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Nigeria, Africa.

Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger's eyebrow's raised at the notice of Chris' special someone actually being alive, and even not some kind of monster as far as he could tell. "Well," he said with a small chuckle, "fuck me, she is alive. Turns out I really am never wrong."

After looking at the options for a moment, he blinked at the choices, before letting out a small rumble coming from his throat as he mused over it. "There's just no way it's that easy... My luck ain't that good..." he stated. However, after a moment, he shrugged, letting out a sigh, "But, if Lady Luck decides she wants to make it up to me, hell, why not." he said with conclusion, as he selected the option on the screen, saying it aloud as he did so,



" he said slowly as he typed it.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

A low rumble could be heard as some hidden machinery worked it's magic, and then a light came on, indicating he would need to go down three 'floors' via an elevator or work shaft. The pod indicated it had been opened, and was awaiting the retrieval of it's occupant before any further commands could be input.

He now had a few choices. He could descend one of two ways and see if he could help her, or he could hope she'd wake up on her own and extract herself.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

With another sigh, Roger growled, "Tedious... Real fuckin' annoying." he complained, before glancing at the elevator, "... Nope, never liked em, never trusted em, and never used em so far." And with that thought, quickly headed for the work shaft.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

((What a perfect place for an ambush lol))

He headed into the shaft, working his way down. Once he'd reached the desired level, he spotted an open pod. However, upon moving there, he discovered something disturbing. The pod was empty. There was no sign of footprints either, so that could only mean one thing. Either the pod had been mislabeled, or someone had removed her before he arrived. Either that or she could fly, which seemed unlikely.

As this registered, he heard a hissing sound and the sound of claw clicking against metal. If he turned, he'd spot what was clearly a licker, only something was wrong with it.

Where the exposed brain should have been, there was a metal plate protecting it. The claws were much longer than they should have been, and it's eyes were ... wait, it had eyes! Lickers didn't HAVE eyes.

The yellowish eyes stared at him, watching him. The Licker hadn't struck yet, but it clearly was intending to. He got the impression this one was actually sizing him up, testing him.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Hello gorgeous," Roger greeted the licker, as he quickly had his short sword in his hand, prepping himself as well, "Let's see that pretty tongue of yours..." he taunted it. And while he was ready for the lash of the tongue, using his power to time it just right, before he'd slash downwards with all his might, and sever the tongue, he was also prepared for a straight leap at him, with or without claws, in which case... It was a good thing his blade was pointed right at the monster, ready to impale it as it jumped through the air.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

The Licker did leap ... Straight up.

It then scuttled across the roofing, tilting it's head back and letting loose some kind of noise.

A few moments later, Roger heard at least twenty more answer it, the sound of clicking claws audible in the distance. It had called for help.

Now it attacked, only it swung down with it's claw, aiming to cut his head off if it could.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Quickly, Sarah continued to try and shakek off the goop...monster... thing, trying to be as fast as possible! She didn't want to get caught by it!
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

In a burst of confidence, Roger no longer felt the need to run. At this point, he was sick of running. And with a growl, he spun around, out of the way of it's claws, while his sword spun with him, and lobbed the creature's hand right off. Next, he made as much of a jump as he could upwards, impaling the thing on his blade, before twisting his blade to the side, dropping it down to the ground, where he mounted himself on top of it, brought his small blade out quickly, and in a flash, made a stab at the creature's heart.

"FUCK-" he yelled as he stabbed once, "YOU!" he shouted as he stabbed it's heart a second time. And once he was done murdering the creature, he quickly stood up, kicking the corpse aside, eyes flaring with rage as he held both blades in his hands, "Who else want's some!" he shouted a taunt at the top of his lungs, "I'm over here you mother fuckers!"

He was chuckling a little with what he soon defined as his new insanity. His white teeth were grinning wide, and as he lifted his arm to wipe some of the blood off of his face, he growled a little, like a wild animal, "Show me some blood..." he whispered. And little did he know, he was speaking the words of one of his predecessors...

The psychotic one.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

At a certain point, Sarah suddenly realized the monster wasn't behind her anymore. She didn't know how or when, but it seemed the creature had abruptly broken off it's pursuit.

And that's when more hell broke loose.

Without warning a section of wall next to her gave way, and several vine like projections came flying out, grabbing her arms and yanking them back!
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen's enhanced senses heard something of the scuffle, though not enough to make out exactly what was going on. "Someone's in trouble." She says, turning towards the way Sarah had been and heading through the door. "It came from this direction, let's go."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah seemed relieved at the loss of the beast, giving a loud sigh. "Finally-"

The vines flew at her, grabbing her tightly, and causing her to go "WHAT THE FUCK!" and try to struggle free!
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Roger quickly found himself surrounded by twenty or so Lickers, from all directions. As one, they attacked with tongue strikes!

Chris nodded, defaulting to her superior hearing.

"Right, lead on Ellen!"

Sarah found her struggles didn't do much, other than cause the vines to grip her tighter, even as they moved to restrain her legs. Suddenly though, she heard a soft, female voice.

"Don't struggle dear, I won't hurt you. I just want a little fun is all, your the first living human I've seen all day sweetie."

Sarah then found herself turned around to view what seemed to be a woman, half consumed by a plant. The tentacles had pulled her through the wall now, breaking a hole larger enough to pass her through without harming her.

The woman was almost strikingly beautiful, green hair and aquamarine colored eyes. The only cause for concern was that she quite literally had the lower half of a giant plant, petals opened.

"I hope I didn't hurt you?"

Despite this, she wasn't letting go either.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira watches the video feed, monitoring from the safety of the security room while broadcasting to the others, hoping they would still be in radio range, "Sarah's being attacked by some kind of plant woman, the huge black mass is missing..." Akira pokes at the keyboards a little more, trying to receive feed from the different buildings, "And I should be able to check on other activity soon..."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Ellen broke into a run, ducking down side corridors, correcting her path when she heard Sarah's last exclamation. "Something bashed into or through a wall, it's either really close to her, or we may already be too late." She informed whoever was following her, chambering a round in her pistol and turning the safety of as they sped towards Sarah.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Sarah's eyes widen as she sees the plant-woman connected to the tendrils. "What the fuck?!?" She said, her face now in a look of confusion. "L-look, I can't waste time here, I gotta contact my team before that black moster thing gets them!!!" Sarah stammered a bit, seeming both confused and concerned. Lucky for the plant girl, her shock made her stop squirming.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Chris spoke only a few words.

"How far, and where?"

Akira spotted on her camera the helicopters had now landed, and suddenly she could see the Uroboros creature moving towards both Sarah and the Plant woman.

The plant woman had begun rubbing one tendril up against Sarah's chest before Sarah had even replied, and though she didn't stop her movements, she did reply.

"Black Monster? Whatever do you mean sweetie? It's just you and me here hun, so just relax and ..."

She was cut off by the roar of the Uroboros creature sweeping in with it's own mass of slime like tentacles, and abruptly Sarah found herself released and shoved to one side. The plant woman however was slammed into by the creature, and sent flying into one of the walls, one of her vines snapping off as it was consumed.

Hissing in rage, the plant woman now went on the attack, releasing some kind of spore into her attacker, though it had absolutely no effect.

"I see what you mean darling. Ugly damn thing isn't it?"
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Akira sits in the chair and sighs, then pulls out the farnsworth and hails Chris and Ellen, calmly speaking into the device, "Chris, Ellen, I don't know if either of you can hear me, or care to listen to me, but the big black blob thing just showed up again near Sarah and the plant woman, I believe it would be best to not open fire on the plant woman yet. Oh, and reinforcements are here."
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Not far now." Ellen said, a frown of concentration on her face. She caught Akira's message on Chris' Farnsworth, but gave no indication that she had heard it.

A few more corners and they came across the bashed-in remains of the wall. Ellen went for the far side of the opening without a word, ducking through and waiting a moment to see the situation before she started firing, if needed.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

"Ya, and as you can see, it's not much for fun!" she hissed, firing at Urobolis with her pistols with a hiss. "It seems it's determined to grab and munch, so hope ya not rooted..." she mutters as she looks for a door or ecape.
Re: Nigeria, Africa.

Only one spot. Only one spot was safe in all the mass of tongues. And he knew exactly where it was. Rolling away, Roger reached into his coat, pulling out another incendiary grenade, and right as his feet landed on the ground, he threw it towards the largest stockpile of monsters.