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New games being announced at anime expo

Re: New games being announced at anime expo

30+ japanese companies and 10+ western indie companies license to work with.

Now if only they weren't limited to like 12 games a year... Seriously of those about 30 companies they haven't touched a single title from 20 of them in 2-3 years. Nothing from Caramel Box, Lilith, Softhose Seal, Baseson and a bunch of others. It's hard to get excited by new licenses when there's no guarantee any company won't be abandoned after a single one.
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Re: New games being announced at anime expo

Give it time. As I understand it Mangagamer only recently decided to branch out into more gameplay oriented projects. Previously it was largely just nukige with the explanation that it was low risk and pretty much guaranteed some sales. Now that Mangagamer has grown to the size it has now as well as having accumulated more experience and have more data on larger games/projects we'll be seeing more of those.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

Give it time. As I understand it Mangagamer only recently decided to branch out into more gameplay oriented projects.

Having talked to them, I know they definitely are interested in the games i'm working on once they're complete (Future Fragments, Internal Interrogation, and Reclaim Reality), all of which have a lot of gameplay and aren't traditional VNs (or VNs at all, for FF).

So yeah, you can expect a lot more variety in gameplay genres to start showing up on MG, I figure.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

As I understand it Mangagamer only recently decided to branch out into more gameplay oriented projects.

They've been doing games with game content for a while. Boob Wars, Bukkake Ranch, Really Really, Kara no Shoujo and so on. The problem is that none of the games they had access to were good. Doddler stated that none of Softhouse Seals games were good, Circus' three games are mediocre and so on. Now that they have Alicesoft who make actually decent games, and the one game they've released sold decently, we can definitely expect an increase in games. It was never a question of company size but worth of license and what they could get.

Just a note for people, the silly named moege, If You Like Me Then Say Something, apparently won the game design award last year at some event. A moege won the award the year Evenicle came out. I'm really looking forward to how weird that games system is going to be.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

Well I heard a lot of people say Evanicle was disappointing and the moege actually did something innovative in an utterly stagnant genre which might have given it more attention than it normally would.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

Well I heard a lot of people say Evanicle was disappointing and the moege actually did something innovative in an utterly stagnant genre which might have given it more attention than it normally would.

Who the hell said Evanicle was disappointing? Everyone I've heard said its a great game, one of Alicesoft's best in the last few years.

Anyway, J-ast announcements.

PrincessX( Monster Girl nukige)+the fandisc
Katahane HD
Eiyuu Senki adult version(not gold. Going to use Fruitbat's translation I guess and actually translate the h content.)
Reannoucned Sweet Home for some reason?
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Re: New games being announced at anime expo

By Evanicle, do you guys mean Evenicle? This game?
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

I played through Evenicle and I thought it was quite good personally.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

I would be surprised if they didn't announce at least Rance VI before the end of the year, having in mind it's completed.

From what I've read, Haruko sold a lot, what is a very good result, especially having in mind it's an old game (even if a very good one)
The attitude of Alice Soft towards the westerns is a bit shaky IMO, they do look like they appreciate our attention (I recall some parody pics of Rance looking like an 80's action flick) but on the other hand they were of the first ones to put their "For Japan only" tag in the warning screen, and their homepage stills blocks non-japanese IPs.

Of course, the perspective of real money can soften any position, and the rapelay incident happened already a long time ago, and any consequences from it (like the censorship attempts by SJW, mocked by black lillith among others) are gone.
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Re: New games being announced at anime expo

I would be surprised if they didn't announce at least Rance VI before the end of the year, having in mind it's completed.

Aranaru(the guy who translated Haruka and most of Rance 6) stated he has a secret project that will be announced at Otakon. It is a gameplay game and is probably what you think it is or something close(his words). So either Rance or Evenicle.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

When you consider the type of games Alicesoft makes (lets face it, they're rapey) it's not a stretch to imagine they'd be wary of backlash from foreigners to the point of isolating themselves and waiting for it all to blow over.

I mean, at the end of the day they witnessed a group of imbeciles spout the notion that people enjoying a fantasy will want to act it out in reality, a sentiment that has been refuted so many times it's proponents can only be described as utterly demented, and to have those people breathing down your neck cannot be a pleasant prospect, especially when you fear being obstructed by knee-jerk censorship to try and appease the angered rabble.

If anything I find it remarkable that they're now opening up again, as censorship is steadily becoming more commonplace in major developers.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

When you consider the type of games Alicesoft makes (lets face it, they're rapey) it's not a stretch to imagine they'd be wary of backlash from foreigners to the point of isolating themselves and waiting for it all to blow over.

I mean, at the end of the day they witnessed a group of imbeciles spout the notion that people enjoying a fantasy will want to act it out in reality, a sentiment that has been refuted so many times it's proponents can only be described as utterly demented, and to have those people breathing down your neck cannot be a pleasant prospect, especially when you fear being obstructed by knee-jerk censorship to try and appease the angered rabble.

If anything I find it remarkable that they're now opening up again, as censorship is steadily becoming more commonplace in major developers.
Honestly, Beat blades Haruka is one of the most rapey games they have done, and still no one batted an eye.

SJW will rage against rapefests and against vanilla moeblobs all the same, the rape is the icing on the cake, but their issue is with the treatment of women as objects and yadda yadda.

I wonder, would they rage against fendom games like monmusu quest? In that game the object is Luka, instead of the monster girls, right?
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

I wonder, would they rage against fendom games like monmusu quest? In that game the object is Luka, instead of the monster girls, right?

Absolutely, because it's still male fantasy and the monster girls only exist to satisfy it.

The double standards they employ can be quite staggering. It never ceases to amaze me that these people can complain about something so vapid as "objectification" when the first thing they'd need to complain about if this were a legitimate problem is the dildo industry, I can't think of a more apt example of objectification than the literal creation of objects to replace males, or specifically their genitalia.

That said their protests have lost a lot of steam over the past year after it slowly became apparent that they did little more than complain about everything and did nothing constructive for it, and if all that paves the way for more translated eroge then all the better.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

I wonder, would they rage against fendom games like monmusu quest? In that game the object is Luka, instead of the monster girls, right?
It's as censuur says, as they rage against anything and everything, even in mainstream gaming. It always makes me smile when they talk about "objectification" while thinking about an actual object (a bunch of pixels in a fantasy setting).
But well, if they could censor everything, they would do it. it's just bullshit in the end, so the best thing is to ignore them, they're simply a westernized version of the Taliban.

Now, simply open a bunch of classical erotic literature books and you'll see how amazingly tame even quite dark hgames fetishes can be :rolleyes:.
Re: New games being announced at anime expo

It's as censuur says, as they rage against anything and everything, even in mainstream gaming. It always makes me smile when they talk about "objectification" while thinking about an actual object (a bunch of pixels in a fantasy setting).
But well, if they could censor everything, they would do it. it's just bullshit in the end, so the best thing is to ignore them, they're simply a westernized version of the Taliban.

Now, simply open a bunch of classical erotic literature books and you'll see how amazingly tame even quite dark hgames fetishes can be :rolleyes:.

Now now, that's nothing but a horrible insult towards good upstanding citizens of Taliban terrorists whom is willing to get shot at and die for their own beliefs....

The cowardly SJW crusaders is only brave enough to declare a crusade against pixels which cannot hit back and they're too afraid to go into the middle east and other countries where real living breathing women is getting abused.

SJWs is just bunch of poseurs that cannot walk the talk.