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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

11 vs. 14
6 vs. 5

This time Mary's blast missed, but Aly connected with a sword strike, the rope beginning to fray.

11 vs. 13

Mary still managed to avoid the demon's whip; she was getting good at this.

18 vs. 7
3 vs. 9

Mary's next blow hit the rope demon hard, and it seemed to barely be able to keep its ropes moving. Still, Aly found no success at hitting it.

19 vs. 14

Mary's luck finally ran out, and a whip of rope slapped her hard in the stomach and began to entangle her. She was on her last legs, but then again so was the demon.

Rope Demon
1/6 HP

Mary (Entangled, -2 to hit)
1/5 FP
1/10 AP

2/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"We've almost won!" Mary shouted, as she attempted to blast the demon again, trying to finish it off. "What a shame...maybe next time..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

8 vs. 9
18 vs. 16

Mary failed to hit the rope demon as it continued to entangle her, but while it was distracted Aly slashed across its torso, and the ropes fell to the ground, immobile. Aly smiled and said that was hard, but we did it!

Mary has gained the skill Dodger 1 (+1 to defense rolls if not entangled)
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Y-yeah..we did." Mary says, exhausted as collaspes to sitting on the ground. She rests for a few moments. "Well, wonder if there's anything around here? Let's take a look before moving on."

"And...I can pocket some of this rope for later. Mary thinks to herself as she picks up some of the rope, a small mental grin crossing her thoughts.

And when she's done looking, she decides to forge ahead, nothing was ever gained by standing around, after all.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Aly looked around for a few moments, trying to find anything of value, but they were in a fairly narrow bit of the cave, and there was nothing to be found. The fairy took note of her companion's strange grin, tilting her head and wondering just what it meant... Still, they moved on. They reached a huge, cavernous room, and were in awe of the size of it. It seemed to go on to the left and the right forever. The two of them heard a snarling noise as they entered the room, and could see a few wolves padding slowly towards them. They noted that the things had numerous tentacles coming out of their back.

Tentacle Wolf 1
7/7 HP

Tentacle Wolf 2
8/8 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh...wow..those guys look tough..." Mary said, eying the wolves. She wasn't quite sure if she could beat them, but she doubted it would be easy to flee.

"Maybe...if I have some extra help..." she thought to herself. Focusing on the rope she'd just picked up, she decided to cast animate rope on it, hopefully it could help her in this combat...
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary's ropes began to move about, slowly at first, but ultimately coalescing into something that resembled a rope demon.

16 vs. 7
10 vs. 18

Meanwhile, Aly attacked the nearest wolf, slashing one of its tentacles cleanly in two with her sword. The ropes lashed out at the same wolf with a whip-like appendage, but the thing dodge it easily.

20 vs. 12
22 vs. 18

The wolves seemed to dislike the ropes that she'd summoned, and both attacked it, fraying it significantly with their bites.

Tentacle Wolf 1
6/7 HP

Tentacle Wolf 2
8/8 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

Rope Servant
1/3 HP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"What the heck...this is just not fair..." Mary thinks to herself, now focusing on blasting the injured wolf, perhaps if it went down quickly, they might still stand a chance.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

16 vs. 7
15 vs. 19
6 vs. 6

Mary blasted the wolf, causing it to yelp as it jumped into the whipping of the rope servant she'd animated, the ropes grappling the wolf and lifting it slightly into the air, unfortunately causing Aly's slash to pass just under it.

7 vs. 12
18 vs. 3

The wolf being grabbed lashed out at the rope demon with its tentacles, but it was unable to hit it. Unfortunately, the other wolf slashed at the ropes with its claws, fraying them and causing them to fall limp and lifeless to the ground.

Tentacle Wolf 1
4/7 HP

Tentacle Wolf 2
8/8 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Oh...that's not fair at all, damnit!" Mary thinks to herself, deciding to try and animate another mini rope demon.

"Don't die so quickly this time..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

5 vs. 8
2 vs. 18 Counter!

Mary animated a few more of the ropes into a rope servant, but it seemed pretty scrawny... Aly and the ropes attacked the weakened wolf, but failed badly to hit it, the wolf slashing at and injuring the ropes already.

11 vs. 1
6 vs. 2

The wolf lashed out at the ropes again, slashing at them with its claws and causing it to fall to the ground, limp. Meanwhile, the other wolf whipped at Mary with its tentacles, grabbing her a bit and dissolving a little of her dress.

Tentacle Wolf 1
4/7 HP

Tentacle Wolf 2
8/8 HP

4/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ahh! Get off me you jerk!" Mary yelled at the wolf. These rope demons weren't doing very well, but they at the very least were distracting the wolves...maybe another one. She decided to try again, she was probably going to run out of rope soon.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

13 vs. 5
11 vs. 19

The last of Mary's rope swirled up into the tiniest, most pathetic-looking rope demon she had ever seen. Aly managed to slash at the wolf holding Mary, setting her free, but the poor tiny rope demon found itself useless.

17 vs. 4
11 vs. 4

The wolf whipped at the rope demon with its tentacles, causing it to scatter all around the floor. Meanwhile, the other one grabbed Mary again, dissolving more of her dress as it tried to lift her up into the air.

Tentacle Wolf 1
3/7 HP

Tentacle Wolf 2
8/8 HP

3/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ahh! Let go!" Mary couldn't help but shout out as she was lifted in the air. "No more rope...oh well, since when do enemies go for the summons first, that's totally unfair..."

Mary tries to blast the wolf holding her, she has a feeling she'll miss.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

10 vs. 4
14 vs. 12

Mary manages to blast the wolf, forcing it to let her go and stumble backwards into Aly's blow.

10 vs. 5
5 vs. 16

The weakened wolf howled out as it grabbed Mary again; she was starting to feel tired now, and her dress was hanging by threads. Aly managed to dodge the other one.

Tentacle Wolf 1
1/7 HP

Tentacle Wolf 2
8/8 HP

2/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ahh! Not fair! CUT IT OUT!" Mary yells in anger as she focuses a blast on the creature...of if only she had some other spells. And now her rope was in tatters too, she had to see if she could fix that later.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

6 vs. 18
17 vs. 7

Mary's blast missed, but Aly managed to put a deep slash on the wolf, and it feel to the ground dead.

22 vs. 17

The remaining wolf whipped at Mary again, grabbing her and dissolving a good portion of her dress, and it fell apart at her midriff. She was getting really quite tired by now.

Tentacle Wolf 2
8/8 HP

1/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary starts to blush at her revealing clothes now. "I'm getting tired of you stripping me! Cut it out!"

Of course, there was only one enemy now, maybe they had a chance...time to focus her attacks!
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

11 vs. 7
20 vs. 13

Mary and Aly both managed to put good hits on the wolf, causing it to yelp.

13 vs. 7

The wolf decides to take revenge on the large fairy that had cut him, grabbing her with its tentacles and hoisting her up into the air. Mary, help!

Tentacle Wolf 2
6/8 HP

1/5 FP
0/10 AP

4/5 FP
0/10 AP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Don't worry, I'll save you Aly!" Mary shouts, focusing her magic power to blast the creature as many times as she could mange.