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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hm. I suppose it is like that" Rosa replied, showing signs of approval of the story as they moved on towards the castle, mostly silently after that.

"Alright, I guess I won't in the future then" Hannah replied to Mei-Lien's bowing comment. The three of them then headed into the castle, Hannah leading them towards the dining room, where they found Erica setting the table. "So how was your first mission?" she asked, setting out four plates of what looked to be some sort of game meat with all sorts of little things to eat on the sides. It was a much more elaborate meal than they had been eating generally, perhaps as a celebration for the group's success. "I trust you didn't have much trouble with them."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The meal looked rather extraordinary for the usual fare they had been eating, possibly moose or other such game meats were in abundance on this set. The pair at home had really gone to town with the foodstuffs. Sitting down to prepare for eating, Mei was quick to reply as she was inquired about the success of their mission. "Not really. One slime got almost destroyed, but the blood of a soldier revived them back to operation. I got a few cuts on me as well, but nothing serious. Though there were a few soldiers there that were not what you had initially told me. One of them was actually pretty good in with his weapon, and required a bit more effort to take down."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hm. Sounds like you had things well under control, then. There's normally at least one who's stronger than he looks. After all, you can never really gauge skill with a blade by simply looking at a person" Erica replied, sitting down and waiting for the others to take their seats before they all dug in after a brief "enjoy." The food was rather excellent; it seemed to have been well-prepared, and the meat itself had an interesting taste to it, rather unlike anything the redhead had tasted before. "She was even fairly lenient with them~ most of them didn't suffer at all" Rosa piped up between bites, causing Erica to raise an eyebrow, but say little else as she kept up eating.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"True that." the newly-initiated demoness agreed, shrugging away the thought and starting to eat the somewhat off-tasting meat. Mei paid the difference no mind, liking it very much, especially after all the weird slop she had to eat around the castle. As she ate, Rosa commented on her brief mercy stroke, what resulted in her not taking hours to torture and kill them. The quick deaths were more beneficial to their cause really. "There was no need to waste time on some amusements like that, better just get the job done. There was also a girl we had to get to safety, so the additional time would not have necessarily been beneficial to her either."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Hm. It's good to see that you have a sense of discipline about you. More than I had at your age, anyway" Erica replied, shrugging, to which Rosa giggled and nudged the demon under the table. The rest of dinner would be relatively uneventful unless Mei-Lien had something to talk about, until finally Erica said "There'll be another outpost that I'll send you after soon enough, but until then you'll have some time to rest and train yourself further. When you're done with dinner you're dismissed."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Discipline is required if you train seriously in martial arts. Anyone who's done that for more than a little bit should know this." Mei remarked back at Erica, not making a further hassle about it. Eating up her portions of the meats and other delicasies offered, the redhead eventually finished her stay at the table, letting Hannah finish before leaving. Most likely both of them would be resting, even though she was not sure what the wiry little mage had been doing when she was gone.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Erica shrugged at Mei-Lien's statement; apparently she hadn't come from a martial arts background like the redhead had, despite her skill with the spear. Hannah finished up her meal just after Mei-Lien, and got up with her as Erica began to clear the table. "If there's anything you want, just ask" Rosa interjected into the redhead's mind, getting up to help her lover with the table. "So, are we going to bed? I thought you might be tired after the fighting" Hannah asked, as she waited for Mei-Lien to decide on what they would do for the night.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Not really, but the offer is appriciated as always." Mei replied mentally to Rosa, opting to skip the interraction with her this time around. It would have to wait for the next time. Instead, she took up to Hannah's offer about resting. "Sure, it's been a somewhat tiring day, we had to sprint about for a good bit. Wouldn't mind taking a rest at this junction." she offered to go with the mage. The new demon would rest once they reached her room, sleeping even if there was a suitable window for such action in their current situation.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Mei-Lien and Hannah went back to the room they now shared, allowing the redhead to strip and flop down onto her bed for the night. Without having to be asked her slave quickly went about massaging her. The mage's magically warmed hands worked the tension and soreness out of Mei-Lien's neck with the skill she had acquired over the course of their time together. The new demon's shoulders, arms, and back were given thorough attention, leaving her feeling quite good and relaxed in her upper body, and soon enough Hannah moved on to her lower body, kneading her buttocks for a while before giving the same attention to her legs and feet. When she was done the mage crawled into bed beside her mistress, curling up next to her to sleep.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The pair retrated back to their sleeping quarters, Hannah seemingly eager to massage Mei once more, wordlessly setting upon the task of making her feel better. And as had been the standard up to this point, the mage did not dissappoint, providing the relaxation without fail as expected. Once the girl stopped and curled in to sleep, Mei once again wrapped a wing around bothe of them, eventually dozing off herself too.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

The two of them quickly drifted off into a deep, restful sleep, and Mei-Lien was allowed to wake up naturally when she was ready. As usual, Hannah was still snoring away, and Erica was sitting on the room's little desk. "When she wakes up I'm going to take her to train a little. I want you to meditate again, until the shapeshifter comes to take you for training of a different kind" the succubus said quietly, so as not to awaken the sleeping mage.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As she had woken up from her sleep, Mei noticed the mistress sitting at her desk, apparently waiting for them to wake up. "Alright. Once she wakes up, we'll do just that." the redhead replied in an equally quiet voice, giving Hannah the time she still insisted on sleeping. The girl did not move from her spot, still keeping the around them both. Once the mage did get up, she would go into the daily meditation session once the two had went along with their business.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah slept soundly for another twenty or so minutes before finally waking up with a yawn and a stretch. "Alright sleepyhead, come with me. Time to get you into shape" Erica barked out, causing the mage to jump up quickly and follow the demon out of the room equally fast. Her speed seemed to amuse the succubus.

When Mei-Lien began to meditate, it took her a little while to find the swirling energy within her again, but over the course of the hours she spent sitting perfectly still and quiet she found that she could focus on it almost without breaks. Towards the end of the time the seemingly chaotic flow and swirl of her energy seemed to become more predictable to her. After a while, though, she was interrupted by a knock on the door, and snapped back to reality to find Rosa standing with her. "I was told to give you about five hours alone before taking you for training, so here I am. You ready?"

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Hannah eventually got up, and was immidiately taken away by the succubus in her possible urgency to train. With the mage gone, Mei settled up to her meditative position once more, spending a good while at tapping and controlling the energies within. She was getting better with practise, but more was still in order for her to be able to master the spiritual stuff.

Snapped out from her searchings by Rosa, Mei sighed but agreed nonetheless. "Suppose I am. Let's go." she said, getting up and going after the shifter once she decided to move on.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Alright" Rosa replied, and soon the two of them were in the plains of the shapeshifter's mindscape, Mei-Lien suddenly wearing the get-up she had been given to wear on her mission. "Well, either we can have a few fights, or we can train you in... other ways. Like I said yesterday, you can drain a person's energy through sex. It has a couple of different purposes, the main one being that you can heal yourself through it, but the downside is that the first time or two you're likely to kill the person you're having sex with, until you can recognize the feelings and control them. It'd be best if you practiced on me. We can save that for later tonight if you want, of course, but your mistress would like to be able to have her fun with you. That's a slight understatement, of course" she continued with a grin, giggling a little after the last line.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

It looked like the training they were to do was about the martial artist's previously mentioned ability to drain another for their energies and heal herself with the stolen life force. But it appeared there was the opportunity to train normally as well. Despite the normal training being the thing she would usually go with, Mei saw it better to get over the "other training" before Erica called upon her. She had no real desire to annoy the mistress, so it seemed the draining training would be the order of the moment. "Better get through the draining exercises then if mistress wants me later, or that's how I think it." the former champion replied, letting Rosa guide her about this fancy ability that was a signature thing for succubi.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

"Alright, sounds like a plan to me" Rosa replied, walking closer to Mei-Lien and grabbing her tail gently, rubbing the spaded head with her fingers. "I doubt you know this, but if you will it you can make your tail an erogenous zone. It works well that way if you want to use it to have sex with a woman. Or a man if he happened to be so inclined" she explained, continuing to fondle the tail. "Now, how this works, so I'm told, is that when a person you are having sex with achieves orgasm, they become... 'open,' so long as you have physical, intimate contact with them, so it doesn't quite work if you're using toys. There will be this odd feeling just before that moment, one that I can't describe to you and that your mistress probably couldn't even describe, and if you recognize it you can 'close' them again before their energy begins to pour into you. You can do the same after draining a little bit of energy, but it's tougher that way. I'm told you're not likely to be able to catch yourself the first time, but that it gets quite a bit easier even after the first experience. I'm also told you can make the draining itself either intensely pleasurable or intensely painful, depending on the emotion you put into it" the shapeshifter finished up her explanation, putting an arm around the demon. "So, any way you want it. You know me, I'm not picky."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

As Rosa explained the general knowledge of life draining and groped the tail Mei had acquired during her transformations, the redhead paid attention and picked up the theory. "Hmm, so that's how it is then. Suppose we'll get to trying it out then." she replied to the shifter as she finished up her brief instruction on the subject. Not seeing any reason to make this into a big and complicated thing, she simply faced the shifter before taking her lips right there, starting to fondle her assets at alternating speeds. Once she could detect Rosa's mood turning on, she would shift aside her clothes to allow skin contact, eventually exposing her lower parts and erogenizing her tail before starting to work on the many-formed being. She would search for that opening with a slow yet determined appliance of the tail, seeking to learn what Rosa had just been talking to her about in the proper physical sense.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Without much prompting Mei-Lien turned to Rosa and closed in, engaging her in a deep kiss and groping her average breasts. She shapeshifter dropped the demon's tail immediately, wrapping her arms around her shoulders and holding her tight as she returned the kiss. When Mei-Lien tried to shift aside her clothing, the shifter helped, her hands moving to swiftly unlace the redhead's corset, the garment falling open and exposing her ample chest to Rosa's skilled hands. The shapeshifter groped away, her nimble fingers gently kneading the large orbs and tweaking their stiffening peaks. Soon enough she herself was letting out soft moans into Mei-Lien's mouth, the redhead's attentions to her breasts proving quite effective.

As Mei-Lien brushed her tail up against Rosa's inner thighs, she found the appendage much more sensitive than it had ever been before, and a little shiver of pleasure ran up her spine. The tail wandered up the shapeshifter's body until it was pressed against her crotch, the spaded head resting against her moist folds. The new succubus would have to fold her tail around itself a bit in order to fit it into the shapeshifter, but once she did it slipped in easily, the shifter more than ready for her. It was a strange and wonderful new sensation for Mei-Lien, and quite pleasurable. Rosa's tight inner walls softly closed around the head of the tail, the shifter's natural warmth and wetness making it all the more comfortable. In the meantime, the skillful hands working at her chest were causing her to lactate, milk starting to coat the soft fingers and run down her stomach. Slowly she started to thrust her tail in and out of Rosa's pussy, drawing lewd moans out of the shifter, but also out of her, the sensations quickly building her pleasure. Vaguely she might wonder if this was how it felt for her mistress whenever the two of them had sex.

For her part Rosa seemed to be enjoying this session thoroughly, perhaps appreciating the change of pace from their normal interactions. Her kisses were passionate, and she worked to press their bodies together as much as possible as she began to tremble a little, sighs and moans of pleasure continuing to escape her as Mei-Lien worked her demonic tail inside the shifter. It had even more of an effect on Mei-Lien, and the redhead's knees began to get weak as the foreign sensation flooded her body. Minutes seemed like hours as she pistoned her tail into Rosa's tight pussy, until Mei-Lien's body seized up, her love juices running down her legs as she came. The shapeshifter held her upright, somehow clamping her inner walls down on the demon's sensitive tail.

As Mei-Lien's orgasm subsided, Rosa whispered "I'm almost there myself, just a little more." The demon began pumping her with the tail again, and the shapeshifter wrapped her arms around her once more, pulling her tighter into the embrace. It took only a few thrusts to get the shifter moaning again, the little shivers of pleasure soon turning into full tremors, before suddenly it felt like a jolt of electricity shot into Mei-Lien's tail and ran up her spine. A second or two later Rosa cried out, caught in the throes of an orgasm, and Mei-Lien could feel a sudden surge of energy rushing into her core. The shapeshifter gripped her back tightly, her eyes growing wide as the ecstasy of orgasm and being drained mixed. The new succubus would find herself unable to shut off the flow, also finding it quite pleasurable herself. Rosa let out a long whimper, her face contorted in pleasure as the orgasm dragged on, and she began to get thinner before Mei-Lien's eyes, her once-iron grip on the demon's shoulders weakening. For a minute and more they were locked together, the shapeshifter dwindling down to skin and bones, laying limp in Mei-Lien's arms, before the redhead had a sudden insight, the instinct of her new demonic form kicking in, and she manged to close off the link between them at the last possible moment.

Rosa sputtered and gasped, breathing heavily as she came down from the absurdly intense and long orgasm, still alive, but too weak to move of her own accord. "That... was... quite amazing... the best... I've had... in a long time..." she whispered, her voice barely audible, before she began to heal herself, her body fleshing out again. "I'm surprised you managed to stop yourself. That was nicely done."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Once the tail found it's way into Rosa, wonderfully pleasurable feelings started to course through Mei as she utilised the appendage to penetrate her companion. She had underestimated the potential of the tail's sensitivity though, finding herself facing a strong climax after a little while spent nailing the shifter's womanhood. Still, the redhead was held up by her partner as the orgasm hit her, making the demonic girl feel weak in the legs for a while. Once she had regained her control, the fighter carried on with the act, the purpose of the whole thing still not achieved.

So, the session continued, and Mei focused her attentions towards Rosa once more. The shifter held her tighter, allowing the former human to put more strenght into her thrusting action. With the shifter's eventual release, the redhead finally saw what she had been talking about during the explanation of the act in general. The stream of energy was very much detectable, and she indulged on the energy eagerly, the potent life force very pleasurable to drain. Rosa seemed to like it as well, but was getting reduced to an empty husk of skin and bones in the demonic fighter's arms. Just before the draining could go all the way through, Mei managed to stop the thing, seeing the shifter come together again after a quick moment. It was as if the flesh had to rebuild itself inside her skin.

"Hmm, alright. Looks like I've managed to pass through these demon things quite efficiently if one looks at the complete scene." Mei remarked upon her progress as a new demon, letting the shifter go after she had returned to full bodily functions.