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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

There is NO time limit. I have waited years, MERE minutes are NOTHING.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"I'll...consider it. I...thank you for not forcing me..." Mary said, after a few moments, looking towards Aly now.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

It is NO problem. I am NOT, after all, a BARBARIAN! The slime seemed adamant about that point. I don't know if you can trust it or not. I think I've heard of these before though... Mimics. They're magical, and supposed to be really smart. I think I could beat one, though. I don't know.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary wasn't quite sure what to do...could she really believe the mimic? And...what 'skill' would it give her anyways? She wasn't quite sure...but...it seemed to interesting an opportunity to pass up, honestly.

"So...how will it work then...?" she asked after a few more moments, timidly.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

It is NOT complicated. YOU climb into my chest WITH me, we have SEX, and then YOU will become PREGNANT WITH my OFFSPRING. The birth SHOULD occur after a FEW hours. YOUR friend will be ABLE to hear YOU outside, and may open my chest if she DESIRES, freeing YOU the slime said, giving a nod toward Aly in a seeming attempt to reassure the fairy that her word was good. Aly made no reply, still suspicious, but made a bit more comfortable by the idea that she could save her friend if she needed it.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary thought about it for a bit longer, climbing in the chest and...well...doing that...seemed quite interesting to her, and probably a bit kinky. And she'd even get more powerful for it?

She looked at Aly again, noting her concern as she tried to put on a smile to comfort her, before looking at the mimic.

"Alright...I'll do it then." she said, walking over to the chest.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The slime slowly receded back into the chest, losing its form and becoming a nothing more than a puddle again. Mary climbed into the chest, and the slime allowed her to slowly settle herself into it. When she was fully inside the chest, it slowly closed, and the bottom seemed to go out of the chest. In fact, so did the sides, and as far as Mary could see was blankness; somehow the Mimic had created an infinite space within the chest. As Mary sank down into the depths of the slime, a large number of tentacles rose up towards here; apparently the source of the male voice. When the two converged, Mary felt herself come to rest in the slime as it began to gently caress her body, just as the slime before had. The tentacles got in on the act too, coiling themselves around her and wrapping around her small breasts, squeezing gently. They continued on with their attentions until Mary came hard, her muffled screams of pleasure seeming to cause ripples in the slime. The slime and the tentacles then lined themselves up with her pussy, ass, and mouth, pushing their way in as gently as they could, though having both the slime and the tentacle inside her stretched her uncomfortably.

The mimic gave her time to adjust before it began thrusting, fucking her deeply, but having some consideration for her physical limits. The slime continued to massage her gently as some of the tentacles lightly brushed up against her hands, perhaps inviting her to stroke them. Mary dimly perceived that time seemed to be moving very slowly, as if the mimic was manipulating it through magic to prolong the moment. The mimic began to slowly increase the speed of its thrusts as Mary acclimated to the feeling, her lewd moans slowly traveling through the slime. After some time, Mary felt the tentacles twitch and throb around her as more of them positioned themselves around her. When the mimic came, an intense torrent of its sticky seed poured into her womb, bowels, and stomach, causing her belly to swell tremendously, cum from the other tentacles splattering all across her body, covering her completely in its spunk. The sensation was far too much for Mary, and she was driven to an intense orgasm, her body shaking in her ecstasy. The mimic, satisfied, lifted Mary back up until eventually she was resting comfortably in the chest, though she could feel the cum hardening around her.

YOU may open the chest NOW, distorted FAIRY called out the slime. Mary saw the chest open, and felt the mimic gently lift her and set her onto the cave floor in front of the chest. Do NOT be alarmed by the COCOON that is forming AROUND YOU, this is an UNFORTUNATE byproduct. The child will free YOU from it when it is born. YOU may experience some DISCOMFORT, but few births are WITHOUT that. Aly looked dismayed, and sat beside the now immobile Mary and tried to rub some of the cum out of her hair. Are you okay?
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary shuddered a little as the walls and floor of the chest fell away. Wondering what she'd gotten herself into. She sinks down into the depths, stifling an eep when the tentacles appear. The gentle caress of the slime and tentacles drove her to her first orgasm, she was surprised it even could. As they lined up at her holes, she opened her mouth so it could enter, stifling her cries at it entered deeply into all her holes, stretching her a bit by the dual entrance of both the slime and the tentacles, though it was an amazing feeling.

As the mimic fucked her, she was surprised at how deep it went, though she hoped it might go just a bit deeper. She eagerly grabbed the tentacles that bushed up against her hands, working them as best she could. She was surprised at how much she was filled when it finally came.

"So full...feels...wonderful." she thought to herself, noticing as the spunk solidified around her. As the chest opened and the mimic placed her outside of it, Mary smiled a bit as Aly showed her concern.

"It's fine...it's kind of comfy...and I feel all safe and protected inside of it." she giggles a bit, surprised how much she's enjoying the feeling of being stuck inside.
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Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Aly looked a bit perplexed at Mary's enjoyment of her predicament, and sat beside her looking lost in thought for quite a while. Actually, it didn't seem like that long at all; Mary could sense that the mimic was somehow manipulating time around them, speeding up her pregnancy. In time she felt her stomach begin to rumble and flip-flop, and she could feel as the tentacles grew inside her and began to move about. A slime, much like the one before, oozed out of her and into the cocoon, and she could hear as it slowly began to dissolve it. Then the tentacles began pushing their way through her. The new beast moved in starts and stops, and not quite in a straight line, creating more than a little discomfort for Mary until it squeezed its way out into the slime. Aly did her best to comfort the young mage during the ordeal, seemingly casting a spell to ease the pain of the birth. The tentacles, meanwhile, seemed impatient with the slow pace of the slime as it dissolved the cocoon, and it began to tentatively prod at its mother's holes. It gently fucked her pussy and ass for the ten or so minutes it took for the cocoon to break, and then it pulled out and merged with the slime as they made their way out onto the floor. The new mimic stuck around in the room for a few minutes, as if reluctant to leave its parents, before oozing slowly away, in search of a chest of its own.

Thank YOU, HUMAN the mimic said after a while, YOU have fulfilled YOUR part of the bargain. Now it is my TURN to fulfill my part. It waited until her cocoon had fully broken and allowed her freedom of movement before saying what ATTRIBUTE would YOU like me to ENHANCE?
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The birth wasn't quite as gentle as that of the slime before. But she was glad when it was over, and giggled a bit as the tentacle entered her in it's boredom.

When the cocoon break and it slunked away, Mary felt a bit of relief of it being over. She'd almost forgotten about the reward.

"Hmm. I'm not quite sure...but, I tend to miss a lot in combat...so something that would improve my aim would be really helpful." she mentioned after a few moments of though, as she made herself a new set of clean clothes.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The slime frowned slightly as it thought, probably thinking of a way to make Mary's request happen. Finally it looked as if it was concentrating really hard, and Mary could feel... something. She wasn't quite sure what. That SHOULD be SUFFICIENT, the mimic said as it lost its form again and closed its chest, waiting for the next person to wander along.

Mary gains Aggressor 1 (+1 to attack rolls)
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary nods in thanks at the mimic before taking a look around.

"Now...which way to go..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Looking around, there was only one way to go, or at least, only one way that didn't lead back to the dead end of the slime breeding chamber.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Forward....or...slimes...I think forward." Mary mentally tells herself. "Though maybe slimes might be nice some other day..." she adds a second mental note.

Gathering her party, Mary sets forth into the dungeon. "Hey Aly...is there really a treasure in this place?"
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Aly shrugged. I don't know. I haven't been very deep into the cave before. As they walked through the cave, Aly spotted a small black box lying on the cave floor. She picked it up and examined it, noting that there was no obvious way to open it. She held it out to Mary and asked What do you think this is?
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"I...don't have the foggiest idea." Mary says, leaning close and examining it. She taps it with the end of her staff to see if it reacts.

"What do you think the odds are it'll be bad if I pick it up?"
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

I don't know. It seems magical, but I can't open it with my magic.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Maybe I can try then..." Mary tentatively says as she tries to see if her magic can open the box.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The box doesn't respond to Mary's magic, except that she gets a slight headache for her efforts.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Getting a headache causes Mary to kick the box. "Well, I guess we should just leave it for now, it's probably worthless."

Mary continues on.
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