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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

After a short time walking through the cave, the two of them came to a fairly small room. Sitting on a rock in the corner was a man wearing simple robes. It struck Mary that he was quite handsome. Oh, fellow travelers he said, giving the two a warm smile. Would you care to join me as I search for the treasure in this cave? Mary felt strangely drawn to the man, and was about to agree when Aly literally hissed at him. That's him! she screamed, That's the monster that made me this way! The man frowned and squinted. What...? Oh. You must be that obnoxious little fairy. Enjoying my gift to you? Aly gritted her teeth and raised her sword, the blade beginning to glow as she infused it with Holy magic.

8/8 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary was unsure what was with the man, but it obviously wasn't any good if Aly hissed at him.

"Oh, is he? Let's teach him a lesson!" Mary says, after Aly explains.

She's about to try and blast him when she sees Aly use her holy magic? Perhaps he was weak to it? She might as well try, taking out her crucifix and trying to see if that Light spell would work on him.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

24 vs. 15

The blast of light magic Mary unleashed slammed into the man; he seemed to be able to deflect most of it, but it still seemed to hurt.

20 vs. 17

Aly's attack also connected, putting a good sized cut on the man's shoulder. Strangely enough, the wound healed almost immediately...

14 vs. 9

The man launched a strange magical blast at Mary, hitting her squarely in the stomach and knocking her back several feet. Mary also began to have strange, arousing thoughts that were quite out of place...

6/8 HP

4/5 FP
1/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ahh! Get out of my head you perverted asshole!" Mary screamed at the man as she tried to blast him again with the light spell.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

13 vs. 14

Mary's attack missed, the shard of light burrowing deep into the cave wall.

7 vs. 17

The man also managed to dodge Aly's slashing attack.

17 vs. 16

Another blast of magic hit Mary, and she was starting to feel a bit tired, and was becoming more aroused as well...

6/8 HP

3/5 FP
2/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary felt a blush rising on her face as she attempted to blast the man again.

"I can't let this bastard beat us, we're gonna kick his ass and make him turn Aly back to normal."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

17 vs. 16

Mary hit him with her light blast this time, and it seemed to visibly pain him.

7 vs. 6

The blast seemed to slow him down a bit, and he was unable to dodge Aly's sword swipe, which caught him in the chest.

7 vs. 10

The man's attempt at retaliation sailed just past Mary's ear, leaving it ringing slightly. Mary could still feel herself grow more aroused; apparently the man was using some sort of separate magic to get into her head.

4/8 HP

3/5 FP
3/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU BASTARD!" Mary yelled as she used the light spell again. At the same time trying to get whatever magic he was using to stop.

Is cool to fast forward
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Haha, I don't think I will. You'll come to enjoy it I'm sure.

6 vs. 8
16 vs. 10

Mary missed her attack badly, but it distracted the man enough that Aly was able to get in a good hit.

12 vs. 13

Mary once again managed to dodge the man's strange magical projectile, but just barely. She also became more aroused, and it was starting to get distracting...

3/8 HP

3/5 FP
4/10 AP

5/5 FP
1/10 AP

22 vs. 19
23 vs. 19

Mary and Aly both managed to hit the man, and he staggered backwards for a while, beginning to look quite beaten up.

9 vs. -1

He did finally manage to hit Mary, though, and she could feel herself getting very tired.

1/8 HP

2/5 FP
4/10 AP

5/5 FP
1/10 AP

21 vs. 9

Mary fired off a quick blast of light energy that slammed into the man's chest, causing him to collapse into a heap on the ground. He began to mutter under his breath as he hit the ground.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary got a grin her face. "Yes! I finally won a battle!"

"Well Aly, what do you think we should do with him? We need to make him pay for what he did to you, right?"

Mary gets an evil grin on her face as she menacingly walks towards the collapsed fool.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

I... I don't know Aly said, unsure of what to do. She probably hadn't thought much about what she would do with this man if she could. In the meantime, he was starting to get up...
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary walked up to the man and not at all gently placed the tip of her staff on the back of his neck, stepping on his back to force him down. "Don't you dare move a fucking inch." she said, trying to act menacing as she held the crucifix in one hand, as if threatening to blast him with it again.

"Maybe we can have him change you back to proper size?" Mary asked Aly. "Though maybe he can't and is worthless then, if that's the case we might as well end his miserable existence."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Hahahaha, end my existence. As if you could, even with your light magic. I suppose there might be a way to shrink her again, but I don't know how and I wouldn't do it if I did. Aly sighed deeply. He's probably right, he's a demon. You need special magic to kill a demon permanently. And... And I didn't think I'd get changed back to normal... I... she trailed off.
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Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Well if we kill him now we won't have to deal with him for a while or something, right? I don't really feel like leaving him here." Mary protested, quite unhappy that this man couldn't be properly punished.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Ye... yeah. I think, anyway... The demon smiled up at Mary, clearly amused.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary frowns. "Damn, why can't it be easy."

However, since she really didn't want this creep hanging around, she decided she would 'kill' him for now, before taking a look around to see what other way she could go.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The demon slumped to the ground again, blood beginning to pool around him. Looking around, Mary saw that she could go either south, or east.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary, now wanting to stay around for much longer than she had to, quickly decided to go East.

"Well, let's go then, unless you think he might have had something useful."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

The short trip to the east was uneventful, the scenery mostly unchanged until they came to a small door set into the cave wall.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary took a look at the door, raising a questioning eyebrow. Shrugging, she decided to carefully reach forward and open it.