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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

When Mei-Lien had finished preparing the meal, the succubus came back, sniffing the air. "Hmm... That smells good" she said, looking over it. "Come with me and we'll see." With that she led the redhead back to the dining room, this time with four places set at the massive table, two together on each side. Hannah was already sitting at one, with the shapeshifter in another. "Since you cooked it, you and yours may have a seat at the table" The demon said, taking her seat and waiting for her portion to be served.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Going after the mistress, Mei soon found herself at the once-visited dining hall. It looked like her cooking hd earned both her Hannah a spot at the table. Better that way than eating on the floor like a dog.

After going around the table to give each eater a portion, the redhead shoved the last bits on her own plate and sat down to enjoy her meal.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The group sat and ate quietly for a while before the demon spoke up, opining "this is actually pretty good. I didn't think you'd be much for cooking for whatever reason." The shapeshifter nodded and grinned, saying "much better than she is." From the looks on their faces, it seemed like the succubus elbowed her under the table at that, which only caused her to giggle a little. It was sort of a humorous scene, as they all ate their meal. Hannah seemed to enjoy just sitting there and eating, as if it was a more normal thing for her to be doing.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I've had to learn being independent. That means learning to feed yourself effectively, among other things. Better go through the basics yourself and learn how to do simple dishes, instead of being dependant on others for it. It could end up being costly or possibly fatal, if you can't feed yourself in the more uncivilized parts of the world." the redhead gave a brief reply at the comment on her skills, watching the two and their antics before taking a longer look at the surprisingly normal Hannah. It looked as if the mage was just being there like she normally was. Having looked through them, Mei continued to finish her own portion of the food, finishing it unless there was something else said in the meantime.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I can see the sense in that. I had to learn a long time ago, because..." the demon trailed off, her chin in her hand as she looked off to the side. She never finished the thought, instead getting up and starting to take the plates of the others, who had finished their portions. "You're free to go until morning, now. If you'd like you can ask for a bit more of my time" she said as she went away with the plates. Mei-Lien also heard the voice of the shapeshifter in her head, saying if you'd like, we can spend some time together as well, your mage friend too if she'd like, and as she got up to leave she winked at the redhead.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

From the succubus' words, Mei could make out a fact quite easily. The mistress had been human once as well. But, it was not a thing that accounted for much, and there were decisions to be made as the demoness and shifter both took off from the table. Left with Hannah, she asked if the mage would be willing to go with her to meet the shifter. If she'd want to, they'd both go to see her.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah looked a little bit confused for a moment, but then shrugged an agreed; it seemed she had at least not an unfavorable memory of the shapeshifter from their encounter with her in the castle. When they got up to head to where the shapeshifter was, they suddenly found themselves in her headspace, which was a strange and somewhat frightening moment for Hannah. This time there was a small round table sitting not far from them, with the shapeshifter at it sipping from a small cup of what looked to be tea. Places were set for the two of them, and she called out "I hadn't really expected both of you, but you can have a seat." She took another sip, and then continued "I had thought that we might have... a little fun. But I'm pretty open. We can do most anything you'd like here, even if it's just tea time."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

With Hannah's approval, the two of them went away from the dining hall to meet the shifter. Upon reaching the destination, they were taken into the shifter's strange mind-dimension without any warning or indication. "Calm down, this is not a harmful place. I've been here before." Mei explained to Hannah, holding her hand to further reinforce the motion that it was alright for them to be there.

With the tea party in front of them, the redhead sat down on the offered seat and took up a cup. "We possibly could, not sure. Though I'm not sure it's something Hannah should see. So if she's not intent on seeing that happen, you should guide her out." Mei replied to the shifter's inquiry about "fun". "But we came here, so let's socialize for a while first." she continued, taking a sip.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"You have...? This is how you knew what you did before we fought the demon, isn't it?" Hannah asked, a little bit surprised at Mei-Lien's assertion that she had been here before, but she relaxed as she held the redhead's hand.

"Well, I'm flexible. I like a lot of things, not just of the sort we did before. And I can create any sort of scenario the two of you would like" The shapeshifter replied as she sipped her tea, smiling at the two of them. Hannah looked confused again, before realizing what they were talking about and blushing. Still, she started drinking her tea, sitting quietly in thought.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Yes, this is how I did it..." the redhead replied before they reached the table.

Among the sippings, the shifter suggested about other plans besides the more obvious blood & guts way. Mei could probably imagine a few possible things, but she was not going to do things that might upset the mage from her barely-held calm and sanity. Seeing the blushing on Hannah's face made her feel somewhat whimsical, and she kept looking at the girl when they sipped away, kind of hinting at her that she was having a choice here.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah, of course, didn't get the hint, and the shapeshifter grinned. "You really don't need anything special to fulfill her fantasies, you know" to which the mage nearly slid under the table in embarrassment. "If you two want to do that sort of thing I can leave, I don't mind" she said, apparently not really up for a group session. The shapeshifter shrugged, finishing off her tea and having a small biscuit, waiting for the humans to decide what they wanted to do.

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Now that the cat was out from the bag, Hannah had little choice in the matter, her embarassment visible as day. "There's many funky devices here, you know. You could utilize them with me as your target...." Mei teased from behind the cover of her cup. "And I can always come up with something fun with Miss Shifter here if you don't want to have me...." she continued, moving next to the shifter and throwing herself against her shoulder to further encourage the mageling in her decision. Even if she was a slave, the younger girl could try to assert herself once or twice.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah slid down in her chair and thought quietly as the shapeshifter put her arm around Mei-Lien's waist, rubbing her hip suggestively. Finally she spoke up, asking "is that the sort of thing you want? I... don't think I could do that. I guess I could try if you wanted, but it's not the sort of thing I'm into. I don't know if I'd feel... comfortable... doing those sorts of things to you."

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

A brief sight escaped Mei's lips as she held up the teasing performance. "It's one thing I've learned to enjoy. And you don't need to use any of these more brutal ones, just one or few of the pieces more aimed at pleasuring. Wouldn't it be fun for you to do what you desired with me...?" she asked, not entirely sure how the awkward mage would react to such suggestions. "If nothing else, you could go the restraint route..."


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah blushed and considered Mei-Lien's offer for a while, before saying "I'm not that... aggressive... but..." she nodded, "I could try if you wanted. That doesn't sound too bad." The shapeshifter giggled, and suddenly the two were alone and sitting on a bed, in the middle of some of the more erotic and less horrifying devices the shifter had in her little world. Hannah quietly got up and walked into the devices, searching around. "Is there anything in particular you enjoy?" she asked as she rooted around, seemingly picking out something from the pile.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the pair were left behind by the shifter, a question was directed at Mei by the still-awkward Hannah. "I've not been in any of them myself, so couldn't tell you. You pick something like or think is good and I'll go with you." she replied to the mage's inquiry, stretching a bit as she might not have the ability to move in a while once the goings started.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Hmm… Most of these things look… well, sort of terrifying. I think I’ll try to keep it relatively simple" Hannah replied, coming back with a number of things held behind her back as she got on the bed and shifted around behind Mei-Lien. She gingerly took the redhead’s wrists in hand and pulled her arms behind her back. She was more forceful in wrapping a length of rope around the redhead’s wrists, tying them tightly together and then moving on to her elbows, tying those tightly with another length of rope. With a final tug she pulled them as tightly as she could, and then fetching more rope. She scooted up closer to Mei-Lien, wrapping her legs around the redhead’s waist and tying a rope just under her breasts, looping it up and around to squeeze the ample orbs and force them more upright. As she did so, she began to kiss Mei-Lien’s neck, slowly tightening the ropes until they were as tight as she could manage, and then reached behind herself to get more rope. "Get up on your knees" she ordered, with perhaps more authority in her voice than Mei-Lien would have expected, and then tied a rope around her waist, wrapping it around her upper thighs and fashioning it into a crude sort of thong, a rope fitting snugly in the redhead’s crotch. It wasn’t quite the masterwork of the living ropes, but it was pretty good for an amateur. Hannah went back to kissing and licking Mei-Lien’s neck, tugging on the crotch rope now to stimulate her. Her other hand reached around to gently knead one of Mei-Lien’s breasts, the soft flesh yielding easily to her touch.

After a minute or two of this, Hannah reached back behind herself again, this time coming back and prodding at Mei-Lien’s rear with something cold and hard. With care and patience she worked the unlubed buttplug into the redhead’s rectum, the thing flared out and a bit larger than anything Mei-Lien had taken before. The mage wiggled it around, the thing disappearing inch by inch into her nominal mistress, as her free hand groped all over her. Finally, with some relief, Mei-Lien felt the base of the plug rest against her anus. Hannah let her rest for only a second or two before tugging a bit at the plug, the flared body of it pulling at her insides painfully, as the redhead suddenly felt Hannah slap tentatively at her breasts with her other hand. She alternated between tugging somewhat gently at the plug and pushing it deeper again as she slapped Mei-Lien’s breasts a bit harder each time. All the while the mage was planting wet kisses down Mei-Lien’s neck, though when she reached the base she suddenly bit down hard enough to leave toothmarks. Finally she backed off, whispering in Mei-Lien’s ear "I bet you want me to get you off…" as she started to tug on the rub at her crotch again, "you’ve made the rope all wet… Even so, you’ll have to work for it." She quickly spun Mei-Lien around on the bed, pressing the redhead’s face towards her crotch as she wrapped her legs around her, managing to grasp the rope harness between her toes.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Going along with the desires of the slightly empowered Hannah, Mei found herself getting packaged by the mage. She went along the procedure like one would expect, starting with the arms like she should with someone like the redhead. The start done, the wiry girl moved behind the martial artist, setting up a breast harness next, completing another portion of her design as she tightened them and kissed briefly at the fighter's neckline. When the order came, Mei followed along, finding the authority in Hannah's voice both surprising and amusing at the same time. It was just so out of her character. After completing the final piece of her amateur harness, the mage started to bring out the first traces of pleasure from within the redhead, stimulating her with a trio of kisses, harnesss tugs and feeling up on her chest.

A brief while later, Mei was pushed forward a bit to make her bend over, which she of course did without any of the minor resistance she could muster in the current position. An annoyingly cold, hard object was placed against the pucker of her rear, and slowly inched inside fully. It was one of the most unpleasant feelings Mei had experienced during the entirety of her visit around the island, but with the help of her inner pain lover she got through the ordeal with relatively few cries of pain. As the base of the plug touched her skin, the redhead realized what it actually was inside her. The asked-for molestation continued shortly with slapping around her restrained boobs and some tugs at the nasty plug, the cocktail of pleasurable pain soon making the fighter squeal as she started to drip. Noticing this, the eagerly kissing mage set her supposed mistress into a new position, putting her up for work towards pleasure. Despite her relative unwillingness to do such things, Mei started to work her mouth between the girl's legs, intent on making her cum with licks along the lower lips and tongue-pokes at the little nub she was faced with


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As Mei-Lien started to lap at Hannah's pussy the mage "rewarded" her by tugging on her harness with her foot. Each tug wedged the rope deeply into Mei-Lien's wet cunt, the rough fibers grinding against her clit. As the redhead kept at it, the tugs got harder and harder, the mage's heel sometimes digging the anal plug just a little bit deeper into her ass as her pleasure built. As Mei-Lien flicked at Hannah's clit with her tongue the mage's juices started to flow out onto the bed, and soon enough she was crying out loudly in orgasm, as she did so pulling up hard with her foot, lifting Mei-Lien's lower body up by the harness, the rough ropes digging as deeply inside of her as was possible, grinding hard against her clit, bringing her to her own orgasm. Hannah quickly let go of the ropes, lifting Mei-Lien up by her chin and planting a quick kiss on the redhead's lips before starting to untie her. "Was I okay? I tried to make it hurt a little, but not too much..."

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the redhead's tongue worked between the mage's legs, the more determined her tugs at the rope harness came. After a while spent at the dedicated job, both of the girls got what they wanted, more or less intense climaxes through pleasure in Hannah's case, partially through pain in Mei's as the plug drilled deeper into her at the final tug.

After both of them had recovered, Hannah began to untie her, going all apologetic with her after a quick kiss. "Could've been a bit harsher, but I suppose that's just not something you can manage to do with that kindly nature. It's alright, don't feel too bad about it." Mei replied, tugging at the nasty plug in her rear and eventually pulling it out with a final squeal.