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Nine Circles of Hell

Re: Nine Circles of Hell

You decide to go for more treasure hunting, First, you store gold and gem into void storage, and equip headband, then you you ask Impsy:
"So Where do you think we can find more magical items?"
"i Have no idea mistress,... but prehaps if we just follow the way we were taking some luck may find us"
"Ok, let's go"
So you walk for couple of hours finding nothing special, until you get tired, so you decide you'll rest there. Before resting you and Impsy scout area around you if anything abnormal was around, You find nothing, but Impsy come back repoting he found somekind of cavern, but it soesn't seem anything is coming out of cavern, so you decide you'll gonna rest 6 hours each, while other one is on guard. First you conjure food and water for bouth of you, after you eat it, you'll take guard first, while you are keeping campfire alive nothing special happens at all, just boring few hours pass, enough for you to grow ever more tired. After few hours you wake up Impsy, so that he'lll take over guard, and you go to sleep. When you wake up after few hours you realise nothing happened, but your belly seems a bit bugled, you thing it nothing, it just the food I ate yesterday...

So what do you do:
1. Continue exploring
2. Explore cavern


Witch level 2

Health: 8/8
Spells: 5/7
Pleasure: 0/100
Experience: 0/300

spells known:
-spark (deals INT/2 electric dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-chill (deals INT/2 frost dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-heat (deals INT/2 fire dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-minor shadow bolt (deals INT/2 shadow dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-interdimensional storage (you can store your items in interdimensions space, 10sec cast)
-minor heal (heals INT/2 hp to a touch target, 3sec cast)
-fire bolt (deals 1d4 + INT/2 fire dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-frost bolt (deals 1d4 + INT/2 frost dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-lightening bolt (deals 1d4 + INT/2 electric dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-shadow bolt (deals 1d4 + INT/2 shadow dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-conjure food&water (you never have to worry for getting hungry, 20sec cast)
-blink: you can instantly teleport 3 meters forward, removing all binds

bonus feats
-frost focus: frost spells chill your target, damaging its strength or dexterity by 1 each time when applied

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4
Intellect: 7
Wisdom: 7
Constitution: 3
Charisma: 4

head: headband of wisdom
chest: none
legs: none
feet: none
hands: none
accessory: none

Imp level 1

Health: 6/6
Spells: 2/2
Pleasure: 0/100
Experience: 0/100

spells known:
eat magic(can only cast on grappled target, absorb 1 spell charge from target, healing 50% of your max hp, and adding 1 spell charge to you, channeled, lasts 5sec)
minor fire bolt(deals INT/2 fire dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Intellect: 2
Wisdom: 2
Constitution: 2
Charisma: 2

head: none
chest: none
legs: none
feet: none
hands: none
accessory: none
Re: Nine Circles of Hell

2. You need to find a place to lay the eggs.
Re: Nine Circles of Hell

You decide to explore the cavern. As you walk into it, it gets ever more darker as you proceed inside, so you go on walk as carefull as you can. After cave takes few turn you start to see light behind a corner, right as you can hear loud grinding of rocks far behind you, probably at the entrance. You try not to panic, just going your way ahead, as you reach large room all light up by candles. In room you can see few sleeping bags on the ground, but can't see anyone who they might belong to. They look quite large for sleeping bags as you inspect them.
"Impsy who do you think would need those?"
"Maybe some ogres, or something like that, and there must be 4 of them, counting from those sleeping bags, that doesn't look good at all, if they are ogres in fact, we might have trouble with dealing with just 1 or 2 of them"
"Crap, and what do you think was that noise back there?"
"Mistress, I realy don't know. It scared shit out of me"

What will you do?
1. proceed exploring
2. wait for sleeping bag owners to come back and try to talk with them
3. check what was that at entrance
4. other

Please explain how would you like to do your selected choice, as it gives me more detailed feedback how would you like your story to proceed :D
And I would like to hear your opinions how do you like story so far, your wishes what to include, well basicly general feedback

Witch level 2

Health: 8/8
Spells: 7/7
Pleasure: 0/100
Experience: 0/300

spells known:
-spark (deals INT/2 electric dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-chill (deals INT/2 frost dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-heat (deals INT/2 fire dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-minor shadow bolt (deals INT/2 shadow dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-interdimensional storage (you can store your items in interdimensions space, 10sec cast)
-minor heal (heals INT/2 hp to a touch target, 3sec cast)
-fire bolt (deals 1d4 + INT/2 fire dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-frost bolt (deals 1d4 + INT/2 frost dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-lightening bolt (deals 1d4 + INT/2 electric dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-shadow bolt (deals 1d4 + INT/2 shadow dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)
-conjure food&water (you never have to worry for getting hungry, 20sec cast)
-blink: you can instantly teleport 3 meters forward, removing all binds

bonus feats
-frost focus: frost spells chill your target, damaging its strength or dexterity by 1 each time when applied

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 4
Intellect: 7
Wisdom: 7
Constitution: 3
Charisma: 4

head: headband of wisdom
chest: none
legs: none
feet: none
hands: none
accessory: none

Imp level 1

Health: 6/6
Spells: 2/2
Pleasure: 0/100
Experience: 0/100

spells known:
eat magic(can only cast on grappled target, absorb 1 spell charge from target, healing 50% of your max hp, and adding 1 spell charge to you, channeled, lasts 5sec)
minor fire bolt(deals INT/2 fire dmg to ranged target, 3sec cast)

Strength: 3
Dexterity: 3
Intellect: 2
Wisdom: 2
Constitution: 2
Charisma: 2

head: none
chest: none
legs: none
feet: none
hands: none
accessory: none
Re: Nine Circles of Hell

1. I bet the entrance has been blocked by a large rock by the orcs.
Re: Nine Circles of Hell


Well, since you asked for feedback:
1) Your posts are quite short. They could use a bit more details about everything: the surrounding area, the looks of enemies, etc.
2) You should put all the rules in a single post to make it easier to find them. Also, as far as I can see you never explained how the rolls work and left it to us to figure it out
3) One thing I really don’t like is that you seem to decide some things on your own. For example this post:
You decide to cast Chill on tentacles, the creature manages to partialy avoid it, but you see it's realy effective. So you decide to cast it again. While you are casting tentacles squeze Impsy again, who just stops moving, afterwards tentacles release Impsy's lifeless body and go for you. Before it manages to get to you you had a chance to cast Chill again. This time it doesn't have time to avoid it and gets it head on. But it doesn't stop it's charge. When it reaches you creature's tentacles go to grab you. While they succesfully grapple you, you have a solution for that, you just blink out. After it you cast chill again, achieving direct hit for second time. You can see it must realy hurt, as tentacle beast looks realy weakened, you can just avoid it's next grapple attempt, but casting takes 3 seconds and by standing so close tentacles would have many grapple attempts before you manage to complete cast.
What do you do?
Blink is a limited resource – Elizabeth can use it only so many times before she needs to rest, so it should not be wasted. Did she at least try to struggle free before using Blink?

The next post:
As you turn around to run from tentacles, creature uses that chance to grab you, but you quickly blink out, running for some distance, then you stop and cast chill again. This time your concetration drops, as you fear what tentacles might do to you, just enough, so that spell explodes in your hands, droping you to the floor. While you are getting yourself up tentacles catch up to you trying to grab you again, succeding again. This time you can't blink out, so you try wriggleling out, but tentacles hold you too tight. One of tentacles then ripps you raggs off you, while another one goes directly for your pussy, piercing your hymen. You fell great pain from it, so you start struggling even more, but you just can't escape. Tentacle in your pussy starts to wriggle inside you, while another tentacle goes for your ass. Struggling as hard as you can, but no effect, another tentacle goes for your mouth, sliding inside of it as you grasp for air, while other 2 move inside you. You are starting to feel good, but you still struggle, but you have far too many tentacles on you to manage that. Tentacle in your pussy that starts to reach your womb, trying to wriggle inside, cousing you great pleasure.

You still want to escape, but your attempts seem futile, will you give up or continue struggling?
Several things are wrong here:
a) The previous post says "you can just avoid it's next grapple attempt". Well, clearly you CAN’T just avoid its next grapple attempt, as this post shows. In other words the end of the previous post is misleading
b) How far is that "some distance"? It’s not clear at all
c) So Elizabeth fails her cast and falls. Then suddenly the monster reaches her and rapes her. Could she not cast another spell while down on the ground? Could she not roll to the side to avoid the attack? Why could she not get up on time? Again this brings the previous issue – what was the distance between her and the monster?
d) Related to the above two: I thought that the idea behind putting some distance between Elizabeth and the monster was to give her time to act even if she fails to kill the beast with her spell (either because she failed the cast or because the spell simply did not do enough damage). What happened was no different from the monster standing next to her: She tries to cast a spell, fails, and then the monster grabs before she can get up. The distance between her and the enemy made no difference, as far as I can see from the text.
e) This my biggest complaint. The "choice" we were given was pointless and was not a real choice, since there was nothing Elizabeth could do (thanks in part to wasting her Blink spells earlier). One of the votes even points out how there wasn’t any choice:
Biting it seems to be the only thing we can try.
If a choice can make people say "X is the only thing we can do" then the "choice" was pointless

Following Elizabeth’s rape I almost gave up on the story and now keep an eye on it just in case anything interesting happens.

I hope my complaining won’t discourage you, but the above is my honest opinion

P.S.: Now that I think about it most of the core spells are rather useless. For example, the difference between "chill" and "frost bolt" is just 1d4 damage, i.e. 1 to 4 extra damage. Since Chill is free we’re better off using that and limiting the use of core spells to "minor heal", "conjure food&water" and "Blink".
Re: Nine Circles of Hell

Personally I hadn't noticed many of the things Moonblack pointed, but he is right about some. The more obvious ones for me are the regular core spells not being very strong. I'll leave the other stuff for others to discuss. I think the length of posts is ok maybe could be a bit longer, but if it allows you to update frequently then it works for this story.
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