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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

First world problem:

Want to play H-RPGs made by japanese people.
Don't speak Japanese so I can't enjoy the long story of these games.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

First world problem:

Want to play H-RPGs made by japanese people.
Don't speak Japanese so I can't enjoy the long story of these games.

first world problem, want to make my games in japanese to reach a larger audience...
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

first world problem, want to make my games in japanese to reach a larger audience...

An H game that requires the least amount of reading = game that reaches bigger audience.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

An H game that requires the least amount of reading = game that reaches bigger audience.

Well I am doing research into spriting so i can start using game maker instead of rpg maker... I do have a pretty good concept for a platformer that hasnt been done yet :)

and i could show the choices without using text fairly easily :)
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

for some reason i cant see any character (kanji, Hiragana, nothing...) in RPG games with the sun like Gear symbol. so i use AGTH but for RJ081446 all characters repeat (GGAAMMEE) does someone know how to solve this?

PS: i suck at speaking/writing in english so usually i dont post a lot so i will use this post to say this: i would like to thank all you guys the ones who help with the games or the ones who post them, thank you for ur hard work, i hope someday i can help with something :D
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Am I nice enough? :)

-Warning - Odd Rant detected! - Warning-

You are so nice that you are downright evil! So very evilly nice. Its like you making enough food for the whole hunger problem of the world to go away till people realize that due to over population that everyone was all going to die of mass starvation unless they eat other people.

AKA - You fed everyone and made them all happy till they ran out of animal meat and began to become cannibals!


Yes. Don't be too nice now otherwise you'll spoil us!
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

These games are so much more enjoyable when you can understand them. I played through most of Saki Quest after it was translated by Monkeyman and i had quite alot of fun, most of the fun is taken out of an RPG when you cant understand it. Im not sure how many sales Japanese developers get from English speaking customers, but i know that i would pay for a great H-game if it was translated into English.

I've tried using AGTH but even when i can fine the exact hook for the text most of the translation is incredibly awkward.

I have payed for games like Kurovadis before and i intend on buying whatever Kyrieru develops next because the enjoyment isn't taken away by a language barrier.

I believe Kyrieru is Canadian, but i know for a fact that Kurovadis did well in Japan based on the numbers from Dlsite.

LSS: The less text the better, unless you want to make a game which comes in both Japanese and English languages.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

- TO skip text - Hit S key.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

[A]carajé;413532 said:
for some reason i cant see any character (kanji, Hiragana, nothing...) in RPG games with the sun like Gear symbol. so i use AGTH but for RJ081446 all characters repeat (GGAAMMEE) does someone know how to solve this?

PS: i suck at speaking/writing in english so usually i dont post a lot so i will use this post to say this: i would like to thank all you guys the ones who help with the games or the ones who post them, thank you for ur hard work, i hope someday i can help with something :D

Agth has an option to remove repetition of each character. If you use AGTH through ITH I don't think it works, though (at least it doesn't for me). But if you're running the game straight through AGTH it should be fine (just go to options and ask it to remove 1 repetition... If it's not enough, put two and so on until it fixes everything. I don't know why it requires more than the correct number of repetitions sometimes, but it does).
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Agth has an option to remove repetition of each character. If you use AGTH through ITH I don't think it works, though (at least it doesn't for me). But if you're running the game straight through AGTH it should be fine (just go to options and ask it to remove 1 repetition... If it's not enough, put two and so on until it fixes everything. I don't know why it requires more than the correct number of repetitions sometimes, but it does).

AGTH generally hooks rpgmakers games perfectly, usually the third hook is the correct one. A small, but unavoidable problem is that names of speakers often get dragged into the translation, ripping that out would require some debugging trickery beyond me.

Agth has an option to remove repetition of each character. If you use AGTH through ITH I don't think it works, though (at least it doesn't for me). But if you're running the game straight through AGTH it should be fine (just go to options and ask it to remove 1 repetition... If it's not enough, put two and so on until it fixes everything. I don't know why it requires more than the correct number of repetitions sometimes, but it does).

From time to time they inexplicably require that due to bugs in items, and sometimes x3 is necessary, see saki-que for this.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I figure I'd announce it here, I've gotten the translating bug.

So, once version 2 of Saki Quest comes out, I'm going to start working on Parallel fantasy and PF0 to tide us over until Arms devicer comes out
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Thanks Diagasvesle magical girl ruruka was quite nice, hope this one is too

thanks reddo & pereglasnost, i never noticed the "option" in the agth ^^ now i can play the game just fine thanks dudes, i gonna sleep and play more tomorrow good night dudes from ulmf!
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I figure I'd announce it here, I've gotten the translating bug.

So, once version 2 of Saki Quest comes out, I'm going to start working on Parallel fantasy and PF0 to tide us over until Arms devicer comes out

Really cant thank you enough for your effort.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Really cant thank you enough for your effort.

No problem :p

2 pretty big things though, I'm NOT putting a release date on these, doing that with SQ made me sprint for the end and really begin to hate the game towards the end. At least one will hopefully be out before Arms devicer though.

second thing is that this game seems to use more colloquial language, which AGTH has a hard time with, now thankfully I'm trying to learn Japanese to this might help me, or completely fuck me over.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

so much thanks KeiranD! been waiting for this game.
here is the 1st H Picture fight and lose to the boss basic for most RM.


  • Save01.zip
    7.1 KB · Views: 0
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I figure I'd announce it here, I've gotten the translating bug.

So, once version 2 of Saki Quest comes out, I'm going to start working on Parallel fantasy and PF0 to tide us over until Arms devicer comes out

Better hurry up, it should be out in less than a week, lol.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Hmm really? Damn, thought it was next month.

Guess why I replied that way in the other thread.
(unless there's a delay, it's expected to be 'late November'...which give you...2-3 days?)
/evil laugh.
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Guess why I replied that way in the other thread.
(unless there's a delay, it's expected to be 'late November'...which give you...2-3 days?)
/evil laugh.

To be fair, there's not actually that much in PF at least. PF0 will be more trouble though.
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