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Need to feed

Re: Need to feed

Getting very turned on from the way the blond woman was acting Aya began to do more then just kiss her neck and prod her entrances. With her hands moved to the woman's breast's Aya could tell what she wanted. Aya gave them a gently squeeze before she began to grope and play with them, tweaking the nipples on occasion. With Aya still sucking on the woman's soft neck flesh and playing with her breasts she began to push her tentacles in...

Without warning Aya suddenly had both her tendrils push their way into the blond woman's entrances. The one tendril that went into the woman's pussy went in deep, very deep, getting close to the womb. It then began retracting, then quickly going back in. As the first tendril fucked the woman's pussy with passion her second one quickly got to work. It slowly and gently pushed its way in, going in deeply and slowly. It would stop after it got a few feet in then quickly, but gently, begin to ram its way in and out just like the tentacle in the pussy was doing.

As all the fucking happened Aya began to moan out in pleasure, lost in her lust and desire.
Re: Need to feed

Her mother started to squirm wildly as Aya penetrated her in both holes, gasping and moaning as the tentacles went deep inside her. She started to drool out of her mouth, and started pleading for Aya to fuck her wildly...

"Aya! I'm going insane! Please fuck me harder!" she begged as she squirmed with the pulls and twists of her nipples, and pushes against her insides from the tentacles, "It feels so weird inside my ass..."
Re: Need to feed

As Aya continued to moan and cry out in pleasure, playing with the large breasts her hands were touching by grouped them and twisted the nipples occasionally, she heard the blond woman pleading to be fucked harder. She was begging for it so Aya happily obliged and had her tendrils start to ram the woman's holes, going fast and fast as they fucked her with passion. The one going in and out of her pussy was sliding fast, while the one in her ass was going a bit slower. As Aya's "gift" continued to fuck the woman the white haired girl couldn't help but notice how much more endurance she had then Bianca, Aya was almost sure she wouldn't come as soon as the younger girl had.

The entire time this happened Aya's pussy leaked love juices, going down onto the soft bed she was sitting on.
Re: Need to feed

Her mother started literally appearing crazy as the tentacles fucked her in both holes wildly. She nearly started to scream from how much Aya was fucking her. She bent her head back, and raised her arm to Aya's head, and drew her daughter's head in for a kiss. The way her mother kissed her was she had never done before. Unlike the loving, quick kisses she had always received, the one she placed on Aya's lips was deep, and passionate, and conveyed just how much she was loving the violation she was receiving...
Re: Need to feed

Aya was about completely lost in her sexual daze now. With her tendrils now fucking the blond woman's pussy and ass now and her hands playing with her breasts the white haired girl had forgotten that this woman had raised her, that she was her mother. By the looks of it the woman herself had, at this point her her sexual craze, forgotten that Aya was her daughter that she had raised.

When the blond was brought Aya's head up she didn't resist, she quickly went in and kissed back. When the kiss was made Aya kissed back with passion, kissing the woman's soft lips much like she had done to Bianca before, except she didn't push her tongue into her mouth. She did this all while her tendrils continued to ram the woman's holes and her hands grouped and teased her breasts. Aya wouldn't stop doing these things until they both came, which couldn't be all that far from now.
Re: Need to feed

Aya's mother began panting heavily as they both felt themselves nearing orgasm. Pushing hard into her kiss, both Aya and her mother suddenly climaxed strongly, and her mother's eyes slowly lost their energy, as Aya's tentacles sucked up every last drop of her mother's essence. The tentacles strangely loved fucking Aya's mother more than her sister...

As her mother started going limp, her body started pushing against Aya, until they fell back onto the bed, where her mother was laying on top of her, panting, and temporarily brain-dead, her eyes wide open, staring off into space...
Re: Need to feed

(( What's Aya's mom's real name? ))

When the fucking ended and Aya came she snapped out of her very strong sexual daze to find her mother in a coma like state on top of her on the bed. For a few seconds Aya simply panted a bit as she caught her breath. When she got her breathing back to normal the girl decided that now would be a good time to handle a few things.

Aya then proceeded to lift her slightly larger mother off of her with her strength, gently getting her off and laying her down on her back. When that was taken care of she went over to the bedroom door and completely shut it, then locked it. The white haired girl didn't want anyone walking here when her mother was in such a state. When that was done Aya only shook her head, feeling slightly ashamed that she had done these things to her own mother, even though she wasn't her true mother Aya still felt ashamed. Not knowing what else to do Aya simply flipped the bedroom light switch off and made the room dark, then got on the bed and cuddled next to the knocked out woman. Aya wasn't tired but would simply relax here until she awoke.

As Aya laid in the dark next to the sleeping blond woman her mind wandered, she thought of how wonderful the sex had been. Aya knew that now things truly would never be the same between her and the blond woman, not after this. As the seconds ticked by Aya tried to shake the thought out of her mind as her head rested of the soft breasts her hands had been playing with...
Re: Need to feed


Aya laid on her mother's breast for what seemed like forever, until she gave a start at her mother's hand resting on her shoulder, holding her kindly.

"... You're still my baby... Aya... And I even breast fed you when you were just a little baby... I was still lactating from when Bianca was born... And I always knew you'd grow into a healthy young woman..." she went silent for a time, "... And if this is the way I must feed you, for you to keep growing... I will..."
Re: Need to feed

(( Alright, thanks.))

For the first time in a while, Aya actually felt over joyed. Hearing what her mother was saying now lifted Aya's spirits, taking away most of the sadness that had been plaguing it lately. What made Aya really happy was the fact that now she knew for a fact that her mother still loves her and always had, even when she was a creepy looking infant. Aya still wasn't sure why she had refused to give her a gun of her own and done other certain things that gave Aya doubt, however, Aya was going to forget all about those things, the things not being important in the last.

Aya kept still as her head rested on the woman's soft breasts, speaking out happily and softly.

" Thank you... Mother... "

Aya made no real movement as she silently laid still, cuddled up next to her mother.
Re: Need to feed

Her mother said no more, as she laid with Aya in silence, holding her for as long as she wanted her own mother's comfort...

Aya suddenly gave a start, as she felt a vibration in her mind, and heard the Goddess' voice in her head, "You have overfed yourself..." she giggled, "Come to me... My child... I hunger... And your over abundance of essence sounds delicious..."

Aya felt obliged to obey, almost as if she were naught but a doll, forced to do as her owner commanded. As she lay on her mother's naked breast, she felt the urge to have the Goddess drain her of her own essence, wanting so much to pour all her own essence into the Goddess' body... To feed her master...
Re: Need to feed

Aya had been peacefully resting with her mother, not moving or making much sound at all as she laid down. It was only until she heard the voice of her master speak to her mentally that Aya's heart skipped a beat and her face slightly blushed. Her master hungered for her own body, for her essence. For the first time someone else would be feeding off of her. Aya deserved this, after failing the goddess she felt she had no right to complain. Aya didn't even wait to complain, actually. She wanted the chance to do something for the goddess after failing her.

Suddenly, Aya sat up and got away from her mother, getting off the soft bed as she stood up on her own. Aya turned to her mother, unsure of what she should say at first. After a moment Aya plainly spoke as her now plain red eyes looked at the woman, not really showing much emotion at the moment.


" Mother... The Goddess is calling me... I must go now... "

Not wanting to stick around and keep her master waiting Aya took a step back before turning around and leaving the ebdroom, going to where the goddess waited.
Re: Need to feed

Before Aya went away, her mother lunged for her wrist, and gripped it tightly. Her voice rang of distress and worry as she asked Aya in a desperate tone.

"Aya... If you had to chose... Who would you forsake for the other...?" she asked, knowing full well Aya knew what she meant. She was asking who Aya would choose as far as loyalties go, the Goddess... Or her own mother...
Re: Need to feed

Aya didn't face her mother when the woman grabbed her wrist and spoke to her. Instead she merely bowed her head down before speaking grimly, her voice showing how she felt. Aya knew exactly what her other wanted to know. Sadly, someone wouldn't be very happy with the answer she gave.


" Mother... I would never forsake you or Bianca for anyone... The main reason I joined the goddess and became her servant was so I could protect the two of you. Please, remember that... "

This was how Aya felt. If she goddess ever ordered her to harm Bianca or her mother she wouldn't obey. That itself would be enough to make Aya want to betray and possibly attack the woman. Before the goddess had raped her mother. Aya had forgiven it because of the circumstances and let it go. However if the woman did something worse then like, like psychically beating or killing her or Bianca then... That would be crossing the line of no forgiveness.

Aya continued to stand, silent and still, waiting for her mother to let her go.
Re: Need to feed

Aya felt a sting of pain in her mind when she thought of betraying the Goddess. Even though she herself would choose her mother over the Goddess, in some other dark corner of her brain, something said otherwise...

Her mother slowly let go of her arm, and her naked body sunk back to the bed.

"Please... Don't let her control you..." she asked Aya, before letting her go...

As she was let go, she felt another sting, only this was a commanding one that reminded her, almost desperately, that the Goddess was getting impatient with her idling.
Re: Need to feed

Aya felt the pains in her minds, she knew these were bad. As much as she wanted to stay, to keep at her mothers side, she knew the Goddess was waiting and that the more she waited the worse off Aya herself would be. Giving one quick and final concerned glance over her mothers naked body Aya quickly darted out of the room without another word. Aya quickly left the bedroom and began going to where she felt the goddess was, where her senses indicated her to walk to.

As Aya quickly went her mind ended up reflecting on how much she wasn't going to enjoy this. She had failed the goddess before and now would have to face her. In all honesty, Aya was a bit too ashamed to do so. Regardless of how she actually felt she was going to have to face the music and ask for forgiveness.
Re: Need to feed

As Aya followed the feeling of her master's presence, she learned she was being led back to the bathroom in which she was given her gift. On instinct, rather than rational action, she was completely naked, and placing her clothes to remain dry in the closet, when something gave her a start. Bianca's clothes were in there as well, right next to the Goddess' white dress... Bianca was naked in the tub with the Goddess...
Re: Need to feed

Upon walking into the bathroom, following her masters presence in here, Aya walked in to see something that made her eyes shoot open in shock and fear along with making heart heart start to rapidly pick up pace. Bianca's clothing was here... next to the goddesses. Aya honestly didn't know what to think, every possible explanation ran through her head only spiking her fear. Aya was always positive the goddess would never touch Bianca, what reason would she have? Was she just filling her lust?

As Aya thought and looked at the clothing fearfully she wispered something to herself, something so quiet nobody could hear her.

" She... She wouldn't... "

Facing her fears Aya quickly walked over to the door and opened it, not going in so fast that she seemed crazed or anything but fairly quickly...
Re: Need to feed

As Aya walked in quickly she saw Bianca... Sitting... Just sitting, in the tub, across from the Goddess, and seemed to have been conversing with her before Aya barged in, her naked body looming over the two women in the tub.

Bianca had her legs drawn up to her chest, her arms wrapped around them, and the Goddess was slouching back in the tub, with her arms resting on the sides. Aya could barely make out her legs, which her spread wide in invitation for the feeding that was about to happen.

"Oh... Aya!" Bianca managed a weak smile over her shyness on her face, embarrassed to be in this position with the Goddess.

"Yes... Welcome..." the Goddess said slowly, and via their telepathic link, the Goddess commanded Aya to sit between her spread legs. The Goddess' gaze shifted to Bianca, and a big smile stretched across her face, "Bianca, I have something very special I want to show you, and you're sister is going to help me..." she asked her, in a slightly seductive tone.

Bianca turned her head to the Goddess, and tilted her head in confusion, unaware of what she was talking about. She looked back to Aya for clarification.
Re: Need to feed

(( Aya never took her dress off but alright.))

Upon going into the tub room Aya was suddenly filled with relief and then embarrassment. Upon seeing all of this and hearing what the goddess said to her Aya knew what was going to happen, what her punishment would be for failing her master. As her face suddenly starting to fluster up Aya didn't say a word to Bianca, instead she looked away from the blond girl, ashamed and embarrassed of what was about to happen and unable to look at her face. Obeying her master Aya quickly, although not very enthusiastically, walked over and got into the tub, the shock of her nude body suddenly hitting the warm water not fazing her, and took a seat between the goddesses legs as instructed.

Aya looked down as she kept silent, unable to look at her sister in the eyes or being able to say anything for herself. As far as Aya knew the goddess was about to, somehow, greatly humiliate her. As to how was a mystery. maybe somehow she would show Bianca what she had done in her angry and sexual daze during her mission, maybe she would show her what she had done with her mother not long ago. Regardless of what was about to happen Aya was not looking forward to it, maybe if she was lucky all the woman would do is drain her in front of Bianca.
Re: Need to feed

Bianca looked confused at what was happening, and blinked ignorantly as Aya took a seat between the Goddess' legs. And she blushed heavily, as the Goddess' arms went under Aya's arms, and started playing with, and squeezing her breasts. Aya felt something she never had before, she suddenly got wet, and excited, as she felt her mass of absorbed energy leaving her ever so slightly, as she realized the Goddess was already feeding off of her...

The Goddess giggled as she began to play with Aya, and Bianca blushed heavily as she watched her sister get molested.

"Your sister is so pretty... Don't you think, Bianca...?" she asked seductively, watching Bianca's breathing get a little faster, and heavier, apparently getting excited...