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Mary (the64bitbot)

Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

O...kay... Aly said, still a bit confused, giving the mimic a stare before picking up her sword and moving back with Mary into the room they had come from. As they walked, they noticed an item that they hadn't seen before sitting on the ground. It seemed to be some sort of amulet; it probably enhanced stats, but they couldn't be sure which ones. As they considered which one should wear it, a popup greeted Mary.

A balance patch has been applied to the skill Mana Burst. Consecutive attacks after the first MP attack require the sacrifice of 1 FP to launch.

Another popup just afterwards told you

Magic Expertise 2 gained.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary is a little unhappy about the 'balance patch', but she sighs mentally, nothing she could do about it.

The party finds the amulet on the floor. "I think it's a trap..." Mary says, after staring at it for a moment. "It's probably some sort of cursed item..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Aly looked at it a moment. I don't feel a curse she said, shrugging. It's not a magical trap if it is one.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary shrugs. "Alright...I guess I'll give it a shot and see what happens then." She says, moving over to the amulet and picking it up, putting it on.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

When she put on the amulet, nothing in particular happened, but she seemed to feel a little bit faster, for some reason. Now there was nowhere to go but back, or through the ominous door.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Having examined the amulet and finding it underwhelming, Mary decides to give it to Aly so she could wear it. "I'm not much into things like this anyways..."

Having done that, Mary decides to press forward, opening the door to the ominous room.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Aly gladly wore the amulet, and they opened the huge metal door. They found themselves in a small, narrow corridor, and walked forward the length of it to a mid-sized room of the cave, which was strangely completely empty. It was bizarre, really, considering the door they had had to open to get here... And then, suddenly, a voice called out, booming in the silence of the cave. 'ey, what're you lot doin' 'ere? 'ave ye come fer my treasure? It takes a greedy lot ta steal from a pirate! Ye've got some nerve, I'll give ye that. Still, ye won't like losin ta me. A body materialized out of the nothingness, a middle-aged man in strange, colorful garb, carrying a long curved sword.

Pirate's Ghost
12/12 HP

6/6 FP
3/3 MP

6/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"This was...not what I expected..." Mary mentioned, preparing for a fight. Obviously all she had to do to get to the treasure was beat this man, and she might as well get started now.

"So we just have to beat you right? Let's take our time and do it right." Mary said, casting slow at the ghost. Hopefully it wouldn't be able to do much and Mary and Aly could get off a lot of good shots while it was slow.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

17 vs. 4

Mary cast Slow on the ghost; he didn't realize that anything had happened, thinking her spell had failed. He tried to get out of the way of Aly's slash, but he was moving quite slow, and couldn't get out of the way.

17 vs. 6

Realizing what had happened, he tried to compensate, and managed to put a decent cut on Mary's left shoulder.

Pirate's Ghost
11/12 HP

5/6 FP
1/3 MP

6/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Owww! That really hurt, you bastard!" Mary shouted as the ghost hit her, blasting it with her magic, in fact, blasting it twice as she used her mana burst.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

9 vs. 13
6 vs. 19
13 vs. 14

Mary and Aly both missed badly, the ghost dodging skillfully.

13 vs. 13

He lashed out at Aly, and she barely managed to dodge his blade, a slight nick appearing in her dress.

4 vs. 14
8 vs. 5

Mary's next blast missed the ghost, but Aly got a good, solid hit on him.

15 vs. 11

The ghost also managed to get in another slash on Mary, this time on her right shoulder.

Pirate's Ghost
10/12 HP

4/6 FP
0/3 MP

6/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ah...ouch! Damnit, that hurts, cut it out and die already!...Again."

Mary focuses on blasting the ghost, knowing that her spell is going to wear off soon. "Damn...this is bad...if he's this good even while slowed..."
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

17 vs. 13
6 vs. 24, Counter!

Mary managed to blast the ghost in his torso, and Aly tried to take advantage of the situation, but the ghost easily dodged her and put a cut on her back.

22 vs. 11

The ghost used his momentum to run at Mary, giving her a decent cut. She was starting to grow tired already.

Pirate's Ghost
9/12 HP

3/6 FP
0/3 MP

5/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ah...my luck is terrible...this is really starting to hurt..."

Mary's starting to lament this battle, it wasn't going very well. Hopefully it would turn around soon, but she wasn't very optimistic. She'd just have to hope that this blast hits...and the next one, and the one after it.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

11 vs. 7
21 vs. 17

Mary managed to get off a good blast on the man, causing him to stagger back into a cut from Aly's blade.

14 vs. 15

Mary also managed to avoid the ghost's counterattack, and he cursed as he missed.

Pirate's Ghost
7/12 HP

3/6 FP
0/3 MP

5/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Let's keep this up Aly!"

Mary was a little more hopeful now, but who knew how long her luck would last. She focused another magical blast, aiming to at least distract the ghost from Aly's blade, even if she missed.
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

20 vs. 12
5 vs. 24, Counter!

Mary blasted the man again, and he staggered back at Aly, but somehow managed to control himself and twirl around, giving her a cut on her shoulder.

13 vs. 18

Mary again dodged the ghost easily.

Pirate's Ghost
6/12 HP

3/6 FP
0/3 MP

4/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

Mary gives herself just a moment to be more cheerful, thinking they might win this battle. "Just a bit more, let's get this guy good!"
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

17 vs. 6
13 vs. 19

Mary blasted the ghost yet again, but Aly failed to connect with her strike, perhaps a bit over-cautious after having been countered.

17 vs. 9

The ghost finally managed to put a slash on Mary's torso, the cut slightly painful, but mostly tiring.

Pirate's Ghost
5/12 HP

2/6 FP
0/3 MP

4/6 FP
Re: Mary (the64bitbot)

"Ow!!" Mary cried out as she got cut again. She didn't like this enemy, not one bit. And he was ruining her clothes to, with that sword of his.

"Lets get him! Make him pay!"