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Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon shot a look of surprise at Jonathan, his eye raising slightly. He seemed about to actually object when Grace cut him off, his head tilting slightly, and he remained silent for a long moment.

In the meantime, he clearly was processing what Harrell had told him, a small frown crossing his features as he tried to get a mental image of what they might be dealing with. Then a though came to him.

"You know ... here's a thought. What if it turns out to be a transporter stream that rematerializes whatever steps into it? How are we even going to know that thing made it to the top if that's the case?"

Another frown and he added, "of course, I'm grasping at straws here. I know how technology like that works but this ... this is completely alien to me. I have to admit, I don't have a clue what we have here. Which really bothers me."

He sighed again, then nodded to Grace.

"Alright, if we're going to do this ... everyone needs to be ready. This could very well draw the owners of this nest right down on top of us, so be ready for a fight. Grace ... I'd recommend just tossing it in there from a distance. We have no idea how this is going to react. Whenever your ready then."

His features settled, and for a moment he seemed about to change, then evidently decided to save it, and nodded, crossing his arms in front of him at a standby position.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Well I can't say I recognise whatever this thing does. My family's "transport magic" connects spaces rather than move object, so it's alien to me too." The mage comments, handing over the packaged sausage roll before walking to the rear of the group again and tilting her head to speak back, "If this might get their attention I'll set up that barrier then. It's gonna be one way, so stuff can leave this chamber but not enter, ok?" Standing back next to Ellisia, Grace seems to concentrate for a second, then raising her hands smoothly, a faint glow seeming to light in front of her. A few meters further back, at a point intersecting a narrower part of the passage that they'd entered through, a faintly glowing yellow pane of force fades into view, slowly growing more substantial. It doesn't take long, and as Grace seemingly finishes refining and strengthening it, the glow of the barrier fades to what looks like a near invisible trick of the light. "There we go." She says flicking her construction, a yellow pulse rippling across it from her touch. "This will hold anything out there for a reasonable time. Will help prevent us having to deal with them all at once anyway. So uh, go ahead and send the sausage I guess." The last part said to Jonathan.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Sho seems a little started at Jonathan volunteering as well, but given what he'd explained about his other form, it made sense. "Just be careful, Jon, all right? Or as careful as you can be," she tells him.

"Pretty clevah," Ian says of Grace's plan, especially the barrier. While she's constructing the magical wall, he shifts around, wanting a good line of sight on the transporter, or, more specifically, anything that might pop down through it, should that something be a threat.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan nodded, tensing as he took the sausage from Grace. Well, the plan seemed a little ridiculous at first glance, but it was sound. He couldn't help but think that it was a waste of a good sausage, though. With a sigh, the darkling raised his hand, then threw the sausage towards the place where the "invisible elevator" was supposed to be located. He wasn't sure what to expect. He honestly believed that nothing would happen, and he'd simply look silly. Tossing sausages like that... Seriously? Was this some kind of gag manga? But perhaps... Perhaps some weird force would send it flying up, into the ceiling. He could imagine that, down to the part where the food product was flattened as it was pressed against the ceiling. This, he had to admit, was quite humorous, in a morbid sort of way.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon watched as Jonathan tossed the sausage into the energy field, trying not to chuckle as he too now realized how stupid this looked. However his amusement changed rapidly to a look of surprise when the sausage hit the field.

As it entered the field, for a moment it seemed to suspend there and do nothing. Then, it very gradually rose upwards and away from them, finally stopping at a point far up where the field obviously ended. Then, after about twenty seconds of hovering, it was shunted gently off and out of sight, presumably onto the floor above them.

"Well what in the hell? An aetheric windstream? That ... should be impossible here. Obviously artificial but still that would take ... uh ... oh ... does anyone have a watch?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Huh?" Grace mutters not understanding the words used or what exactly had happened just then. "Do we get it ba... Uh, would a phone work? " Grace answers, cutting off her first thought as she realises how very little she actually cared if she got a little piece of electronics back or not right now. Offering a small silver flip phone, the time shown in digital on it's face.

Ellisia also pulls a small sports pocket watch of sorts out from her back pack and makes it visible, beaten to the offer by Grace, but ready to hand it over should the phone not fulfil what ever purpose it was required for.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon nodded.

"Yeah just need to check something which I'm sure is completely impossible and ... oh ... crap."

The last was said as he took the phone and looked at the screen. A dark frown crossed his face as he looked at it, then looked again, seeming to stare at the phone accusingly. Finally he gingerly placed the phone back in Grace's hands, and when he spoke it was with an unreadable tone.

"Well that explains a lot of things. The time and date on that phone ... we know we've been inside this castle for only ten minutes right? Well ... according to your phone Grace ... we've been inside here for almost ten years. Yet ... none of us have aged."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Sho perks up a little at the mention of a 'windstream' but given this is a little different than hers, just waits and listens. She likely, however, sums up a good number of folks' thoughts with her rather elegant "What?!" at Siphon's declaration about the passage of time. "So...what happens when we leave?" Because they sure as Hades weren't staying in here for the rest of their lives.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Jonathan froze when he heard Siphon speak. He frowned, then slowly turned towards the vampire, casting him a look of utter and complete disbelief. "Wait. Wait a god damn minute." He raised his left hand, pinching the bridge of his nose. "How the bloody Hell is that even possible, and how the bloody Hell is it possible for us to remain unaffected while the phone is affected by time? Moreover, how the Hell is it possible for the damn thing to work? I'm pretty sure that batteries do NOT last ten freaking years!" The darkling took a deep breath, calming down a bit, then continued. "Alright, here's a different theory: whatever's here is messing with electronic devices, causing them to experience errors. Which idea sounds less improbable to you?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon shrugged.

"Well I know it's possible technologically to dialate time and speed it up, or even slow it down within a localized area. However ... it almost always leads to those physically within the field showing signs of appropriate aging. See the thing is, the stream we're seeing here is clearly artificial. It would take a minimum of six months to properly set this thing up, and I'm quite certain our uninvited guest hasn't been here this long. Plus, Grace mentioned that Isa's book can make those creatures we saw that exploded into ink. Do any of you seriously think she'd willingly sketch the guy an army like that? I think we have to assume he's found a way to ... use her book or her powers for himself, bypassing her will altogether. Though what strikes me is this. If he has what he wants ... and don't take this the wrong way but ... why is she still alive then? He has no reason to keep her alive if he's got what he wants from her."

A very long pause as he shook his head.

"Assuming I'm right about the time field, we should be able to find it and shut it down from inside. It HAS to be within this fort. It's possible your right, and I really hope to god you are Jon, however as I said, there's no way this device could have been set up in working order in anything less than six months. Although now here is a small twist. If this field really is a dilation field that's behaving abnormally, we have a serious problem. We can't leave until it's shut off, because as soon as we try to exit, we'll literally cease to exist via vaporization. I can think of one way to test that theory quickly. Anyone have more of those sausages?"

((Goddamn Grave, that was a REALLY NICE idea you had too. Now your giving me more ideas which is a very BAD thing to do lol))
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Emily, having watched the demonstration with a curious look on her face rummages through the bag as Siphon asks for another sausage roll, and upon finding one she silently hands it to him.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon nodded.

"Thank you Emily. Alright, for just a moment Grace I need you to drop the barrier from back where we came and then tell me when it's down. I'm going to test a theory, and hopefully I'm going to look very stupid for this."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Oh, ok then." Grace replies, wondering what he was about to do. When Siphon's ready, she dispels the barrier and nods to him. "It's down."

[Edit: The barrier was a one way barrier actually, if you read back just a few posts. So it didn't need to be taken down, but whatever.]
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Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Nodding his thanks, Siphon shrugged.

"Well ... here's to looking stupid."

Then he reared back and hurled the sausage at the entry point they had come in from. At first it seemed fine, hurtling through the air. However, as soon as it hit the threshold of the 'cave' entry, it literally exploded into pieces with a small trail of fire that hung in the air for a moment before fading out.

"Son .. of ... a ... bitch. I was afraid of that."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Y'know, I hate it when you get all cryptic and shit. Wanna fill the rest of us in on what'n the hells is going on? And English, Siphon, not all of us speak otherworldly engineer." Normally, something like that would have come out in a more kidding tone, but the longer they're dwelling in the nest, the more aggitated Sho seems to be getting, even if it's only been a short span of time. Could be that whole "on edge" thing since they entered the cave.
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon grunted, then after a moment spoke.

"Essentially there is a field around this place that screws with time. It passes faster inside, but normal outside, however it doesn't seem to be aging us at all. Why I don't know, however the principle is the same. This also means that if any of us try to leave this place without shutting that field off, the second we touch the barrier, we die. Plain and simple, no questions asked, we're dead. I don't know how to explain it any more succinctly than that."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"Oh joy." Jonathan didn't like what he heard. Naturally, he felt that he ought to share this sentiment with others, if only relieve his own anxiety. "So now it's less of a rescue operation and more of a demolition job, if I remember that bit about shutting this down correctly. Why not throw in an assasination as well?" He was pretty damn sure that a number of his allies would try to kill the bad guy. Still, after letting out some steam, he sobered up. "Now seriously, you mentioned something about shutting the field down. Do you know what to look for? I mean, if there's a field, there has to be a source, right?"
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

Siphon nodded.

"Yes, there has to be a generator device somewhere in this place. It'd need to be relatively large since the power required to keep one of these going is absolutely staggering. Far more than our school would put out for itself even if you ran every appliance, light and such for a thousand years. Which means we're talking a form of energy I know well enough to recognize conduits for if we come across them. In fact actually, I'm willing to bet our little windstream elevator is powered off the same source. Harrell, does you ability extend to being able to see massive amounts of energy congregated in one spot? As in physical, not spiritual."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"No not at all I'm afraid. Spirits and life force only." Harrel answers with a shrug and shaking his head. "If I could see fields like this I'd have probably spotted it outside and warned you about it."

"Well, it's a pain, but I didn't intend on leaving yet anyway." Grace says, thoughts ever forwards. "Rescue Isabel, kill the bastard, and break his time bubble. That's the plan now right. So which way? Are we ok about trying that windstream thing, or do we find another way?"

Ellisia still stood at the back, and for the most part had seemed to be keeping a vigilant watch over the surroundings whilst the test and conversation had gone on, but also turned to speak at this point, "Whilst I see the denial of retreat as more concerning than calling it "a pain", Grace is right, it's a complication not a setback."
Re: Mainland (Rescue Isabella Event)

"When in doubt, make it go 'boom,' aye?" Ian shakes his head a little. "Grace's right. Can't go back. Only way ta go is forward."

"Assassination if necessary, which, knowing our luck..." Sho sort of trails off. "But, Isa first, shield second. The rest is just details." It's clear she's trying to calm herself down, chattering a little more than usual, bouncing a little on the balls of her feet.