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Newlywed Life (Jenna;TiffTiff)

Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

How backwards Jenna’s new husband seemed to be… nervous in moments of peaceful quiet, calm in the chaos of battle. She would have to adjust her usage of leisure time to please him in all likelihood. In any case, the sparring session with her father began soon afterward, and the backseat fighting began in earnest from the moment she took up her fighting stance, the Griffin criticizing it from the edge of the cliff. She grumbled under her breath until her father came over to help her out, giving her actual instruction as to how to fix her stance properly. It took some effort to try and beat some of the homebrewed flaws in her style even at just this early part of the proceedings, and she struggled to keep pace with her dad throughout the training. The lizardgirl’s technique would take some time to sort out and fix, and a lot of hard work… it felt like a daunting task, but one she would have to undertake with all due seriousness.

The day seemed to pass by far too quickly, not enough hours to get the work done that she felt like she needed to do, but by the time the sun had set she had at least a decent grasp on the proper fundamentals again. All she needed to do was confirm her positioning and get used to the speed of combat, and the basics would be in her grasp once more. As they were finishing up her father mentioned that she should have a talk with her mother about incorporating magic into her fighting, which made her sigh… Jenna had always doubted just a little bit that she was capable of mastering magic, and learning from her mother was always a bit of a trial. "I guess I am" she replied, turning to look at the Griffin. "I’m kind of dreading it, but there’s no other option if I ever want to amount to more than average. I’ll probably need it just to be a proper match for him."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna's father frowns and steps forth to bonk his daughter over the head with the hilt of his weapon. "Pessimism will get you nothing but defeat. Look to the future with high hopes," he scolded and lectured her. "If you can't be proud of your marriage, then how do you think that will make your husband feel?" he inquired.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna let out a little "ow" as her father bapped her on the forehead with the hilt of his sword, though it didn't hurt at all. "I am proud" she objected, "but I have a long way to go. This training only confirms it... I need to work hard to be worthy. I didn't understand fully how hard until now..." She smiled a little bit, turning to her husband then as he lay on the cliffside, and said "it's not like there's no joy in working, though."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"That's my girl!" Jenna's father replied, before ruffling his hand through her hair and hugging her with one arm. "So, how many grandchildren am I gonna get?" he asked playfully, while facing the sunset with his daughter and her husband a little ways away.

"If every time we spar she ends up falling on me, likely many." Griffin replied blandly, referring to their first fight, and their first session of intercourse.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna smiled softly as her father ran a hand through her hair and mussed it, just as he had done so often when she had been a child. Of course, the joking question that came afterwards just made her blush and turn away. "I dunno... some!" she said quickly, turning to glare at the Griffin when he offered up his analysis. "I don't want too many too quick... "
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Of course not." Her father replied, while Griffin merely stood up from where he was laying. The ground suddenly cracked beneath his feet, and the side of the cliff gave way beneath Griffin's feet. He descended from Jenna's view in but a single second, falling below, before he came right back up, pulling himself up from the edge of the cliff and walking towards them. "Coming with us, Grif?" Jenna's father inquired.

"Yeah," Griffin replied as if him nearly falling to his death didn't just happen.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna’s heart skipped a beat when she saw the ground crumble beneath her new husband’s feet, seemingly dropping him off the face of the sheer cliff… It was only a few seconds before he was pulling himself up into her view again, walking casually towards the two of them. Her instinct was to scold him, to tell him to be more careful and not to scare her like that, but she knew already that it wouldn’t make a difference. She held her tongue, for now at least, and moved to follow along with her dad.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

(Inspirational Music used - )

They'd walk back down through the caves, and to Jenna's familiar home that she'd known since she were but a little lizard. She knew the angry woman inside it too. Upon seeing the trio enter, Jenna's mother angrily slammed down a durable stone bottle of sake. Her face was flush red, and signs of intoxication were evident in her features. "How much progress has my disgrace of a daughter made!?" she inquired angrily.

"She'll be in good shape in no time," answered Jenna's father. "Griffin and I were-"

"Getting helped by her own-hic-husband!?" Her mother exclaimed, after suffering a drunken hiccup. "Show some... Sum dam sham! Shame!" She drunkenly stumbled over her words while beating Jenna with degradation.

"Honey, you're drunk," Jenna's father sighed, moving over to his wife to see about helping her into bed.

"Drunk, yeah! What's YOUR excuse! Never grew any breasts... Disappointment by all regards... Gren would have been fine if'n she wasn't a little psycho..." Her mother pointed at her while being dragged to the bedroom, before grumbling about Jenna's sister and finally being silenced by her husband and put to bed.

"You're welcome to sleep where you'd like," Jenna's father whispered from the bedroom while peaking his head out, before quickly returning to his drunken wife.

Griffin sat quietly for a moment, before looking to Jenna. "I've developed a hunch as to why you left. My parents left me alone in the wilderness when I was seven in order to learn how to survive, but at least they appreciated me."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna and the male members of her family made their way down through the Great Hollow without much more conversation between them, actually in fairly good spirits. That ended for the lizardgirl, at least, when they arrived to find her mother. The older woman was drunk, as she often was, and it seemed that she wasn’t in a very good mood just from the way she barked out her question. Her father began to answer, but mother interjected angrily, slurring her words as she began to insult her daughter. Jenna seethed silently with anger as the insults continued, all sorts of horrible thoughts springing into her mind. She wondered if the older woman had considered that one of the common threads between her daughters was her, or that maybe if she weren’t an angry, drunken asshole so often they wouldn’t have run away.

The lizardgirl managed to restrain herself, though, her tightly clenched fists the only indication of her anger for a while as her father put her mother to bed. The Griffin spoke, but she hardly heard. She just stood there, tail poised up behind her as if ready to lash out at something, quivering with the potential for violence… "I will not live in this place much longer" she said after a long pause, "I’m not certain living in the same home as my mother is better than sleeping in the streets." Her voice wavered, and a bit of hissing crept in, the depth of Jenna’s anger in that moment quite clear. Her tail slumped against the ground only slowly, her fists unclenching. "Let’s go to bed. Tomorrow the two of us will go looking for a place to call home."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Before we do that... I'd like to know the definition of home in this place." Griffin said warily, looking around the current place that was considered to be a home. It was basically an air bubble inside of a stone mountain that was filled with furniture, at least to his eyes. To a lizard, it was a highly defensible location near volcanic activity to keep the whole area warm. It was like a self-heated house with lots of protection against invaders.

Regardless, Griffin was ready for bed, their cotton bed waiting to be rolled out and slept in.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Just finding a good location and digging out an area in the cave wall. Preferably one that’s heated like this one. This is actually a very good spot" Jenna replied, nodding as she ran a claw against the wall. "I don’t think I could stand to be close to here, though." She was already making her way towards her room, beckoning him to follow. There was a little bit of work to be done to get their bed ready, but it was a quick enough process, and soon enough the lizardgirl was slipping under the covers. She was too pissed off to want to have sex with her new husband, not right now… it probably wasn’t a good idea under those circumstances in any case. She did want to hold and be held as she went to sleep, though, to take her mind off of things.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Your mother seems to be an awful pervert, but I fail to understand the reason why you hate her so much. I moderately disliked my father, and he left me in the middle of the wilderness to fend for myself when I was seven after making sure I went a few days without food and that morning without water. I understood that he was trying to make me stronger, but it felt like he was maybe going a little too far sometimes..." Griffin said, taking off his armor and snuggling up with Jenna.

If Jenna didn't with to prolong the conversation, morning would come after they'd have to hear Jenna's mother and father gently going at it in the other room. Jenna could tell it was morning because the morning cong was struck, it was an instrument that was struck twice a day to announce the time of day to those inside. A lighter higher pitched gong meant daytime, and deeper meant dusk. Either way, gong or not, it seemed Griffin was still sleeping, cuddled up to her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Because she hates me" Jenna said frankly. "She’s a pervert, she’s pushy, whatever I do is never good enough, she’s as nasty and mean as the day is long… The constant bickering and not valuing me… she probably ran Gren off that way too. I don’t think she’s even trying to make me stronger. She’s just trying to make me… her." She cuddled up to the Griffin as he got into bed, wrapping her arms around him and laying her head such that they were almost nose to nose, drifting off to sleep quickly if he didn’t respond.

In the morning the lizardgirl awoke to the familiar sound of her parents having sex, as was usual for the mornings. The morning gong rang out through the Great Hollow, but none of it awoke Jenna’s new husband. She was in no hurry to get up and about herself, so she just nuzzled her face against his chest and let him sleep, trying to block out the sounds around her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"No, I doubt she hates you." Griffin replied. "She just seems helpless, really. She looks like someone who wants to see their daughter improve but doesn't have a clue how to accomplish it. She might be a worthless mother for that, but she doesn't hate you." Griffin said firmly. With that, he was willing to go to sleep.

The next morning, after the gong rang out, and the sounds of her parent's love making ended, the cave went silent. Griffin began to sweat, seeming bothered by the quiet, before giving a start the moment Jenna had to move a little. A small knife was drawn and he looked ready to draw blood while breathing heavy. Seeing that it was Jenna, he relaxed a little. "Don't be so quiet." he scolded her.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna thought quietly about what the Griffin had said for a while, pondering it before sleep. If it were true, her mother had a funny way of showing it. A really poor way of showing it. Still, sleep came relatively soon, taking away her cares for just a little while. In the morning she found something a little bit strange once the house had quieted down; her husband began to sweat and twitch, as if this quiet made him quite nervous… She moved just a bit, and instantly he was awake, a knife in his hand as the lizardgirl looked up at him curiously. "Fine, fine" she replied, making note that it wasn’t good to be too quiet around him. "I just wanted to let you sleep. It’s not quite time for breakfast yet, mother isn’t up and about."
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Why must we wait for her? I'll make something." Griffin offered. "Go get some food. A rabbit, or some eggs. If I'm understanding this reverse society correctly, then you're the one responsible for such things." Griffin nodded.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna rolled over in bed, staring up at the cave ceiling. "Because I hadn't planned on trapping anything this morning" she said flatly in reply, "and I have nothing to trade for eggs or domesticated meat, unless you want to sleep with Zurui down the way." She wasn't being serious, of course, and if he somehow decided that would be a good idea she would object. "Still, I suppose I could go out and fetch us something." She of course knew how to catch rabbits and small game with various traps, and she wasn't bad at it, it was just the cooking bit that threw her for a loop. Unless Griffin had other ideas she would get up and dress herself slowly, leaving the Great Hollow to do just that in the surrounding forest.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"Be swift about it." Griffin said, sounding like the nagging husband more and more, before Jenna would embark to catch some breakfast.

Conveniently enough, she'd come across a nest with eggs in it. There was no male nearby, so one could assume it was a harpy without a husband who laid eggs and was seeking to trade them. Jenna could simply take the eggs, and flee from/fight the incoming angry harpy, or spend some time murdering a non-mamono creature and bringing it back home for Griffin to cook.

Either way, Jenna would bring home food, and Griffin would get to cooking it. It quickly began to smell rather good. "I found some plants to act as seasonings. Should make it rather tasty." he claimed. And he was right. Jenna would have a breakfast of rather delicious delight, far beyond what she could have accomplished with the disgrace known as her own cooking skills.
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

Jenna rolled her eyes a bit at her new husband’s admonition, replying "yes dear" as she dressed herself and fetched the materials she needed for the trapping of small woodland creatures. As she made her way into the woods she happened across a nest, empty except for a number of eggs nestled within. There wasn’t evidence of a human male in the area, so it was probably the unfertilized eggs of a harpy. She could, of course, have taken them, but she decided against it; not only was it not hers to take, she didn’t feel like potentially fighting off an angry harpy at this time of morning. Instead she would head deeper in and lay her traps.

It only took a little while for the lizardgirl to get enough of a haul that she began the trip back to her home; a rabbit and a squirrel, enough for the both of them at least. Her mother could find her own food. As the Griffin began to cook Jenna would relax just a bit, though she would watch somewhat, trying to pick up on his technique. It smelled damn fine, too… He hadn’t been idle while she had been out catching their meat, finding various plants and herbs to season the meat. Of course it ended up fucking delicious… why could everyone cook but her? "This is really tasty" she managed between bites, "who taught you?"
Re: Destined Union (Jenna)

"I worked under a chef back from the city I came from. I learned how to use lots of seasonings to make meals more enjoyable." he explained simply. "I took the job temporarily in case I ever needed to cook in the wild. So far, it's served me well from time to time. I often don't find the seasonings I want though, and taking a whole variety in my pack would be cumbersome."