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Madrigal OOC Chatter

Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Take your time -- and if there's anything that I can do to steer us somewhere more inspiring, poke me via PM! ^_^" If you have any ideas or would like to see anything, I'm definitely game for trying them out.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Nope. I already replied.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

XD Dayum, you're faster than I thought you'd be! Woot!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Well, I managed to work my idealessness into the post somewhat :p
EDIT: Didn't want to double post so I PMed you wallpaper. Did you forget updating Hazena's pleasure, or is Tillias that bad at cunnilingus?
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Don't feel bad, Rule, Alexis had three rounds with Nieomu where his pleasure didn't increase :eek:
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Did my PM get back to you? X3 Tillias has actually just been getting some crappy rolls, though I try not to look at 'pleasure not gained' too hard when writing. I'm looking at it this way: for Hazena, she may be putting on a bit of a show in order to show him what she likes best; she likes his enthusiasm, she's just concentrating too much on guiding him at the moment to lose herself. Or something.

Nieomu is just a freaking tank. XD I'm him up as having been too nervous to get all the way there as fast as he could have. >.>" Sometimes the stats do funny things.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I need to revamp the random modifiers that occur after orgasm to better reflect the system: as it is right now, they're a little vague. '+2 to body stat' -- does that mean +2 added during rolls to see if any pleasure is gained, or +2 to defend against it? In short, I need to split the modifiers up so that they affect one way or the other, since that 1) gives more variety (yay!) and 2) makes things make more sense of me while I'm performing the rolls!

Does anybody have any suggestions while I'm at it, for things they'd like to see happen? (I can also group some modifiers into male vs. female -- so if the character is female, X will happen if that modifier is chosen, but if male, Y will happen.) Feel free to throw in suggestions that don't affect stats, but which affect IC reactions (like 'fuckbuddy'. XD)

Also, while I don't want to penalize anyone for having too much sex, would you guys like to see some more restrictions on what modifiers can be gained (for example, after X amount of pleasure-maxes, the character is less and less likely to get the ones that would make them want to have more sex IC)?

Lastly, I've been finding that I use the body stat for the bulk of the rolls for sex, meaning that some people are getting kind of screwed over in terms of being able to 'beat' the other party to make them gain pleasure. If you guys want to hint that you're using another stat to make the roll, please don't hesitate to write it in (or even OOC 'use the brain stat') so that I get the hint. The only problem is that the brains stat usually only works against the 'opponent's' brain stat, one character psyching the other up. 'Agility' I haven't found a lot of use for in terms of sexual encounters, and would like suggestions. 'Aim' gets used fairly often, especially if a character is zeroing in on the other and not just trying for a big, hard, messy orgasm... but I wouldn't mind more suggestions!

Also, Xivvix: +1 XP for Alexis's sneaky move. XDD I would not have thought of trying to work Neiomu up in his sleep. It gave me a giggle!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Glad you liked it :D

Hmmm, a suggestion for an orgasm reaction might be that a character gains a new fetish based on what kind of sex they were just involved in? Though I guess if it affects players, you might want to ask them first ;).

I think the sex frenzy, still horny, and "one more time" status should be less likely to happen as the character orgasms more and more, and the stunned, unconscious, and too sensitive stats should be more likely after multiple orgasms.

I wasn't even aware that the stats were coming into play during sex, aside from figuring out the max pleasure number. Maybe the different stats could be used for different areas of sex. Like brains get used for foreplay, agility gets used for using the hands, or something like that?
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Agility with hands was something I hadn't thought of -- I like that. >:3

It might be neat if you guys had a list of modifiers that your character would more likely have listed in your character sheet, and then I could choose to pick from one of those more often -- for example, I'd imagine that Tillias would probably get some kind of 'fatigue' (lol, coincidence that he did his first time around!) instead of the body-boosting stats.

I like the new fetish modifier idea! Maybe I'll keep an eye on whether the character seemed to be enjoying his/herself IC, and ignore the 'new fetish' modifier if it doesn't seem appropriate.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Something to consider would be for every consecutive orgasm to take 1 off of their pleasure gain rolls, in a stacking manner... say,

Character A is just having sex, their pleasure gain is unaffected.
After 1 orgasm, you just take 1 off the top of their final pleasure gain every round.
After their 2nd orgasm, you take 2 off their pleasure gain.... and so on!
Make it progressively harder to reach orgasm. :)

This could be used in conjunction with increased possibility of passing-out-after-orgasm rolls.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

That could be useful, though for the player who's damned determined to get that last one, I can imagine lots of straining posts. XD

Also, sometimes I forget how many times your characters have done the horizontal tango -- flitting between threads makes that a little jumbled for me! I could always add a counter to the stats that are already up there, though!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I predict the mother of all money shots for Alexis. . .
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

She may just have trouble getting her hair to ever obey the laws of gravity again. XD Maybe it's unfortunate that they possess fetishes that mesh well together. If their species matched, then sure, but with such a little giver and such a big receiver... oi.
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Hee hee hee. X3 She gonna be messy. Oh man, you guys should have seen some of the scenes from the testing phase of this game!
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Oh yes we do!

wallpaper says, ignore the stats rolls and such -- the system has been significantly modified since then. :) Enjoy!

*eta* Come to think of it, there were a few other changes... I think I sized down the Demons and the Dragons since that board, so Rohim is described, I think, as larger than he would be now.
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Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

Why not let the brains stat come into play depending on how inventive a particular scene is? I'm not sure exactly how it would work, but maybe a scene involving say toys, or bondage, would use brains more than just missionary position?
Re: Madrigal OOC Chatter

I would love to put Brains to use that way. Get on it, people~!