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ACT [Mr.X] Mrs. America game inspired by Jungle Girl

Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I got a score of 5 before I had had enough of this game and deleted it. My gripes with it are as follows: (I'll be comparing it to Jungle Girl as that is obviously what it's based on)

-Boring as hell. Maybe the monsters pick up as you go along, but there's just no challenge and no reward. Jungle Girl at least had an ending.
-Ugly as hell. Personal preferance really, but I detest Poser style graphics. The animations were blah, and the tentacles were too big to see what was going on for the most part. Can't see the forest for the trees, or in this case, can't see the rape for the tentacles. Jungle Girl was hand-drawn, and while it did have some quirks, I found the art style much more endearing and sexy.
-Sounds like hell. Bee sound is annoying yes, but even more ear-bleedingly bad, was Ms. Americana's voice. I... I really have no words to describe how horrible the voice acting is. Jungle Girl on the other hand, follows in the same Silent Protagonist line as such greats as Crono and Link. Sex sound effects are pretty par. Hard to muck them up though.

The only thing I liked about this game was the game over picture, and even then, Jungle Girl's was better. The fact that the game's basically a big interactive ad for the guy's site also hurts it. I will admit though, I did get a chuckle out of the floating jumping... but I don't think that's a positive quality.

All in all, I hate this game.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I love that this game has the same cheesy factor as his comics though.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I got a score of 5 before I had had enough of this game and deleted it. My gripes with it are as follows: (I'll be comparing it to Jungle Girl as that is obviously what it's based on)

-Boring as hell. Maybe the monsters pick up as you go along, but there's just no challenge and no reward. Jungle Girl at least had an ending.
-Ugly as hell. Personal preferance really, but I detest Poser style graphics. The animations were blah, and the tentacles were too big to see what was going on for the most part. Can't see the forest for the trees, or in this case, can't see the rape for the tentacles. Jungle Girl was hand-drawn, and while it did have some quirks, I found the art style much more endearing and sexy.
-Sounds like hell. Bee sound is annoying yes, but even more ear-bleedingly bad, was Ms. Americana's voice. I... I really have no words to describe how horrible the voice acting is. Jungle Girl on the other hand, follows in the same Silent Protagonist line as such greats as Crono and Link. Sex sound effects are pretty par. Hard to muck them up though.

The only thing I liked about this game was the game over picture, and even then, Jungle Girl's was better. The fact that the game's basically a big interactive ad for the guy's site also hurts it. I will admit though, I did get a chuckle out of the floating jumping... but I don't think that's a positive quality.

All in all, I hate this game.
For a very first try to make a game... any kind... I think its a pretty good attempt.

But I have to agree he could have really toned down the advertising oh hes site. If someone wants to go there then they will find the url in the game even if its only shown in one place and with very small text.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Well, if it's his first game, then that's a bit understandable. Still no excuse for the voice acting though.

Still, it is worth noting that Jungle Girl was also LineMarvel's first game.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Holy crap this game lags like fuck for me.

EDIT: Downloaded it and played it just fine.

I wish it was faster paced, the models and sounds are fine with me.
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My Review of the Game

Where can I start? I'll just break this Review into 5 groups


Now I downloaded the game to my HDD and played it that way, I have to say for a 3D Adult game, the graphics are Solid. The thing that really got my attention, was the smooth and fluid animation of the characters, the way the Ms. Americana's animations are well done, just play the game and you'll see.

Sound: I have to love the voice work in this game there are few RoR games that have a good voice work and this is definitely one of them.

Overall Difficulty:
The game's overall difficulty is not bad, it's easy when you first start playing, but will eventually get harder as you get farther as with most games.

The game's life bar is very fair, it is possible to get caught and escape from several monsters before even losing a single part of your health.

It took roughly around 5 seconds for me to start losing health from 1 monster alone, you have plenty of time to break free before then...... thats if you want too ;)

Overall Controls: The Controls are simple and easy to get used to

A to Duck Ceiling enemies
S to block middle enemies
D to jump over floor enemies
If you get caught alternately press S and D to break free

There are some parts that I did not favor too much, but do not mind

In the beginning, I was walking for about 2 minutes before encountering the first enemy, at first I thought the game was glitching.

When I first saw the Bee character, I thought that he was the high enemy so I ducked and got caught, but I soon just used the block, and problem solved.

Now I just want to point this out, it's not really a gripe but more of a humorous thing. The fact that you can stay in an action animation for as long as you like is somewhat helpful if you're worried if you acted too soon or something. But I found it pretty funny that you can fly as long as you like.

Since the game is "A Work In Progress" I have high hopes for this game, it really surpassed my expectations for a RoR game.

On a Scale of 1-10, I give this game a 9.0

the last point is reserved for when/if the game is fully completed.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I tried to get into this one, I really did...but the 3D graphics made it too disgusting for me =( the tentacles looked too textured, I couldn't handwave it like I could in anime-ish games. And the BEES, UGH. That BZZZZZZ was a massive turn off and it kept on coming over and over.

That, and I think the game is impossible to beat. As soon as I hit 50 points the enemies came so fast that it was impossible to dodge any, and unlike how Jungle Girl would stop the rate of enemies after a while, these never slowed down, meaning you got shoved from one right into another rapidfire.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I prefer also anime style games, this one could be better with some updates. Anyway i get bored after 5 minutes playing with the sound turned off.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

I prefer also anime style games, this one could be better with some updates. Anyway i get bored after 5 minutes playing with the sound turned off.

I got to admit I did get kind of bored after getting passed 30 guys, but I know Mr. X's comics and the 3D models are textured like thats so I did not have a problem with it, I like the moving animation, pretty solid for a small game

the only problem I got is the games is way too big

for a screen, You need like a wide screen monitor to play this without any need to scroll.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

For jackin material it's ok for a little bit, but the gameplay really is too easy (you can be hit by every single monster and never take any damage because it takes to long to get the first tick). Hit 305 looking for an ending and then just died on purpose. It really only picks up at about 75, and even then it's quite boring.

Also, it should've told me there was no end, lol.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Yeah, it was deffidently ok quality wise. Its just that there weren't enough rape animations per creature, so it felt rather stale. For those who cant run it, dont feel bad at all, its really not worth your time.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

So, does she not have an attack option?

Pretty silly not to have an attack option, being a superheroine...

I'd rather be a thug running around, attacking superheroines, though. THAT would be a fun game.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

So, does she not have an attack option?

Pretty silly not to have an attack option, being a superheroine...

I'd rather be a thug running around, attacking superheroines, though. THAT would be a fun game.

She doesnt do jack shit really. Most of her animations are even crap. And the shit she says over and over again...Jesus christ, there should be a mute button. i totally agree with you about the thug type game beppo. That would be awesome.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

There was a MnF like that...
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

So, does she not have an attack option?

Pretty silly not to have an attack option, being a superheroine...

I'd rather be a thug running around, attacking superheroines, though. THAT would be a fun game.

We all know she's just a whore that enjoy being raped and humiliated...:rolleyes:

Why else would she run around in that outfit otherwise?:rolleyes:
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

She doesnt do jack shit really. Most of her animations are even crap. And the shit she says over and over again...Jesus christ, there should be a mute button. i totally agree with you about the thug type game beppo. That would be awesome.

Like Mr. X said it was more of a Tech Demo.

It was to gives a a VERY Rough idea of what the game style is gonna be.

Also if I remember correctly didn't Jungle Girl have no attack? Unless you count holding you hand out an attack. Then again she was not a super heroine.

Why am I defending this game so much? I don't know, maybe it's because I been a fan of Super heroine rape for a long time.

Mr. X's comics were done so well, he gave each Heroine he made a personality including certain ways they talk, like Got Gal has "Great Goddess of Got!" and such just read some of them comics they not too bad if I say so myself.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Mr. X's comics were done so well, he gave each Heroine he made a personality including certain ways they talk, like Got Gal has "Great Goddess of Got!" and such just read some of them comics they not too bad if I say so myself.

Wait ... what?

no offense but every story of his comes down to this.

Bad guy attacks, chick transforms and goes off to beat him, bad guy calls her big titted cow, she gets impregnated and must get to a hospital befo...ups sleeping gas, gives birth, beats bad guy, the end.
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Bad guy attacks, chick transforms and goes off to beat him, bad guy calls her big titted cow, she gets impregnated and must get to a hospital befo...ups sleeping gas, gives birth, beats bad guy, the end.

You realize this is the good part of it, right?:D
Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

Well yeah he could use much more diverse stories, and if you ask me he could take back from the volume of the breast. They look like a pump up balloon as big as they are. There is a limit in size where big breast still look great, and he is very close to it.
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Re: Another game inspired by Jungle Girl

actually, for some, myself included: some way over that limit :rolleyes: