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ACT Mod [Mc Swagger] Mission Mermaiden – The Downfall of Hasumi

Unfortunately, this mod doesn't seem to play nice (or at all in my case) with wine. A clean copy of the game still works as expected.
The splash screen looks normal but the title screen is messed up. Selecting New Game crashes after it finishes loading with the following error.
0118:err:seh:NtRaiseException Unhandled exception code c0000005 flags 0 addr 0x6fabc7cc
Now that's awkward.Can you tell me what settings you chose before starting the game? As a hot fix try to replace only the "Assembly.dll" and use the asset files of the original version.
I almost thought to myself that this mechanic is not obvious. I will try to implement a tutorial for the next release.
But you have to press left right alternately to build up momentum to escape.

Right, now I get it! For some reason it does not work at all with a gamepad (Xbox 360) while it worked in original Mermaiden. Oh well, there's always the magic of JoyToKey!
Right, now I get it! For some reason it does not work at all with a gamepad (Xbox 360) while it worked in original Mermaiden. Oh well, there's always the magic of JoyToKey!
I didnt know that the game supports gamepad control at all ^^ Well that means more debugging for me ;) You might need to stick to keyboard for now
Now that's awkward.Can you tell me what settings you chose before starting the game? As a hot fix try to replace only the "Assembly.dll" and use the asset files of the original version.
1280x720 windowed, but it's the same with 1920x1080 fullscreen. Quality option makes no difference. Same results with and without dxvk too.
Using just the Assembly-CSharp.dll replacement works and gets me into a new game but it gets stuck after the enemies standing around get wiped out.


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What I wanted to achieve is that every enemy must be taken seriously. Therefore, every confrontation must be approached in a planned way and you must wait for the right moment instead of just fighting on the fly. Managing your willpower should be a real challenge. The difficulty is therefore intentional. Maybe the design will still work for you if you keep at it.

No i did not... Hopefully no bug?

That was a rare bug I noticed in 1 out of 100 cases and still not sure where it comes from... I will try to fix it next release but it is not easy to reproduce!

Which ones? Not all logs are actually platforms to land on

Was not able to reproce that. How did you get caught? There are 2 animations: The "belly vore" and the "tail vore" (with and without slugs attached). Do you remember how you triggered the H scene?

1) I understand that. Aside from the difficulty, though, I personally don't think it's a good move to disable the player's controls without cause (specific statuses that prevent it). This creates scenarios where it's easier to quit the game than it is to continue with the level. It also makes a "virgin" run near I Want to Be the Guy levels of difficulty. It ultimately doesn't really matter what my opinion is: you don't need to justify your decisions.

4) It seemed random. She would land on them (play the land animation and foot sfx) and then immediately fall through. It seemed to happen on the outside 50% of the log (25% of each side).

5) It was where she was caught in his belly. After it was done, she popped out and was trapped on his head (holding left and right, jumping, and attacking all did nothing to free her). This caused her to immediately be pulled back into an h-animation. After a couple times, she disappeared when being pulled into a new h-anim. It was not registered as starting, so her controllable sprite was disabled but the boss was not pulled into the same h-anim and continued to attack. Maybe a race condition with events firing and being caught?
I'm getting the same issue as masterblaster, and I'm on Windows 10.

Tried replacing the files one by one, and the one that messes with the start screen and causes the game to crash completely on New Game is globalgamemanagers.assets. However, trying to run the game without that file causes the game to hang during the initial cutscene regardless of any other file combination.
1280x720 windowed, but it's the same with 1920x1080 fullscreen. Quality option makes no difference. Same results with and without dxvk too.
Using just the Assembly-CSharp.dll replacement works and gets me into a new game but it gets stuck after the enemies standing around get wiped out.
I think I might have identified your problem, as I had the same issue with miscoloured menu and crash on new game. I fixed it by updating to v1.15; I didn't have the most up-to-date version of the game. You might want to try that.
I've played a good five stages now and I have to say this mod makes the game too punishing and unfun. Every time you climax, you fill out part of your health bar much like radiation in fallout 4. Once that value fills your health bar completely, you die and have to restart the entire game. As of now, I don't know of a way to decrease this value. Also, removing conditions is exceedingly expensive, even when defeating every enemy and collecting all of the pick-ups. Which means the further you progress into the game, the more absolutely punishing it is from every angle as conditions build up and your health pool shrinks until you die.

If your goal is to have fun and jerk off a bit, then this mod isn't for you. It is painful to play, and the original game is too buggy on top of the problems this mod causes to make it easily playable. Play the original and avoid this mod.

I think I might have identified your problem, as I had the same issue with miscoloured menu and crash on new game. I fixed it by updating to v1.15; I didn't have the most up-to-date version of the game. You might want to try that.
Oh, that will probably do it. I'm still on 1.1.1 it seems.
Does the plant in the base still reduce corruption?
I get the blue tinted game problem as well. Maybe I need latest version or something?
I think I might have identified your problem, as I had the same issue with miscoloured menu and crash on new game. I fixed it by updating to v1.15; I didn't have the most up-to-date version of the game. You might want to try that.
If that is the fix for that bug it would relief my headaches! Thank you

Does the plant in the base still reduce corruption?
No it does not. I figured if the plant were to reduce corruption it would defeate the purpose of the game since it could be abused. The blue plant acts just as a punshing bag and has no implications with corruption or states
Alright I got it working after updating to 1.1.5 as well. I guess the only issue is that while controller works for movement and combat, it doesn't work for the QTE. I'll probably just stick with kb+m.

By the way, one thing I do want to make a note of: if you nuke your save folder and then jump straight into a new game, the game won't actually initialize volume settings, so you'll end up playing with no sound unless you open the Options menu.
Yeah I also get stuck on the second boss, in the animation where it comes from the ground, even if I reach 0 escape meter, I just get infinitely stuck
You might want to think about adding a 1-2 second cooldown to the 1-2 boss's torso grab. Currently it can do it immediately after you escape a grab, and that combined wih it's movement towards you and the short distance between you and it upon escaping a grab means that you only have a split second to move away before you get engulfed again. I'm loving the rest of this so far but this feel more like artificial difficulty to me.

I'm currently on run 4 of 1-2, with all three of my previous tries failing due to getting chain grabbed. On the 3rd or 4th grab in a row i fail due to lack of resistance and get a climax, and then the inescapable grab bug hits and i have to restart.
first initial overview: merging the two bars (lust and willpower) was a terrible idea. Undo it ASAP.
The mod itself is an odd interpretation. It features some unconventional modifications to the core game's systems.

Here are some of the most prominent changes:

The combination health+stamina system (dubbed Willpower). Your current willpower drops for each action and running out stops you from attacking at all until you can regain some willpower (This will be dubbed "Stamina" from here on out) and if your hit zero stamina it takes longer before the it starts regenerating. Each hit takes away from max willpower temporarily in addition to your current stamina pool, it can only be recovered via using an item or climaxing.

The stamina system also is used in the new struggle system (which needs a tutorial as it's not obvious what to do) so each button press takes away from current stamina and missing a button press (when the bar is pink) will start taking away max stamina and if you let the stages advance too far you'll continuously take max stamina loss. Climaxing applies status effects (as normal in the core game) and resets your maximum willpower (What? Why?) and raises corruption (permanent stamina loss, minus a game reset via new game+). The struggle system easily slows down the game by several magnitudes since you have to build momentum and spend stamina while doing it and it can take a long while before you can resolve the struggle only to get grabbed by the next enemy in line. Many a times I just reload as soon as the struggle mini-game appears or just eat the cost because it's that un-fun. Some bosses like the Doomsday Device or the magnetic boss are just pure cancer to fight due to the chain grabs. Also note that when you escape from a failed struggle you start at zero stamina after recovering unless negated with equipment.

Attacks take differing amount of stamina. A ground attack is 1.2 bars of stamina. A jump attack is 2.5 bars of stamina. Ground pounds are 4 bars of stamina. Keep in mind you only have 14 bars of stamina at max (zero damage taken).

Base stamina regeneration is also extremely slow. For you Dark Souls players in the back there the regeneration rate is roughly the same as someone constantly blocking. For the Monster Hunter crowd it's being affected by Water Blight. I have spent more time sitting around doing nothing just to have enough resources for the next encounter. It takes almost 15 seconds to recover stamina from zero. It takes 3 seconds to start recovering from zero stamina. This makes the janky bullet deflection mechanic not worth attempting since you have a high chance of wasting stamina if the deflected bullet flies into the cosmos instead of back at the enemy. It also makes fighting any boss a royal pain in the ass. Mari is probably the worst offender since you have to break her shield. I have had to sit there with a thumb up my own ass waiting for stamina to regenerate, wasting perfectly good openings to deal damage after the shield drops because the mod demands that you play perfectly.

The stamina system makes an already buggy game even buggier. If you get caught on enemies trying to jump and have zero stamina you are effectively stuck until you gain enough to attack again. In the final stages of the game where you are hounded by many of the slave soldiers who have bullshit insta-blocking abilities and can only be damaged when doing any other action, you'll get body-blocked on the regular. I've been pushed out of the terrain a few times due to that.

You can no longer combo attack normally. You need a piece of equipment to re-enable combos again. A full combo takes 2 bars of stamina.

Speaking of equipment, equipment stats are rolled. You should aim to be rolling with max fragments as often as possible to minimize the detriments and to maximize benefits. Some of these are game-changing (recover max stamina on kill) and are reliant on RNG to an extent. There is a maximum number of equipment slots, attempting to roll beyond this limit bugs it out and is essentially wasted. You need to pray for some decent RNG for your first set.

The transformation grants projectile immunity and nothing else unless you have the appropriate gear. It's an instant escape but doesn't do anything otherwise.

Some status effects have additional effects. The Hack Visor in particular has an interesting mechanic associated with it if not removed. If a status goes red, hitting 100% will result in a game over. It's also extremely buggy.

It costs 1k to return to base after beating 1-2's boss.

The normal mook gunners now have a separate shotgun blast that can fire off at the same time as their normal blast and (I swear) can fire 180 degrees in the wrong direction, including straight up. They immediately follow this up with the capture grenade. It's enough time to wombo combo you into an inescapable struggle game (remember that damage also decreases your stamina in addition to max stamina). The shotgun blast is a 100% knockdown except during a ground pound which has super armor. The grenade is also seeking so they can yeet the grenade across the map if you moved far enough. The positioning and density of these mobs tells me that it was a mechanic implemented to stop people from just rushing from point A to B. Strangely the Slave Visor enemies encountered in Chapter 2 don't have this shotgun blast and are much easier in comparison.

This is Dark Souls Scholars of the First Sin Master Quest: I Wanna Be The Guy Edition. Ironically the final boss is really easy compared to the gauntlet of bullshit along the way. This is like facing Smelter Demon after going through the hell that is Iron Keep.

Edit 1: Added in stamina recovery information

Edit 2: A note that this is probably the most stressful tutorial mission I have undertaken. It's almost Shrine of Amana levels of cancer.

Edit 3: What isn't cool either is having no invuln time between getting grabbed. It becomes a cascading loss if you are surrounded by enemies or if enemies decide to chain bullshit moves back to back. You're better off just restarting the level or in the case of a lot of people, watching the opening cutscene again.

Edit 4: What's going to be a huge issue are the enemies hiding in the foreground getting cheapshots at you. You're already strapped for resources and that just piles on the stress. I can only imagine what hell the Abyssal difficulty will be.

Edit 5: As I go through 1-1 for the 20th time, the enemy positioning is particularly devious since you can no longer slap the jelly fish out of the air I've had a situation where I was bounced back and forth 5 times getting crippled in less than 5 seconds.

Edit 6: Added in additional mechanics and finds.
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Second. remove the cost of removing negative traits. Sorry bro the game isn't balanced for this and it makes the game boring as shit as you get permanently labored with problems.