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ADV [Nearfatal] Impreg Defence (WIP)

Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Right. Progress hasn't gone anywhere on this game hasn't it? I don't think I've heard of anything beyond the first two levels.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

He's working on redoing the animations of Ghost House at the moment, and he's nearly finished with that. He's gonna continue on PregDef after that's uploaded to DLSite, which means we'll be hearing about news for the third and fourth levels in another year. He works very slowly.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

hee hee my immaturity is getting the better of me when i saw that bob has 69 posts :D
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Is anyone have a GH2? I'll be very appreciated if someone share it.
Nevermind. I found everything by myself.
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Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

No. Go to DLSite. Wait for GH2 to get released there. His first Demo of ID is there.

ID = Impreg Defense
GH2 = Ghost House 2

Not sure if he also mentioned Ghost House 1. Cause if i remember right. Wasn't Ghost House 1 converted into 2...? Boy. I need better memory.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Ghost House 2 was the continuation of GH1, it even had GH1 at the start.
I've been searching for another copy for years now and i still can't find GH2, anyone got any hint on finding it because I'm starting to get pissed
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

He's working on redoing the animations of Ghost House at the moment, and he's nearly finished with that. He's gonna continue on PregDef after that's uploaded to DLSite, which means we'll be hearing about news for the third and fourth levels in another year. He works very slowly.

i heard he scrapped the pregdef game completely unless someone can prove me wrong
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

so far its not even a good game... i'd say the same for ghost house...

need moar H tower defense
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Did he ever add more than two levels to Impreg defense? I bought it a while back wanting to support him and hoping for updates...
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Did he ever add more than two levels to Impreg defense? I bought it a while back wanting to support him and hoping for updates...

ask for a refund :(
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

are people still doing PM downloads? I would like one
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

I'd like to give it a try to if someone still has some DL link. H-tower defence seems like a nice idea.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Nightshad on October 4, 2014 5:33:02 PM[Reply] [Delete]
Nightshadever added more levels to this Oo cause this was getting good and havent seen any updates
AGlassMilk on October 4, 2014 10:47:33 PM[Reply] [Block]
AGlassMilkI worked on the next levels, and are always working on more content for all my games, but I am short of time due to my fulltime job :S So I can only work on my games on weekends. That's why it takes so long. Anyway, glad you are looking forward to it. I can't wait to see it finished either :F
Nightshad on October 5, 2014 6:31:17 AM[Reply] [Delete]
NightshadI'm glad to see you haven't given up on this project :)

In case anyone was still interested in this project...
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

sorry for bumping such old thread but can someone share in PM download link? everything I found is dead/deleted :/
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

Sorry guy, don't think anything other than the first level got pirated, at least I never got ahold of them if they did. Though if anyone does have them, I'd like a link too.
Re: Impreg Defence (WIP)

I have what I believe is the most up-to-date version (2 levels) I've had it for a few years. Pretty sure it is a full save :). Messages of the private flavour are welcome ;)