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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two walked through the door to continue on deeper into the castle, past the wolf, who was preoccupied with caring for his litter. They walked out into a long hallway that ran almost the length of the castle; in the distance they could see an imposing door. To either side not far off were two doors. They chose the door to the right as usual, and came out in a room that was empty except for a chest, and a door that led in the same direction as the hallway from before. "The layout of this castle doesn't make any practical sense..."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Better stay away... it won't end well for you and your brats..." Mei thought as she moved past the wolf and litter. They went along the corridors once more, going along for quite a while before there was a trio of doors in front of them. Like the tradition had been since the first dungeon, they went for the right first, finding a nearly-empty room. Only a chest was there along with a door. "Yeah, there is something fishy going on with the architecture." she replied, going for the chest to see if something was in there. The redhead took some care to open it, going for the lid a bit off the side in an effort to avoid a possible trap.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Inside the chest they found a book. It was bound in red leather, with big black letters emblazoned across the front that said A Treatise on Magical Archery. It wasn't particularly thick, so it was probably just a basic overview or how-to guide. "If I read this a little before bed I might be able to figure out how to use that bow. Maybe a few times, actually. It's probably not that easy."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei eyed the book somewhat curiously, but her interest faded upon realizing it was a book for spellcasters. Still, it wouldn't go to waste if Hannah was able to draw some benefit from it's pages. "Good to know that I didn't carry this thing around for nothing..." she said, indicating the bow she had strapped to her back. Once they had taken the book and investigated anything else, she'd lead them to the door that was on the left.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah nodded, following Mei-Lien through the next door to a room that was also empty, this one with a rather large slime in the middle of it. "It's like this castle is just set up to hold monsters..." she said, getting behind Mei-Lien and preparing for battle. "That wolf wasn't even natural either. Wolves don't just grow tentacles. What's going on here?"

10/10 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
3/3 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Yet another goo monster waited for them inside the other door. It was a somewhat too convenient place for it to be. Knowing that the slime wouldn't hold back, Mei moved towards it with determination. "It does look way too out of the normal order of things... better hope this is not a barracks or something in the case of some invasion...." she said, preparing her shapely foot for the first attack at the gelatinous menace.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 19 vs. 7 S, Hit!
H 11 vs. 14 S, Miss!
H 8 vs. 11 S, Miss!
S 6 vs. 17 M, Miss!
M 4 vs. 7 S, Miss!
H 7 vs. 7 S, Hit!
H 16 vs. 19 S, Miss!
S 12 vs. 18 M, Miss!
M 20 vs. 20 S, Hit!
H 4 vs. 8 S, Miss!
H 6 vs. 6 S, Hit!
S 9 vs. 10 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien punted the slime against the wall with some force, which completely threw off Hannah's aim. The slime then launched itself at Mei-Lien, who sidestepped it easily; it fell harmlessly against the ground, allowing Hannah to blast it with a fireball. The slime rebounded quickly, flying at Mei-Lien, but she batted it away with a swift punch, and Hannah hit it with a fireball. All in all, a good start to the battle.

6/10 HP

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/3 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The mindless goo was an easy enough opponent to predict, and Mei's swift low kick sent it flying against the wall as she gauged any possible evasion maneuvers it could make. Despite Hannah missing with her double burst of fire, the girls managed to keep the slime away with ease. After a few more strikes, fireballs and dodge rolls, the pair held the upper hand pretty firmly. Still, the redhead didn't allow breathers for herself yet, as the numerous fights had told her this could still go both ways despite the great start. With that in mind, she kept on the attack.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 5 vs. 16 S, Miss!
H 7 vs. 12 S, Miss!
S 20 vs. 7 M, Hit and Grappled, 3, Resist Arousal!
M 12 vs. 5 S, Hit!
H 12 vs. 15 S, Miss!
S 6 vs. 13 M, Miss!
M 5 vs. 2 S, Hit!
H 19 vs. 11 S, Hit!
S 21 vs. 2 M, Critical Hit and Grappled, 3, Resist Arousal!

Mei-Lien's next attack missed, as the slime moved a bit faster than it had been moving. It also dodged Hannah's fireball, and quickly engulfed Mei-Lien's feet, the slime starting to seep into her skin and tire her out. She kicked it off of her and then quickly attacked it again, hitting it hard and setting it up for another fireball from Hannah, though the slime suddenly lunged at her, tackling her to the ground as it started to engulf her head.

3/10 HP

Mei-Lien (Grappled, -0 to Attack)
2/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
0/3 MP
0/10 AP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The next low scythe of a kick missed, the slime was clearly getting a hang of Mei's tactics after a few exchanges of attacks. The thing hardly paid attention to Hannah's magic, letting the projectile pass over harmlessly before the main body crept up the fighter's feet. Before too much damage could occur, she pulled one leg free and punted the goop away, landing another kick at it before it even landed from the knockback. As the thing hit the ground, Hannah flamed it with a calculated blast. Still, a slow return to form cost Mei and she got her head tackled and engulfed as the sizeable slime bounced and pushed her to the ground. The redhead didn't want to get the slime inside her mouth, so she was determined to get it away from her head. Not really seeing a good way to attack an opponent that was on her own head, she opted to just attempt a pull-away to get into a more safe situation for attack
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 20 vs. 8 S, Hit!
H 6 vs. 5 S, Hit!
S 21 vs. 16 M, Hit and Grappled, 4, Aroused!
M 10 vs. 16 S, Miss!
H 3 vs. 13 S, Miss!
S 2 vs. 12 M, Miss, 2, Resist Arousal!
M 8 vs. 4 S, Hit!

Mei-Lien managed to pull the slime off her before it managed to do anything too serious to her, actually flinging it into the wall hard enough to injure it. Hannah also got in a good hit with a fireball, though that didn't stop it from attacking Mei-Lien again, hitting her just as she got up, the slime seeping in and tiring her out almost to exhaustion, getting a bit aroused by it, but nothing unmanageable. After a brief exchange of futile attacks on both sides, Mei-Lien finally managed to kick it to pieces. As she caught her breath, she noticed another door to the right. "That wasn't too tough. A lot easier than the last few things we've fought, anyway."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With a brutal tug, the slime flew away from Mei's face. I even got damaged from her toss, something she had not considered happening but it was nice to see results in unexpected situations. Still, after a fireball smacked it around, the goop was at her feet again. Fighting away some minor arousal from the slime's chemicals, Mei kicked and flailed a bit, not succeeding at firs when all of them tried to harm each other. But it was her foot that finally ended the combat, splattering the slime all over the walls with enough force.

After rubbing the slime away and waiting for the minor pleasure to subside, she eyed the door they failed to notice before. "True that..." she replied, agreeing wholeheartedly with the mage's sentiment. When everything was ok again, she would lead them to this new door.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a brief rest, Mei-Lien led Hannah through the door to a slightly longer room, dominated by a rather large pool of water. "Hmmm... We need a place to clean up. But this seems sort of convenient. Maybe a little too much so. What do you think?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

In the room behind the door, there was a sizeable pool that dominated the room quite efficiently. "True that as well. It does seem extremely suspicious that this body of water is here." she replied, finding herself agreeing with Hannah yet again. But the chance to get cleaned was a strong incentive to the cummed-on fighter. She went to investigate, circling around the nearby edges of the pool, gazing into the pool and even poking the surface of the water a few times with her shoetip to determine if there was something lurking in there. If the investigation didn't produce any results, she'd try the next best thing and actually get in there.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei-Lien dipped her shoe into the water, and nothing stirred. The water was clear all the way to the shallow bottom, and it was quite obvious nothing was in it. Still, Hannah looked uneasy. "I still don't trust it" she said as Mei-Lien pealed off her clothes, satisfied that it was safe. Hannah declined to follow her, opting instead to sit by the edge of the pool and watch. For a while Mei-Lien scrubbed the cum and grime off of herself in peace in the lukewarm water, but all of a sudden she felt the water harden under her a little. Before she could act a tendril of hard water forced its way into her ass, penetrating her deeply in an instant and causing her to let out a sound of shock and pain as she tried to get out of the pool. "Careful now, I'd hate for you to get hurt because you squirmed around too much" a malicious voice called out, and Hannah jumped to her feet, ready to attack. "You too, settle down. Your friend has bathed in me, hasn't she? Now she has to pay my price." A feminine form rose up from the water, grinning wickedly at Mei-Lien. "Do you see a problem with that?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Having tested the water with her foot, the fighter set aside her clothes and lowered herself into the pool. "Hmmm, alright. Suit yourself." she replied to Hannah's words, not willing to try and get her to follow at this point in time. After having scrubbed herself free from all the animal filth and such, there was a strange thickening in the water below her. Before the redhead could move away, a lenght of something shot up into her rearhole, drawing a surprised yelp from her despite the warning she got from the water. The voice called out to her, and she didn't see a good reason to struggle with the offending appendage inside her. If the assailer decided it, they could cause serious internal harm with the inserted piece. "Stay back. My mistake, my punishment." she notioned Hannah back with a slightly distorted voice caused by the sudden penetration. "One of these critters... should've remembered from the previous encounter..." she thought as the watery shape formed. "Whatever. Just don't leave your bodily waste on me afterwards, would be a rather useless visit if that was the case." was her reply to the question.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah looked ready to fight, but she reluctantly backed away; she wasn't sure what was happening to Mei-Lien, but it seemed like the pool was capable of hurting the redhead well before the young mage could get her free. With that threat out of the way, the living pool turned again to look at Mei-Lien and smirked at her words. "You mean, just like you were doing to me? Where do you think all that dirt and grime and cum went? I'm not some sort of masochist who enjoys being degraded by your filth you know. You should be more careful in the future. It's almost a shame I don't have any bodily fluids to cover you with. No, instead I'm going to do quite the opposite. You're about to get the most thorough cleaning you've ever had in your life" the pool said, still with the wicked grin.

The tendril of water lodged in Mei-Lien's ass pushed even deeper into her, becoming thicker as well, giving her quite an uncomfortable sensation. Another hardened tendril pressed against her unready pussy, slamming into it quickly and painfully, all the way into her womb, and then expanded like the one in her ass, stretching her significantly. Even if the pool hadn't been gently holding her down, Mei-Lien would have found it impossible to move while skewered so on the hard rods. The pools feminine form moved closer to her, letting out a giggle and mockingly asking "awww, did I hurt you? What a shame." It seemed to enjoy the redhead's pain, and she felt the water begin to constrict her body, not terribly so, but enough to increase her discomfort. In an instant to tendrils lodged in her lower body suddenly retreated, only to slam home again viciously, knocking the wind out of Mei-Lien; the pool took the opportunity to shove a tendril down her throat as the tendrils stood still once more. "That's right, open nice and wide, you filthy animal" the pool whispered, and the tendril softened quickly, the water of the pool suddenly flowing down into her stomach. The pool kept force-feeding itself to the redhead for a while, still lodged uncomfortably in her lower holes, finally stopping when the sheer volume of water forced into her had distended her stomach considerably. It then paused for a long moment, as if waiting for something.

"You just aren't enjoying this very much at all. Or are you?" the pool asked teasingly, as the thick rods of water began to move inside her, relatively slowly now, perhaps trying to arouse her. Despite the pain that still wracked her with each thrust, it was starting to work, though perhaps that was in self-defense. Slowly the pool's "body" eased its way toward her, it's hands reaching down to cradle and caress her swollen belly; this seemed to set off the water inside her, and suddenly she felt her insides being rubbed and tickled, giving her a bizarre stimulation the likes of which she had never experienced. "I said I would be thorough, didn't I?" One of the pool's hands slowly wandered down to the redhead's stuffed pussy, giving her clit gentle touches while it fucked her, the other groping one of her magnificent breasts. The extra stimulation pushed her over the edge to orgasm.

The pool gave her no rest, the tendrils speeding up their thrusts even as she came, relentlessly pounding into her. The grin returned to the pool's artificial face; it had prepared Mei-Lien long enough, now it was time for its own fun. By the time the redhead's orgasm had subsided, she was being rocked painfully by the water, her body bouncing up over the lip of the pool with each furious thrust, the water inside her continuing to stimulate her, though now she felt as if it might make her burst. Despite the growing pain, Mei-Lien's pleasure remained, building again, though more slowly than before. The pool manhandled her heaving breasts, leering at the redhead. "Come now, show it to me! Show me your pain!" The pool's other hand suddenly gave her clit a harsh slap, sending a wave of pleasure and pain crashing over her, and the pool laughed. "So how does it feel? Getting off like this?" it asked, seemingly intent to taunt and mock the redhead writhing helplessly in its grasp. Less than a minute and a few slaps later, Mei-Lien came again, her body convulsing uncontrollably in the pool's firm grip.

Still, the pool wasn't finished. It began to lift Mei-Lien up into the air as it thrust even faster, the pain overwhelming the pleasure now as it turned her upside down. Slowly the water drained back up from her stomach, deflating her gradually as it tickled at her throat and bounced outward to stretch her insides. The pool began to make little noises of pleasure as she abused Mei-Lien's body, apparently close to reaching its own peak. She was subjected to only a few more moments of intense thrusting before the pool cried out and started to thrust deeper than it ever had before. Just as she thought it might rip her insides apart it suddenly lost its hardness, simply gushing a short ways into her before rushing back out. The pool released her as a result, and she splashed into the pool face-first, mercifully losing consciousness not long afterward.

When she awoke she was dry and laying in the room where she and Hannah had bested the slime, her head resting gently in the young mage's lap. Her traveling buddy was looking down at her with a concerned face, and she quickly asked "are you alright?" She more or less was, though her lower body was quite sore from the rough treatment she had received.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

While the pool monster's words had truh in them, Mei didn't reply to the comments, having her focus completely in trying to avoid showing signs of pain to the thing. Doing that would give it the pleasure it wanted, and she wasn't about to grant that easily, since there was no doubt a lot of punishment in her immidiate future. And she wasn't wrong as the anally-penetrating tendril began to plow deeper into her, further thickening it's girth as it's twin brother charged ruthlessly into the redhead's unprepared womanhood, the second violator following the same plan and expanding to stretch her to the limits. It pulled this tormenting rape on her for a while, taunting the girl a bit before pulling out. Thinking there was going to be a pause, Mei catched her breath only to be violently slam-penetrated by the charging water tentacles. This hit her rather hard, knocking the air out from the girl's lungs. Bent over and trying furiously to catch her breath, the redhead's mouth too was filled when the opportunity came up. It was this brutal thrust that brought her tears out, but it eased somewhat when the mouth tendril liquified, only to start making her drink the thing. More and more water flowed inside her mouth, making the girl drink more water than she had ever before, so much that her belly swelled from the sheer mass. Now, she would well and truly be unable to move, with her massively increased mass and the constricting water.

When the question came up, Mei didn't give an answer, the hateful look on her teary eyes the only response. This might've affected the water thing's actions somewhat as it suddenly slowed down the violation, making the brutal sexing somewhat arousing. With a calculating look, the part of the pool that represented it as the humanoid "body" moved in with purpose, taking hold of Mei's badly-swelled stomach. As a result, the mass of water inside started to churn about, tickling the girl's insides and creating one of the most bizarre experiences up to this moment. Despite the strangeness, it was for some reason enjoyable. With added help from the body groping her sensitive areas, Mei experienced the most bizarre climax one could imagine. "This is fucking weird.... getting an orgasm from an inside-the-belly rub...."

But there would be no rest, as the pounding continued harder than before, actually bouncing the martial artist around in the water. The entire setting changed to one of rougness and pain, the water inside still bringing the stimulation but also spreading around to make the girl feel like her midsection would tear apart any moment. The body had moved to thoroughly roughing up her magnificent chest with both hands, brutally squeezing them around to it's pleasure, not too much to the redhead's. After a few minutes of abusive penetration and slight beating around her body, Mei found herself in another orgasm. It had been terribly fast. She began to consider if there was an inner masochist to her.

But the finale was still to come, and Mei was flipped around to start the final act. With increasing force, the violators took the act over the normal threshold for any human being to endure. The martial artist would have cried out now, but the water started to exit her, tickling her throat as it went and steadily deflated the abused redhead. With the force and depth of the thrusting increasing all the time, Mei thought that she would actually get killed by the invading members when they couldn't get enough and just tore through her insides to get deeper. But it was lucky for her that they did reach a peak of some sort, and the tendrils inside turned to normal water, as did the ones holding her. With the thoroughly abusive act finally at it's end, the fighter fell to the water, not capable of keeping herself conscious after that torture.

When she finally came to, Hannah was there looking after her already dried body. Her lower parts burned with the ache she had received from that brief but torturous session. "Fuck... that was not a thing I'd go through again..." she replied to the question, not wanting to get up right away as sitting up would've likely ached her further.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"That was... really hard to watch..." Hannah said quietly, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I would have fought it right away, but I was afraid it would kill you if I did" she continued, the tears starting to flow. "I'm just glad you're okay..." She kept a gentle hold on Mei-Lien's head, allowing the redhead to use her lap as a pillow for as long as she wanted.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I can believe that...." Mei replied, despite having never loved anyone enough to feel through such emotions. When the mageling started to cry, she reached a hand up on the girl's cheek. "Don't get all emotional, I ain't gonna die on you this easy..." She took an unidentifiable amount of time to rest and wear down the pain, eventually getting up when it seemed a little less achy to move. The redhead would re-equip herself, and eventually the girls would head out once more to inspect the yet unexplored areas.