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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 21 vs. 19 S, Hit!
H 9 vs. 10 S, Miss!
S 11 vs. 21 M, Miss!
M 14 vs. 13 S, Hit!
H 3 vs. 17 S, Miss!
S 5 vs. 5 M, Miss!
M 11 vs. 8 S, Hit!
H 10 vs. 6 S, Hit!
S 23 vs. 17 M, Hit!
M 9 vs. 16 S, Miss!
H 20 vs. 21 S, Miss!
S 13 vs. 10 M, Hit!
M 5 vs. 24 S, Counter!
H 3 vs. 19 S, Counter!
S 10 vs. 5 M, Hit!

"I'm sure we will" the succubus replied with a tinge of arrogance, though she was soon set off balance by a swift series of attacks by Mei-Lien; the redhead landed a strong right hook to the demon's face, followed up by a kick to the side of her right leg and then a punch to the gut. The demon staggered back a few steps, which gave Hannah the opening she needed to shoot an arrow through the demon's side. She screamed in pain, clutching at the wound with a deadly serious look on her face, and she began to fight on a whole other level. Suddenly she raced forward, slashing Mei-Lien's right arm with the tip of her lance and then quickly stabbing her left shoulder, jumping back when the redhead tried to counter and casting a strange area-effect spell that briefly made Mei-Lien feel as if her whole body might tear apart. The succubus used the pause to rush forward and impale Mei-Lien on her lance. With a smirk she leaned in and licked the redhead's face as she slowly withdrew the weapon, turning to face Hannah as Mei-Lien slumped to the ground. The mage let out an incoherent scream of panic and rage that Mei-Lien barely heard as she lay on the ground, feeling her life slowly draining away. Soon enough, though, she felt the shapeshifter's gift taking effect, and her surely mortal wound began to close up and heal. After a few moments Mei-Lien's life ceased to be in danger, but she was still too beaten-up to fight; their fate was now in Hannah's hands.

9/15 HP

Mei-Lien (Exhausted)
0/6 FP

3/5 FP
0/3 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I'll wipe that smugness from your face..." Mei returned the remark as she moved forward, intent on smacking up the succubus with her own hands. A brief distraction opened her a small window of chance, which she took immidiately, starting up the pummeling with a brutal hook to the cheek. As the demoness was pushed back a bit, she kept up the barrage, nailing in a one two of a side kick and a hard blow to the gut. Despite the initial shock of the attack causing something like a pained reaction, the redhead soon found herself under a return attack. It even stronger than her own, with two pokes almost back-to-back and a nasty, awfully painful spell. Trying to fend away the awful feeling, Mei suddenly felt her midsection flare up with an even more intense pain as the lance pierced her, causing a brief flashback moment to roll past in her vision. After the demoness gave her a lick to the face, the martial artist found herself falling down to the floor, blood leaving her from the lance hole. For a while, she thought this would be the end for her quest as the barely audible, shrill shriek of Hannah could be heard. "Poor thing... she must be feeling... so terrified right now...." the fighter thought as the shifter's flesh offering began to work it's magic, knitting back the skin and innards that had been damaged from the impalement. Still, the damage was bad enough that Mei could not get up and try to fight again. It was up to Hannah now, though the chance of her winning against the powerful succubus was very slim at best


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

H 5 vs. 22 S, Counter!
S 6 vs. 8 H, Miss!
H 18 vs. 11 S, Hit!
S 13 vs. 7 H, Hit!
H 7 vs. 7 S, Hit!
S 17 vs. 10 H, Hit!

Through a haze Mei-Lien watched the rest of the battle unfold, as Hannah fired off another arrow at the succubus only to have the demon block it and slam her in the stomach with the blunt end of her lance. The mage staggered back a few steps before firing off an arrow into the demon's stomach, and another into her chest, though her efforts came to nothing as the succubus stabbed her shallowly in the side and then twirled around, knocking her unconscious with a heavy blow to the side of the head. As Hannah fell to the ground, Mei-Lien slowly drifted into unconsciousness herself, her blood loss and the exhaustion of battle finally getting to her.

When the redhead woke up she found her hands and feet bound by heavy ropes as she laid curled up on the cold stone floor. At first glance there was nothing in front of her, but her eyes came into better focus after a little while, and she saw the succubus sitting in front of her on a low box, smirking. "Good morning, sleepyhead. I'm surprised you're still alive after a wound like that. You must've paid a visit to my lover. Did you enjoy yourself?" she asked, waiting for an answer as she idly kicked her feet.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After witnessing Hannah's fall against the mighty succubus, Mei didn't care to try and hold onto her consciousness anymore. It was hard, with that impalement wound there....

When her senses did return, the redhead found herself still in the same place, but couldn't move her limbs away from each other. Ropes had been applied to prevent her from using them, the deadly weapons they were, or getting up for that matter. As the focus returned to her vision, she could see the demoness leering over her, sitting on a box for some reason. A question was presented to her. "I did enjoy it, though.... not as much as she did... that bizarre... masochist..." Mei gave a reply, not able to come up with anything snarky to say.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The succubus let out a hearty laugh before replying "she's a good girl like that. You call her bizarre, but you have the seeds of the exact same thing within you. You're just a little bit younger and less experienced than her. Give me a few centuries with you, and you'll be begging for me to treat you just like you treated her." She walked over to Mei-Lien and took a gentle hold of the redhead's chin, saying "in any case, we've beaten around the bush enough I think. Now that you've lost, would you like to hear your choices for the future? You have a few, since I'm such a wonderful and benevolent person."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"A bit of a long time, those centuries. Even if there is something extraordinary in me, I doubt I can live that long...." Mei reacted to he demoness' laugh and comment about the shifter. But she was kind of right with that, the more recent sexual encounters had showed that to the fighter. With a teasing gesture, the succubus held Mei's gaze against her own, offering actual mercy to her. Still, it was not likely that the choices would be anything all that easy. "Let's hear them, I have a curiousity towards those anyway."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Ah, but you could be made to live that long, if you so chose" the succubus said, pausing for a moment before going over the options. "Your first option is to be set free. Of course, there is a little favor you'd have to do for me first. Your mage friend has proven... difficult. If you will break her for me, you may go in peace. Your second option is to become a slave like those girls you saw before, helping me to breed an army of various monsters. Your third and final choice" she started, pausing to produce in her other hand a slim gray collar, "is to become my personal slave. Given enough time you would be warped into a succubus like me, a leader of my army. Which, to you, sounds best?" There was a gleam in her eye as she asked, a sinister sort of grin crossing her face as she held out the collar.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

A real gamut of emotions passed through Mei's mind as the options were presented to her. The second one was out of the question as soon as she heard it, no chance in hell would she be reduced to a mere breeding platform to some mindless, perverted creatures if she could weight in on the choice. Then there was freedom, at the cost of destroying Hannah's mind and breaking her in. This was one thing she could do quite easily, given the mage's oddly-placed love towards her. But even with all her faults, the younger mage had been a valuable travelling companion and caretaker to her, ever-present in the face of all these dangers and still not failing to provide healing and support to the redhead when she had been taken down in battle. With all that on Hannah's list of things, there was no way the fighter would be able to do it and not end up hating herself for the rest of her existence.

Those two options eliminated, there was only one possible solution remaining. It was hard to Mei, but she managed to squeeze out the words eventually. "Let me become your slave... mistress..."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The succubus let loose a wicked laugh, before standing up and saying "before you commit to such a thing, you must hear what is to be required of you, and also the benefits. I will, of course, demand your absolute obedience and submission, in all areas of your life. This collar will enforce that in some ways, and it can only come off you after a very specific event. Your body will forceably change, sometimes in ways you will not enjoy. You will never be able to have children, except in the way that any future slave you transform would be a child of sorts. Though as you earn my trust and respect as a slave, you will gain more and more autonomy in your life. And I'm sure my dear shapeshifting lover will be quite glad to have you around... If this still sounds acceptable, then get up onto your knees and request again to be my slave."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the laughing demoness laid down the law, Mei considered further. She had been soundly defeated by this being, so there was no place for her to go denying anythingm but still she thought about them. Obedience, as expected. Bodily changes... might not be fun, but there might be some pleasantries in there as well. Children, pah. The redhead had no desire to bear any further little monsters anyway, so that is a plus. All in all, she was curious how this might work out. With a little bending and shuffling on the ground, the former champion was soon up on her knees. Another hard part came, but she got through it with less struggles than the previous. Bowing her head down in front of the demon lady, Mei uttered the words again. "Please... make me your slave... mistress...."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Very well, slave" the succubus said, and carefully she slipped the collar over Mei-Lien's head, allowing it to come to rest around the redhead's neck before beginning to chant in a bizarre and harsh language. When she finished, the collar shrank to fit snugly around Mei-Lien's neck, the metal unnaturally cold, but somehow comfortable against her skin. "Your new life starts now" she said, as the ropes tied around Mei-Lien's ankles loosened and then fell away. "Get up and turn around" she ordered, and as Mei-Lien did so she would see a wooden triangular horse standing a little ways off. "Every good general must know how to ride" the demon said, perhaps to suit her sense of humor. "And so, that is the first thing I'll teach you. Go and mount your steed."
Last edited:

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The pledge made, Mei was now officially thralled to this demoness. As a further sign of their covenant, the collar was applied onto the redhead's neck, firmly following the lines of her neck to fit properly and not choke her despite it's tightness. It was a strange feeling, to have a collar like that. The fighter looked on as the ropes around her feet released their grip, letting her stand up when the mistress instructed it. Looking into the direction she was ordered to, Mei could see what she recognised as a torture device, a wooden horse. And as expected, the succubus told her to get on it, augmenting the command with a pun. Slowly moving over to the device, the redhead lifted her leg over the thing and lowered herself down to the wedge that was supposed to be ridable. Now matter how she adjusted her lower parts, the upper edge dug itself into her flower. She gave up after a few tries, just settling down on the nasty seat the best she could. "Is this alright... mistress?"


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"That will do, I suppose" the succubus replied, walking around behind Mei-Lien with deliberate slowness. More ropes crept around the redhead, some now wrapping around her ankles and tying them tightly to her thighs, making it harder to balance. Still more tied tightly around her torso and chest in an intricate pattern, squeezing her ample chest as it extended up to finally attach to her collar. Mei-Lien had trouble staying on the horse now that her legs were bound, and the succubus took note, saying "alright, I'll give you just a little help" as she came up close to Mei-Lien, tying small weights around the redhead's knees. While this did fix her balance problems, it also caused her to sink down farther onto the horse, the edge of it digging into her painfully. "Be sure to sit up straight, now, it might hurt if you don't" the succubus advised, and suddenly Mei-Lien felt the lash of a whip on her back, cracking right between her shoulder-blades. The blow had been a complete surprise to her, and instinctively she leaned forward to get away from the whip; of course, this only caused the edge of the horse to grind hard against her clit, a painful sensation that caused her to jolt up straight. "I tooooolddddd youuuu~" the succubus wickedly sang out, and again she whipped the redhead's back. Somehow Mei-Lien could tell that she wasn't receiving even half the force the succubus could bring to bear on her as a few more lashes attacked her back. Despite the pain, she could feel the beginnings of arousal welling up inside her, her juices starting to flow. "You're about ready for the second stage of your lesson, aren't you slave?" the demon asked, with a particularly hard crack of the whip on Mei-Lien's lower back.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei had done alright apparently, as the succubus seemed content with her position. As the demoness slowly advanced upon her newly-recruited slave, a bunch of new ropes joined in the fun, setting up the redhead with a patterned harness that squeezed her tightly. This was nothing new to her, as there had been that rope monster before. But the balancing in ropes part was nasty, making the already hugely uncomfortable horse even more terrible. Despite the help offered by the demoness' weights, there was no relief as the things pulled her down even deeper onto the wedge. Just barely managing to hold herself from making noise, Mei's unstable calm was destroyed by harsh crack to the back, making her do an up-and-down on the torture device, the reaction to the whip applying pressure onto her clit that was pressed against the wedge.

Remaining firmly upright no matter how much she was whipped, Mei managed to hold her reactions, but not her arousal. The painful welts there no doubt were all across her back had brough exquisite pain to the redhead, and the leaks of juice on the horsey showed this. With another question and a cruel lash, he mistress demanded an answer. "Yes please... mistress.. ready.." she gasped, somehow staying upright


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I see" the succubus said, whipping Mei-Lien a few more times before suddenly and without warning kicking the horse, causing it to rock beneath the redhead. She found herself unable to stay upright amidst the bucking of the device beneath her. This time as the hard edge of the wooden horse rolled over Mei-Lien's clit it sent a wave of pleasure crashing over her along with the pain, her masochistic tendencies perhaps warmed up by the buildup, and she began to wet the back of the horse more than before. The succubus laughed at her, lashing her back hard with the whip as she asked "you're already getting into it? You're a dirty little slut, aren't you slave?" The demon kicked the horse again, harder this time, causing it to rock back and forth even more under Mei-Lien, ramping up the pleasure even more as the edge pressed into her clit with each little forward motion she made. Again and again the demon kicked the horse as she whipped Mei-Lien, and the redhead found that she had the urge to roll back and forth of her own accord the longer the session went on. However with time she found that she was more able to stay upright if she so chose, though not necessarily all of the time. After a few minutes of stimulation she found that if she just let herself lean and roll with the rocking of the horse, she would cum very soon, though just as the thought came across her head she heard the demon say "reeeeeeealy into it~ But if you hold out for a few more minutes, your mistress will give you a nice reward~"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Even after her positive reply, the whips kept on raining across the redhead's back, rewarding the inner masochist with some more pain. A sudden knock at the device sent it on a back-and-forth motion, suddenly bringing out the real meaning of a ride. Unable to maintain her upright position, Mei bent her body forward, each move up against her pressuring her lower parts with that intoxicating cocktail of mixed suffering and arousal. Hearing the mistress' laugh was shameful, and the martial artist got seriously blushy upon being taunted. "Mistress... is right.... that's what I am..."

Some time went along in strangely appealing torment, the continuous grinding and whipping pleasing that lurking masochist being immensely. Now having adjusted to the motion, Mei was more steadily in control of her frame, managing to stay upright when she desired it. There was a definite way to climax, she had noticed during the movement, but just as she was about to do it and lean forward, the demoness threw another bone at the beaten dog of a martial artist. Wanting the reward, the redhead maintained her upright position as long as possible, trying her best not to get too much rubbings of the clit against the wedge that was already getting soaked by her drippy flower's nectar.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

For several more minutes the succubus viciously stimulated Mei-Lien, whipping her and rocking the horse harder than before, though the redhead's increased control allowed her to stay upright a majority of the time; she spent the entire time on the edge of orgasm, but managed to keep herself from going over. Finally the demon let the wooden horse come to rest and staid her hand, walking up to Mei-Lien and running her fingers over the painful welts on her back. "Not bad for your first time. Not bad at all. And now you get to feel true bliss" she said, unhooking the weights and picking Mei-Lien up off the horse, setting her gently on the ground. The ropes tied around her legs loosened, allowing her more freedom of movement as the succubus walked around in front of her and slowly undid her robe, allowing it to fall around her ankles. She had the firm, toned body of a hardened warrior, but that did nothing to diminish her curvy, almost regal beauty. In another circumstance Mei-Lien might have spent more time admiring her, but in her highly aroused state her eyes came to focus on one particular part of the demon's body; in the place where her clit ought to have been, the succubus had a long, thick cock. "Like what you see? I'll take you in whatever hole you ask me to, since you've been such a good girl so far."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The next few minutes were painfully long in their duration, the fighter trying her damnedest to avoid the inevitable climax in the whipping horse action that was going on. But her newfound control of body allowed Mei to pass the mistress' "trial", and after a compliment had been given she found herself on the floor, now free of the ropes and weights on her legs. It was then that the demoness undid the belt wrapped around her wizardly robe, revealing a strong, well-trained form underneath, easily a match for Mei's own body. But there was something else there too, a sizeable member that had surely broken many females before the redhead. Not hesitating a bit, the fighter spread out her legs as much as she could, almost into splits. "My pussy... Please, mistress....


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The succubus grinned, walking deliberately slowly towards Mei-Lien and kneeling in front of her, slowly pushing her fully onto the ground and hovering over her. "Don't worry, I'll be sure to give it to you good" she said as she carefully pressed the tip of her cock against Mei-Lien's soaked pussy. With a single slow thrust the demon penetrated her, and Mei-Lien felt that her cock fit almost perfectly, stretching her just the right amount. The pleasure was nearly overwhelming by the time the succubus was hilted inside of her, cruelly staying still as if taunting the redhead. Finally she reached down, taking Mei-Lien's sizeable chest into her hands and squeezing, her thumbs playing with the nipples as she pulled nearly all the way out ever so slowly, pushing back in with equal speed, teasing the redhead terribly. By the second thrust, however, Mei-Lien came around the succubus' member, the demon grinning again widely and leaning down to lick the redhead's face, twisted in pleasure.

"Already cumming, are you? You really like your mistress' thick, juicy cock, huh?" she asked, and as Mei-Lien rode out the last few waves of her orgasm the succubus began to thrust again, this time more quickly, but not much so. She kept a steady, deliberate pace, slowly building her slave's pleasure again as she mashed her tits, milk starting to leak slightly from them as she did so. "Mmm, you're lactating? Such a slutty body already, without any intervention from me. A warrior with big milky tits." She snickered, apparently intent on poking at whatever pride Mei-Lien had left, and soon she was groping the redhead's chest more purposefully, forcing milk out of her teats and running down her body. Despite her taunts, Mei-Lien could tell that the succubus was getting into this, and the demon leaned down again, this time to give her a brief but passionate kiss as she picked up the pace. Mei-Lien felt herself swiftly approaching orgasm again, and soon enough she couldn't hold back any longer, writhing under the succubus as she came a second time. "Already again? Soon I'll have to teach you better control, but I suppose this is your reward" the succubus grunted out, clearly approaching her own orgasm. A few more thrusts later and she leaned in again, her eyes staring intently into Mei-Lien's as she commanded "now beg your mistress to shoot her cum deep inside you!" grunting and groaning in pleasure until the redhead had done so, and then letting out a lewd cry of pleasure as she sprayed Mei-Lien's inner walls with her thick, incredibly warm spunk. The moment Mei-Lien received her mistress' seed was far better than any orgasm she had ever had, a feeling of tingly warmth and wholeness spreading over every bit of her body. As the last few spurts of cum shot into her the succubus engaged her in a deep, almost tender kiss, and she got a strange feeling she had never had before; she couldn't quite put her finger on what it was, but it was wonderful.

Finally the demon pulled back and out of her, excess cum oozing out of her overfilled pussy, and something strange happened. Her already formidable chest swelled outwards just a little bit more, reacting to something unseen, and something began to happen in her mouth. As the succubus pulled her upright by the collar, her top canines fell out, a good quantity of blood oozing out into her mouth before somewhat longer, sharp fangs burst through. Bizarrely it wasn't painful; it felt like it was something that was simply meant to be, a pleasant feeling. "And now you see the power of the collar, and how lust demons reproduce. Each time you receive my cum you will be tainted by it, until you are far greater than human. If you need it I'll allow you a brief rest before your next activity" the demon explained as Mei-Lien basked in the afterglow of their sex and her slight transformation.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The slow walk was torment to Mei in her current condition, the burning inside intense from the previous tease. She was layed down on the ground with determination, and soon the looming member was prodding at her entry. There was no need to plead for the mistress to push in as the cock slid into her with calculated slowness, filling the martial artist in the most perfect way imaginable. As the long-nailed fingers wrapped around her chest, the redhead found herself getting that long-waited climax from the second push, coating the thrusting invader with her love.

"Yeah... mistress' cock is amazing..." the martial artist gasped, recovering from her release. The fucking soon started again, with considerably more gusto, but still not overtly rough. It was that perfect midway, the demoness' pace. And the mauling of breasts continued as well, soon enough drawing up the milkiness concealed in the lovely orbs. The remark about them brought a little more shame to Mei, and she reddened even more. "No.... I'm not..." she replied feebly, knowing it to be somewhat true. As the milk stained her body, the redhead returned the brief passion of the kiss the best she could in her restrained state, soon feeling another orgasm build in rather quick succession to the previous one. And she did not have to think about it for long, as the pumping member soon hammered in the second climax, making the girl scream in joy. It was a passionate, emotional cry of enjoyment as the redhead's back arched and she squeezed the demoness against her with her legs. "PLEASE MISTRESS! FILL ME WITH YOUR SEED! PUMP MY FOUL HOLE FULL OF YOUR WONDERFUL CUM!" Mei's reply came out loud as she was getting increasingly horny as the act continued. And the mistress was nothing if kind, the load shooting in as soon as it was pleaded for, filling every inch of the girl's insides with their warm stickiness. It was a world-shattering feeling, and as the pleasantness rolled through, the two of them kissed again.

As the demoness pulled away, the excess stuff trickled out to the floor from Mei's hole, no doubt forming a small puddle. A warmth soon passed into her chest, causing a barely noticeable swelling in the love mounds. Another feeling sprang up in her mouth, and the succubus lifted the still-restrained girl upright onto her knees. An explanation was given about what was happening, and the feeling in her mouth soon subsided as Mei spat out her former teeth, accompanied by some of her blood. She probably looked pretty scary at the moment, with all that blood and milk on her chest. Falling back down, the redhead considered her current position in her still-bound state.

She still had most of her pride intact, though this succubus wouldn't see it surface. Mei would be subservient to her, but other creatures still had to watch themselves around the redhead, for she would not be nice if riled. The demoness had her devotion, for the majestic demon was bringing her a desired two-piece combo, power and pleasure. Being around her would surely be fun, so the former champion was willing to be thralled underneath her and give the masochist a little something as well. It would surely be joyous to bring havoc where havoc was due, and Mei was only eager to bring her newfound strenght into a fight. And with her new teeth, no other creature besides her mistress would not insert anything into her mouth without painful consequences.

As she layed down on the floor and took her break, Mei looked up at the demoness, giving a slight nudge at her arm bindings. "Can I ask.... Mistress' name? I'd like to know..." she asked, letting the break go until the succubus tasked her with further things to do.