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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Door...?" the slimegirl said, turning to look where Mei-Lien had pointed. "Door" it said again, more confidently pointing to Hannah and the candles scattered about, and then the door Mei-Lien wanted through. "Go" it said, scooting aside and seeming to gather the darkness around her; if Mei-Lien wanted through the door, she had best go through soon, lest the slime change its mind and try some trickery with its magic.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"This is... unexpected, but I'll see the other room now. We'll move away unless something in there requires further investigation." the fighter said, keeping her eyes on the slime as she moved towards the door and picked Hannah up along the way, keen to see what was hidden behind it.
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah grumbles and moans a bit, beginning to stir as Hannah slings her over her shoulder and moves into the next room. Before she can close the door, it slams shut behind her; the slimegirl seems eager not to have to deal with the two of them again. The room seems sadly empty, though, but something about it just feels wrong. Mei-Lien can't put her finger on it, but she just doesn't feel comfortable here. There are two doors in the room, one to the left, and another to the right, but Mei-Lien feels that there's something particularly ominous about that door. Hannah slowly got up and looked around, looking almost distraught. "Do you hear it this time? The giggling?" she asked, getting up and walking over to the door to the right, though again Mei-Lien couldn't hear a thing. "It's coming from here..." she said, slowly opening the door. Suddenly a tremendous stench filled the room, and Mei-Lien could see even in the flickering candlelight that her normally pale partner had gone turned nearly white. She quickly closed the door as she backed away, not getting very far before falling onto her hands and knees and vomiting.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With Hannah on her shoulder, Mei moved to the other room as the slime let them go pass without any further hassle. She felt somewhat dissappointed about leaving a good fight halfway done, but decided to let it go for now. As the fighter lowered her partner down, the door slammed shut behind them. Ignoring that for the time being, Mei turned back to Hannah as she heard the ghostly giggles again, but the redhead still couldn't.

Once she saw Hannah's reaction to the room behind the other door, Mei just had to see what it was about. Despite the nasty smell, she moved to the door and checked the room beyond
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As Mei-Lien opened the door the smell really hit her, disgusting and overwhelming. She was very quickly able to discover the source of the smell; the room was filled with rotting bodies, most of which seemed to have been hacked at with blades. They were in an advanced state of decomposition, probably at least a year old. None of them seemed to be military, and what was left of their clothing indicated to Mei-Lien that they had likely been farmers. All told there were around 30 bodies piled into the relatively small room, men, women, and children.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Blech, that's foul... the redhead thought as she cracked the door open after Hannah barely managed to close it. Even someone uncaring like her had to take a longer look, just to properly digest what she was looking at. "Someone's had plenty of fun with swords..." Mei aired her opinion before closing the door again, not really savoring the idea of staring at rotting corpses. The smell too was terrible, and she didn't want to feel that full-force all the time.

Once Hannah had recovered from her puking fit, Mei would go for the other door.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"When you were looking, was there... was there a little blonde girl standing there?" Hannah asked, her legs shaky as they went through the door to the left. "I didn't... I didn't think that something like that... A few years ago there was a big to-do about a small farming community that just sort of disappeared. Everyone assumed they skipped out on the people they were renting the land from and fled across the ocean, but... Why would the military do such a thing?" They found themselves in the main hallway again, with a door in front of them, and the path to the exit to their left.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"No, I didn't see anyone. You saw someone in there? This is weird..." Mei replied, listening on to Hannah's story about the farmers. "Hmm.. that I couldn't know about. Though we as a species are capable of hideous acts of violence to further some goal of ours. Maybe the military had some kind of political reason behind this abomination.." she told her own thoughts as they found themselves at the main hall again. The left side was still unlooked, so that's where Mei would go, still sticking to the right if the ever-present twin doors were found at the end of the hall.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah clenched her fists as they walked into the next room, saying "I think I know why they did it... It's just not a reason. Not a reason at all." Further musings were cut off by what they found in the room. This one had a few cots to one side, a door to the left, and another straight up ahead. More prominent was the hole in the wall to their right, and the creature that stood in the middle of the room. It was about nine feet tall, and in the light that filtered in through the hole Mei-Lien and Hannah could see that it was a vaguely blue color, with a strange head that seemed to fit better on a snake than any sort of humanoid, with four little eye sockets set back deep into its face. Just as striking were the long arms that nearly dragged the ground when it stood, and its digitigrade stance; the thing was kind of translucent, as if it were made of slime, but somehow not. The thing hissed at them as it turned their way, half-crouching as it prepared to charge at them.

13/13 HP

5/5 FP

4/4 FP
2/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Huh, maybe I'll know about that some other time..." Mei quieted down for now. They snuck into a new room, perhaps not surprisingly faced with another kind of creature. As she saw the creature prepare for a lunge, Mei too readied an attack once it came over to them. "Look sharp, we have another critter in our hands now.."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 16 vs. 9 T, Hit!
H 6 vs. 13 T, Miss!
H 10 vs. 14 T, Miss!
T 22 vs. 11 M, Hit!
M 13 vs. 14 T, Miss!
H 3 vs. 13 T, Miss!
H 18 vs. 22 T, Miss!
T 19 vs. 6 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien pre-empts the monster's attack with a flurry of her own, landing a solid kick to its face, though the thing blocks her next one with one of its long arms. Hannah launches four fireballs at the monster in quick succession, missing with three of them outright, and the fourth just seemed to be absorbed by the creature. The beast then begins slapping away at Mei-Lien with its powerful arms, already getting in heavy hits to her shoulders and stomach.

12/13 HP

3/5 FP

4/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With a quick counterlunge, the red-haired fighter manages to land a solid blow against the creture but gets her second attempt intercepted by a forearm. In the swirling melee she could see Hannah loose a quartet of fireballs in somewhat hasty manner, as three out of four miss the intended target, whatever this thing was. After receiving a few hard knocks back from the long-limbed creature, Mei fought away the pain from the beating and set back to attacking the critter once more.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 17 vs. 6 T, Hit!
M 7 vs. 12 T, Miss!
M 6 vs. 19 T, Miss!
H 11 vs. 11 T, Hit!
H 6 vs. 20 T, Miss!
H 5 vs. 20 T, Critical Fail!
T 8 vs. 13 M, Miss!
T 20 vs. 12 M, Hit!
T 22 vs. 18 M, Hit!

The battle becomes furious as Mei-Lien and the creature exchange blows; she lands a few hits on the thing's body, but only one of them seems to have noticeable effects, causing the thing to hiss out in pain before it initiating its own barrage of attacks. Mei-Lien manages to block the first of its blows, but the creature sweeps her legs out from under her and gives her a painful kick in the side and a punch in the gut; if things keep progressing like this, she won't be able to keep fighting for much longer. When she's knocked on the ground Hannah shoots off three fireballs at the monster, not having to worry about hitting her partner. The first fireball hits, though the thing jumps out of the way of the second one. The third it seems to catch in its strange hands and throw back at the mage, hitting her square in the chest and causing her to drop to the ground and roll about a bit, trying to put out the fire that is growing on her dress.

10/13 HP

1/5 FP

3/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Tough bastard..." the fighter thought as her strikes barely had any effect on the tall creature, even though one of the kicks was strong enough to cause a reaction. Unfortunately, that reaction was a counter-attack, a terribly succesfull one at that. After getting beaten up a little further, Mei rolled back to her feet, the thought of giving up never crossing her mind as she stood straight once more.

Prepping for another charge, Mei set up into a slightly shaky battlestance before lunging forward with fist held at ready, "Looks bad... but to hell with this, it's do or die time.."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 11 vs. 18 T, Miss!
H 1 vs. 19 T, Counter!
T 16 vs. 17 M, Miss!
M 18 vs. 18 T, Hit!
H 16 vs. 15 T, Hit!
T 11 vs. 2 M, Hit!
H 7 vs. 11 T, Miss!
T 15 vs. 15 H, Miss!
H 6 vs. 19 T, Miss!
T 20 vs. 12 H, Hit!
H 10 vs. 11 T, Miss!
T 8 vs. 9 H, Miss!
H 13 vs. 10 T, Hit!
T 17 vs. 13 H, Miss!

Mei-Lien jumps at the creature, attempting to punch it in the face, but it manages to dodge out of the way. Hannah launches a fireball at it from the ground, but it manages to fluidly catch the thing and throw it back at her again, causing her to scream in a mix of pain and frustration. The creature then preps for a counterattack against Mei-Lien, but the fighter blocks it and delivers a swift hit to its midsection while Hannah hits it with a fireball; maybe they can get through this fight after all. As soon as that thought crosses Hannah's mind, the creature lands a solid punch to Mei-Lien's face, sending her reeling backwards for a few steps before her feet fall out from under her, her body too tired to keep up the fight. She is barely aware of the rest of the fight, as Hannah desperately tries to keep the thing away from her. She does an admirable job of dodging its attacks for a while, but ultimately the young mage is outmatched by the enormous creature, and she receives a kick to the gut that sends her instantly to the floor, groaning as she rolled a little bit. Now all they could do was wait to see what it had in store for them...
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a failed strike, Mei capitalizes on an opening left by the creature's clumsy strike, landing a punishing blow to it's midsection. As things start to look slightly good for the pair, the redhead gets a smack straight to her face, knocking her out of balance. The former champion staggered back, her vision quite foggy, and eventually fell down to her back. Still in a semi-conscious state, she followed the battle between the thing and Hannah through clouded eyes, eventually seeing the mageling fall. "So... I'm going to be raped again..." Mei thought as her strenght failed her, laying down there on her back and imagining what abuse the thing had coming for them.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Having defeated Hannah, the creature gave her a thorough looking over, grabbing at her with its strange, three-fingered hands. The mage whimpered and tried to avoid looking into its beady, deep-set eyes. After about a minute of this treatment the thing hissed and walked away from her, making its way to Mei-Lien. It studied her much as it had studied Hannah, reaching to grope her periodically as it looked her up and down. The beast grunted and began to strip the fighter, apparently satisfied with what it saw. Carefully it pulled her pants off of her, setting them aside and then pushing her dress up and over her head, though it couldn't quite get her arms out of the sleeves unless she helped it. Now that Mei-Lien was naked, the creature reached down to caress her pussy with one of its claw hands. Its skin was cool to the touch as it pressed one of its fingers onto her slit, rubbing it up and down in an attempt to arouse her. It wasn't very successful, as its touch was rough and seemingly unpracticed. For a few minutes it kept this up before realizing its efforts were futile, and it then picked her up, lifting her several feet off the ground and holding her by her midsection. Soon she felt the beast's warm breath on her inner legs, and then a long, wet lick across her slit. The creature licked her again, at the end inserting its prehensile, forked tongue into her folds, swirling it around inside her. The attention soon had its intended effect, drawing moans from Mei-Lien as the creature drew out her love juices. It continued to lap at her pussy for a while before judging her ready, and then lifting her up and away, leaving her frustratingly close to orgasm. As it lifted her up she looked down at the bizarre beast that had defeated her, and noticed that a fairly large cock was starting to protrude from its formerly smooth crotch. For a few moments it extended out, and then the creature began to press Mei-Lien down onto its impressive length. The creature grunted its approval as she slid down to the base of his cock, her juices making a lewd noise as their thighs came together. The beast leaned forward and flicked its long forked tongue against Mei-Lien's face, reaching out to roughly knead a breast as it gripped her waist with the other, holding her still for an agonizing moment as she teetered on the brink of orgasm. The creature then lifted her back up until she was almost off its dick, and then slammed her back down hard, repeating the process as it grunted and hissed. After only a few hard thrusts Mei-Lien was cumming, her body spasming as the creature continued to force her up and down roughly. She felt like a rag doll as the creature fucked her, and she could do nothing but moan weakly as she was worked over. Finally, after almost 20 minutes of fucking, the thing slammed her down hard and let out a loud grunt as it came. Mei-Lien couldn't help but groan in a mixture of pain and pleasure as the creature painted her insides with its seed, holding her down so that none would escape. Despite her arousal, the beating she had received and the long session finally caught up to Mei-Lien, and she began to drift into unconsciousness still skewered on the creature's dick.

When Mei-Lien awoke, she tried but failed to get up, and a quick look showed her that she was pregnant with the creature's spawn. She also noted that Hannah was cradling her head in her lap, and the girl leaned down and said "relax, things will be easier that way." Before Mei-Lien could respond she felt her first contraction, and Hannah gently massaged her shoulders as she whispered encouragement to the fighter. It was a fairly easy birth, as most of what came out of her seemed to be simple slime, though there was a kernel of hardened slime in the mess. Before the two could do anything, the creature appeared in front of them, and picked up the hardened slime with its elongated arms, taking it with it as it left the room through the hole in the wall. "Are you okay? You don't look hurt anywhere" Hannah asked as she let go of Mei-Lien, who felt almost normal all things considered.

The two still had an unexplored door in front of the one they had entered from, and another to the left of it.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Unable to make but the smallest of moves, Mei's vision returned to somewhat better than it had been after clouded by the blow to her face. She could see Hannah being investigated by the strange creature as she laid there, eventually the creature giving a disdainful hiss at the mage and leaving her there. "Bahahaa... rejected... guess you're not good enough, rich girl.." the fighter laughed at Hannah in her mind, even as the thing now turned it's attention to her. It leaned down to feel and look over her shapely, currently weakened form, tracing the fighter's shape with it's hands. After what Mei thought was a sign of approval, the critter began to strip her, managing to get her pants away quite easily but having trouble with her dress. With this occurrence, the redhead started to gain an ego towards her partner. "Even these monsters think I'm better than you... inferior little rich girl..." she continued thinking, helping the creature get the dress off by lifting her arms up. With the girl's help, the thing quite easily pulls the dress away and tosses it aside.

Now that her healthy, fit form was exposed, Mei felt the creature attempting to tease her with a clawed finger. It didn't quite work though, as it's touch was rough. "Ehhh.. you need to try something else, Mr. Sandpaper Fingers, that's not very pleasing...." the fighter managed to say in a quiet voice. The creature didn't listen to her though and kept going at it for a couple of minutes, until it finally gets the idea that it wasn't doing anything useful. It changes to another tactic, wrapping it's hands around Mei's waist and lifting her clear off the ground. Not quite sure what was happening, the fighter managed to bend her head forward just in time to feel a tongue slide across the entire lenght her womanhood, finally giving the redhead some enjoyment. "Ahh yes... that's more like it.." she gasped as the tongue was inserted partially inside her and moved about to bring forth her sounds of pleasure along with the sex fluids. Mei's pink flower was tasted for quite along time by the hungry tongue, and the red-haired girl could feel her first climax rising from the depths of ecstasy. But then, like a slap to the face, the creature stopped eating away at her, leaving the girl painfully unsatisfied and close to the edge. If she had the strenght, Mei would've punched the thing across it's serpentine face for doing this to her.

But it seemed like the main event was still coming, as Mei saw during a brief glance downwards. A lenghty member was slowly reaching it's full size as it retracted from the creature's crotch, reaching full size in a matter of moments. "Oh shit... That thing... I can take it..." the fighter thought as she saw the slimy spear, as a slight fear crossed her mind that it might break through her womb and damage her internal organs with it's sheer lenght. The beast moved her down towards the organ, pressing her folds against the tip of the member briefly before it entered her. Another grunt of approval was given to Mei as she slid down the huge cock, every passing inch giving her mixed feelings of pleasure and pain. A sloppy sound could be heard from between her legs as the fighter reached the bottom of the shaft, her body actually taking the lenght in rather nicely considering it's size. The creature held her there for a while, impaled deeply upon it's meatstick as a hand started to feel up Mei's chest once again, the other still gripping her waist firmly with three clawed fingers. The tongue that had previously been hungrily devouring her pussy now flicked across the redhead's face as she was kept in the bottom of penetration for another abusively long moment. "Dammit... don't just... enjoy this yourself... if you must violate my body... at least be courteous enough to give me some enjoyment as well... Mei grumbled at the thingy that was raping her, and got an answer soon enough as she started to rise up, only to be slammed down hard. After about five or six such full-lenght pushes, the fighter finally got what she had been waiting for, riding the wave of ecstasy as her climax finally came. Trembling from the joy she received, the former champion was subjected to nearly half an hour of such long strokes. She couldn't offer any resistance or co-operation at this point, having gone limp in the creature's clutches, the only sign of consciousness being her quiet sounds of pleasure. Once the creature was ready, it pulled Mei down roughly along the lenght of it's member, spearing her completely and preventing any possible leaking as the organ started making a big deposit of hot white stuff straight into the fighter's womb. Bending her body backwards, Mei felt her consciousness fade as she was filled, still skewered on the sizeable member.

Once she returned to her senses, the fighter saw her flat stomach had been inflated to baby-bearing size again, and that her head was nestled in Hannah's lap. "Yes... I know... I'll make it..." Mei replied, quite confident at her ability to deal with the situation. She had worked through three huge eggs before, and was sure this wouldn't be nearly as bad. As the mage started to massage her shoulders, the redhead rubbed her huge belly in curiousity, feeling how it felt like to pass time. Eventually, slime began to expel from her, a hardened clump of it drawing a little cry of hurt from Mei as it exited her body. When the thing made a brief return to pick up it's child, the former champion let out a small chuckle. "Bring 'em up to a healthy adulthood, "dad"..." she thought, eventually getting up as her strenght was starting to return. "Considering what I just went through, actually pretty good. My chin and lower parts ache slightly, but that's about it..." she gave her answer to Hannah, before moving on to dress again. The creature had enough consideration to not tear up her clothing, after all.

Once she was properly clothed and equipped, Mei would lead her companion into the next room in the left side.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah follows Mei-Lien through the door after having re-lit her candle, staring at the ground as she walked. They came out in a room lined with bunked beds, and it was clear that they'd found the living quarters for the barracks. Hannah seems about to say something when she's stopped by a strange skittering sound. "What do you suppose that was?" she asked, raising her candle and looking about the room. The skittering sound continues, though they can't see anything in the flickering light; perhaps whatever is causing it is under the beds... The two of them can, however, just make out some things the light is glimmering off of in the far corners. They almost look like webs... Hannah turns back towards the door, and spots a spider the size of a small dog poking out from under a bed, seemingly webbing the door. "This might be bad..."


5/5 FP

4/4 FP
2/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Having entered the new room, the pair seemed to have entered the room that was once the soldier's sleeping area and personal quarters. As the sound echoes across the room, Mei is on guard again, having already encountered numerous things in the building. "No doubt we'll find out soon..." she replied to Hannah's question, looking about the room in the little precious light they had. Initially they can't see anything, but something shimmery presents itself to them afterwards. "Ok.. now I think I know what we're facing.."

Once Hannah turns and spots the arachnid under the bed, Mei instantly locks onto the thing with her gaze. She was quite sure it would be hard to hit the thing when it was under the bed, so the redhead steadily moved closer to it, letting it go about it's business. Once she was close enough to grab it, Mei would pull it away from it's little hideyhole and into the open.