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Minatsumi Estate

Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman had put his glasses back on to cover his white eyes when people began flowing into the room, listening to the tasks being handed out, before nodding and motioning for the two new maids to follow him. He began to escort them through the mansion, until they reached the Basement Hallway, stopping abruptly to turn and look at them. "Ladies. The Basement is quite big, so try not to get lost." he states, then turns back and leads them onward, down to the laundry room and standing aside from the doorway. "Kiyomi, Nadia, please begin work immediately. I will watch over your progress to ensure you do not ruin the clothes." he states, placing extra emphasis near the end, showing he had little trust for them.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi followed Norman, gazing around in her usuall way... Trying to scour this whole expansive mansion to memory in a short time, peeking through windows and doorway as she walked along... It didn't help that most of the doors were closed though...

Then once reaching what was shown to be the basement door Norman warns them about it's size before telling them he'll be suvervising there work if only to ensure they don't destroy the clothing...

"HAAY! Hey, hey! I've done my own laundry before!"

Of course he didn't need to know it was mostly washing blood or necro slugde out...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia Follows quietly, ignoring the barb that Norman sent their way, if he expected her to be incompetent, then she would have little trouble exceeding their expectations. The laundry room smelt of detergent which was to be expected, but was a little cramped. How much laundry did one woman and a handful of servants make?

She shook he head as Kiyomi jumped at the comment, making one for herself. Nadia knew that such effort was wasted at best and drew extra attention at worst. She quickly went about gathering the different linens and preparing the wash.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

As Aegis is happily collecting the fruit from the orchard a sudden thundering clap of lightning is heard throughout the estate, before a sudden downpour of torrential rain hits the area. Inside the mansion, an almost bloodcurdling scream is heard through out, "KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NORMAN, KIRAIYA, AEGIS, HOLO! ANYBODY! CAN SOMEONE COME TO MY ROOM PLEASE!? I hate storms.........." Aegis would have to quickly fly back into the mansion to avoid getting soaked, not to mention the winds had picked up considerably, clattering the windows throughout the estate loudly. If one had an overactive imagination they might think that this would be the opportune time for something scary like in a horror movie to happen. It was certainly an ominous turn in the weather.

Mistress takes 4 stress, 14/20, Aegis takes 3 stress, 7/10
Re: Minatsumi Estate

The great thunder surprise the poor Aegis who left fall a pair of fruits, as she cover her head with her hands and close her now wet eyes, but then she heard the scream of her mistress asking for help, just when she was readdy to make the same. Using her little courage she fly as fast as she can trying to reach the house before a ray hit her by being flying in middle of a thunderstorm in an attemp to protect her, maybe even will decide to get inside by a open window or the balcony if it is more close. But if there is not she will left the fruits in the kitchen before go to aid the mistress.

[athletic roll?]
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman hears the scream, slowly backing away, leaving the two to the laundry, moving as fast as he could up the stairs out of the basement. If one was looking carefully, they might see a well-composed flash of black topped with white dashing through the house, up the stairs to the second floor, and dashing to Hinako's door, slowing before reaching forward and opening them, striding into the room with a slightly flushed face, though no one could tell easily because of his tanned flesh. "You screamed, Mistress Hinako? Is everything alright?" he asked, his exhaustion well-hidden.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi was shepherded down into the darkness of the basement despite her huffing about knowing her way around a laundry room... But upon hearing the Scream after the rumbling crack of nearby thunder Kiyomi snaps around...

(A scream? I didn't recognise the voice... Who...?)


Kiyomi just begins to make a run for it as she sees Norman dissapear from view... Flying back up the stairs Kiyomi peeks out the doorway, only to catch a small glimpse of the large butler as he dashes to what she could only assume was the Lady's aid...

"Your not here for work yet Kiki... At least not that type..." Kiyomi whispers to herself... As she forces herself to turn around and walk down the stairs and find the laundry room...

Once she finds where Nadia went and enters the Laundry room herself... The smell of fabrics and cleansers leading her to her objectives...

Kiyomi takes a moment as she gathers the clothing, the Thunderstorm, the dark dank area, the overall creepy atmosphere... It reminded her of the Sect... She looked around the room and her eyes fell on Nadia...

(Definatly better company here...)

And with a giggle she sets off to work, setting the clothing in the wash basin...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia jumps a little at the thunder and turns to Norman to ask a question, finding him gone which also gives her a creepy start, she watches dispassionately as Kiyomi leans out the window and looks before returning.

She hopes the lady is safe, nothing can happen now, she must protect until the time is right. Noticing Kiyomi give her a smile as they start the laundry she shoots a small smile back. She seemed nice and given the opportunity she would probably be fine friends.

No no! she thinks, She wasn't here for friends, she had a mission.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Holo had no trouble preparing the food, and had only to wait for Aegis to bring it all together, though soon she heard an immense crack of thunder, and barely heard the mistress call out for her. Someone else will probably get there first, but I should go anyway she thought, making sure everything was taken care of in the kitchen before heading towards the mistress' room.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Aegis athletics roll: 2+7=9 vs 9, success
Holo Athletics roll: 1+6=7 vs 9 fail

As Aegis would fly through the mansion she would arrive at the mistress's door only to find that Norman had beat her to it, a few moments later Holo would appear just behind her having not been quite fast enough. However they would both be able to hear the exchange between the burnt girl and her butler.

As Norman enters the room after hearing her scream Hinako peeks her head out from underneath her bed with a slightly pale and terrified look on her face, "Oh.... Norman. I'm sorry to drag you from your duties..... But I....... I just really hate thunder and lightning. This sudden storm terrified me. Could.... You, Kiraiya or one of the maids please..... Stay here with me till dinner is ready, and I'll join everyone and introduce myself properly then?" she asks sadly and sweetly to the large tanned butler.

Kiyomi Skill Check: 2+8=10 vs 9 success, Nadia skill check: 3+10=13 success

Meanwhile, Kiyomi and Nadia would more then easily handle the laundry, getting to look almost brand new and smell delightfully clean. Surely the mistress would be pleased. Meanwhile a small cloud of smoke would start billowing out from the frill and waft through the house and eventually find it's way up to the top floor at which point, "HEY! WHO IN THE NINE HELLS IS SUPPOSED TO BE IN CHARGE OF THE INFERNAL COOKING!?" Kiraiyas voice would ring out through the mansion.

Holo takes 2 stress: 38/40

Kiraiya would stomp up the stairs before screaming at the foxgirl, "Holo! Get your bushy tail back down to the blasted kitchen and keep care of the food! And as for you four-eyes," she aimed the barb at Norman, "She doesnt need to be babied all the time is she is to be the head of this estate. And the entire staff doesn't need to drop their appointed duties when she drops a hat." she argues with the butler in a hot tone.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

The cute angel used the open window to get inside and then close it before run as best that she can after hide her magic wings. She maybe was scared as her, but was her duty protect her at any cost, just when she turn her eyes saw Norman get inside the room and slowly get close hearing all the words of her mistress. She was ready to prepare an aperitive in that place when Holon show herself and then the headmaid start to argue making Aegis more scared but when she ended the voice of Aegis was able to express her idea Miss Kiyomi, i...im not against your point of view, but only this time, please. Could i stay with her after help Miss Holo... I promise work until late to complete my work shedule, just... let me stay with our mistress until this scary storm end, please... i beg to you Miss Kiyomi her body was starting to tremble and turning white by have spoken to the scary headmaid, but Aegis will not run away this time and leave her needed mistress alone.

[use cute sad puppy eyes... i mean affection roll against the scary vampire]
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

With the first load finished Kiyomi wipes her forearm across her brow, the steamy water leaving her with a bit of damp breath as she worked over it...

As the Thunderstorm raged on though Kiyomi wondered about what to do next, they couldn't set them out to dry with the weather like this...

Kiyomi pondered what to do about this as she dried her hands, and rolled her sleeves back down...

Should she disturb Ms. Kiraiya? She might be busy with the Mistress...

Looking over at Nadia, Kiyomi gives her a nod "I'll go tell someone were pretty much as done as we can be, given the weather... You'll wait till I get back, wont you?"

Kiyomi doesn't wait for an answer, but smiles, waves and sets off for the upstairs... Looking for either Kiraiya or Norman...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia nods, "I will wait",she smiles as she lets the girl go. Looking around she Unrolls her sleeves also and Waits till she hears the girls feet disappear upstairs. She quickly turns and Searches the room, looking for any hidden cubbies or doors, anything that might prove useful in the future. She doubted anyone would keep sch things in a laundry room but she needed to start somewhere. She would finish this room then not have to worry about it again.

She kept her ears open in case someone came down the stairs.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Norman had already kneeled next to Hinako and was making sure she was alright, when Kiraiya storms into the room and begins essentially throwing her weight around. "Kiraiya, I may be a humble butler, but my loyalty is to the Minatsumi family, and to Mistress Hinako. Not to you." he states, his tone as calm as ever as he adjusts his glasses with his left index finger and stands, towering over everyone in the room.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Ahhhhhh, I thought I had everything taken care of! Holo thought as the head maid yelled at her. "Right away, Kiraiya-sama!" she screamed, running past the vampire quickly on her way to the kitchen. Stupid stupid stupid!
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi would arrive at the mistress room to see Holo dashing off in a frenzy to see to the dinner while Aegis would meekly ask Kiraiya if she could stay in the mistress room with her; while at the same time Kiraiya and Norman would be caught up in a debate about how the estate was to be handled.

Aegis affection 1d20(8)+3=11 vs Kiraiya 1d20(14)+2=6 failure Aegis takes 1 stress damage 6/10; Norman Will vs Kiraiya 1d20(14)+6=20 vs 1d20(9)+2=11, success kiraiya takes 2 stress damage 18/20

Kiraiya turns sharply and hautly towards Aegis staring down the timid angel with an icy glare, her cute puppy eyes and sweet strategy failing harshly; "NO DICE. Get back down stairs and get the dinner ready or you'll go without an tonight." she then turns to Norman seeing him stare her down much the same way she did Aegis, a nervous and angry tick forming in her forehead, "FINE. Have it your own way. But you can't always shelter or mollycoddle the mistress from everything, Norman." She then turns to see Kiyomi up at the entrance, "YOU! NEWCOMER! The shows over! Get the back to the laundry before I take my frustration out on you! I'm in a shitty mood!" Before storming back to the Service dining room to prepare the table for the estates dinner tonight.

Kiraiya Will vs Kiyomi 1d20(14)+2=6 vs 1d20(17)+4=21 failure, Holo athletics 1*6=6 vs 6 success (green Is correct and standard way to resolve rolls)
also I must apologize for I've not had the PDF up for updating and I've been going about rolls the wrong way. I'm sorry :eek:

Meanwhile Holo would flash down the stairs to the kitchen in a mad dash to the stove to hopefully get the chicken out and sliced for the salad before it ends up getting too horribly burnt. She is lucky as the chicken is only slightly charred on the top but otherwise perfect. If she would look out the window she would see Aegis' dropped fruit, and with the chicken saved if she wanted to retrieve it and bring it back it would be a good way to impress and please the mistress.
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Re: Minatsumi Estate

The shy girl closed her eyes by the harsh tone, ready to receive a hit or maybe something worse, but instead she only receive that advise, her eyes slowly get opened wondering what kind of punishment is pass a dinner when she had been without eat many days in the past of her old live. Anyway, the answer of the headmaid hurt a little Aegis's intention to help her mistress, she soon make a bow to Hinako and smiled too before she start to run to the kitchen, if she end the dinner she could return to aid her mistress, also she accepted the way of be of Kiyomi, as her intention is also aid the mistress to turn stronger and happy fine woman. If she reach the kitchen she will aid the other maid to prepare all the quick and then she will return if the storm still continue.
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Kiyomi eeps at the wrath of the Head Maid... And can only wait, standing idely till it's her own turn to receive her portion of the fury...

And as she yells at her to get back down stairs Kiyomi throws her hands up as if to say hold on a sec,

"Uhmm... Miss Kiraiya... I came back up to tell you that we kinda finished with the laundry... Sorta..."

Moving her hands down she continues

"There to the point where they should be hung to dry... But..."

Kiyomi turns her head towards the way she came

"It sounds a bit too wet out there to dry clothes today... So I was gonna ask whether there was some other way to do it or of there was somthing else we could do instead..."

Kiyomi hadn't noticed it yet... But she was in the mistresses room... And blinked with the sudden realisation and looked around breifly, a small smile for a small discovery... And glimped Norman proped up against a magnificent bed, tending to... Someones head... Was this the Mistress? And what was she doing under the bed?

The scene was a bit silly, and it risked bringing a larger smile forward, at least till her eyes rested back on the unnerving glare of the head maid...
Re: Minatsumi Estate

Nadia finished working her way around the room and put everything back the best she could. Looking around and wondering what was taking so long she decided t head out and find Kiyomi.

Heading upstairs cautiously she looked around the halls for someone to ask about how to dry the clothing. She had heard thunder and wondered what they would do if they couldn't do it out side

((I assume I found nothing, I look in random rooms till I find someone))
Re: Minatsumi Estate

At least everything is salvageable. I'd be in so much trouble if I had burned this any more... Ack, the fruit! Holo thought as she laid eyes on the fruit Aegis had dropped in her rush to escape the storm and aid the mistress. I can get it and finish this up. The shapeshifting fox grabbed an umbrella from the vase beside the door and ran out to gather the fruit and bring it into the kitchen.