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Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

You could always just bypass the whole lot and sign up for a new google account. They're free, and would require just about as much (if not less work) to create and resume from where you are now. Just a suggestion...
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Well, I have another google account already and I could easily just make another blog, it's just that I'd rather not loose stuff like the posts, traffic history and comments and whatnot (it is a journal, after all). There are also a couple places that link to it, so I'd prefer it if the Url always remained the same. Not to mention, my username wouldn't be Kyrieru anymore ( I have odd attachments to online identities...).

Besides, I already sent the fax, so the work is already done. If it doesn't work I'll just make another blog.

Edit: Also, there are design documents in google docs, which I REALLY don't want to loose...
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Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

*Signs up to youtube, but doesn't change the year from 2011 by mistake*

*Google account is locked because I'm "underage"*

*looks at blog, see's that it's not online anymore*


Has far as catastrophic goes... I think this one beats out any "minor" mistakes I've made in that past that have brought half of the interweb toppling down...

So... If those are meant to be action-style posts, then does that mean the last one is also an action? I guess it would be the perfect way to relieve stress after such a nougat filled chocolate covered clusterfuck, right?

Well, I guess for what it's worth, though, Good luck getting the Blog unlocked.
I've seen the scattered corpses of other peoples blogs enough to get this feeling they don't unlock those things without the ritual sacrifice of three virgins and at least one of your own limbs...
Ya know.. right in line with Google's Motto of- "Don't be Evil!"
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Apparently it's a problem quite a few people are having. If you look at the google help section, there are quite a few topics about accounts getting locked.

Google just needs actual contact support..
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Hope it goes better than getting my email unlocked from google did. I couldn't provide enough details to verify it was mine. After all, how can they be sure it was me if I didn't remember the exact date, some 7-8 years ago, the account was made.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Apparently it's a problem quite a few people are having. If you look at the google help section, there are quite a few topics about accounts getting locked.

Google just needs actual contact support..

Perhaps, to go back to an earlier theme..
A Help support team with whip wielding task-masters beating them brutally to force them to produce faster higher quality support results.

But, I think they enjoy violating people in their own little way.. Even if it is only passive.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Running out of puns to add to my sentences, So...
Hentai is a very serious matter... I'm extremely disappointed that our rudimentary societies haven't advanced nearly enough yet to accept High Quality porn has the next logical step to put on our cable TV and in our T/M15+/R13/B/12-year+ rated video games...
That being said, I guess - ( ) is the closest we come to a "triple A" grade game with Erotic content in it... Unless there is something I'm not in the loop on.

Honestly, I was just hoping for another game like Nightmare Sphere. I'm a fairly big fan of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and games like that remind me of that style of play; just with a slightly hotter character, and more sexy content.
Sex and slightly better mini-nudity graphics make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
That being said, I would be 1000 times less disappointed if at least we, or more specifically- being selfish as I am- I, had at least some kind of demo for the game that this thread was centered around from the most recent version; even if it was lacking any real hentai, I think it would be fun to play for a little while.
What can I say... I'm never satisfied.

Ever thought about making your own h-game or helping someone with a h-game? Why argue about sucky or failed h-games when you have an idea of how awesome h-games should be made. :)
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Ah, apparently there are people who go through the help sections, but a common answer is "There's nothing I can do".

Edit: Also, Nookie, not everything you say has to be overly sarcastic and insulting, so stfu already, especially when people are giving legitimate feedback.
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Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

I've had better service appealing being banned from websites for "OMFG what the hell was that!!! I can never unsee it!!! DAMN YOU!!!" Content... And so on and so forth..

Ever thought about making your own h-game or helping someone with a h-game? Why argue about sucky or failed h-games when you have an idea of how awesome h-games should be made. :)
Sounds all good and nice... But knowing isn't even 1/4th the battle in this issue...
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Sounds all good and nice... But knowing isn't even 1/4th the battle in this issue...

So you have no interest in making one? Well there's other h-games out there. Just try to find the decent ones.

Edit: Also, Nookie, not everything you say has to be overly sarcastic and insulting, so stfu already, especially when people are giving legitimate feedback.

Sorry for being brutally honest then. Also I haven't seen "legitimate feedback" from a lot...just lots of -reps; even my sincere, no-bullshit advice gets -reps...that's just messed up.
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Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

There are plenty of people who have an interest in making games, but no skills that would facilitate them being even remotely useful to the process.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

So you have no interest in making one? Well there's other h-games out there. Just try to find the decent ones.
That's exactly it, there aren't many when it comes to platformers. And there are even less with polished gameplay.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

There are plenty of people who have an interest in making games, but no skills that would facilitate them being even remotely useful to the process.

Bravi! Exactly what I meant by my overly vague statement. How does it feel to have the rare gift of common sense and A to B logic..

Someone should hold classes for that kind of thinking..

So you have no interest in making one? Well there's other h-games out there. Just try to find the decent ones.

My only "marketable", and I use the term loosely, "skill", and I likewise use that term loosely, is an ability to write and think of complex(convoluted) stories..
That, and the ability to actually find things using basic google searches... Trust me, a rare talent.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

My only "marketable", and I use the term loosely, "skill", and I likewise use that term loosely, is an ability to write and think of complex(convoluted) stories..
That, and the ability to actually find things using basic google searches... Trust me, a rare talent.

Then use your "marketable skill". If you're making an RPG, there's going to be a story. Writers are needed for a game so if you choose to exercise your skill, then write up a brief overview of the game and make sure what game genre/mechanic you're going for (RPG, FPS, etc.)

Then try pitching it out and see if an artist or programmer can back you up. Usually the code needs to be in place before graphics are placed in the game.
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Just what we need. More threads that say "I had this idea, someone make a game about it".
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Then use your "marketable skill". If you're making an RPG, there's going to be a story. Writers are needed for a game so if you choose to exercise your skill, then write up a brief overview of the game and make sure what game genre/mechanic you're going for (RPG, FPS, etc.)

Then try pitching it out and see if an artist or programmer can back you up. Usually the code needs to be in place before graphics are placed in the game.

yup, totally agree
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Then use your "marketable skill". If you're making an RPG, there's going to be a story. Writers are needed for a game so if you choose to exercise your skill, then write up a brief overview of the game and make sure what game genre/mechanic you're going for (RPG, FPS, etc.)

Then try pitching it out and see if an artist or programmer can back you up. Usually the code needs to be in place before graphics are placed in the game.

Not to pick a nit.. but what the hell did you do to my Indigo?!
And, on other subjects...
Anyone with 2 braincells to rub together could think of a passable story for a game of any sort...
I mean, Two Worlds still had enough of a story to gain enough fans to not be universally panned the world around in the gaming community, and the whole team working on that thing maybe had 2 braincells between them.

Needless to say, the last thing we need is me throwing out my tyrannical opinions and oppressive commentary, commanding someone to perfectly exemplify a story I had conceived during morning... Stuff..
Re: Making a hentai platformer - Moving to a blog pg.12

Shut up, you self-promoting narcicist...

Since, for once, I'm not the self-promoting narcissist being told to shut up, I have to say...

I have fallen in love with that statement.

It's my new catchphrase for this month, and next one two!