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Milk Love.

Re: Milk Love.

Lila thinks for a moment. She really cannot risk being milked out there. She'll be some monster's little puppy. She looks back to the faction and sneakily makes her way inside. This is the main hallway. Upstairs is forbidden, as there are warrior guardians there. Thankfully, Lila is just small enough to duck under their suspicions. To the left is more cells, and to the right is another entrance to wherever the silent door would have led to last time she had to choose in a hallway.
Re: Milk Love.

Um... I'm gonna assume that's actually a vote, and then I'll vote right.
Re: Milk Love.

(Oh damn. Sorries. ^-^;;)

Lila decides to go right, toward the lab. Inside are thin moving strands. They seem to be living. The label to their tubes reads "Sucker Tendrils: Young stage" Lila seems interested in all of the creatures. They seem somehow familiar. She then sees a scientist next to her. She is tan, and has blue hair and a labcoat. No pants though.

The scientist looks to her curiously. "Hey... How did you manage to escape them? They're pretty tough." She seems harmless. Maybe a captive being used for scientific purposes?

Lila replies. "I am small enough to worm my way past their surveillance. What are you doing here?" The scientist replies. "They found me intelligent with this stuff, so they let me work with their creatures to test their powers. This land is home of milkers, the various monsters that roam around here. They catch them, I test them."

Lila nods. "Well, we can escape here if we are quick enough." Scientist nods back. "Sounds like a plan, but I wouldn't go out there without my tools." She picks some up, then grins. "This will be fun...."

Scientist: 500 Milk

A.) Go back out to the wilderness

B.) Try to sneak the other way through the perils of the lab
Re: Milk Love.

Hmmm... I kinda like the idea of poking around the lab a little more.


Besides, we don't know where we're going - as far as I understand it, we can stay here and get milked by the warriors (who at least can talk and sometimes even listen), or we can run out into the wilds and get milked by a monster.
Re: Milk Love.

Lila looks around. "Maybe we can hide through this lab? There may be another way out besides outside." The scientist nods, thinking. "Hmmm.... alright, but some of the experiments are powerful here."

They both move through the lab, only to find a tube smashed. The scientist widens her eyes. "Gah! My experiment went free!" She thinks for a moment, then sighs. "At least its a minor sucker tendril. They're not even grown to milk yet. But they can stimulate so watch out."

Lila nods and moves onward, only to find more and more tubes, thankfully still intact. There are two young sucker tendrils in front of them though. One lunges at Lila, the other lunges at the scientist.

A.) Stand still.

B.) The scientist dodges away, leaving Lila open for now

C.) Lila dodges away, leaving the scientist open for now
Re: Milk Love.

B - the scientist is quicker to react, leaving poor Lila assaulted by both tendrils. Which only lasts as long as it takes for missus scientist to toss a capture net over the things, or whatever.

What is the scientist's name, anyways?
Re: Milk Love.

(Hmm... how about Kanami?)

The scientist jumps out of the way, her open labcoat showing some of the sides of her breasts. Lila yelps as the two move up to Lila's breasts. They seem to coil around her waits and move along both nipples at once, moving them around. Lila takes deep breaths as she tries to struggle out.

Lila Milk: -30

The scientist smiles, enjoying the sight before....

A.) Using Anti-Milker tape, a basic measure against unruly creatures.

B.) Pulling them from Lila.

C.) Watches a little longer, feigning being lost in thoughts.
Re: Milk Love.

Kanami rushes fowrad to Lila, reaching for the underside of her pale bust, then applies tape around the sucker tendrils. They begin to fade away. They don't have the capability to make noise, or have a voice, much to the relief of the scientist at least.

Lila's Milk: 9669

Lila smiles to her. "Thank you. We got to be more careful." Kanami nods. "Yeah, the creatures here want milk. They're bred from the various creatures from the Wilderness, so be on the lookout."

The two move along the corridors of the lab. To Kanami's shock, there are more tubes that seem broken. Two of them that say "Giga Grope". Maybe they aren't close....

A.) Kanami uses a flashlight just in case.

B.) Keep going through the corridors without a flashlight. Save battery power for later.

(Note: Kanami is the only one who can heal herself. Since she has a low energy rate. I'm thinking maybe all allies will work that way.)
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Re: Milk Love.

B. Don't wantto alert them with light.
Re: Milk Love.

The two move along. Shapes, and even subtle wind is felt slightly as movement is ever subtly apparent around the two. Lila looks around on the alert. Kanami smiles. "It's okay, there's nothing to worry about. I'm well prepared." Lila nods as she moves onward with a little bit more courage. Hours pass on until a Giga Grope roars. It is made of purple Gel, and has big arms. It seems muscular. Its hands have suctions in them. Kanami steps back. "Watch out, Lila. This is an engineered Milk Giant. Don't go near it..."

Kanami looks at it in the eyes.

A.) Use an Anti Milker Syringe.

B.) Run the other direction.
Re: Milk Love.

B - it's big and obviously angry.
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Re: Milk Love.

Lila and Kanami take a few steps back, then run for a hiding place. The Giga Grope gives chase to the two. A hiding place is in sight, but Kanami's labcoat is taken by one of the creature's hands. Lila pulls on Kanami to help the tan busty scientist to get free.

A.) Kanami loses the labcoat

B.) Let go of Kanami, leaving her to fight the Giga Grope and hide Lila.

C.) Stick 'im with the syringe and hope he loses some grip.
Re: Milk Love.

C!... Probably suicide but the groper is stuck on the lab coat.
Re: Milk Love.

I like A. Let's not waste the syringe, even if it means our two naked heroines end up squashed together into a hiding place, forced to share body heat whilst the monster snuffles about...
Re: Milk Love.

I like A. Let's not waste the syringe, even if it means our two naked heroines end up squashed together into a hiding place, forced to share body heat whilst the monster snuffles about...

I'm changing my vote to A.. DeMatts makes a valid point.
Re: Milk Love.

Kanami struggles, then lets go of Lila's hand, losing her labcoat and with it, all of her supplies. She dives into the hiding area, and activates a secret door to close them both in. The Giga grope looks to the place curiously, roaring and finally walks off.

Cuddled to each other, Lila looks to Kanami's eyes. "Are you alright?" Kanami frowns. "I would be if my stuff wasn't taken. I don't know how we're going to go through here besides my base knowledge of the test subjects." Kanami's dark bust is pressed to Lila's pale bust, but with no penalty. They listen for any sounds. They hear another tube smash in the background.

A.) Get out now

B.) Wait a while, then come out of hiding