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ACT [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

...Good question.
I don't know what the default button is since I put mine to spacebar
But just click buttons till you bring up character change panels and then click up or down till the skill panels come up then you click A to use it.
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Ok so what the specialties of all the girls then? I get the archers now, the scythe has "balls" or something, and...... sword is same stuff.
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

What do you mean? Like Skills?
Or like their one 'special' skill?
Like how Reona has anti projectile lazer or Shierii has heal?
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

yeah, kinda like that. Except what do the orbs do differently for each person?

Or what is the persons special ability?

sword=anti-projectile?(the laser beams?)
Archer=arrow orbs
scythe= red line?
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Reona - Anti Projectile
Arieru - Large scale attack
Shierii - Heal
Merufi - Wind Spirites
Roserie - Shield/Block
Veruda -Scythe Spin
Iekuto - Lazer Rain

At least that's what I think you are asking...
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!


just finish lvl 5

where is H scene ?

must I upgrade other character ?

i just keep upgrade main character

and what about intermission (in mansion)

anything I can do ?

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Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Their level. Also, the items you get in the levels are H-items. Use them when a certain girl gets to the level on the item and there'll be a scene

The mansion is where the H-scenes happen. There'll be a blue crystal that goes to a door where a scene is available
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

i prefer just doing the 0 to 1 thing. Honestly if i wanted to get h-scenes i'd get em.
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Hah. XD Cheater =P
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

I don't understand japanese, and the h-scenes/pics were meh.
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

I like the game mechanics, it's quite entertaining.
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Does anyone know how to complete Extra Mission 4? The one for the green-haired chick you pick up after you beat the game. Any help would be appreciated.
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Heh, the final boss?

Powerlevel. XD
Pretty much it. and use the shield girl for the autocounter shield attack
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

No, not the final boss. The bonus level after that. Extra04. You have to use that scroll-looking thing to start it. All of the paths on the mini-map have no connection to one another and some will send you back to the beginning of the level.
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Oh ho ho, yes there is a final boss.
In that level.

Powerelvel a ton before trying him.
And there is a path through. I can't explain it but I can perform it XD
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Oh D: Could you try? I might understand. I opened up the paths and everything, I just don't know how to get to the final boss.
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Well thats the thing, I can go through and do it, but I can't remember the path. XDD

all i can remember is that when you get to the level that goes into the house, go up. and the level after that where it has both up and down, go up. then you should be at the top top right level, then go down to the final middle one
Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

Thanks, I'll try that c:

EDIT: Got it =w=b All scenes and graphics unlocked with no cheating. Totally worth it =w=b
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Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

just cleared the game

the scene is not complete

but ok i jsut find it

seventh maid

so i just finish whole game by don't know what about those ring for ?

i can' read japan can anyone explain those ring ?
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Re: [MilkTank] Mighty My Master!

As far as I can tell, they give whoever is equipped another element. Like, you could give Aeriel the blue/ice ring, and she'd be able to do protect from fire -and- protect from Ice

but i cant be sure about it. thats just what i think they do