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Magic: The Gathering

Re: Magic: The Gathering

Hmm... Haven't heard about something like that.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Magic always struck me as having the same problem as D&D type games - too many rules, changing too quickly to be enjoyable. That and I was younger at the time so I'd already been assimilated into the ranks of Pokemon card users. Another money sink would be like, money sink times TWO. and you know what that means.

Yeah, less money. =P
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I suggest anyone that wants a free schooling at MtG (note: free) downloads Magic Workstation and then plays me online :)
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I might try this someday... Maybe next week, when I get my laptop back.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I challenge you to build an extended deck without rares that can beat a standard Ravager Affinity deck (assuming DoV and Skullclamp aren't B&)
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Heh. I don't know my cards well enough to try that... I'm a bit out of practice. And I have a lot to learn as far as deck building goes.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

aika: never got workstation to play nice with me, but I'll go browse the extended list and see what I can come up with.

Edit: DoV and skullclamp are banned in extended, and my has it changed since I last looked. Way back in the day I could've run half my monoblack legacy and had a field day with ravager. Bleh. See what all these new sets spit out in the way of junk...

Edit2: Heh. Shatterstorm. There's my (first) answer for your non-rare ravager beater. Of course it's pretty gay to build a deck specifically to kill another one, so I'll keep looking.
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Re: Magic: The Gathering

Of course DoV and skullclamp are banned now >_>

They broke the format
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Have a couple of amusing stories about MtG...Of course, at least one of them wouldn't be possible under regulated gaming.

First Story: One game I watched back in high school had two guys who were both using Goblin decks. Both had the Goblin avatar card, whose name escapes me at the moment. The game ended up turning into both of them doing nothing but playing out their goblins so that they could see how high the avatars would end up.

I'll tell the second story later, but note that it does involve a bit of a dirty trick, since we were having to deal with a whiny little bitch of a player.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Funny stories eh? Lets see...

-Agonizing Demise on a Serra Avatar. (The only way our casual group won vs. this person's angel deck, generally.)
-Delaying Shield + Disenchant. The best one I remember was when a beast deck decided to suicide on me with vitalizing wind and overrun, well over 100 damage. I smiled at him and refused to block, then cast disenchant at the end of combat. Table was laughing at that one.
-Having more creature kill cards in your deck then a goblin/elf deck has creatures (60 card vs. 100 card is the reason, but still entertaining as hell. Yes the 100 won.)
-Taking a leak while you wait for your opponent to finish his Mind's Desire (did this on a few occasions)
-Winning via maggot carrier or related effect. More entertaining when it's by accident because you forget the come-into-play effect.
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Re: Magic: The Gathering

Funny stories - anything involving Eye of the Storm.

Having only 5 minutes left of your lunch break and trying to resolve a 100 spell stack.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

As for the second story...

One year, during my high school career, there was a group of us that would play MtG before classes, and occasionally during lunch. One game type we'd play was what the group called an "All Lands" game. Like the name might suggest, all of your deck's land cards started out in play. This generally prevented one from getting mana-screwed.

One member of the group, however, decided on one occasion to be a bit of a whiny little bitch. He had a card that, as long as it was in his graveyard, all of his lands could be used as either white or green mana. His deck allowed him to generally get the card into the graveyard within one or two turns. He also had a card called "Magenta"-something or other, and often used it to wipe the field so he could dominate.

The key problem to this was that his wipe card ran off of mana. He'd included every land card he owned, if it was an All Lands game. If we would try to force him to play that deck in a normal game...He'd bitch and moan until he was allowed to "rework" his deck, removing most of those lands.

Finally, the group had enough. While bitch boy was off getting food as we were preparing for a game one morning, one of the players who ran a counter-and-direct-damage deck stacked his. All of us (except for the unaware little bitch) covered him while he did this. We then proceeded to tell the missing player that we'd done the usual method for determining who went first while he was gone, and that the (stacked) player had won. (We didn't really do that. It was a mutual agreement.)

The first player played a card that would allow him to immediately take a turn, but would lose after that turn. He followed it up by Boomeranging the effect to the whiny little bitch...

Bitch-boy got the point, I think...Or got butt-hurt and left. Didn't really make that much difference to me, at least.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

I used to play...
A: "...and I hit you for 2 more. Okay, your turn."
B: "Dang, down to 3."
Me: "Wait, you're at 3, you're at 3, and you're at..."
C: "3."
Me: "And I'm at 20. *pregnant pause* Pestilence, pestil for 3."
A, B, C,: *scoops*​
Too bad the deck was so dang slow.

Hey Random_Knight777, that card image only showed a "linksteal" image before I went to the Troll and Toad website and looked it up. Maybe copy it into your album and relink it there?

Pestilence FTW. In particular:

I was one player in a four-way "friendly" game, and as is habitual, started the game mana-screwed. Hence, everybody else focused on each other rather than me. This continued, as I slowly built up lands and actually played a couple creatures, until this happened:
A: "... and this hits you."
B: "Ow, I'm down to 3."
A: "Okay, your turn."
Me: "Um... so you're at 3, YOU'RE at 3, and you're at...?"
C: "3."
Me: "And I'm at 20. *pause* Pestilence, pestil for 3."
A, B, C: *scoops*​

PHEW, for a minute I was having a major episode of deja vu.

Also, Wolf, I bet you're talking about .
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Yups, that's the one.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Does anyone here know good cards for making tokens? Goblins and saprolings are prefered.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

PHEW, for a minute I was having a major episode of deja vu.
...I'd totally forgotten that I'd posted that story before. Sad to say, I wasn't a very good player - that's the only M:tG story I've got.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Does anyone here know good cards for making tokens? Goblins and saprolings are prefered.


Amazing, amazing card. So many uses.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

<3 commander

Verdent Force (high costing tho) for saprolings.
Verdent Embrace

Empty the Warrens (goblins + storm)
Greener Pastures (if you plan on having more land then them)
Saproling Burst (w/ pandemonium = lulz)
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Does anyone here know good cards for making tokens? Goblins and saprolings are prefered.

There's a slew of fungus cards that basically create saprolings every three turns, and/or modify the creation of/created tokens. Many of them have "thallid" in the name. Add to that Doubling Season and you're fairly well set for tokens.
Re: Magic: The Gathering

Does anyone here know good cards for making tokens? Goblins and saprolings are prefered.

Veredloth the Ancient. Kicker 1 for adding as many 2/2 saprolings into play as you can afford.

Also, the Thallid Ancient card drops it from 3 turns to 2 for all your saproling producers. Once, I was playing against a blue/white control deck, I had something like 40 tokens at one point, all of them 2/2 thanks to Veredloth. Then I played the "All creatures get +3/+3 and trample until end of turn" sorcery. Too bad he had a wall of glare with gaseous form on it.
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