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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Problem I see with this is the search engine SUCKS here as it does on most forums! Do a search for Monster Girl.. there is pages for that single search.. so if your looking for Monster Girl Quest.. people just end up creating a new thread.. Even doing search with quotes does not make any difference.

So I don't say to anyone on this forum search first because it shows so much non relevant threads it's not worth the effort. With rules like this need a search that supports features like Regex so it's actually useful.


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Are you using the general search function or the advanced search function? Type "monster girl quest" in the general search function, of course you're going to get pages; people mention those keywords quite frequently. Do it in the advanced search function and suddenly you can refine the way it searches! Looking for the title of the thread? Then click "search title only"! Looking for it in a certain sub-forum? It's got that too! The search function is fine.

If your problem is that the searches aren't what you're looking for, then it'd be a great help to everybody in the forums if you tagged the threads appropriately so others will know that this game isn't a "monster girl" game and is actually a "girl fighting monsters" game. That's why the tags are public. Not so you can make that giant mess at the bottom of this page.

If you don't have a name, use the Hentai Finder thread then. If you're really desperate and know that it's a game that was posted in a thread, then one post here asking for a reminder isn't going to make us flip our tops. Hell, I'd rather have that than the new threads being made to ask for one game.

Speaking of reminders, you know you can subscribe to threads too, right? If you have a particular game you like, you can choose to subscribe to it and you won't even have to dig if it gets buried.

The forums have plenty of tools for you to use if you're looking for games. It's just a matter of optimizing them to your advantage.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Or search the RJ number, since it's really the only thing you guys use right now anyway.


Grim Reaper
Oct 29, 2012
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

The last time we had a sub-forum for a small community to discuss their favorite game, we had to take it down because of a myriad of legal issues. So no.
Game, or games?

I didn't think something would spiral out that bad...


Jungle Girl
Feb 12, 2012
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Yes, that's it. Lolima! The first iteration was either RPG2K or 2K3 and pretty decent but incomplete, the new version was just a demo that was abandoned...

Also known as, if I remember correct, Lolimaho. Also, banned from here for obvious reasons.
Well after a 30 min of research I have found the developers site for this and his demo is still up as well.

Given it is loli I don't think I can post it if I understand the rules here. But I can PM it to you if you want. But all I did was google the name of the game ロリ魔女外伝-体験版. It was one of the first results.

Hope that helps.


(And Reputation Manager)
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I'm not against another subforum, but I wouldn't see why it's necessary. We have very clear and visible tags that make threads easily manageable, and there are the purple ones that say [RPG Maker]


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
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Nov 10, 2008
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

It was a game that was heavily modded from another game. It had legions of modders and completely secluded themselves in that sub-section, kind of like an Amish community. When we started looking into their background, turned out they were like a nomadic community because they were illegally distributing the game through PMs and getting the owners of the forums they went to in legal issues. Aika was getting emails too, so we pulled the plug on them.

The members also spoke in broken English and usually didn't get along well with the rest of the community. Not saying that an RPG Maker sub section would devolve into something like this, but I'm wary about this kind of thing nowadays.


Mystic Girl
Aug 13, 2012
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

For those that aren't aware, you can use "site:www.ulmf.org" in Google to search these forums. There isn't a website in existence with better search capability than Google so no one even tries these days. Using the built-in vBulletin search is just crazy talk.

A separate subforum for RPG Maker games also seems pointless to me too, but maybe that's because I don't understand the love affair with RPG Maker. If someone creates a shitty JRPG with a different engine that plays identically to an RPG Maker game, how is it any different?


Sex Demon
Jul 14, 2010
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Oh My God Mr. Darkfire is here...

This is serious. I swear I am not being sarcastic, listen to the man. If he shows up, this has gone beyond the other mods... It's been awhile since I've seen Mr. Popsicle Man show up around these parts, and that was before Toxic was made a mod (I remember then...I was still a lurker, and his promotion was a happy day by all)

Anyway boss, whatever you'll decide is good with me, although I will weep if this thread dies. I do have a few ideas and if you mod types would wish to hear them please let me know...I imagine you know how to get ahold of me.

Otherwise, we're done folks. Darkfire has once again turned his attention on this thread and I do not think it'll survive. Of course, I'll see everyone in my new threads...the ones when I have games to share...

Much love, especially to the mods that are just doing their jobs.



Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Doob, if you have suggestions, absolutely please post them. Feedback is how we grow.


Sex Demon
Jul 14, 2010
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well, what about a psudo-mod that just patrols this one thread, moves any posts to their own threads as they should be, ensures that the content herein is appropriate, and that sort of thing.

This person would not have the power of a full mod, and basically be under scrutiny from the real mods.

It really is just one more person on an unpaid staff...but considering how big the rpgmaker community has become (and it's become a subcommunity unto itself)

I know that it's quite hard to do the sub-com thing, but if this could work, I could spare the time to look through this shit....

I'm not saying I want to be a mod, but I'll lend a hand if needed/wanted. I do check this thread on a fairly daily basis. and I'll do it more often if asked. I do know it is somewhat of a commitment to say that,

So my main suggestion is to leave the thread alone, or not. But to keep it going and have someone to watch it (and only it) for anything that is against the forum rules. Also, move the hopefully random games to their own threads...Anyway, it'd be an RPGM mod sort of...(the lowest of mods, but be able to help out...)

This way, no one loses. We get a more organized system, us RPG maker fans still have a thread, and eventually (I'm not sure how one this one) the community comes all together.

Also, this way it isn't demolition, but delegation...


Demon Girl Master
Mar 12, 2012
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Do a sticky which explains the "LOLI" rules in all languages of the world with every possible abuse there could be with it.
Then you add an auto popp up to the Submit Reply button which opens that sticky. Also it should be spoken as well as a record. Which also autostarts when u press that button. ;)


Sex Demon
Jul 14, 2010
Reputation score
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Do a sticky which explains the "LOLI" rules in all languages of the world with every possible abuse there could be with it.
Then you add an auto popp up to the Submit Reply button which opens that sticky. Also it should be spoken as well as a record. Which also autostarts when u press that button. ;)
If I understand correctly, LOLI rules are regarded as to where the server is hosted on this site, which means no.


Demon Girl Master
Mar 12, 2012
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Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I know that. You know that, but a lot of people seem to have issues with it. They seem to not to be able to realise what's loli and what not.


Sex Demon
Jul 14, 2010
Reputation score
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

I know that. You know that. BUT....
But so no loli?

Unfortunately living in the Canadia and the Nor loli states of is going strong....
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Tentacle Monster
Jan 3, 2010
Reputation score
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Well, what about a psudo-mod that just patrols this one thread, moves any posts to their own threads as they should be, ensures that the content herein is appropriate, and that sort of thing.

This person would not have the power of a full mod, and basically be under scrutiny from the real mods.

It really is just one more person on an unpaid staff...but considering how big the rpgmaker community has become (and it's become a subcommunity unto itself)

I know that it's quite hard to do the sub-com thing, but if this could work, I could spare the time to look through this shit....

I'm not saying I want to be a mod, but I'll lend a hand if needed/wanted. I do check this thread on a fairly daily basis. and I'll do it more often if asked. I do know it is somewhat of a commitment to say that,

So my main suggestion is to leave the thread alone, or not. But to keep it going and have someone to watch it (and only it) for anything that is against the forum rules. Also, move the hopefully random games to their own threads...Anyway, it'd be an RPGM mod sort of...(the lowest of mods, but be able to help out...)

This way, no one loses. We get a more organized system, us RPG maker fans still have a thread, and eventually (I'm not sure how one this one) the community comes all together.

Also, this way it isn't demolition, but delegation...
It's a lot easier to just have people put things in the right place to begin with.

But so no loli?

Unfortunately living in the Canadia and the Nor loli states of is going strong....
Even if the host wasn't on a place where loli laws are up, it could bring unwanted problems/attention.

In my opinion, one thread per game is overkill. Most of the games are not good enough to warrant that: in here they'd go for one or two pages and die without cluttering the board.

I don't know how much control can be put in place in this board, but having at least threads with 3~4 pages or more be moved into a "better" area automatically, or just put on top even when they're older than the others (up to a certain limit, like 2 or 3 weeks with no activity) could make it workable.

What I gather from boards with "1 game - 1 thread" is that the mess is so freakishly great there's no point in it. I mean: posts pretty much every single h-game that comes up. You look away for a day or two and bam: there are now about 10~20 new games. In this board, this could easily be one page or at least half a page of topics.

By making every single game a thread, we'll get lots of threads that barely incite responses, but they will still clutter the board and make it hard to see the "good" ones.

As another point, it will also make it harder to enforce any rules on such a scenario. Instead of going to a "getall" thread, the mods would have to open them one by one.

As it is right now is probably best. However, threads for the most talked about games could be created more promptly and then people should be directed to move all discussion on it there, instead. This would unclutter the thread without cluttering the board in its place, the only problem being someone would have to be paying attention and be able to tell which games "deserve" new threads, moving the posts on the bigger games would also give a lot of work.


Dec 2, 2009
Reputation score
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

Why not just have this or a new thread as a upcoming/release only thread. Then if a game generates enough interest, someone can make a discussion thread. This way the mods can easily mod the release thread for improper content and the forum won't get flooded by unpopular games.

Either way, I don't have a problem with the current megathread.


Demon Girl
Aug 19, 2011
Reputation score
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

IMHO, I still like the idea of this thread being used as a "hub" of sorts, with game info/links being placed here, along with any tech-related questions (I.E. "Game doesn't run, what do?") and everything else being put into it's own specific thread. I agree that it might be overkill, considering that not EVERY game is threadworthy, and may cause unneeded clutter to the thread list, but it's still better than going through dozens of posts to find info about a specific game that was discussed earlier, or to even find out what people are talking about. (Seriously, I miss a day and I might find people talking about 3 new games at the same time, and I get real confused) Maybe a new sub-forum isn't such a bad idea, but as Darkfire said, there were some... "problems" with a "mod-which-shall-not-be-named" that got it's own thread that had legal trouble.

I think it getting it's own sub-forum should be considered, and should at least have a test-run to see how things work out :\

As always, I enjoy this thread and the games that are discussed. I would cry if it we're gone :(


Apr 26, 2009
Reputation score
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

i dont really see a problem that takes that much discussion to solve.
reorganization is fine. keeping the thread as it is, is also fine with me.

personally i'm not here to make any friends or direct contact to other perverted souls, but i can think of this thread as a way for some people considering the way of communication here to make some lasting contacts.
but making contact or small talking with buddies is not what this thread was meant to be.

a lot of people mentioned a shitload of new threads coming up, when this thread is reorganized. so what? the interesting games threads will stay on top and uninteresting games will vanish into data-nirvana (page 10+). nobody should feel uneasy about that, since its always been this way on the internet.

so im with the staff that wants to reorganize this thread. who knows, maybe it is really getting better?
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Oct 9, 2009
Reputation score
Re: RPG Maker Hentai Games

DAMN YOU STARKE!!! Why would you bring up old wounds like that!!? The first 4 pics are of an long abandoned game with GREAT promise. I remember discussing that game back in Hongfire when it still had filesharing, even before the Game Over Rape thread became overly full.

The game was originally about a young girl in the city. The game featured hungry, thirst, and even the need to use the bathroom or it'll actually cause damage to you. It was really well made and half way finished but the creator started on that game you have there as a reboot. Making the girl older, and adding better polished CG. but that game was abandoned as well.

the game was called loli witch or loli mage. one or the other. A masterpiece that was never finished. NOROI ZO~

edit: the first game is the old~ rpg maker format game. Same as Violate Heroine
Oh wow. Loli witch. Yeah that one was abandoned ages ago. The reboot increased the graphics immensely, but was abandoned just as quickly. Came out at around the same time as VH, but at least the later one does get updated every once in a while.
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