking. Goblins.

Still grasping him by the throat, Eve lifts the Goblin into the air and dangles him directly above the abyss. With a last, cheery wave, she drops him - and he's down in one. He doesn't even scream, having been so recently winded and then picked up by the throat. With a faint 'splat' Eve hears him strike the bottom.

"A shame," Eve mutters. "I like it when they scream."


Option A) Well, that's sorted. Let's go north, find this ravine.
Option B) Hang on a minute. Let's watch this guy suffer. Maybe we could get off on it? Now that'd be an ironic twist of fate... Plus we could lay a trap, or block off this hole to ensure he never sees the light of day again.
Option C) This is fun! Let's find some more victims to toss into the rape-pit!
Option D) Goblins are tricksy little bastards. Even if this one was telling the truth, it's possible he was omitting some key information. Let's go north-east, then double-back - if there's anything particularly nasty straight north, we'll avoid it.

HP: 50/50
MP: 71/110
Corruption: 45/?

Corruption passed a unit of 10! Bracelets of black fire burn brightly with a freezing chill on both wrists. Small, black - yes, those are definitely horns - sprout on the top of her head, curving out to the side slightly, parting the hair. Eve's simple, brown adventurer's skirt burns away, and is replaced by a magical dress, midnight blue, constantly changing and shifting before the eyes.

There will now only be changes when corruption passes a unit of 15. What can I say, it can't all be fun and games. ;)

Opportunity to learn a new spell!
- Arouse I.
- Dread I.
- Escape Plan (no MP required).
- Corruption Transferal I. Basically, if your host dies right now, you'd have to start again with 0 corruption in a new host. This spell allows you to keep 1/10th of your corruption when take a new host. Further upgrades are available. (No MP required).
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

Now THAT what satisfying. :D

B, then D.

Don't screw around too much, just try to find something to block the hole off...just in case their stay in the hole ends up being as permanent as ours was (aka, not at all). Afterwards, head off in the general direction the goblin pointed us, but not exactly, just in case he wasn't being as entirely forthcuming (lol) about his information as we were.

Edit: Withdrawing my vote for the Corruption Transferal power. Arouse I it is.
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Re: Lost in the Jungle

Arouse! If something kicks our ass, we can make it hopefully fuck us instead of killing us.

Corruption Transfer... That's a pay off of 4 Corruption. OR, more corruption, at the cost of more spells that are useful. Pass. It's relatively easy to just fuck some people's shit up to grind it back anyway, innit?

I mean, hell, the corruption's coming even slower now. That's +30 or so before it's actually worth a damn, and even then, I figure it just means we can't re-spec if we have to restart.

Also, fuck dungeons full of pissed off monsters that want to kill us. Let's find some thing explosive and blow the top off. Or a bird, to fly around on. I dunno, fuck dungeons seriously.
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Also, fuck dungeons full of pissed off monsters that want to kill us. Let's find some thing explosive and blow the top off. Or a bird, to fly around on. I dunno, fuck dungeons seriously.

C Lead a goblin over here, pump some information and corruption out of him, to both double check his story and start an infinite power loop of corruption gain. Then, into the pit! We'll be so loaded up on debauchery and sadism, not to mention genocide against a whole tribe of goblins, that we'll transform into a demon! :D

Learn Arouse I
Re: Lost in the Jungle

Arouse! If something kicks our ass, we can make it hopefully fuck us instead of killing us.

Corruption Transfer... That's a pay off of 4 Corruption. OR, more corruption, at the cost of more spells that are useful. Pass. It's relatively easy to just fuck some people's shit up to grind it back anyway, innit?

I mean, hell, the corruption's coming even slower now. That's +30 or so before it's actually worth a damn, and even then, I figure it just means we can't re-spec if we have to restart.

Also, fuck dungeons full of pissed off monsters that want to kill us. Let's find some thing explosive and blow the top off. Or a bird, to fly around on. I dunno, fuck dungeons seriously.

Just to clear up a few things; you'll see when we get to it, but rest assured there's only 1 way into the Temple, and it ain't through the top. Hell, the top level only partially exists... Spoilers. ;)

Regarding corruption; yes, it would only give you 4 at the minute, but the spell can be upgraded further for greater transfer. Hell, every spell you have can be upgraded further, even Flexible Shadow, but I just don't give you all the options everytime.

Also, if your host dies and you have to take a new host, the corruption you carry over limits how many corruption-learnt spells you keep. No corruption, no spells (well, apart from fire, ice, heal, etc). Forgive me, it's easy to forget that just because I know something, I still need to make it clear to everyone else.

Update to come in a couple of hours, last minute votes or adjustments welcome. :)
Re: Lost in the Jungle

I wish you would go ahead and give us a list of every available spell/upgrade when the time comes to take one. More options is always good when it comes to character improvement.