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Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

The womans soft lips press gently against Lunas, and Luna becomes hypnotized by her glowing red yes, melting against her freely. The womans hands travel up and down her body, caressing Lunas flesh wherever she could find it. When she comes back to her senses, Luna realizes that she is now completely naked, her clothes strewn about the room, and that her own hands are doing just as the blond strangers.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( I'm confused about something. Are Luna's hands touching herself or the woman? )

When Luna came back to her senses and realized what was happening she let a gasp out. Confused and scared she tried to break away from the woman and her gaze but found she couldn't. Her eyes continued to looking the glowing ones of the woman as her hands continued to work. ' W-what's happening..? What is she doing to me..?' she thought to herself, ' C-can't think... I need too... I... ' her thoughts seemed to just go away as she went back into that daze she had gone in when she was kissed earlier.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(Sorry, you're touching her. I was going to put in some more description, but everything I wrote sounded too cheesy and just made me laugh.)

The woman slowly pulls Luna into a close embrace, mashing their breasts together and pulling Luna into another kiss. When she regains her sens, Luna finds herself lying on her back on the bed, the blond woman on top of her.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( Ah. Hey Tassadar, getting on the subject, I'd like it if you could add a bit more description to your reply's. If you could do that, I'd really appreciate it. Like right now, I'm not sure how the blond woman is on top of her. Is she sitting or laying? Is she facing Luna or not? )

Luna let a small moan escape her lips when she came back to her senses. Her confusion grew as she tried to figure out what this woman was doing to her. Having been a slave all of her life and lucky enough not to of been raped she didn't understand any of this. " Wh-what are you doing to me..? " Luna asked in a meek, trembling voice. She tried to think straight, but still found it to be hard for some unknown reason.
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Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(Okie dokie, I'll try and be more descriptive. She's lying on top of you, in missionary. Her arms are to either side of Lunas head, holding her weight up.)

The woman laughs richly, and replies; "Why, I'm only keeping my word, little morsel."

She raises herself onto her hands, rising above Luna and bathing both of their nude bodies in the light of her glowing red eyes. She leaned down and placed her mouth on Lunas collar bone, gently kissing and nibbling, her every touch sending unfamiliar shivers down the ex-slaves spine. She slowly descends from Lunas collar to the top of her breast, slowly heading down toward the peak of her round breast.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( Alright, thanks.)

"Ah!" Luna cried out as her sensitive skin was kissed, squirming at the unfamiliar, pleasurable sensation. She occasionally let a moan out as she was kissed, her breathing fast and deep. The girl continued to lay on her back, acting submissive as she made no real attempt to resist the woman. " I... I feel weird..." she meekly said as she started to feel a strange wet sensation between her thighs. Being scared and confused, one would think she would try and escape. Luna usually would try something like in a situation like this, however, she couldn't think straight and thoughts of breaking free and running away didn't come up. She simply continued to squirm and let moans out as the woman had her way with the runaway slave.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 42/48, P = 19/32, EP = 25/32

Lunas Pleasure: 6 + 15 + 5 = 26/2 = 13 Pleasure. Drained 6 HP and 7 EP.

The womans mouth settles over the peak of Lunas breast, her lips gently sealing around the ex-slaves erect nipple, drawing a gasp of pleasure from the girl. The womans glowing red eyes focus on Lunas, and the ex-slave girl suddenly moans, feelings coming from her breast that she'd never felt before. It felt... incredible, the womans tongue dancing around her nipple while she gently sucked on the sensitive piece of quivering flesh in her mouth. Along with the pleasure, Luna felt as though she were being drained of energy, growing slightly tired, though it wasn't very noticeable yet.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Her eyes didn't break contact with the woman's as her breast was sucked on. She laid still, only squirming a little now and again, and not doing anything to resist the woman. It really didn't take long for Luna to simply succumb to the amazing and unfamiliar feeling. She could no longer feel any desire to try and escape. As the woman continued to suck on her nipple she let another gasp of pleasure out before speaking. " Ah... It... It feels amazing..." she admitted. Her hands, which hadn't been doing anything until now, went up and placed themselves on the woman's back. Slowly, they gently rubbed her nude back, caressing the skin.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 35/48, P = 4/32, EP = 17/32

Lunas Pleasure: 10 + 15 + 5 = 30/2 = 15 Pleasure. Drained 7 HP and 8 EP.

Luna feels a pressure building in her belly as the woman keeps sucking on her nipple, and one of her hands lowers itself to gently caress Lunas womanhood, finding it soaking wet. As her finger brushes against one spot, a little nub of flesh, a shudder of pleasure went up the ex-slaves spine. The woman pulls her mouth off of Lunas nipple and giggles; "My, aren't you sensitive, and you taste like a virgin too.... Mmmmm, and you're about to pop. You're a wonderful find, darling. I'm going to enjoy you for as long as I can...."
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Luna continued to caress the woman's back as she slowly nodded in response to what she said to her, although she didn't know what the woman was talking about. She didn't know what a virgin was, or tasted like, and didn't know what the woman meant when she said that Luna was "about to pop". However, she was pretty sure it had to do with the building pressure within her. With the pressure and pleasure getting stronger and stronger Luna began to moan out, her eyes still looking into the blond woman's. Feeling tired, her arms fell to her sides and kept still. She felt her back starting to rise as her moans got louder and more frequent, her body trembled with pleasure. As this all happened the ex-slave knew that she was going to "pop" any moment now...
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 19/48, P = 4/32, EP = 1/32

Lunas Pleasure: 12 + 15 + 5 = 32/2 = 16 Pleasure == Orgasm. Drained 16 HP and 16 EP.

Luna feels the pressure building as the woman continues to rub against her clit, and goes back to sucking on her nipple. It isn't long before Luna reaches her climax, the release of the pressure building inside of her that came with waves of unimaginable mind crushing pleasure, causing her toes to curl and her back to arch, and drawing a primal scream from the young woman. Accompanying that, however, was an increase in the feeling of being drained, and Luna suddenly came to understand what was happening: the woman was drinking of her soul, draining her spiritual energy from her through whatever she was doing to her that felt so good, as well as draining her life force.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( Luna's pretty much given in. You can have her pass out. )

Luna's was panting after her powerful climax, stunned from the unbelievable pleasure she had just experienced. She was smiling now, her eyes gave off a pleased and happy look. Even though the girl had come to the sudden realization that she was being drained she didn't want the woman to stop what she was doing. It felt so good to her that she didn't care that she was being drained at all. " More... Please give me more..." Luna suddenly begged, sounding like an addict. She wanted to feel that mind crushing pleasure, she wanting the woman to make her pop again and again and again.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(Okay, though that was going to happen this round anyway. Total of 32 corruption gained.)

The woman smiles down at her as she keeps playing with Lunas clit, drawing another shudder of pleasure from her before the last of her soul was sucked out of her, and she blacked out. She had horrible nightmares, images of being eaten alive, or torn apart, or having her heart torn from her chest flashing through her mind.

When she awoke, she was lying on her side, still naked, and covered in the blankets that had been on the bed. The blond woman was snuggled up against her, lying on her side against Lunas back, her left arm wrapped around Lunas chest while her right was lying under Lunas head.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( Oh. So far this succubus seems to be treating Luna better then I expected she would.)

Awakening from her terrible nightmares Luna's eyes shot open and quickly began to look around the room she was in, her head and body remained still as her eyes looked in every direction. There were no monsters, nothing that wanted to eat her. She was just in bed, with the woman from before. Recalling the events before she passed out Luna's face flustered up. She remembered the mind bending pleasure she had felt, along with begging for more of it before passing out. Spooning with this woman made the ex-slave feel embarrassed and somewhat nervous, although, she strangely felt safe. Safe from her former master and any goons he might send after her, safe from the things she had seen in her nightmares. Luna moved a bit then, turning on her other side so she was facing the woman. She placed her head on the woman's chest as her left arm wrapped around her. Cuddled up to her, she tried to relax and close her eyes...
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Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(Lunas been cooperative. No reason to be rough on willing prey.)

As soon as Luna starts to move, the womans blood red eyes shoot open, glowing in the shadowy hut. The sight reminds Luna of the monsters in her nightmares, all of which had had eyes just like that, but the woman smiles as she sees Luna, and her eyes glow fades. "Awake already? Well, it's time for the main course, little morsel." She says, and kisses Luna gently on the lips.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

The glow of the eyes made her uneasy, though when they faded and she was kissed she relaxed. At first, Luna just accepted the kiss the woman gave her, not really returning it nor fighting it. After a moment she broke it, then spoke up. " W-wait..." she started, " Can we talk for a few minutes? Please..?" She had a lot she wanted to say to the woman.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

"Awwww... What about?" The woman replies, pouting.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( You don't think this seems out of character do you? )

Breathing a sigh a relief Luna started to speak. " I'm... a runaway slave..." she started, her voice sounding a bit grim. " My former master likely has people searching for me, not only because he wants me back, but because I stole from him..." Luna's eye's drifted over to the spot of the floor where the sword that she stole sat. " I'm afraid he's going to find me... Because if he does, he will do horrible things to me..." the "horrible things" that Luna new about were painful beatings. She'd heard stories of runaway slaves being captured and beaten to death, these stories sent chills up her spine when she thought about them.

" Will you... Keep me safe? Will you protect me from him? " Luna asked, her voice sounding hopeful. Her eyes kept contact with the woman as she asked.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

Lunas Status: HP = 48, P = 32, EP = 32

(Not really, it fits the general idea of what I came to think of Luna as. She's just trying to escape her past, after all. She has no idea she's face to face with a demon.)

The woman smiles, half at the irony that the young girl before her was going from one collar to another, and half at how easy this catch had been. "Don't you worry hun, if anyone comes after you here, they're going to get a lot more than they bargained for. No one's going to hurt you so long as you're here, little morsel." The woman says in reply, before giving Luna a kiss on the cheek.
Re: Never Again (GuardianKnight)

( Alright, good. Poor Luna, she doesn't realize that's she has just become a sex slave. :D )

Luna's face brightened up when the woman responded, a smile formed on her face. For the first time in a long time she felt safe, out of reach of her former master. The girl then wrapped her arms around the woman and hugged her. She then made a sniffle sound, sounding emotional. " Thank you..." she said to the woman in a happy and relieved voice, believing that this blond woman would keep her safe and sound. Then, Luna felt something. It was a bit of hunger. She hadn't eaten in a while and was feeling hungry. Her stomach seemed to make a growl sound, making her hunger known to the blond woman Luna was hugging.