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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"And also remember this. If you do anything that would endanger the mistress, I'll make sure you burn for it."

Suddenly the angel's gaze was the polar opposite of beatific. Her blue eyes were as the coldest ice, and there was clear malice in her voice. Mae watched the indifferent Rosa as though she were a vessel through which the Enemy could bring danger to the mortal she had been charged and oathsworn to protect. If this one, through carelessness or contemplation, was a threat to Harriet, she would bring the wrath of Heaven down on her.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Unacceptable!" The moment Sammy expressed her desires Rin stopped and turned to the taller maid with a look that could almost be considered fierce. "Even if you managed to sneak that away if Mistress saw you wearing it or saw it in your closet than she'd know you took it, and then-"

"Paging Doctor Emily..."
"AHHH!" Rin was not expecting that. Not in the least. She nearly jumped right into Sammy's arms at that, but instead she hid behind the taller woman and peaked out once she realized it was an announcement being made to the entire house. But good god was it loud...

"...please bring a burn kit to the ballroom. Ladies and gentlemen, please be aware that the tall, white-haired maid thinks you're all perverts and will not hesitate to set you on fire if you talk to her."
Oh God, what the Hell is going on here?! Rin nearly panicked at all that... No no no no no! Stay calm! Stay calm... Just relax and deal with one problem at a time... But thankfully some bit of self-control managed to keep her from spinning wildly out of control for the moment. She really wasn't sure what to think of the announcement, and for now she simply let it simmer in the back of her mind. She had more important things to worry about right now. "Okay! You need to change. If Harriet sees you messing with her stuff or even thinks you did then she's gonna be pissed. So change already!" With that Rin simply yanked the wig off of Sammy's head and threw it over with the other clothes that still needed to be sorted, and after that she started tugging on the KOS-MOS outfit.

Attack with Athletics?


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"What? No. Hey, wha- Oww, stop that!" Sammy cries out as the smaller maid begins her attack, first tearing off the blue wig and then yanking at the costume. "Stop- no, stop it. You'll tear it. Aren't you listening to me? Dammit, I said stop this nonsense righ- AhhhhHHhhHHHhhhh!" Sammy suddenly cries out as the outfit is pulled down, revealing her naked form, complete with something Rin would never have dreamt to see on a girl; a penis.

"I hope you're happy," Sammy pouts, her face flushing with embarrassment, which is more to do with her being stripped by a rampaging colleague than her 'extra appendage' being revealed.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

It looked like the discussion between Mae and Rosarita went unnoticed by Mistress Harriet, who had knelt by the slightly-crisped gardener, slapping him gently on the cheek a few times to rouse him. Slowly, he came to, his eyelids fluttering.

"Oh... mi hermosa Harriet, es un honor el tener tu rostro como lo primero que veo despues de-"

"Yeah, yeah, stuff it." She interrupts. "You see her?" She says, pausing after each word to gesture. "No." She crossed her arms in a big X. "I dunno what the fuck you did, but you pissed her off, and I really don't need you or my place burning down. So, no." She made the X again, to emphasize.

She then started to look him over checking him for injuries and whatnot Domonic hovered over her and the man, and while she was giving him a rather once-over, the woman who was presumably Doctor Emily came running in, carrying a medkit. Every other step issued a metallic clank - should anyone bother to look, it was obvious both one arm and leg on one side of her were fake - quite sleek, but obviously artificial. And yet, they moved like they were alive...

"Good. Patch him up, would you Em? You can use the thing in the basement, if you need to."

"Uh huh," she says, kneeling to inspect the man.

The mistress then took out her phone, punched in a number and held it to her ear. "...Oh yeah! Good job, Micra," she calls across the room, giving the little robot a thumbs up.

/me panics
Micra gets 5 favor.
No attack roll for Rin, since Sammy is cooperating in being stripped. :V

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 21; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6:V; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30
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A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Just a little more... Success! The moment she got that outfit off the maid Rin rejoiced, but as it was pulled down a slight movement caught her eye. For a moment she wondered if Sammy was hiding something else that she found, and she turned to see what else the boozer was trying to take.

"Wha..." For a moment she just couldn't believe what she saw. The glasses were pulled down, and she wiped them and her eyes before taking another look. When it was confirmed her entire body simply froze for one second, and her eyes shifted up to Sammy before turning back down to her crotch. She tried to open her mouth to say something, but as it hung there the only sound she could make was a small creaking that barely escaped.

For a few more seconds the short girl nearly stared at that thing in silence, the time stretching beyond awkward as she didn't even realize what she was doing. But eventually her eyes rose once again, and Sammy would find that her glasses did nothing to hide the almost empty look she now had. "C..." She finally managed to say something, but with only a letter coming out it didn't make that much sense. "Clo..." Progress? "Clothes..." Progress. With a full word out in the air she finally managed to straighten herself out a bit, but she was moving entirely too slowly. It took her forever to scoop up the cosplay outfit, and after that she made sure she handed Sammy her uniform, all of that taking the better part of a couple minutes. "Clean..." She slowly spun on her heels, and once she was oriented properly she started walking back toward the pile at what could only be quite literally a snail's pace. Apparently she was determined to put everything back, but at the rate she was moving it would take well over an hour. It looked like the girl finally snapped...


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

All was happening really fast for the little robot, the maids looks to have a serious talk, as her Mistress is looking the wounds of the unknown worker, only Domonic looks to dont try to do something and soddenly a woman with mechanical limbs get inside the room, Micra soon notice than the biotechnology of that woman is really obsolete if is compared with her, not like if she were proud of it, more likely is a shame to dont have something to wear if one of her limbs get damaged, leaving her only with the choice to drink a lot of blood.

Suddenly her Mistress give her some encourage words, they cause to the young pink haired woman blush, it was hard for her to choice her words, only ending to say a "Thanks, Mistress, Micra want to say more, but Harriet looks busy calling from her cell phone.

The doll like maid decide to turn her attention in something more before she get stunned, her body soon start to walk toward the others two maids and give some words after she know than they were hearing Hmm... Hi, Miss Mae and miss Rosa, the lunch is ready, please go to eat, as we have a lot of work to do today. She quickly run away of there and return at her mistress side, trying to dont bother the two maids who looks than they could not go to eat soon anyway. Her eyes get focused in the doctor now and in her pacient, the android used as a prostitute dont have any fear to be groppled or caressed a little by any worker, but of course she know than she must avoid that kind of activities, maybe that is the reason of why she is close the buttler at this moment


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni


After the shenanigans ceased Cammy merely looked a little dumbstruck at the cripy gardener and back to Rosa before commenting, "Mistress is right, Rosa. We are placed in charge of taking care of her property. If you wanted to start a fire in the fireplace that is fine, as it is the appropiate place for such things. Not a man's chest! And besides, even if he may be a total womanizer it is no grounds for causing him such serious harm. He's a human being and not deserving to be burnt alive. Next time just smack him in the head with something, like the corner end of a book, or a frying pan. Anyways, we should head to eat dinner now." Said the artist maid as she tucked her sketch pad away in her uniform before heading to the table.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy stares at Rin as the small maid finally snaps, a quizzical look on the aliens face. "Uh, it's rude to stare, ya know..." The alien blushes as the silence draws on, Rin showing no sign of removing her gaze from Sammy's crotch. Though finally the small maid does indeed look back up to Sammy's face, her head now turned at an angle, a bashful look on her face. The alien maid watches Rin's slow motion act, allowing her to take the outfit she so desperately wants and accepts her own maid uniform which she quickly changes into, assuming that somehow she had caused Rin's current state of mind.

"I, uh, I can help you relax if you want," Sammy offers once she's finished changing back into her uniform, the alien helping to tidy up the mess she had created. "I mean after we're done here of course."


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Hello? Reggie? Yeah. Can you make sure all the firefighter all ready for action? They might be a little more necessary than usual. ...Yeah. Uh huh. Right, bye." She flipped her phone closed, and took a moment to look over the situation.

Rosa, Mae, and Micra convened over near the fireplace, out of Harriet's hearing if they whispered. Cammy hovered near the door to leave for dinner Emily tended to Alfonzo - Alfonzo trying to hit on her in the process. Almost as soon as she'd looked up, though, Micra turned away from the other two maids, coming towards her - going right past her, to stand near Domonic's side. Harriet gave her a friendly pat on the shoulder.

The butler continued to hover over Alfonzo... but anyone that gave him a look would see he was looking not at the man on the floor, but at Rosarita, and wore a rather worried expression.

Harriet sighed. "Uh... so, right. Everybody, this is Emily, she's who ya see when you're hurt or sick or whatever." The cyborg doctor gave a little wave upon being mentioned, but quickly went back to tending the gardener, wetting a piece of gauze with some some red liquid and rubbing it into the gardener's chest. Whatever he was saying was quickly cut off by a sharp exhalation and various protests. Apparently it stung. "The other one is Alfonzo. He only speaks Spanish, so, yeah."

"And he's not that bad," she said, scowling at Cammy. "I think. Anyway, he's very good with my flowers, and I only have four guys tending to all the grounds, so I would appreciate it very much if you didn't hospitalize them, thanks." She shot Rosa a dirty look.

Alfonzo yelped after another application of whatever medicine Emily had. He wasn't screaming or anything, and it didn't look that serious... Harriet was probably just exaggerating.

Another sigh. "Anyway, right. I guess on the bright side, the excitement was nice, I guess. Or whatever. Fuck."

"So, dinner. Let's just put this little fiasco behind us and see if Alivia's finished, okay? Maybe Alivia's got some appetizers for us to pick at." She whipped out her little microphone, sending another message throughout the house, and then made for the door.

As they filed out, leaving the doc and gardener behind, Harriet muttered to no one in particular: "It's really a shame, too. His chest hair really did look like Jesus."


"Oh yeah, also, dinner in like ten minutes." Came the mistress's voice once again suddenly, to Rin and Sammy up in her closet. She sounded much less irritable, this time.

Meanwhile, it appeared little Roomba had deployed from somewhere, and was currently choking itself on a little pair of purple-striped panties.


Mae, Cammy, Micra, Rosa, Domonic and Harriet all entered the dining room, breathing in the tangy scent of Cajun cuisine. Harriet ungracefully took a seat at the head of the table, leaning back in her chair and putting her feet on the table, and Domonic took up a position to her side.

Glancing sidewards at both Mae and Rosa, Harriet's dour expression left, and a smirk crossed her face as she called out to the angel. "Oh Maaae~ Should we pick off from where we were before we were so rudely interrupted?"

Right. I didn't expect for this little stretch of break to go on so long, and I'm pretty sure I'm starting to run low on almost-interesting filler. It might be prudent for us to hurry and move along to bathtime. :V

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 21; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6:V; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30
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Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Most of the stuff that Harriet and the others explained and said went right past Rosa, who was far too focused on the firewatching to take in any such words. The introduction of the doctor caught her interest for a while, and the glasses maid turned back to see how this person looked. She might be one to get to know better, in case there were some... "accidents" along the way. The talking went on for a while, but eventually it looked like there was dinner to be had. Half-forcing herself away, the new maid got up and followed after the rest of them, leaving the few others and the fire behind. Even she could not live on the warmth of the fire alone, needing to eat now and then.

In the dining room, the scent of food was everywhere. They might be in for a treat. Seating herself on a random spot, Rosarita started the wait in mostly passive manners, not doing anything really unless spoken to. With the help of her glasses, she could peer at them without drawing any attention the gazing might usually bring. Once Harriet spoke up again, she wanted to sigh heavily, but didn't offer them the pleasure of hearing it. "Again? Really now, these people..." she thought, hoping that food would get there before they started something funny again.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

It took a while for Rin's head to turn at Sammy's offer, and once she finally did she blinked once before it started slowly nodding up and down. "Okay..." She still had that blank look in her eyes, so her agreement may be a little suspect, but right now it looked like the girl was ready to do just about anything.

A little bit later another announcement sounded through the room, but Rin didn't jump in the least. But a loud rumbling started to sound while she was reaching for another piece of clothing, and as it continued the short maid froze once again. Little by little she straightened herself out, and by the time her stomach finally settled she was standing tall with a bright red face. "Sorry... Rin gets hungry..."

With her appetite somehow lifting her out of her funk Rin started working at a much faster pace. "Okay, gotta finish soon so Rin and Sammy can go eat and- STOP THAT!" The moment she noticed the little automated vacuum snacking on a pair of panties the short girl jumped on top of the thing and immediately started to pull the underwear out of its mouth. She was careful enough to keep from ripping a hole in what she guessed were Harriet's unmentionables... "That's not yours!" ...but for the moment it was beyond her to realize the little robot would not understand her. And wrestling with it didn't seem to make things any better. "Sammy! Help!"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The angel smiled but shook her head.

"All good things to those who wait, Mistress Harriet. Let's enjoy a nice meal. Also, sit up straight, otherwise you'll fall and hurt yourself, and I can't have your lovely head be bruised and still call myself your guardian angel now can I?"

Mae tipped the chair Harriet was leaning back in a touch forward so that the mistress was inclined to sit in it properly. She placed a hand on Harriet's shapely legs to help ease them down to the floor, tracing along them with just a hint of enough sensuality to promise better times ahead if the mistress behaved herself now and didn't argue too much.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Harriet's smirk wavered a little bit when Mae shook her head. She looked to consider it a moment - and then the smirk crumbled, and she gave Mae an awfully well-rehearsed sad, puppy-eyed look, complete with pout. After a moment, though, she acquiesced, crossing her arms and letting Mae set the chair back into a good, stable position on the floor. The tiniest blush colored her cheeks in response to Mae's touch, but otherwise maintained a rather sour-looking expression - denied her chance to mess with Rosa, she settled for a the far more childish option of sticking her tongue out at her.

"Fffffine! No PDA for now." She huffed rather loudly. Quieter, she grumbled: "It's not like Dommy would have let me fall, even if I do deserve it..."

"Oh, don't-" he starts to say, but as is evidently a trend, something took that opportunity to interrupt him. In response to Harriet's voice, came another from the kitchen. "Oh, are you at the table, miss Jones? I'm too busy to bring them out myself, but there're a few things in here already ready to eat!"

"Ooh! Sweet, why don't you guys start setting the table?"


Inside the kitchen, the smell of sizzling meats and vegetables was even more intense. The smell of cayenne pepper filled the air, and Alivia stormed about the kitchen like a whirlwind, maintaining her attention between a dozen different things.

"Oh, I hate to admit it, but maybe I could use a little help, after all! Could you dears start taking things out to the table?" she indicated several different pots, trays and pans, full of hot food. "I wasn't really sure what to make, exactly, so I just made everything!"

It almost looked like it wasn't an exaggeration. Apparently she was a Cajun chef - seasoned rice was in one pot, while several others contained all sorts of things - stews, jambalaya, gumbo, even a pot of boiled crawfish. Peppers, onions and celery were in almost everything.

"I hear Miss Harriet likes her food spicy? I'm not sure how much, but there's some of my very own pepper sauce right there - you know how much she likes, right?"

(She does indeed like the burn, which you learned during maid-orientation in her service. It's entirely possible for you to put too much though - she doesn't like it THAT spicy. Totally not a chance at mischief.)


The little Roomba suddenly let go of the panties, and then beeped and whirred a complex series of... well, beeps and whirrs at little Rin. It made a little aggressive move forward at her shoe, while at the same time the Mistress made herself heard to the pair again.

"Okay, scratch that, dinner's ready now. It smells really good, ya know, Rin, Sams! Of course, I wouldn't have to tell you that if you were actually here right now. You guys didn't go and die someplace, did you?"

Food rolls! Arranged with love, plated to hide the fact that the food is 50% capsaicin, etc.

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 21; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 6:V; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Mae smiles and goes to the food and selects the first course to bring out. She maintains perfect poise and posture and brings the mistress' plate out first, letting the other maids set the places for Domonic and themselves.

"The chef informs me that the dishes are spicy, as you like them, mistress. If you desire more spice, she has offered this nice pepper sauce, specially prepared. Shall I put some on for you or would you like to apply it yourself?"

Skill roll if asked to apply the spice.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The android was still half dreaming about her Mistress words, they may not be soo much, but at least show her than she was doing a good job. She even let the angel maid to get close her mistress and even serve her the first dish, but something was not right. What will happen if Hariet cant endure the spicy food?, she then just take some of the fruits and prepare a quick juice, before start to help the others to serve the lunch, for some reason Micra dont like too much the spicy food, it make her body increase her temperature and this take a lot of energy, normally she dont earn too much power from these kind of dishes.

With her great maid skills she tried to serve and prepare her Mistress drink as fast as she can, even looking around the kitchen for wine if Harriet want some to drink.

Use skill and do both easy things (first the drink)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Hmm... would you? Please put it for me, Mae. Ooh, Dom, could you go and see if there are any of those little crackers in the pantry? I think those might go well with this." The angel shook the bottle over her food, splashing drops of the sauce around it until she judged it was more to Harriet's liking.

As she leaned over to spice the food up, the Mistress looked around the room, making sure it was empty. She kept her voice low as she continued, though she sounded as conversational as ever. "...I'll bet Rin doesn't like spicy food. That's too bad, though I guess it's an acquired taste. I'll bet Rosie likes it hot, though - perhaps you could help her with that?"

When Mae finished seasoning Harriet's food, she piped up with a much more boisterous "Thanks! - although, she didn't dig in just yet. "I'm sure it won't burn as much as that one time."

Did she have to bring that up again? She'd put... well, far too much wasabi onto a piece of sushi Harriet had eaten, once. The Mistress had told her to put a lot... but apparently hadn't known the kind they'd gotten was more potent than usual. Harriet liked to tease her with that particular incident, but really, that sorta thing didn't happen often...

Barely a moment afterwards Micra came out with some blended fruit juice, and presented it to Harriet. "Ooh. Thank you," she said, and a sip.

Her lips immediately puckered up tight. It was a little while before she could work them out of that state.

"Ah. Could use some sugar. It's a little tart." she said, dryly.

Micra's second offering of a glass of wine was well accepted, though, Finding a bottle of wine was an easy feat - Alivia even suggested a few - but, like her food, she seemed a little reluctant to start without the rest of the table seated. One of the few tenets of refinement she followed? Or maybe she was just wary of what Micra was serving her.

. Uh, Alivia's appearance may or may not be based on the dark-skinned girl in that video, also.
No results for Mae yet, due to yon food not being tasted yet. :V
TN 7 for snap-juice making. Nicra rolled a 1, though, so sadly, her Skill 4 could not save her. :[

Also, fuck it. I am engaging mayhem bonuses. Acquire favor for engendering mayhem and excitement. Does not mean immunity to loss of favor should important things break or things go out of control (errthing burns), though, so riot carefully. Rosie acquires 2, despite Harriet's bitching! Alf's not hurt too bad. :V

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 21; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 6; S 0/30
Last edited:


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Sammy let out a small laugh at Rin as she made excuses about her stomach rumbling, and while the alien maid wasn't all that hungry she'd not pass up an opportunity to stuff her face. Upon seeing Rin rush off to tackle the small robot Sammy begins to laugh again, though comes to the small maids rescue as she calls to the alien for help. "Not today!" She calls out as the roomba goes for Rin's foot, kicking out at the little robot Sammy intends on sending the thing flying across the room.


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

The angelic maid obliged and first took a dab of the seasoning, put it on her finger and then sucked the finger inside of her mouth, swirling her tongue around the spicy liquid and withdrawing the finger from her mouth with a pop.

"Hmm... perhaps this amount then, given its heat..." She dabbed an appropriate amount on Harriet's plate before smiling and nodding at the Mistresses hinting.

"You're probably right. A fiery maid like Rosa will need more kick in her food, but she's just sitting over there, Mistress. I can't sauce it for her."

I do believe that Rosa IS in the room. I didn't see Yu post that she'd left her spot. IF she isn't there, then Mae will spice her food generously, at the Mistress' bidding.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

(She is in the dining hall. She too was supposed to carry foods and stuff but then BLAM SUPERSPEEDPOSTS when I'm sleeping. Now the things seem to be done and she has done nothing since I can't post and sleep in the same time. A little less hurry next time, not doing anything until the next Blarg update. Maybe then things will make sense.)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Harriet eyed the white-haired girl. "Uhh... right. I guess that's true, isn't it. Well, Rosie? Do you like it hot."


Sammy's kick scooped the little robot off the floor, and it landed flipped over, wheels spinning while it beeped indignantly. Rin was saved! But, while a little more tidy, the room was still kind of a mess, and Harriet had already called them... What to do? They could hurry and tidy up, but Harriet might give them a little trouble for being late. Then again, if she found out they were going through her stuff without her permission... Rin knew the mistress's proclivity for hassling the maids, and even Sammy had heard a few rumors about how much of a hassle she was. ...They might be able to pass it off as just being messy from when she let them in earlier... though, the panties all over the floor might be a little questionable.
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