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MTool: RPGMaker/WolfRPG/TyranoBuilder/SRPGStudio/Kirikiri2/SGB/Bakin/Ren'Py Real-time cheat + one-click machine translation tool

Ok, It is me,
I did my first try with last update and there was a error message, now updated again and now there is a error msg

I can execute el lcftrans.exe
lcftrans - Translate RPG Maker 2000/2003 projects
Usage: lcftrans.exe [OPTION...] DIRECTORY [ENCODING]
Required options (one of):
  -c, --create        Create a new translation
  -u, --update        Update an existing translation
  -m, --match MDIR    Match the translations in MDIR and DIRECTORY. When matched
                      the original in MDIR becomes the translation of DIRECTORY.
                      Used to generate translations from games where the trans-
                      lation is hardcoded in the game files.

Optional options:
  -h, --help          This usage message
  -o, --output        OUTDIR Output directory (default: working directory)

When not specified the encoding is read from RPG_RT.ini or auto-detected

Late execute
Parsing Map Map1297.lmu
Skipped. No terms found.
Parsing Map Map1298.lmu
4 terms
Parsing Database RPG_RT.ldb
3783 terms in the database
6806 terms in Common Events
0 terms in Battle Events
Parsing Maptree RPG_RT.lmt
1298 terms

What I must do?
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Ufff, thanks you by your work and the support
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If you will have success with RyonaRpg, please share how.
The dev do it, with the Tool's last version is working
Now I am checking if I can use the last translation patch (~2018) + Mtool doing MTL the missing translation, this work better
By example, this is a new unit,
Test 1: With last translation patch:
TEst 2: Using Mtool late
There are new text broken, but nothing dramatic XD
Note: If I use the Trunk translation the game is ok, if I use the branch translation the game is broken when use Mtool, probably the branch translation has a error in the data base
Note2: Late check the Jp wiki and play few hours, there are a lot of updates, with the old translation patch translate the early game at 60% and with Mtool 80% (Now loot has image with text)
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[RJ333870] 淫乱堕ち勇者カレン
Link :

Edit: Update Is working.
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Work not for this game XD
have already tried around a bit but does not seem to work to translate the XD
help me pls my translator doesnt work


  • 1.png
    257.8 KB · Views: 73
  • 2.png
    312.6 KB · Views: 70

Work not for this game XD
have already tried around a bit but does not seem to work to translate the XD
It may work now, if not work at all, find me in My Discord Server.
help me pls my translator doesnt work
This is a third party Chinese version of the game, you need to find the original version.
the new version have work not good and crash.
I use this an the Tool crash
I know this is an Alpha but when i'm trying to translate SRPG game, the game crash or doesn't translate at all (while the tool is saying everything went fine)
Is that because it is alpha and kinda buggy, or am I missing something?

Thanks for this software.
Something appears to have broke in the last update. It'll upload the data, download the data, state it applied it, but text isn't translated. Tried with several other games which already had translated data, and the problem persists. Manually loading existing translations doesn't seem to work either. States that the tool version is MTool_C89AA180

Gave a shot with your game version off the discord but still doesn't apply the translated text.
the new version have work not good and crash.
I use this an the Tool crash
You should buy the game and download from dlsite, i bought and running well, someone download from torrent report to me it's can't running.
I know this is an Alpha but when i'm trying to translate SRPG game, the game crash or doesn't translate at all (while the tool is saying everything went fine)
Is that because it is alpha and kinda buggy, or am I missing something?

Thanks for this software.
What game you are playing, the engine support still not stable now.
Something appears to have broke in the last update. It'll upload the data, download the data, state it applied it, but text isn't translated. Tried with several other games which already had translated data, and the problem persists. Manually loading existing translations doesn't seem to work either. States that the tool version is MTool_C89AA180

Gave a shot with your game version off the discord but still doesn't apply the translated text.
retry now.
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Thanks for the awesome work.Is there a way to only hook the text and copy to clipboard?