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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Oh, I know it won't" the slimegirl replied, "but it won't reward you either, and I'm patient. I can do this all day. Can you?" She grinned again as she leaned in close to Mei-Lien, continuing the teasing. It seemed to be getting to Hannah; she was starting to grind herself on the wedge when it slowed down, nearly desperate for release as the teasing got more potent, bringing her to the edge of climax and then backing off as she cried out in frustration. It did the same to Mei-Lien, slowly building her up and then stopping to leave her hanging. The treatment started to become torturous, and it was clear that the slimegirl was willing to keep it up until the two of them begged her to go all out.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Rrrrgh, you little..." the fighter cursed as the pleasuring torment continued. She was getting immensely frustrated, and eventually gave up on trying to weather the barrage of teasing. "I give up.... please, make me feel good... I can't take this torture anymore..." Mei actually lowered her head as she said it, showing a rare sign of submission to the slime.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a few more minutes of the torturous treatment Hannah broke down. "Please, stop this. Just make me cum, please..." she said, and the slimegirl grinned impossibly wide. "Sure I will. Just as soon as your friend here gives in" she replied. Mei-Lien held out for a few more trips to the edge before finally giving in. "There we go. That wasn't so hard, right?" the slimegirl replied, and the wedge of slime under Mei-Lien picked up speed, rubbing quickly along her pussy, each little bump and ridge stimulating her a little more. Faster and faster it went, quickly bringing the frustrated redhead to her first orgasm. The hardened slime slowed down, bringing her down gently and then giving her a brief rest as the slimegirl moved over to begin groping the redhead's plentiful chest. "It'd be a shame if these didn't get any attention" she said, her cool, slimy hands kneading the soft flesh and playing with Mei-Lien's stiff nipples with her "fingers." After a time a bit of milk leaked out into the slime's constructed hands, and she let out a happy cry. "Oh how rare, and how delicious" she said, her hands suddenly changing shape to encase the redhead's breasts, applying suction as they massaged her flesh, little bits playing with her nipples as the milk began to flow. This was perhaps one of the best feelings she had encountered in the EGG; a pleasant pressure building up inside her chest and then being released in a steady torrent.

"Now keep an open mind for this next bit, I'll bet you'll come to like it" the slimegirl said, suddenly leaning forward and kissing Mei-Lien deeply, an unnaturally long slime-tongue playing about in her mouth as the slime wedge beneath her started moving again. After a minute of stimulation a very tiny, low-voltage shock ran through her lower body, clenching all of her muscles and then relaxing them. It was a weak enough shock that there was no pain, it just felt very strange, leaving a somewhat pleasant tingling feeling in her lower body. It seemed to make her more sensitive, making the ministrations of the slime all the more effective. After a few more minutes of this treatment she fed the slimegirl another flood of her juices as she came, the slime enthusiastically making out with her. This time it didn't let up, continuing to speed up as it sawed mercilessly into Mei-Lien's hypersensitive slit. Soon she felt another small shock, and her body convulsed slightly. Her limbs felt weak and limp, the tingling overpowering her body. More liquid slime rose up around Mei-Lien, massaging her legs and stomach as the wedge continued to grind swiftly against her. Soon enough she came again, and though she would normally be tired she realized that somehow the slimegirl was keeping her conscious. It broke off the kiss and said "sorry, I need more." The slime kept up its assault on the redhead, finally milking her dry. One of the slimegirl's hands wandered down to Mei-Lien's clit, giving it much the same treatment it had given to her breasts, encasing it and teasing it with little bits of hardened slime. The wedge was moving at an intense speed now, and Mei-Lien came hard again. She was starting to feel rubbed raw, but the slime didn't let up. It carried on for what seemed to Mei-Lien like forever, making her cum many more times, the constant stimulation making her lower body sore and raw. Finally she was mercifully allowed to pass out.

She awoke to the sight of Hannah healing her, their clothes over in a pile. Thankfully she had perfect control of her limbs, though she was still quite sore. It seemed the slimegirl had put them in the room they had come from. "That was... really intense. And not in a good way" Hannah muttered, finishing up and then walking over to get her clothes.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After her submitting gesture, Mei got what she wanted so badly after all that teasing and torment. For once the words had left her lips, the grinding between her legs started once more, all those bumps along the wedge continuing their work as they rubbed along her lower lips. With all the previous working on her, the redhead reached her climax quite fast when she was allowed to, giving out a gush of juices for the slime to feed on. An extremely short rest period swooshed past her, and eventually the slimegirl took the fight to her magnificent breasts, finding them lactating due to a previous encounter. This seemed to please the gooey woman to no end, and soon enough she too began to milk and tease Mei with her transforming hands, trapping the orbs inside them to provide suction. With the milk now being drawn out from her once more, Mei found herself in quite a pleasurable situation. Despite the feelgood aspect of getting herself emptied, the fighter was getting bad thoughts about becoming addicted to milking, so intense the waves of joy were at times.

With the milking still going on, the slime moved forward with it's strategy. As their mouths met, a long tongue played with Mei's, almost reaching down her throat with it's lenght. The wedge started rubbing her lower regions again as well, bringing the fighter back to the stimuli train before a current of electricity passed through her legs and lower body. It somewhat surprisingly didn't pain the girl, just felt extremely odd, something like those electric exercising things they sold back in the real world. But it seemed to have an additional effect as well, as the wedge's attentions were all of a sudden much more intense despite having not changed at all. "It's... sensitizing me...." Mei thought among all the waves of pleasure she was going through, soon afterwards gushing out again as her new condition made the redhead easy to make orgasm with almost no effort. Having received two climaxes in quick succession, she was already starting to wear out but another shock coursed through the girl's fit lower body, making her even more sensitive. Despite her limbs growing weak and a tingly sensation overcoming most of her body, the redhead's assailant didn't let up, relentlessly milking and grinding into her. All the stimuli made Mei's eyes flutter, and soon she was in a trance-like state, noticing nothing but the pleasure that was sweeping over her whole being. Eventually the milk on her chest stopped, making the slimegirl exchange tactics. A hand trapped the fighter's clit and began to treat it in much the same way as her boobs just a moment ago. The fighter's head fell back as the pleasure threatened to overcome her conscious mind under the barrage of orgasms. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets and the girl's tongue hung out from her mouth, as she was well and truly fucked silly by the constant pleasure peaks that she couldn't count soon afterwards. Somewhere along the line, she was thankfully alllowed to fade out, as the slime demonstrated previously that it had the potential to keep victims aware for long periods of time.

When her awareness returned, Mei found herself under Hannah's healing touch. She was sore, but in control and the equipment was there near them. "Yeah... one of those "fuck through the night" experiences... even with a human partner, these kinds of fuckfests can be hazardous to your health..." she replied to the mage's sentiments, wobbling back to her feet and re-equipping once the healing was done. After everything was back on, she'd take the door and see if the turret in this corridor had anything in it.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah clothed herself quietly, waiting for Mei-Lien to do the same and then following her through the door to the turret. The two climbed up the winding stairs all the way to the top. The view was much the same as in the last one, and there wasn't anything there except a bow propped up against the wall near a slit, in perfect condition, but without any arrows. "Hmm... It's a shame neither of us are archers, this is a nice bow. I think it's enchanted in some way. Maybe it isn't even meant to fire arrows" Hannah said, looking it over and giving it a few probing touches.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The girls climb up to the turret, finding it as equally empty as the previous one. But there was the exceptionally fine-looking bow there. Despite her having no real skill with one of those, something in the weapon told her to take it with her. "I'm thinking of still taking it with me.." she thought, picking up the thing and leaving back for the paths they hadn't visited yet.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Probably not a bad idea. Maybe if I could figure out exactly how it was enchanted I'll be able to do something with it" Hannah said, following Mei-Lien back down and into the gateroom after she took the bow. They walked forward through the door and into the next room, a plain but clean empty room with only one thing in it, that thing being a fairly large wolf. "Something about it seems wrong somehow" Hannah muttered as it got up off its belly and snarled at them, walking carefully toward them. As it did, tentacles started to lift out of its back. "What the Hells...?"

Tentacle Wolf
11/11 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The pair worker their way back through the halls, eventually reaching the gate room and the way forward. After a door, there was a wolf-inhabited room. Perhaps not surprisingly, the large canine got hostile upon seeing the girls, rising to it's feet and sprouting a set of tentacles. "Great, another representive of the local wildlife wanting to rape us.." the fighter thought as she saw the critter activate, immidiately moving forward to take the iniative and smack at the wolf.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 16 vs. 15 W, Hit!
H 2 vs. 13 W, Miss!
H 8 vs. 9 W, Miss!
W 18 vs. 6 M, Hit and Grappled! 3, Aroused!
M 3 vs. 12 W, Miss!
H 12 vs. 11 W, Hit!
H 14 vs. 21 W, Miss!
W 12 vs. 15 M, Miss!
M 19 vs. 5 W, Hit!
H 3 vs. 4 W, Miss!
H 17 vs. 12 W, Hit!
W 6 vs. 8 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien punches the wolf in its face, causing it to let out a pained howl, though it easily deflects Hannah's fireballs with its tentacles. The tentacles then grab Mei-Lien, slapping her about the shoulders and taking hold of her as slime starts to dissolve parts of her dress, seeping through to arouse her slightly. She can't hit the wolf or escape the grapple immediately, but Hannah frees her with a fireball, allowing her to get in a good kick to the wolf as she rolls away; it's unable to retaliate, and finds itself the victim of another fireball.

Tentacle Wolf
7/11 HP

4/5 FP
1/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/3 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The predictable way of attack allows Mei to take the first strike, her fist impacting right in the middle of the wolf's nose. Before the fighter can recover from her attack, a fireball is swatted away and the tentacles on the creature's back coil around her. She could only struggle against the thing for a while as a few holes melted into her dress, but a fireball freed her before any bigger damage occurred. Taking a kick at the things before she rolled away, Mei was now standing almost equal with the canine once more. She didn't see any real strategy to be had here, so the girl just moved forwards to push the attack
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 13 vs. 8 W, Hit!
H 2 vs. 8 W, Miss!
W 20 vs. 7 M, Hit and Grappled, 1, Resist Arousal!
M 17 vs. 8 W, Hit!
H 2 vs. 23 W, Counter!
W 7 vs. 15 M, Miss!
M 5 vs. 20 W, Counter!
H 10 vs. 13 W, Miss!
W 9 vs. 2 M, Hit and Grappled, 3, Aroused!

Mei-Lien's attack continues to be successful as she lands another hit on the wolf, though its tentacles manage to slap at her again and grab her, though this time the slime that dissolves a little of her dress doesn't manage to arouse her. She manages to tear one of the beast's tentacles out from its back, which quickly causes it to drop her, though it's in perfect position to lunge at Hannah with its body, and she barely manages to bring up her arm to keep it away from more vital parts of her body, and she let out a cry of pain as the wolf took a chunk of flesh out of her arm with its teeth. It then charges to Mei-Lien, slashing at her stomach with its claws and then grabbing her with its tentacles, the slime doing its job and arousing her slightly. She's already quite tired, and probably won't last another hard hit.

Tentacle Wolf
5/11 HP

Mei-Lien (Grappled, -0 to Attack)
1/5 FP
2/10 AP

4/5 FP
0/3 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Another hard blow from Mei's fist cracks into the tentacled wolf creature, no doubt causing a minor fracture in the thing's anatomy. Still, her return to form is a bit too slow and it costs her, resulting in another grapple and more damage to her clothing. Before the damage gets too serious, a strong grip on the tentacles holding her allow the fighter to tear one away, thus freeing her to recover. After a quick lunge at Hannah, the thing takes the clumsy attack from Mei and effortlessly uses it, clawing and partially restraining her once more. As more slime creeps into her body and arouses her, the redhead fights against the constricting tentacles in an effort to smack herself away from the slimy embrace.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 21 vs. 19 W, Hit!
H 4 vs. 12 W, Miss!
W 16 vs. 2 M, Hit!
H 4 vs. 13 W, Miss!
W 14 vs. 18 H, Miss!
H 9 vs. 8 W, Hit!
W 13 vs. 2 H, Hit and Grappled, 3, Aroused!
H 4 vs. 4 W, Hit!
W 6 vs. 18 H, Miss!
H 1 vs. 17 W, Counter!
W 21 vs. 18 H, Hit and Grappled, 2, Resist Arousal!
H 4 vs. 18 W, Miss!
W 7 vs. 7 H, Miss!
H 5 vs. 12 W, Miss!
W 16 vs. 7 H, Hit!

Mei-Lien launches another attack, which connects with the by-now badly wounded wolf, though it quickly lashes out with its tentacles and slaps her hard across the face, knocking her to the ground. She finds herself unable to get up, too exhausted from the fight. She watches Hannah have a long, drawn-out battle with the betentacled wolf, giving almost as good as she got, but a bite that took a chunk out of her side seemed to bother her greatly, and she couldn't quite manage to fight properly after that, eventually being felled by the wolf. As the beast circled them, snarling, she seemed to try to heal the worst of the damage to herself, succeeding at least in stopping her bleeding as far as Mei-Lien could see.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Still not able to get her recovery up to speed with her attack, Mei has success with the strike yet again but the slowness is punished by a hard slap to the face that downs her. After witnessing a battle between the wounded tentacle wolf and Hannah, the redhead finds them at the losing end, yet again. "Why can't.... we win..." she cursed, no doubt going to be on the receiving end of another violation soon. She hoped that Hannah got the worst bite out from the wounds before she too was subjected to the rapings, as to avoid any serious after-effects
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The wolf circled around Mei-Lien and Hannah, growling and snarling at them, getting closer to sniff at them as its tentacles flared. Perhaps it was trying to decide what to do with the intruders as it inspected them, but after a minute or so seemed to come to a decision, the tentacles quickly ripping their clothes off. The tentacles slathered the two of them in the aphrodisiac slime, readying them for its attentions as it tugged Mei-Lien's rear up and dragged Hannah across the floor until it allowed her to come to rest in front of the redhead. Mei-Lien felt the wolf's erect cock begin to rub up against her rapidly moistening flower as its tentacles moved to restrain Hannah's arms behind her back and spread her legs wide, as if intentionally putting her on display for her companion.

In an instant the wolf penetrated Mei-Lien, and she was likely grateful for the aphrodisiacs; if she hadn't been prepared physically for it, the large cock probably would have hurt her. At the same time tentacles forced their way into all of Hannah's holes, already pistoning furiously inside the mage. She tried to struggle, but the tentacles held her firmly in place, not allowing her much room even to wiggle. The wolf's tentacles also moved to hold Mei-Lien in place and forward-facing, forcing her to watch Hannah as a tentacle forced its way into her mouth and started to thrust, though not particularly forcefully. The redhead could feel the animal's long, thick cock force its way into her womb with each thrust, easily parting her cervix. The wolf fucked them this way for several minutes before Mei-Lien felt the now familiar feeling of tentacles wrapping several loops around her ample breasts and tugging at them, the tip of the tentacles waving over and teasing her nipples. It didn't take long for her to start releasing her milk into a growing puddle on the floor. In this time Mei-Lien could see and hear the tentacles bring Hannah to orgasm, and felt that her own was not far off thanks to the combination of aphrodisiacs and the sensations of being milked and fucked deeply. A pair of minutes later she came, involuntarily writhing under the wolf; this seemed to encourage it, and it started to thrust even faster, its heavy balls slapping against her as it became eager to empty their contents into the redhead.

Meanwhile the tentacles lifted Hannah into the air as they pounded her in an alternating rhythm, her body bouncing and shaking with every powerful thrust as she was pulled in closer to the wolf and Mei-Lien. The redhead could feel that the next phase of the experience was beginning as the base of the wolf's cock began to expand, bumping up against her labia somewhat ominously. Slowly and painfully she began to stretch to accommodate the animal's knot, though it turned to pleasure quickly enough. When it forced its way into her the wolf pistoned furiously, short, very quick thrusts tugging outward and then driving the tip of its cock into her womb again, the sensation causing her to cum again; her orgasm seemed to bring about the wolf's, and soon she felt herself flooded with its warm seed. The tentacles stimulating her also exploded, pumping the sticky stuff down her throat and onto her chest, as well as into and onto Hannah; enough tentacles were hovering around her that they began to shower her with cum, leaving no part of her body uncovered. The young mage came hard as she was filled, some of her love juices squirting out around the tentacle and onto Mei-Lien's face. As the redhead slowly came down from her high, she felt her belly expand at the sheer amount of cum being pumped into her, none of which could escape as a result of the wolf's knot. When it was finally finished with its orgasm the wolf laid Hannah down and then laid down on top of the exhausted Mei-Lien, licking at the side of her face as she drifted into unconsciousness, still tied to it.

When she awoke her belly was still quite large, though the cum had leaked out into a puddle below her. Hannah was laying where she had fallen, still unconscious and covered in cum. The wolf was laying down not far away, staring at Mei-Lien, undoubtedly waiting for her to birth his pups.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Get on with.. it. I.. know what will happen..." Mei cursed the wolf from her downed position, regardless of it understanding her or not as the beast circled them. She knew what the critter wanted, to at least rape the pair for some reason, or use them as breeding platforms for it's offspring. And she was not wrong, as their clothes were torn away and their bodies coated with aphrodisiacs to prepare for the coming event. Both of them were set up according to the beast's desires, and it seemed to have chosen the fighter as the bearer of the babies as it set itself over her. As the baby maker started to rub against her nether regions, she got the feeling of superiority once again as her body was deemed worthy to bear the cubs of the wolf over Hannah who just got the tentacle treatment. Despite it seeming so wrong, she couldn't help but think about it.

Once the wolf had mounted and penetrated her properly, the moaning fighter's upper body was lifted up from the ground by a few tentacles that lashed around her arms and lifted her off the ground, while her feet and ass remained firmly low on the ground so she could properly fucked. The member violating her was thick and long, filling her insides almost completely as she was stretched and hammered down to the inside of her womb with ease. The martial artist's cries of pleasure increased in volume with each poke into her, but soon her mouth was plugged by an invading tentacle that proceeded to rape her face as well. Despite not being too fond of oral, Mei didn't feel an urge to bite at the offending lenght of meat in her current semi-confused and aroused state, and the wolf knew gentleness enough to not fuck down into her digestive system. So she took the whole treatment in as a whole, filling the air with muffled sounds of joy. A few minutes passed as the wolf violated her like this, keeping her in the same pose as it's cock kept plowing into her depths in an attempt to get the wolf to release it's seed. Eventually a pair of thinner tendrils found the girl's chest, and like almost every monster since the milking poison had affected her physique, the wolf too took to extracting the redhead's milk from her. Running a few loops around the sizey mounds of love, the tentacles began to apply squeeze on them, actually managing to get more liquid out from her. Mei was somewhat amazed at the speed and amount of her milk production, the slime had just drained her for all available milk some time ago and she was already leaking more now as the attention was brought on her lactating parts again. The periodic tugs got her into a whole new level of arousal, which was somewhat heightened upon the sight of Hannah getting used and abused in front of her. She soon climaxed as all the stimulation got to her, shivering in the hands of the orgasm as the wolf picked up speed, now more intent on getting it's seed into her.

A swelling began to occur at the canine's member, stretching Mei to her limits as it occurred. She had heard about dogs doing this kind of thing when they mated, and now she was going to experience it firsthand. The shaft had soon developed an inflated part on it, and getting it out was unlikely in this state. With her fate quite practically sealed by this occurrence, the fighter knew that she wasn't going to leave without giving birth to whatever she would produce from the thing's seed. Without warning, she got another orgasm as the wolf started to nail her like a jackhammer, rapid and short thrusts as it couldn't get the inflated cock out far enough to make those long strokes anymore. As she writhed in the throes of ecstasy, Mei could feel herself getting steadily filled with hot animal seed. More of the stuff was forced down her mouth and onto her chest as well from the ones that had been squeezing her. Even Hannah joined in on staining her, the cum-drenched mage squirting some juices at the fighter's face as she was climaxing along with them. As the euphoria from her climax subsided, Mei could feel the jizz still entering her, the wolf had a tremendous load to empty inside of her. And as none of it got out, her usually flat stomach was inflating to monstrous sizes once again. When the torrential release was finally over, the swelled redhead was released and slumped down on the floor, the feeling of the invading member still holding her and the warm, wet licks on her face the last things she knew before passing out.

Waking up eventually, Mei found herself lying in a pool of excess cum that she had no doubt released. Her belly was still in it's huge state though, and she was in no position to get back on her feet with the monstrous swelling weighting her down. With the wolf watching over her, what happened next was clear. Preparing herself somehow to the coming birth, she saw that Hannah was alright, if unconscious and covered in the sticky white stuff. "Right.... better get this over with.." she thought as the waiting for the inevitable started.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien didn't have to wait too long, as she soon felt the first contraction and let out an involuntary groan. This woke Hannah up finally, and the young mage slowly sat up, mumbling as she did. She tried to scrape and scratch the dried cum off her body with limited success, and with a heavy sigh she crawled over to Mei-Lien, taking up a position between her legs, apparently to help with the birth. "It's okay, I've midwifed puppies before" she said, perhaps an attempt at humor as the contractions came closer and closer together. Mei-Lien pushed hard, soon birthing a small gray wolf pup, which Hannah kept from hitting the ground and gingerly set aside on the stone, waiting for the next one. It came a bit after that, this one a tiny bit easier than the last. In all she had four little wolf pups, a mildly painful but mostly tiring experience, and Hannah gently nudged them towards their dad, who walked over to push them towards a corner with its tentacles. Hannah quickly put her hands on Mei-Lien, healing her of the last few remnants of the battle with the wolf, then doing the same for herself before going back to trying to clean herself. "I think the clothes are all salvageable, so we can go when you're ready." Mei-Lien then saw a popup:

Hannah has gained Magic Expertise Level 1
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

It did not take long for the signs of the birthing to start. Clutching her badly distended belly, Mei let out a slight groan that was enough to wake Hannah up from her climax-induced sleep. The mage took up position between the fighter's legs, to help the puppies reach the world from the depths of their moher's womb as she pushed them fore one at a time. Hannah was wise to send them away to the father before the redhead recovered from the event. Had the opportunity shown itself, Mei would've taken their lives to spite the wolf that had raped them. Once the ordeal was over and her shape back to normal, the martial artist let herself get healed before their clothes were mentioned. "Should we look for a place to clean up or what? I'd like to get my clothes back on as soon as possible." she asked, getting up to her feet and taking a quick stretch. The girl was otherwise ready to leave the room behind.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I don't think we can count on finding a bath here, we might as well just put our clothes on. It's not like the stuff is wet anymore, so they won't stain or anything. Still, I'd rather not have to feel so... crusty..." Hannah replied, starting to patch up their clothes. "You can go naked until we find a way to clean up if you want, though, I can just put your clothes in the backpack" the mage continued, slipping on her own clothes.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Hmph, can't be sure about there being any spots, yes. I'll just slip back into my clothes." Mei replied, taking her clothes and dressing up. She was less crused than Hannah was, so it was not so bad. Once she had dressed back into her dress, she'd ake them forward to the only remaining direction they hadn't been to yet.