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Need games recommanded to me!


Jungle Girl
Dec 31, 2010
Reputation score
I would really appriciate it if any of you could recommand me a couple of really good games. The type of stuff I'm after are things like Legend of Krystal, Hentai Girl, side scollers like Mario Is Missing.

Re: Need games recommanded to me!

As far as I know, all those games are sub-par. Assuming you haven't heard about them already my recommendations are:

Toffi's "Fairy War or POTR"
Sensual Fight
Angel Girl
Shinobi Girl
Unholy Sanctuary

After those games, it would probably prove absolutely futile to search for just about anything else in similar categories.
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Re: Need games recommanded to me!

Good list, but also Milia Wars (vore warning), and Blank Blood (ryona/gore warning) come to mind.
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

StationB said:
Legend of Krystal, Hentai Girl, side scollers like Mario Is Missing
Are you into flash games specifically?

If not try Fairy Fighting. Best one I've seen.
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

Thanks guy :) Any chance you oculd link them here too? If you can, can you link them to a site which they can be played on? Reason I ask this is because when I try to download them from MEGAUPLOAD ect, it has nothing to open them to when they finish downloading
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

Unless I'm being a muppet, Fantasion, Sensual Fight and Unholy Sanctuary don't seem to be in the game list. I'll second the request for an upload.
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

If you don't mind Furry, cartoony type things, and feel like exploring the realms of lulzy, I reccomend Project X.

Also, if you feel like digging around for gems and older games, you could try scouring a flash porn site like funny-games.biz/adult , but considering you're here, I may just be stating the obvious.
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

While it's a bit light on the H-content, I still really like Nightmare Sphere. It has very good gameplay. If you like Unholy Sanctuary (which I also recommend), I think you should definitely try Nightmare Sphere, too.

If you're willing to try an RPG, Erotical Night is a very nice. It's also available "translated" into poor English (but good enough that you can actually play the game).
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

Fairy Fighting is excellent, but the h-content is rather strong. Updates regularly, and is actually a really good, quite difficult, fighter too. It's probably the best h-game I've ever played.
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

If you're willing to try an RPG, Erotical Night is a very nice. It's also available "translated" into poor English (but good enough that you can actually play the game).

I can't believe I forgot that one, it's a huge one that I remember as a favourite.

Not only did it work without unicode, it's erotic content was great and the gameplay was satisfying in itself as well. Nice one Trigon. +1 to that reccomendation.
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

"Hentai girl"?Is the name right? Maybe you meant Jungle Girl or something like that?

As been stated, this genre is pretty rare, that's why I would recommend even unfinished games:
Mitsuko X
metroid.swf and samus_platformer(both could be found in Creative Corner on LOK-team forum)
sexnomicon by SwissMade, maybe you will like a couple of his other games(like Mission to Zebes).
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

Fairy Fighting is excellent, but the h-content is rather strong. Updates regularly, and is actually a really good, quite difficult, fighter too. It's probably the best h-game I've ever played.

If you mean impossibly difficult (without cheats), then maybe so. I liked that game a while back but now it is just out of hand with where it is going. It seems to just be a style I am not down with. As a fighter it has gone more towards the imbalanced side of things with every update, and as a hentai game it is going more extreme graphically with what is done in game as well. Certainly not my cup of tea with where the game is going.

What is however, and why I think this belongs is that I am in the planning phase of a game (that I would be impossible to implement on my own as I have 0 knowledge of anything that I could potentially use to make said game) that I want to make or have made.
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

Games I personally like:
Nanocrisis(in development)
Fairy Fighting(in development)
Unholy Sanctuary(not sure)
Nightmare Sphere(completed)
Fairy Wars(completed)
Street Fucker(completed)
Queen Hunt(completed)
Super Deepthroat(in development)
Milia Wars(completed)
Blank Blood(completed)
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

If you mean impossibly difficult (without cheats), then maybe so. I liked that game a while back but now it is just out of hand with where it is going. It seems to just be a style I am not down with. As a fighter it has gone more towards the imbalanced side of things with every update, and as a hentai game it is going more extreme graphically with what is done in game as well. Certainly not my cup of tea with where the game is going.

What is however, and why I think this belongs is that I am in the planning phase of a game (that I would be impossible to implement on my own as I have 0 knowledge of anything that I could potentially use to make said game) that I want to make or have made.

I won't talk about the matters of taste, which are of course matters of taste. What I will say is that they're not impossibly difficult; I do normally lose, but I can beat any individual fight on there given enough attempts. The AI can be totally lame and become unbeatable, but as I'm playing the game for kicks instead actually wanting to win, it just means I can play properly and still get the losing h-content. It's not like, say, Shinobi Girl where you only get caught and see h-content if you chose to deliberately.
Re: Need games recommanded to me!

NO mention of Lightning Warrior Raidy 1 or 2? Kids, I am disappoint :/

The gameplay is much like a dungeon crawler game, with you controling the title heroine. GOR scenes with the bosses, ecchi for defeating the (femalified) monsters, and the second mixes it up with extra dungeons and shops. It's a shame more Text/CGI games don't add gameplay like the Raidy games <3