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Nigeria, Africa.


Dec 14, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen made a quick inspection of the room, and finding it empty, took up position between the two infected, aiming her gun at the crotch of the one attempting to rape the woman. The other hand was poised to strike at the second infected, aimed to sever the spinal cord at the back of the neck with her claws.

She fired as she swung, the open hostility breaking her obfuscation, showing herself to both of them as she readjusted, firing two more shots at the first's head while she watched the second, unsure of her success.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger allowed himself to be pushed back, until he was laying down, with the dryad on top of him. And once she mounted him, Roger gasped at how alien her insides felt, as well as her obvious skill 'in bed,' which is well deserved, in his opinion.

Each time she was about to make him cum, it was fairly obvious. The tendrils glancing at his shaft combined with the way she knew 'just' how to grind his gears was simply too much for him to stand without moaning aloud. And the more she took him to the edge of extacy, before letting him cool down, the less he could stand it. But, he always thought himself bold and durable when it came to sex, so he kept himself from breaking, and begging her to let him climax, clinging on to every ounce of mental endurance he had, and using the vicious, passionate kiss as a way to help keep his mind focused off of his intense desire to cum, and more on the pretty, unique face of the dryad...


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"I don't hear anyone offering..." Sarah noted dryly. "Come on Chris, give a big girl like me some credit for once. Besides, it's not like I don't got my own tricks to get me through."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The second infected was dead, it's head actually having been ripped of by her attack. The first however was still alive, and roughly tosses the girl, who was shuddering in terror, to one side. Then, he quite literally charged at her, in an attempt it seemed to grab her and grapple with her.

After what seemed like an eternity, but was probably only ten or fifteen minutes, the dryad decided it was time for both of them to release, and so, just when Roger was thinking she was going to pull another of her tricks and prolong things ... she didn't. Her body spasmed around him as her own climax rapidly approached, and given how aroused he already was, this probably was just too much.

There was a pause on the radio before Sarah finally got her reply.

"Alright, go. Just be careful and keep in touch. If there are more of those Uroboros creatures out there, I don't want you trying to tangle with one alone, not unless you've got something in your arsenal that lets you breathe fire as hot as a flame thrower or more. Good luck and happy hunting."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Got it. Sarah out."

Turning to the arulane, she asks, "Ok, can ya show me where that cave is? It's time to figure out what the hell is going on..."


Dec 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen nimbly jumped aside, shifting focus to the one still alive and firing at it until her clip ran dry, aiming for the head. She kept her other hand held back, out of reach of the thing, but poised to strike if necessary.

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger's natural instinct he'd gained through his young days was to pull out of the woman when he felt he was about ready to cum. But, with the dryad in such an overpowering position over him, he wasn't sure if he could escape even if he wanted to before it was already too late. And in the next moment of approaching bliss, his vision nearly went completely white, before giving the dryad what she might have wanted all along as he came inside her.

Roger collapsed, his ears ringing as a result of all the pressure that had built in his mind, unable to speak between labored breaths seeking air to help his recovery. And, laying in a heap beneath the hopefully satisfied 'meta-human,' as Roger once heard the yeti call their types, he felt himself in a moment of weakness, a realization soon following, of how that weakness might be exploited.

Roger grew more powerful every time he fought, this he knew. The visions became clearer each time, and he began to feel confident that he might be able to even dodge one of Wesker's sucker punches, with a good deal concentration, which was all but impossible before. But, should his opponent seek to defeat him via other means than his utter defeat in combat... He cast the thought aside, shaking his head with dismissal. Only women could really do what the dryad did, without hurting him, and giving him the premonition, and even then, each female he encountered only seemed interested in a fight. Although a weakness, an embarrassing one, it was one Roger was confident his enemies, even Wesker, would have no clue about.

Roger, still catching his breath, all of those thoughts passing in but a moment, looked down at the dryad with curiosity, wondering what she planned to do with him next...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

A quick nod was Sarah's reply.

"Yes, follow me and we'll see. I warn you though, we may encounter the invisible one's."

The dryad regarded Roger for a long moment, then nodded.

"When you are ready, I shall lead you through the systems to the surface on the other side. As I mentioned before as well, I know some of his plans, not all of them though. Tell me ... what do you know of Uroboros?"

Ellen's shots hit home, killing the infected on either the fifth or sixth shot, leaving it be just her and the woman in the room amongst the living.

The woman in question was still in the corner she'd been thrown in to, shuddering.


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah just nodded as she grabbed her shotgun. "Don't worry, I'll protect ya, just let's go onwards, we don't have much time..."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She nodded once, then led the way onward.

It took some time to reach the place, which was indeed a mine shaft of some sorts. Large, and seeming to go deep under the ground, there was no sign of life at all right now.

Upon further inspection, Sarah would note several tracks that seemed fairly fresh in the dirt leading into the mine, and a faint light shone deep inside.

"We're here ... I don't know what waits for us inside though. It's a perfect place for an ambush ..."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Gripping her shotgun a bit tighter, she nodded. "Well, only one way to find out..." Idly, she did a small glance at her pocket of her shirt, where her syringe case was hidden

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger chuckled as he shakily tried to stand on his feet, before deciding to remain in a crouching position as his strength slowly rebuilt itself. "You've been around the block a few times, haven't you?" he said to her. He cocked his head, adjusting his words, "A few hundred times..."

When she spoke of Uroboros, Roger could only assume she spoke of Wesker's most recent star player in his plans, "You mean that giant mass of gooey shit? It's a big ass blob that eats everything in sight, like a plague, and takes a beating to. Like some kind of Biological Weapon, Why?" he asked her, "Is that thing the Pansy's ace in the deck? The thing that's gonna to end the world? What the hell is the dumb ass gonna earn from destroying everything like this?"


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The Alarune nodded grimly.

"Alright, let's do this then."

As they entered deeper into the shafts, Sarah would note a slight bit of water pooling, as if perhaps they had now passed under a lake bed or something. Soon however, they had entered a large cavern. Inside she spotted two things of interest.

One was a row of what seemed like cocoons of some sorts, and they were squirming.

The second was a massive array of what appeared to be stored missiles.

A slight chuckle as she nodded.

"More like a few thousand, but who's counting."

Her voice took on a more serious tone as she replied back to Roger.

"I don't think he actually believes he's destroying anything. I think he actually thinks he's doing the world a favor by ushering in a new dawn. Now it's only a rumor mind you, but I've heard it said he plans to unleash Uroboros upon the entire planet via a missile attack. Something about altitude and saturating the planet from the air. I won't pretend to understand what that means exactly, but my guess is whatever he's got planned exactly isn't going to be good."

She shuddered slightly, and not from the dropping temperature.

"Whatever his plan, we can't let him unleash that ... monstrosity on the world."


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah seemed to freeze at the sight of the caccoons. Aw hell no, she's seen enough shit allready to know this was bad. Keeping her shotgun leveled at the pods, she gives a look to the arulane. "You may wanna leave now, I doubht that this will get any friendlier, and Chris will kill me if I let a scratch on ya...." though in almost the same breath she had cued her mic. "Chris. Missiles. Monsters. Commencing extermination of the latter."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger chuckled, as if amused, "I had a feeling." he announced, before grunting as he stood on both of his feet, and patted off his backside, knocking the dirt off, "He never seemed to be all that bright of a character to begin with."

"Alright then," Roger announced, folding his arms on his chest, "Then I'll just have to dispose of those missiles, before disposing of the retard himself..." Roger trailed off at the end of his words, looking away from the 'woman' in front of him, and off into space as his subconscious reminded him of his other interests. "First thing's first," he reminded himself.

Roger cleared his throat, before gesturing at the dryad with a smile, "Alright, sweetheart, lead the way."


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

She nodded to Roger.

"Alright, however the missiles may be a problem. I don't know exactly where he's keeping them, and I have heard he has more than one pod of them."

She led him down one part of the tunnels he hadn't even known was there, briefly stopping long enough to ensure he could keep pace with her. After perhaps twenty minutes or so, they had entered into what seemed to be an abandoned underground facility.

"This is where we last saw him. He was ... he was conducting experiments on humans and abnormals alike using forced injections of Uroboros. He may still be in this facility, I'm not sure. I shall ... stay with you for now, I need to see this through."

The reply to Sarah was almost instant.

"Roger that, be careful. Call if you need the back up, I'm sending a team over just in case to your spot, you can always call them off if you don't need it. Either way, that area needs to be secured if there are missiles there. See if you can determine what their yield is."

Rather than having left, the Alarune had shifted over to one of the missiles and let out a shocked, choked gasp.

"I ... I think you'd better see this Sarah."

If she looked briefly, she'd notice one word labeled across each and every missile.


The Alarune shot her a worried look.

"If that's labeled right ...."

She trailed off, the implications clear.


Dec 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen slowly replaced her clip, placing the emptyone in a spare pocket as she turned to the woman, speaking reassuringly. "It's alright, I'm here to help. Are you hurt?"


Hentai Master
Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Still keepin a wary eye on the pods, she goes over to the missles, and her jaw literally gapes open. Instantly she's at the radio. "Crhis... that team doesn't happen to have flamethrowers does it? Cause I found the black bastard in individual cans, so to speak..."

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger raised an eyebrow at her, "Injections?" he asked curiously, before dazing off for a moment to think to himself, "What doesn't make sense to me, was how he somehow fit me into his 'evil,' 'dastardly' plans before realizing I'd just tell him to sit and spin anyway." he thought humorously, "... What if he wanted to test Uroboros on me? If I'm really an artifact... Then what would it do to me? Would it turn me into a big black blob to? Or something else..."

Roger sighed, at the moment, from the Dryad's point of view, he might seem as if something was troubling him, "As far as I know, scientists only repeat their experiments if it fails. If he was injecting people with possession of these rockets... Why would he just settle for contaminating one person at a time? Unless he was conducting experiments..."

Roger suddenly picked his feet up, marching towards the various cabinets and counters, in search of a single vial of Uroboros, perhaps left over from the experiments. Roger had a feeling he knew what Wesker's intention for him was to be, and all he needed was a single vial... A single ace up his sleeve, the card one would hold until the very end of the game...


RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The girl stared blankly for a moment at Ellen before suddenly grabbing her in a sobbing hug, almost using Ellen as a walking crutch or support. However, Ellen would note, the poor girl apparently couldn't speak words, which might seem unsettling.

The Dryad regarded Roger curiously, but said nothing as of yet, up until he started searching for something.

"What are you looking for?"

Try as he might however, it appeared the place had been thoroughly cleansed of any useful items, save for a single can of 'first aid spray'.

There was a moment pause before Sarah got a reply.

"Your joking me right? Shit, re-equipping them now, eta five according to Chan. And what do you mean cans? Don't tell me you mean missiles."