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Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I love how you know just how well to combine the erotic and the dramatic into your role playing. Sure, there is plenty of sex to be had (after all it is a sex crazed world of sorts), but you have quite the penchant for making an engaging story on top of it.

Like Grave's for example. I'm still on the edge of my seat to see whether he takes a full visceral revenge or perhaps seeks a different sort of retribution for everything.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I'm trying to come up with a response that won't provoke a potentially scarring reply.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

A response for the RP? Ultimately it's your choice, but perhaps it could be said that the symbolism of an act is more important than it's actual effectiveness.

After all scars one has to live with can be a good reminder of many things...;)
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I thought Cross was just saying he wants to hurt you. I'm so dumb.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

To be honest I almost don't know myself. But that's the fun of ULMF isn't it? Crazy and misleading posts that make one question their own sanity.

Oh and tentacles. Can't forget the tentacles.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I thought Cross was just saying he wants to hurt you. I'm so dumb.

Actually, he nearly got that right.

A response for the RP? Ultimately it's your choice, but perhaps it could be said that the symbolism of an act is more important than it's actual effectiveness.

After all scars one has to live with can be a good reminder of many things...;)

Mental scarring is one of the things I'd like to avoid, thank you very much.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

If that's the case than I think I can wager what kind of retribution Grave Cynder might try to go for. Hopefully it is the right answer to the things at hand.

I have to give credit where it is due as well. You've done a great job of portraying your character in this role play. I love how detailed you get into your character's thoughts sometimes.

EDIT: I should clarify in case there was any misconception due to bad wording on my part, that in regards to 'scars' I was thinking more along the lines of them being symbolic retribution for a certain crow in a restorative sense rather than simply "Eye for an Eye" so to speak. I didn't mean to imply it being something horrible you'd have to live with or something.
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Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

The main point of such situations is to put the character in a situation where no answer is the obvious, right choice. Not to scar anyone's mind, every scene so far was more centered around opening moral doorways for Grave to follow, each of which would quickly close shut behind him, letting the feeling of finality grow, to give such decisions more power. Just as easily as Grave chose to attack Cynthia, he could have attacked Envy instead. Though the difference in power is very apparent, it was still a choice. Even running away was still a valid option.

Each choice could be justified by the one who made it in a large variety of ways. So in that light, there is no right decision, as each 'right' decision, with a reason to describe why it was right, has a dark undershadow, holding another explanation to tell why each decision is wrong, and immoral.

Situations like this do not ask you, "Will you do right or wrong?" They ask you, "What, to you, is the meaning of right and wrong? Is killing Cynthia justice? Is it simply another form of running away? Despite vengeance, did she do something to truly deserve death? Was it right in the sole fact that she wanted it to happen?"

With every positive way of explaining it, you can think of a dark way to say why it was wrong. Cynthia had made Grave and more importantly, his sister suffer through a lot, it is justice to have her slain. But no, killing her is simply admitting defeat to the insane girl, no different than turning and fleeing from the scene. In fact, worse. And, she had asked for it. Was it wrong to put faith in her, and grant her wish for death? Is that not a bond of trust?

Each point, of course, you yourself can most likely say whether you do or do not agree to each of them. Some of the moral conclusions I myself and many others can reach will vary on a very large scale. You may even feel alone when you learn how different each person may view the situation. That is when the sense of morality loses it's firm, and resolute form. In truth, morality is as shapeless as clay. It is man who forms it, and decides what it means. It is you who decides if killing another is just or cruel. To that end, you see your morality come to light when encountered with these choices, and the punishments of each. If it is not to your liking, you can just as easily reshape it, as you did when you shaped it to begin with. And something important to you, can change on a moment's notice, and appear to you, as an immovable figure within your heart. A belief that shan't be disregarded when a moral choice is brought to question. The law of your heart.

This chapter was about a conflict of morality. It is Envy's view that the ones who caused her to be captured into hell would find justice in suffering in the same way she did. To her, this was fair, no matter the method used. But when it came to innocent bystanders being harmed for the sake of her own morality, the question came to Grave, "Is this really justice?"

When Cynthia arrived, the question of morality appeared. By striking at her, Grave decided what his morality meant. The law of his heart passed judgment.
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Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

*slow clap*
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Ah, and that is why I enjoy how you guide your players through the role play so much RaptorJesus, and seeing just how they will decide to progress. Because of the moral ambiguity of it all. I'll easily admit that I enjoy playing Grey or Neutral characters myself in that regard in a variety of different mediums, essentially for all the same reasons you outlined. That freedom of choice to decide the merit and morality of the choices one makes for a variety of reasons, rather than be stuck with one absolute or the other. And that really gets me hooked into a story/RP because you never know exactly just how it'll turn out and for what reasons it is so.

Take Clara's (GoldGolem's) story for example, or even Niko's (Tassadar). Both have an opposite sort of alignment in regards to their heart, but it's the many events in their stories that truly test that. Clara could have easily smashed 'her' eggs the moment she had the chance to, and in the dark contexts of what occurred there were great reasons to. But just as equally there was other light contexts of not doing that as well. Same with the Slime too. Clara was faced with the choice of leaving alone, or leaving with her companion both in the incident at the village and when infiltrating the witch camp. And both had just as many reasons, situation wise, for why she should or shouldn't leave her companion. The same applies to Niko as well. How to deal with the elves, the goblins, being rescued, the incident at the village, Annebeth, and even the incidents in the demon realm with Sakuya and Jezebel. Despite being this (perceived) evil character, the moral ambiguity really sets to test what kind of heart the man really had. Just the same as with Clara.

I'm a bit wary to bring a up video game reference here, but it all does remind me of a line from Persona 4 spoken by Margaret. "Truth is a thing which only appears to those who have observed, considered, and made a choice. At the end of the path you chose lies the truth...believe in it and continue without faltering." To me, and hopefully to you as well, it's another way of saying that 'Truth' to the questions of what is right and what is wrong are as varied as the observations, considerations, and choices of the people who make them. Ambiguous so to speak, and something decided from within rather than be dictated from without merely for the sake that 'it is right' or 'it is wrong'.

Ah, but you'll have to excuse me as I seem to have gotten caught up in the moment so to speak. It's just a bit hard not to type a lot about something one is passionate about. And well, this is a forum of many passions after all.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Bleah. Me post. Need to keep reminding myself, I am not cross_grave, I am not expected to write as well as he does.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I... Feel flattered. I always compare myself to RJ and keep thinking "damn it, not good enough".
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I just write down a lot of words and hope everyone's fooled into thinking I'm good.

Glad to see it works.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I'm procrastinating. And the worst thing about procrastination is that I don't set a deadline for myself. And since I can't set a deadline for myself, I want you guys to. Tell me how often you would like me to post, given my intense procrastination habits.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

Challenge accepted. Every Sunday, I'll sit down and update as best as I'm able. I'll also toss in some updates today.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

I'm procrastinating. And the worst thing about procrastination is that I don't set a deadline for myself. And since I can't set a deadline for myself, I want you guys to. Tell me how often you would like me to post, given my intense procrastination habits.

Hey it's like me!
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

*reads my thread*

Shortest chapter ever.
Re: Monster Girl Island OOC chat

You... You really know how to hit it where it hurts.


I wasn't trying to...!

*hangs head low and drags himself off to a corner, antennae scraping along the ground*