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Member Announcements Thread

Re: Member Announcements Thread

My parents tended to let me do the same. Sakura was the name of my Pom that recently passed away. I was in Germany at the time, so Dad buried her and we got a plant to put over her.

Have them do that, it's a wonderful reminder of their inner beauty.

Or crazy, like her.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I'll have to let him know, though good chance he buried him out back near that bamboo type patch they have.

Are pompom's one of your favorites since you have Baxter now?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Sorry to hear about your pup, Kiwi. Sounds like you've got a good support group going on, though. Still *hugs* and we're here if you need us.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

They are quite quickly becoming my least favorite. He won't shut up, he won't use the bathroom outside, he chews on the walls, he bites me, and he scares my cats.

I am almost on the verge of calling his previous owners and telling them to take him back. He is nothing like her. She never bit anyone even when she was a puppy, hardly ever barked and never chewed on the walls.

He's killing me.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well not all dogs are the same, but maybe the previous owners are at fault for allowing such behavior? 'Course I don't remember how old you said he was...never had a dog that chews on walls, furniture a little, but not walls. lol

Just wish I had a house to have a dog instead of my apartment (rather have a backyard so I don't need a leash to play outside with them). Plan on getting a corgi or schipperke or both.

Thanks Copper, I appreciate it. He lived a good long life for what it's worth.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well not all dogs are the same, but maybe the previous owners are at fault for allowing such behavior? 'Course I don't remember how old you said he was...never had a dog that chews on walls, furniture a little, but not walls. lol

Just wish I had a house to have a dog instead of my apartment (rather have a backyard so I don't need a leash to play outside with them). Plan on getting a corgi or schipperke or both.

Thanks Copper, I appreciate it. He lived a good long life for what it's worth.

Head to the shelter instead to see if you find a dog that you like :) I know from experience that shelter animals make the BEST pets. And if you can find a sweetie on Last Chance... even better!
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Well, I'll be leaving for Thailand for a month on about three days and I probably won't be able to contact anyone 'till then. And I just realised I will have to wait another month before being able to download the Mass Effect 3 extension DLC.... Poor me blimey.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Regardless, have a great trip, Zel. As my friends and I say, "Don't get ested." (Arrested, molested, or divested.) Take pictures and try and find a good sub for ME3?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thanks. Yea, it's gonna be a pretty long month.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Have a nice trip Zelly. Hopefully it'll be funner than you're expecting.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Thanks. Yea, I'll try to keep myself human.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Take care zelzar. May you have a safe and interesting journey.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

I guess it's just not my time of the year....

I got into a bit of an accident going to work yesterday where a truck ran me off the road at 70-75mph. Thankfully, only a slightly bruised nose and some small abrasions to the arm from the airbag. My car was not so lucky.

Pictures from the wrecker lot.



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Re: Member Announcements Thread

Oh my goodness. That car has definitely seen better days. Thankfully you're okay though. That's the most important thing. Things like that can be so scary...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Eeee. Yeah, been in a similar but thankfully not quite as scary situation, but I know they can be heart-poundingly terrifying when they happen. Glad to hear that you're okay. Hope they got the guy that did it?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Far as I know, they didn't. I had maybe a moment to see the tag, but I was a little preoccupied at the time. Three guys from a bar on the service road were very helpful though, running over the interstate, when there was no traffic, to assist me.

It sucks that I was halfway through on payments on that car too...
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yagh! Definitely sorry to hear that, though. Again, glad you're all right and glad to hear that you got help afterward, too. Understandable about the tags on the offending vehicle. Good luck if you try to track it down.
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Damn, sorry to hear that about you. Good that you're okay though. Didn't you have car insurance that can pay for the damages though?
Re: Member Announcements Thread

Yeah, I have insurance that will take care of the rest of that car's payments. It is just the fact of having to start up again on payments for another car that still irks me.