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Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

A, it is very rude to attack during the monologue, immediately after the monologue before they are able to ready themselves is fine but not during the monologue. Who knows, she might say something it could be important to know later too.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

A, it is very rude to attack during the monologue, immediately after the monologue before they are able to ready themselves is fine but not during the monologue. Who knows, she might say something it could be important to know later too.

Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Who knows? That fairy might say something mildly interesting. Nonetheless, you ready an arrow and prepare yourself to take the shot.
She talks quite a lot. How they are the best, how they would have tied you up, how they're going to use you as fodder, how they are the best (again)...
"..and we'll destroy our former tyrannical overlords and reign free, for we are fairies, and the world is OURS!"
The fairy on the right looks like she's been paying close attention, and raises her fist along with the sword fairy. The other one doesn't seem so interested.
"Did you finish?" you ask, for you have an arrow ready to be shot at a moment's notice.
"Ye--" She hasn't finished her next word, when your shot hits her squarely in the face. It ain't pretty, but at least it was a quick death.
"You... Bastards... Killed the captain!" yells out the fairy on the right.
"Hey, thanks for the promotion." says calmly the fairy on the left, eliciting a response from the right spear fairy: "What are you, stupid? They're going to kill us too!"
The right fairy starts shaking the left fairy, and you take the chance to get another arrow ready.
"So what if we're going to die? At least I got promoted."
The fairy on the right sounds pissed off and shakes the other fairy even harder. "You idiot, promotions don't work like that! And even if they were, I'd be the one promoted, not you, because-- urk"
You stare in confusion at the scene. From where you are you can't clearly see it, but clearly the fairy on the left has done something to the other.
"If anybody asks, I'll say that you got killed in action. Not that I'm going back anyway."
"You... Bastard... You won't get away with this..."
"I never liked you either."
With one last swift move, the fairy on the left pushes the other one away, who promptly falls to the floor near you, crashing down like a lifeless doll. Only when she's not moving anymore you notice the gaping spear wound that goes through her heart.
You relax your bow for a second to ask a question, but the only fairy alive, on noticing you, speaks.
"I have nothing against you, but be wary, there'll be quite a few more of us around."
She looks at you, expecting you to say something.

A) Ask why she murdered her teammate
B) Ask why she's not trying to kill us
C) Ask what will she do now
D) Ask Anath about fairies
E) Ask Anath about fairies being fuckable
F) Ask Violet if she's ever seen a fairy
G) Ask Violet what was she doing before with your head
Other) Specify

Pick three

Character Data
Natalie the Cat girl (you)
You're a feline female archer
You have short purple hair with a ponytail
You have a nice pair of C-cup breasts
A shortbow (wielded)
Light leather scalemail
Leather boots (worn)
Leather skirt (worn)
Panties (worn)
Locked box
You have an unidentified living being in your head (It might be able to talk, you don't know)
You have enhanced senses and reflexes, as cats do
Your tail has been trained and is quite strong and fast, unlike the weak point everyone might think it is. (It's also a good penis substitute)

Violet the Slime girl
She's a purple slime girl
She has shoulder-length slime hair
She has an alluring pair of E-cup tits
Can easily digest living beings bigger than her (It takes time though)
Has a small fire affinity
Has a small water affinity
(?) Might be able to produce poison/antidote
She can alter her body somewhat (Like, making herself have a penis. You know that from experience)

Anath the Succubus We're not sure yet if she's coming with us

Just a friendly reminder that you can still vote (by PM) on the contents of the mysterious box, and that you're topless. And your chest is full of drool. You'll probably want to wipe that sometime.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA


Upon hearing the answers of the fairy, decide what to do with it.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

A, B, C
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

"So, if you don't mind me asking... Why did you kill--"
Your question is interrupted by what could be called an answer
"Because I finally had the chance. Also I hated her. To death."
The answer sounds pretty straight to you "So then, why are you not trying to kill us, or tie us up, or anything?"
"Have you looked at me? It's clear enough that I don't stand a chance if I fight, not that I wanted to choose this side in the first place anyway..."
"So, what are you going to do now?"
The fairy thinks for a second before replying
"Me? I have to report to the fairies I want to side with and then I'll think about it."
You see the fairy dropping her spear to the floor and removing her little dress, then throwing it to the floor.
"Well, I'll be going now. Maybe we'll meet again, maybe not, but I'll put a word for you in case any fairy in the winning side meets you people."
The fairy quickly flies away. You could have tried stopping her and think about what to do with her, but in your current position, your only option for that would have been arrowing her, and you didn't really feel like murdering her.

After a few minutes, all of you are completely woken up, or at least that's what you think. You walk to the dress the fairy threw away and take it, if only to use it to wipe Anath's drool from your chest.
While you do that, you face the succubus and ask her a question.
"So, fairies, huh? What do they fuck like? I mean, can they be fucked?"
"You're gonna have to be a little more specific."
You rephrase your question: "Could anyone of us have sex with a fairy?"
"Probably, but don't expect to get much enjoyment from it. Maybe she could get off off that, but no promises" Anath nods towards Violet as she says that last sentence.
Turning towards your slimy companion, you ask her something that's been on your head for a while.
"Hey, Violet, do you know what were you doing earlier to my head?"
She turns to you, but doesn't stop poking one of the dead fairies. "I dunno. But I had a dream where I was chewing on a giant ball of gum."
You stare at her for a few seconds in confusion, then she talks again.
"Now that I think about it, how was I chewing? I don't have teeth!"

You go back and put on your scalemail shirt, and get ready to move onwards. You turn to Anath and Violet, the latter of whom seems to be quite more opaque than you recall her being. Anath picks up the only dead fairy in the room and brings it to you. "So, are you hungry?"

A) Refuse to eat something that tried to kill you
B) Refuse to eat something that was able to talk
C) Refuse to eat something that looks like a little person
D) You're not hungry enough to eat that
E) Start a campfire and enjoy some roasted fairy
Other) Specify

Pick one. Also, up to two questions to ask to the girls. You can ask either Violet or Anath any question you can think of, I'll probably cut it at five or so questions total, and they won't necessarily answer them if they don't feel like it.

Character Data
Natalie the Cat girl (you)
You're a feline female archer
You have short purple hair with a ponytail
You have a nice pair of C-cup breasts
A shortbow (wielded)
Light leather scalemail (worn)
Leather boots (worn)
Leather skirt (worn)
Panties (worn)
Locked box
You have an unidentified living being in your head (It might be able to talk, you don't know)
You have enhanced senses and reflexes, as cats do
Your tail has been trained and is quite strong and fast, unlike the weak point everyone might think it is. (It's also a good penis substitute)

Violet the Slime girl
She's a purple slime girl
She has shoulder-length slime hair
She has an alluring pair of E-cup tits
Can easily digest living beings bigger than her (It takes time though)
Has a small fire affinity
Has a small water affinity
(?) Might be able to produce poison/antidote
She can alter her body somewhat (Like, making herself have a penis. You know that from experience)

Anath the Succubus We're not sure yet if she's coming with us

I'm sure you don't need to ask why Violet is opaque now.
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

E) You can't choose what you eat during adventures!
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

You are not yet hungry enough to eat something that looks like a (little) person and could talk

Questions for Anath:
1) Do you know what that fairy was talking about? She mentioned reporting to the fairies she wants to side with. Is there some sort of war between fairies going on here? (yes, all of that is one question, I just can't come up with a better way to say it)
2) Would you like to come with us?
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA


Why is Violet opaque now?
Do they like gang-bangs?
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

E) You never know when your next meal is coming on an adventure, you think they just have a McDonalds inside ancient temples? Well, maybe when our society crumbles and becomes an ancient civilization and with the amount of preservatives in it could still be edible.

Aneth:So there are people down here right, and the fairies sounded like they'd formed a society. Would there be some kind of village nearby that wouldn't try to kill us on sight or are they all too afraid, or inhabited by, roving bandits for that?
Re: Natalie's Lewd Cave Adventure, Daily CYOA

Its just like bear jerky!