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Meet and Fuck Games Community

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

So I recently played the latest demos of both Payrise 5 and Vagina Hidden In The Steam and here's my short summary of what I liked and did not like :

Payrise 5 Demo

Pro's :

- Trademark huge Mrs. Clause breasts;

- Original way to introduce a tit-fuck;

- Includes a spooning sex scene, which is in my top 3 favourite sex positions of all time;

- Great and well-written poem by Anonymoose.

Cons :

- No mini-game, sex is instantaneous;

- The demo ends as soon as you proceed to the second sex scene, you don't even get the option to first see the scene in action on "easy" speed, much to my disappointment;

- While I like the demo and it's likely this will be my favourite Payrise game, fact is this is yet ANOTHER (the fifth) Payrise game featuring Mrs. Clause.

Vagina Hidden In The Steam :

Pro's :

- Big breasts;

- Actual dialogue options, which hasn't been done in a MnF game in ages;

- Fun Mini-Game;

- Features a Naruto chick that isn't Tsunade for once (not counting Samui);

- More than just one full sex scene is featured in the demo. It lasts up to the second sex scene, which you can play for a large part too.

Cons :

- Mini-Game is flawed, you can decide to do nothing until the Mizukage Drunkness meter is filled, which is a requirement for you to actually win the game;

- Mei's eye looks like that of a cyclops;

- There's no failure state at all for choosing the wrong dialogue option. Not only that but it's pretty obvious what is the right option too with each set of replies;

- The butt-rub, while not seen before in a MnF game, looks weird;

- The sideways view of Mei's face in the first sex scene looks bad, as it draws attention to her 'cyclops eye' and her lips look horrible;

- Yet ANOTHER MnF game featuring a female Naruto character.

'Another' Mrs.Clause game? And you don't like this? As far as I'm concerned keep em cumming......Luv the big-titted Mrs.Clause.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Here are some more Pictures for everyone






Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

i think there is a huge need for a baka's mother, muzuki, and baka threesome. Something along those lines i feel like its a must. In the last baka game you can see baka's father is there maybe incorporate him in as well. Im not very good a writing up scenarios, but something like the game starts off with baka waking up after going through time. And some how the time machine maybe everyone in the house horny of some sort. Or baka comes back still horny sees everyone and formulates a plot for a 3 some or 4 some. Im sure someone could write something up thats solid im just coming up with the foundation. Now someone couldve already sent in this idea but if not it seems pretty nice, and im sure alot of us would love to see that scene. Considering bakas mom has been out for what like two years, and we really havent seen much of mizuki either. I think this idea could go right to the top bc of the love for the characters and the fact they havent been really in a game lately. Well besides muzuki in xmas pay rise. So yea thats my idea if someone wants to run with it then please by all means do it up. Just dont forget about me :D:):D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

If anyone wants me to Submit an Idea for them I think it is best you PM it to me as well as Post it here. The Board moves fast now a days so I may skip an Idea every now and then. I also may forget you have written an idea and it was buried in the previous pages lol.


New Years may have already Passed by but BCT want's to ring in the New Year.

Here is a Gift from BCT that includes another 3 Cracks for everyone. This takes hard work so please make sure to Thank BCT for their Hard Work.

Ringing in the New Year

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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community


Thank you BCT

Brazil had released these too though.
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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community


New Years may have already Passed by but BCT want's to ring in the New Year.

Here is a Gift from BCT that includes another 3 Cracks for everyone. This takes hard work so please make sure to Thank BCT for their Hard Work.

Ringing in the New Year

As always, thanks BCT for the cracks and thanks to Haseo for keeping this running!

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

'Another' Mrs.Clause game? And you don't like this? As far as I'm concerned keep em cumming......Luv the big-titted Mrs.Clause.

If you had more carefully read what I said, you'd know I stated Payrise 5 will very likely be my favourite Payrise game to date. So in other words, yes I like it unless the full game somehow will disappoint me.

But that does not mean I am not allowed to point out the fact it's another Mrs. Clause game. I get the whole idea with how she is currently tied with Christmas themed MnF games but honestly I believe there is no shame in having a game with another character/other characters for once. You know, let someone else other than Mrs. Clause (who has had it 5 times now) have the Christmas spotlight.
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

i think there is a huge need for a baka's mother, muzuki, and baka threesome. Something along those lines i feel like its a must. In the last baka game you can see baka's father is there maybe incorporate him in as well. Im not very good a writing up scenarios, but something like the game starts off with baka waking up after going through time. And some how the time machine maybe everyone in the house horny of some sort. Or baka comes back still horny sees everyone and formulates a plot for a 3 some or 4 some. Im sure someone could write something up thats solid im just coming up with the foundation. Now someone couldve already sent in this idea but if not it seems pretty nice, and im sure alot of us would love to see that scene. Considering bakas mom has been out for what like two years, and we really havent seen much of mizuki either. I think this idea could go right to the top bc of the love for the characters and the fact they havent been really in a game lately. Well besides muzuki in xmas pay rise. So yea thats my idea if someone wants to run with it then please by all means do it up. Just dont forget about me :D:):D

Baka's father reminds me of a old version of the guy from Jail Break game series :D
Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

He thinks..
I've seen him lose plenty.

That guy love's having his ass kissed.

Haseo please stop sponsoring Bct and its theft of MnF games, some paying customers like myself don't appreciate it, thanks ;)

Here is the thing, no matter what I do the Cracks will be found outside of ULMF. You can find the Russian MnF somewhere and they actually Charge you to download cracks.

Anything a person can buy can be found somewhere for free. We do it with Music, Books, Videos, Porno, Hentai etc.

I am a Paying customer as well which means that I Support MnF as does BCT. BCT takes the smart way as they do not release Brand New Games. Serega himself likes BCT because they are not trying to run him out of Business and they see eye to eye because they help each other out. How much business do you think MnF got because of BCT? A lot, seeing as how most of BCT have MnF Subscriptions they are also Supporting MnF.

I can understand that you may not like it and I will not try to change your mind otherwise, but this is something I cannot do, I help distribute Cracks so that those that cannot afford a MnF Sub and it also generates buzz to get them new Subs as well.

In other News here is the Current Poll for the Game of the Year:

Best Character:


Best Idea:


Game of the Year:

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Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Woohoo a new thread!
Even if there's no cracks or vids I'd be happy,
I just love MnF and what they've done, I've subbed up a few times to support them but times get hard.

Aze nice to see your helping everyone out, but please don't release vids right away, so MnF can get more customers,
Although some pics while we wait would be nice ;)

Alright fellas, have a good one :D

Btw thanks Haseo for the thread!

He thinks..
I've seen him lose plenty.

That guy love's having his ass kissed.

Haseo please stop sponsoring Bct and its theft of MnF games, some paying customers like myself don't appreciate it, thanks ;)

Re: Meet and Fuck Games Community

Yes I support this thread and Haseo, for its MnF awareness, pictures and even vids,
just not the cracks, sorry.

I understand :)

Speaking of Pictures here are some more.




