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MTool: RPGMaker/WolfRPG/TyranoBuilder/SRPGStudio/Kirikiri2/SGB/Bakin/Ren'Py Real-time cheat + one-click machine translation tool

RJ138193 is worked, at least on my side.
Try put the game on full English path.

Bundled publishing should work for any type of engine.
Thanks, I figured it out, I had extracted the game and it had a "data" folder in it that seems like it was screwing it up, simply renamed that folder and it works now. As to the bundled publishing, it does work, I was saying that it's the only method that works for me now when trying to patch MV games, no big deal though :)

Edit: Actually, when trying to actually play RJ138193, I get a ton of errors at the first combat section
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Tool doesn't seem to run on this game trial.

With the latest patch all wolf games and rpgmaker games (except mv) can't be translated, load translate data (click me) not working (it just download the TrsData files but unable to applying it), if you click restore original files the pop up will say translate data loaded but there are no translation.
I'm using A10 U8 with patch 9FD0FC9C
Hey, this utility doesn't seem to be working for Syakuga, Depravia, or Depravia Egrigorl :(. Thanks for all your work though; it's an excellent utility!
So what exactly is the issue if translating it doesn't actually translate anything at all? Its happened with multiple games. Including "出逢う女の子全てに犯されるRPG MAXボリューム!" Just now. I export the "translated" file it clearly didn't translate anything through google or baidu. On the bright side it certainly seems to have pulled most of, if not all of the correct text files, it just didn't translate anything.

Side note probably unrelated in this case: It kind of reminds me of Translator ++ when if you pushed google translation servers too much it would just temporarily ban you, except I'm getting literally nothing translated before being booted off the servers.

EDIT: So I became a supporter to test it out more and yea, google doesn't do jack but tencent nearly completely translated everything. It does seem to be some server issue.
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With the latest patch all wolf games and rpgmaker games (except mv) can't be translated, load translate data (click me) not working (it just download the TrsData files but unable to applying it), if you click restore original files the pop up will say translate data loaded but there are no translation.
I'm using A10 U8 with patch 9FD0FC9C
So what exactly is the issue if translating it doesn't actually translate anything at all? Its happened with multiple games. Including "出逢う女の子全てに犯されるRPG MAXボリューム!" Just now. I export the "translated" file it clearly didn't translate anything through google or baidu. On the bright side it certainly seems to have pulled most of, if not all of the correct text files, it just didn't translate anything.

Side note probably unrelated in this case: It kind of reminds me of Translator ++ when if you pushed google translation servers too much it would just temporarily ban you, except I'm getting literally nothing translated before being booted off the servers.

EDIT: So I became a supporter to test it out more and yea, google doesn't do jack but tencent nearly completely translated everything. It does seem to be some server issue.
But i can't confirm it now, i have test some vx/vxace/wolfrpg games with 9FD0FC9C , translate is works well for me.( jap > eng with google ).
Edit: An update was made to fix a situation where the translation did not load in some cases.
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I'm using the version 3B52C6EF to translate this wolf rpg game 閃紅のアリエス and it keeps giving me errors. The game runs fine without applying the translation though.


  • rpg.png
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RJ304663 I got this error massage from the lastest version how to fix this. This program can run flawlessly in every rpgmaker i played but not this one


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I'm using the version 3B52C6EF to translate this wolf rpg game 閃紅のアリエス and it keeps giving me errors. The game runs fine without applying the translation though.
RJ304663 I got this error massage from the lastest version how to fix this. This program can run flawlessly in every rpgmaker i played but not this one
May be you should try put game in full English path?
I have no those errors in last version.
Edit: I have find this error in english translate version, i'll try take al look.

Edit2: Fixed now.
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Wolf RPG game just hangs on startup
Title: 寝取られ新妻モニカ~ツンデレな奥さんのHなお仕事~_通常版
Version: C869AB48
I keep getting this error when I try to translate a game I'm not sure what is causing it I turned off my anti-virus, restarted my pc and reinstalled the tool and I still get it my version is C80E9D41


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