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Mino (Prinny #471)

Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Tassadar waved his hand as she glanced at Sarah. "Relax, She is not part of our agreement in any way, but she is also your thrall, I will not touch her in any way, you need not worry~" He said before hitting a big red button on the wall. It was interesting because the button was enormous, like something you'd see out of a bad cartoon, and then the floor underneath Mino fell away...

Sliding along a very smooth tunnel and an incredible pace, Mino felt herself turning this way and that as she travelled at breakneck speed farther down into what was actually an enormous complex, before coming out of a hole in a ceiling, and landing on something blue that felt incredibly spongy. Bouncing in a rather amusing manner a few times, Mino stopped safely and slid down onto a cold metal floor in a small room. There were three doors marked red, blue, and yellow.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

After sliding down a hidden slide, Mino was greeted with three doors marked with different colours, shrugging, she did what came naturally and went through the red door.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino knew she was being watched, carefully, and as she approached the red door, it slid open slowly to reveal a long hallway. On either side of the hallway were two large glass display windows, and doors leading into the rooms. In one was a succubus, strapped down to a metal X, her limbs spread by leather straps and her mouth gagged with some kind of metal covering, and then Mino realised it was the same small metal crab she had experienced keeping her quiet. There was a button under the window. "Watch the Demon pay your price."

The other window showed the exact same cross, and one of the small metal creatures waiting, the button below said. "Pay her price for her freedom" and at the end of the hallway was another button against the wall, this one large and cartoony like the one Tassadar had pushed that said in large block print. "Fight to be a thief."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

It seemed she was offer a choice, not helping the succubus and watching it pay for her, paying for the succubis freedom or simply fighting, not liking any of these choices, Mino resigned herself to weakly sighing and pressing the button under Pay her price for her freedom.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Seeing her choice, the succubus widened her eyes, not believing someone had just done that, for her. The tall red head, her hair shoulder length and incredibly glossy, with a cute button nose and freckles, a lean, muscular body, and an amazing c-cup chest looked incredibly thankful as the creature pulled itself from her mouth and set about releasing her just as the door to the unoccupied room slid open. It was obvious what Mino was meant to do. Entering the room, resigned, Mino was immediately greeted by the small metal crab and led to the X. The X was set at a slight angle, letting her lean back against it as the little crab deftly, and tightly strapped her ankles and wrists to it's 4 points, completely baring her entire body to whatever abuse the room had in mind, the succubus watching with rapt attention through the glass, a soft and grateful smile on her face as she nodded encouragingly.

After a moment, Mino felt the crab skitter up her body and settle over her mouth, the slick tendril seeking entrance. Having resigned herself to this, she let it slide the tendril into her mouth and lock into place, the familiar slow thrusting immediately starting as something slid up between her legs from the back of the X. Glancing down, Mino saw what the apparent price was, a long, thick, metal dildo that immediately started to press against her folds, slowly pushing deep into her to gently press at her cervix, filling her completely. And then... It turned on. Starting to hum slowly, it quickly started to vibrate with a power Mino had never even imagined in her life, the sensations strong enough to actually travel up her entire body as she was forced to ride it out, not even able to roll her hips against it as she cried out into the gag, twisting and pulling at her bonds, the sensation simply too powerful for her to just sit still as her muscles tensed and she gave a long, lewd, muffled moan. Without mercy the machine pushed her through 5 climaxes back, to back, to back, the rapid fire onslaught of pleasure only taking 12 minutes.

When it was finally over, Mino was a panting, shaking mess, a pool of her own juices on the floor beneath her as the device slid free and the creature released her mouth, setting about undoing her restraints as the door opened again and the succubus entered, reaching out to catch her before she fell, her legs not quite holding her weight, her body still twitching occasionally as after shocks riddled her nerves with unexpected bolts of pleasure.

"Thank you... Thank you so much" The Succubus said, stroking her hair and holding her. "I've been trapped there for 2 weeks"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Lying on the table, Mino felt the crab clamp into place on her mouth like before, thrusting into her throat as she gave out a meek moan, she eventually felt something plunge into her pussy as well, looking down she noticed it was a vibrator, it immediately turned on and was at maximum setting, screaming into the tendril in her mouth, Mino almost immediately reached several orgasms in the span of around 10 minutes, afterwards her muscles were almost screaming at her as the vibtrator pulled out, she almost collapsed into the succubus arms, panting and still drooling slightly as her legs shook, "W-Well....i-it was the least i could d-do..." Mino paused and looked at the succubis face and smiled giddily in pleasure, finishing "Beautiful~"
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The succubus smiled down at her, stroking her hair. "Thank you, so are you" She said. For a Demon she seemed to be incredibly sweet. "My name is Rolas" She said in way of introduction, kissing Mino on the forehead as she waited for her to recover, her long wings spreading as she gave a quiet moan, like she hadn't been able to do that since she'd been captures, a long tail also sliding into existence.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Eventually Mino did manage to get her strength back, standing up she found her eyes almost glued to the succubis body, returning to a slightly shy state she said "Y-You really a-are good looking R-Rolas..." meekly.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas laughed, her laughter the sound of silver bells shimmering in the air as she hugged Mino tightly. "Ahhh Thank you~" She said beaming. "I take it you're Tassadar's newest lab rat? I got caught sneaking in, admittedly not the smartest move. Can we get out of here together?" She asked, smiling.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Nodding in answer to both of Rolas questions, Mino was slightly curious as the two left the room "W-What c-can you do...? A-as a succubus i mean..." she asked as they continued down the corridor.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino noticed the door she had come through was sealed, completely, and the door at the end of the hallway was now open, offering a similar choice as the last room, 3 doors, colour coded. It seemed Tassadar was taking notes on many things at once, and that this was only beginning...

"I can use telepathy, inspire uncontrollable lust, and feed on a persons spirit. In fact, I have to to survive" Rolas didn't seem very proud of this last part, but she said it in a way that said it was utterly unavoidable for her to survive. "O! And this~!" She said, suddenly sprouting a tight black knee length dress, and 4 inch high heels to match, twirling slightly for Mino to admire. "I can also change my features to a degree, but this is what I actually look like."
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was slightly jealous, but she nodded, looking at the doors, Mino decided to take the blue door this time, motioning for Rolas to follow.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Rolas nodded, happy to follow her saviour through the blue door, which led into a large, circular room. The door sealed behind them like the last one, and then a large steel spear dropped from the ceiling. As did a large metal ball of some kind, easily 5 foot in diameter. This room wasn't hard to figure out... and Rolas looked worried... "Don't let it grab you..." She said, her voice actually afraid even as her hands flared with blue light, flames dancing around her fists.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was confronted with a giant metal ball, Rolas gave her a warning, confused at why this thing would try to grab her, at this point Mino lacked any weapons so she simply pressed her back against the wall of this room.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

The spear that had fallen was in the center of the room, the ball on the other side, and then it started rolling towards them, Rolas holding her attack for now as she lunged to the side and pushed Mino out of the way. "Get the spear~!" She yelled as the ball opened up to reveal a mass of tendrils tipped with locking shackles, several lunging at Rolas he nimbly dodged away.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino was pushed out the way by Rolas, now she knew what she meant by "Dont let it grab you", running to the spear, Mino tried to pick it up and keep it ready for a attack.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Ball 7
Rolas 14

Ball 20
Mino 16
Ensnared, Collared. -2 to all rolls
Rolas 20
Ball 10
Crit, Mino freed. Ball HP 6/7

The ball lashed out at Rolas again as she stepped to the side and backflipped in her attire with no problem at all, balancing with her wings, but Mino wasn't so lucky as one of those long arms shot out to latch around her neck, the shackle slapping around her neck and starting to pull. Thankfully, Rolas moved to save her new friend, a bolt of blue flame blowing the arm in question clean off, the shackle releasing as the arm was severed.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Although Mino was grappled she atleast got the shackle cut off by her friend Rolas, picking up her spear she immediately tried jamming it into the sogere,
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino 4
Sphere 8

Rolas 15
Sphere 12

Sphere 11
Rolas 4
Minos 9
Both shackled, -1 to rolls. Sphere 5/7

Mino's blow was deflected wide but the spear itself was extremely well balanced. The blow however did allow Rolas to land another ball of fire in the creatures core, causing it to recoil for a moment, before two tendrils launched out again, each snaring one of their wrists in the powerful shackles and starting to drag them towards it, reeling them in slowly but surely.
Re: Mino (Prinny #471)

Mino managed to get her blow parried and her wrist shackled, she still tried to attack the sphere, even though her wrist was bound.