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Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I'm going to get sick of playing AWMBI if I don't join a new role play. Good news everyone, I'm going to try and join Nightmares UnNamed.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I think it's full BG D=
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

It is? Well if it is that sucks. Maybe if I'm lucky I can get Icelus to make an acception and let me in...
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Lol when I wrote that post I realized someone dropped out... You could probably take his spot <.<
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Just ask Icelus if you can make a character before you do it... Draena dropped out he might let you make a character and go in the town hall thread.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Yup, I can guarantee that you're gonna see some droppers during the game, Ice. But, don't worry, I'll stick around as long as I've got this compy! ;)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I must've missed it being full too... Oh well. BG can step in before me. Give me more time to think on a character for when my time does come. :p
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Well you posted before him wanting to join... Although I like BG I think you would be able to join first

Sorry BG D=
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I hope there isn't a problem with the edits I made for training, though they seem kinda more specific than they could be. Although this might hurt my character in a long run, its supposed to kinda be for his character.

I noticed specialty attack is available for grappling, does that mean he'll have more chance of attacking successfully in a grapple? Or more chance at making a successful grapple? Or both? Just in case, I put the bonus damage there too to make sure.
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Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I noticed specialty attack is available for grappling, does that mean he'll have more chance of attacking successfully in a grapple? Or more chance at making a successful grapple? Or both? Just in case, I put the bonus damage there too to make sure.
A grappling specialty would improve his chances of making a successful grapple. Attacking in a grapple would get the normal bonus for specialty if you're using one to attack, knives or fists or whatever.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

So is doubling up a mistake or is the character gravy?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Memo to self, join this game when I get back. Looks rather nice and interesting. (Someone pm me if I forget :p)

Edit: Oh damn, it's full? D: Gah...Figures.
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Oh dude, that was awesome! XD Are we allowed to share the things we won in this thread? I'd love to compare and contrast and stuff...

Woot, I'm liking the PM battle-system. >.>" Can't wait for the next one! *type type types*
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Hmm, is every battle with these strange foes going to be fought in our subconscious?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

I'm thinking that battles with creatures that want to smex us will be in the subconscious and the battles with creatures that want to kill us will be in the real world. I'm also liking the PM system for the fights, but I'm so curious as to what's going on with everyone else! ;)
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Me too. >.>" My monster didn't try for the smexings, though. :( I hope I didn't miss out!
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Me too. >.>" My monster didn't try for the smexings, though. :( I hope I didn't miss out!

Mine went for smexing, and then got pissed and cut Shiva a bit. I'm not sure if her cuts would show up in the physical world, which is something I asked Ice before he left...
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Oh dude, that was awesome! XD Are we allowed to share the things we won in this thread? I'd love to compare and contrast and stuff...

Hmm, you can talk about clues or puzzles if you want, but I'm undecided yet about the abilities or monsters. xD Let me get back to you on that.

Hmm, is every battle with these strange foes going to be fought in our subconscious?

For now? Yes. Certain things may trigger real-world battles, but none of the criteria has been met yet, so you're relatively safe for now!

Me too. >.>" My monster didn't try for the smexings, though. :( I hope I didn't miss out!

Nah, don't worry, there's plenty of time for the smexings. ;) I just wanted to try a slightly tougher monster out on Cara because she's a little more balanced.

Mine went for smexing, and then got pissed and cut Shiva a bit. I'm not sure if her cuts would show up in the physical world, which is something I asked Ice before he left...

I sent you a reply to your PM, but I'll say it again here for everyone: Aside from what changes I give you in your debriefing (including what your character remembers, alterations to their mental states or abilities, and random clues) your character is exactly the same in the real world as she (or he) was before the battle started. The only big changes you're likely to see (though there may be some slight changes) are if I mention your character is feeling a little drained or aroused.

While I'm on the topic, you can have your characters search for weapons or items in their battles. Some of you already found this out, but in case anyone was wondering...

So is doubling up a mistake or is the character gravy?
I'm... just going to double-check with Janna about the specialization, as now the wording has gotten me confused a little. We'll say he's gravy so far but until I know for sure whether the grappling should be a +2 to all attacks while grappled, or a +2 to grapple and normal attacks (that deal more damage if they connect) I won't be able to test him out. xD Sorry for the wait Toxic... hopefully it means more time for your computer to be fixed before you start!

....And for everyone who wants to sign up but the place is full, for now I apologize. I forgot that Dreana had signed up in the original thread so that had put me over my 12 person limit; if anyone drops out like Raptor Jesus has said (do people really drop out so fast?) I'll notify you.

I think that catches me up?
Re: Nightmares Unnamed OOC Discussion and Banter

Heh, it'd be neat if something like Silent Hill occurred, and altered the reality so that the creatures could manifest themselves into physical form, rather than mental.

With that, should we ever find a weapon in reality, similar to Nightmare on Elm's street, if we had it on our person, would it transcend into our subconscious if more monsters attacked us?