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RPG Active [Ninhalf] Horny Mage Academy: Dark Tower

V0.11.1 Bugfixes
-Lengthened the first set of floors of the main dungeon by 1 floor
-Enabled Saving in the Nekomata Village
-Made the stairs/crystal in the main dungeon able to be passed over, requires interaction to procede now

-Fixed states(specifically move speed) not properly being reset on respawn.
-Fixed saving bug that placed your character into a wall or furniture
-Fixed Kitchen PTJ pantry minigame freezes on start
-Fixed route to boss in Nekomata Village being blocked off at times
-Fixed transport to upper floors breaking once you reach end of content

Known Issues-
-Possible issues with battle system failing to enable in waterway dungeon?
-Nekomatas jump through walls for funtime, not intentional at all
-Comm bank won't let you deposit last coin
-Paper writing and research page counts wonkey still
-Allowing nekomatas to play with you past 0hp can break stuff... might be fixed now actually
-Neko Babies names turn to default when they start walking around
-Neko caretaker arousal scene doesn't reset arousal properly
-Field Skills seem to be broken for now
-Can escape dungeons using COMM to spend time together with people
-Fire 4 quest asking for wrong skill in questlog(possibly in class too!)
-Many more still likely, but please report any you find! Especially anything concerning defeat scenes, such as stuck blackscreens, failed transports, etc etc

--Eliana Storyline Updates!
-Scenes 4, 5, and 6 for Eliana have been added!
-Now only requires 1 visit to book club to unlock her storyline(but multiple visits still increase her likeability and unlock the first few scenes if you read the books fully!)
-Can now spend time with Eliana during the morning and daytime freely after the first scene!

--3 new Skills- Essence Stocking(potions), Stunning Strike(martial arts), Focused Punch(martial Arts)
--3 new Classes- Essence Stocking, Stunning Strike, Focused Punch

--Overhauled gathering!
-Your character now has a "Gathering Level", displayed on the knowledge stats screen (page2)
-This level determines the quantity of materials you can get from gathering spots, each of which has its own level, the higher your own level compared, the more you loot!
-Each harvested item, from ores to herbs, has their own item level, which determines the experience you get from harvesting. The rarer or harder it is to harvest, the better the EXP. But you won't gain any exp from stuff that's above your current level though!
-All items are harvestable at all levels though, just only one at a time
-Currently only levels from gathering in the wild, Gardening club revamp coming soonish though!

--Revamped PotionMaking!
-Mostly behind-the-scenes changes to how it's handled, but most recipes have been rebalanced with a splash of new ingredients!
-Recipe mode is temporarily disabled while I fix it too

--New artwork for birth and fallen scenes!
-Only the imp birth scenes have been re-done using the new artwork, and even then only partially. Slime animations, nekomata scenes, and other scenes will be implemented as time allows

--New Artwork for the Neutral Magic Teacher!

--Added a cute puppy outside of the craftin area in the village!
-You can choose to "tease" or "pet" it, changing your corruption or purity once a day by a single point
-Yes, it's a cat sprite, but she was a chihaha-minpin mix. She was part cat anyway, and with fluffy ears.


-Expanded Andrew's Availability! He can now be found on f3 at mornings, as well as called on the comm later on for repeatable events(currently blank, but will be filled in later!)
-Added (rectroactively as well) stat gains from nurses aid PTJ, increasing health over time

-Fixed being unable to save in the Neko Village if you skip to it from the
-Fixed being able to leave the dungeons at any time by using the COMM to spend time with a friend
-Fixed a capitilization issue with the potions teacher's bust images causing issues on Linux
-Fixed having too many potions recipes breaking certain ones while trying to craft them
-Fixed (for sure this time!) doggystyle while pregnant flipping back to non-pregnant for a single frame

Known Bugs/Issues-
-Running out of mana for a continous spell can lock you into if if your mana regen is just enough to keep you below the amount to recast it to turn it off... but just enough to keep up with the cost so you never run out of mana
-One-Night-Stand check runs while getting drunk with another patron right before you're pulled away to fuck.
-Slight flickering with any animation on its first run. This seems to be it loading into memory. I might try to find a way to pre-load them into memory via loading screens later, if I can, but that might inturrupt gameplay too much
-During one-night-stands, Olivia still talks about potential pay increases even if you're not doing it for the money if you satisfy a male character to the baseline.
-Potential oversight- Other patrons can still get you drunk even if you're heavily pregnant.
The bartender won't serve to you, but I'm not sure if Olivia would be so careless as to accept drinks while heavily pregnant. Perhaps only with high corruption?


- Fixed Potions recipes not being learned properly on new game
-Potions you recieved but did not learn properly should be added in the update that runs when you enter the dorms.
- Fixed Eliana in the library glitching and not letting you spend time with her until you've seen at least 2 scenes in book club, not just one.
- Fixed skipping nekomata battle putting you one level too low, causing a loop
- Fixed one-night-stand check running when another patron gets you drunk to play with you
- Fixed Research counts being off by 1 ish? and starting at 1? It's better now
- Fixed Paper-writing counts being the same, just generally off
- Fixed Unstable Powder not showing up in the crafting list(under Artifact Refinement - Misc Materials). Might need to re-take gate crystal to get recipe if it's not in your encyclopedia list under refinement recipes.

- Added a slight delay between being released by the nekomata women and
combat re-enabling

Known Bugs/Issues
- Elemental Training room assignments count cumulatively ie, You train 5 times, then next class asks for (3 times training) congrats, you're already done!
-I might take a look at using a single variable array to track... perhaps not just this, but "general assignment tracking" and use it with, for example.... "times used spell." or "times defeated enemy x" if I can get it to work. Regardless, it needs a bit more work to properly correct it at this time.

-Added homeroom! Available after Semester 3, this class is always available and has no requirements to pass. Upon choosing to attend, you will be taken to the floor 3 homeroom classroom.
-Talking to the instructor will engage Homeroom, which is strictly optional and has the effects of a standard study session at your desk, as well as a small affection boost to every unlocked datable character at once (but o scenes)
-Major Characters will join over time, including all datable characters

-Added The Underground
-A secret underground room found by tunneling that connects to an massive labrynth of tunnels that spread across the world
-It's nice and empty. The perfect place to set up a hideout!
-Added Basic Furniture!
-For decorating the underground! Buyable from the store after you unlock furniture placement

-Added Tunnel Maniac Carla!
-She likes to dig. Shows up when you visit homeroom Semester 4+
-She manages the tunnel system in the underground, and helps you discover the underground
-Added Skills - Basic Martial Mastery, Emergency Avoidance, Rushing Strikes
-Added Classes- MA: Basic Combat, MA:Emergency Avoid, MA: Rushing Strikes
-Eilana's Storyline is complete!
-Some scenes are place-sensitive (only at night in her room, etc)
-Should be warnings for those if you qualify but are in the wrong place, let me know if that's not hte case!

-Added 2 New H-Scenes
-Tunnel Maniac Carla's x1, and Eilana x1

Known Issues
-Studying something already maxed out makes you repeat it until you get one that you haven't studied to max during homeroom
- Might fix that by hiding them in the study event later, it's not like you need access to a study session you completed 100% anyway
-Rushing Strikes seems to be able to be used repeatedly into a wall...
-Martial Mastery adds stats even while you're holding a weapon. It does surpass the stat cap as intended, however.
-Furniture placement is finicky a little, report any issues you find
-Furniture Looks Bad- I grabbed random tiles but didn't go into making custom sized images for them... Or implementing those in a way that overlap didn't occur
-None of the new Martial Arts classes have assignments. Bookwork seems too boring, so I'll come back in later and fill them in as I build out the next sections and wrap up the 25% mark for development.
-Yes the imp looks wrong as hell in the new sex scene for Carla. I'll re-draw it later, I didn't realize how awful it would look until implementation... at 3am on friday (meaning I didn't draw a new one, thinking (I got one that will work!) in time

-Many, Oh so many more
I started a new-game playthrough and the list is miles long. I fixed anything immediately needed, but there's tons of minor to moderate fixes that must be done! Report all you see, as it's cleanup time!

V0.13.1 - Public Release

- 1 New H-Scene- Tunnel 2- After seeing the first tunnel scene with Carla, try to pay for tunnel construction without enough gold (put into bank via phone!)

There are no bugfixes as were originally planned included with this update, on account of my computer being spread out over the floor, my desk still in transit, and the paint running down my face (We're in the process of moving!)

Lots of bugfixes are planned, I swear! Just having some uh... heavy furniture related troubles!
-Added field area: School Forest!
-These are open-world areas used for gathering and hunting mobs without using a time block
-Will serve functions for travel and farming specific drops and items via field dungeons implemented later

-Added 1 new class - GYM: Swimming

- 2 New H-Scenes - Nurse's Aid: Professor Handjob, Swimming: Groped Bullying

-New Artwork- Olivia Swimsuit
-New Animation- Handjob

-New Underground tunnel- Central Forest


-Changed the Gate Crystals to default on yes instead of no


-Fixed Library event returning you to library at night in Eilana's storyline
-Fixed bed, Waterway not properly resetting choices before showing options
-Fixed village tunnel not showing up properly
-Fixed Waterway tunnel always being available to build, even if you already have built it
-Fixed taking any secret tunnel messing with choices
-Fixed Finish Selection option in classes not properly allowing you to quit with less than a full classload (Gotta back out fully to exit)
-Fixed Nurse's aid PTJ not giving stats properly over time
-Fixed potion-making not properly resetting choices afterward
-Fixed Floor 2 dungeon mobs and traps de-spawning on exiting the room

Known Bugs/issues
-As usual, tons, in no specific order and not comprehensively....
-The swimsuit art, and lack of proper spritework for swimming, will be fixed later. I'm re-doing Olivia's character art so I'll be re-drawing the clothes including uniforms and maid outfits, as time allows
-Tunnel needs borders on the bottom
-Brighten (and field skills in general) don't work in combat yet
-Need to redo Imp art for Carla's new scene
-Neko boss needs better UI/guidance
-Sprites are glitchy on beds a lot, just imagine that they shoved their upper body under the blankets for now
-Possibly issues with Slowness flasks still? I can't tell
-Going to re-start my test file and see if I can sort this and many others out
-Kitchen PTJ error with hard/medium difficulty (need to read instructions at least once)

-Fixed Anya's sprite being wrong on day 1 toClass, and day 2..., and 3,
-Fixed the Secret passsages not being enabled to show on map by default
-Added V0.14.0 properly to the game's starting routines
-Hid the option for nurse's aid work with the nurse until you unlock Part time jobs
-Somewhat Fixed Anya bolting ahead and way too fast on day 2 and you not moving until later
-Fixed double busts on slime game over scene
-Fixed Olivia's bust images not showing up while exploring the waterway the first time
-Fixed field area 2 not having any gathering spots
-Fixed field areas causing slime game-over if you went to the waterway beforehand

-Fixed Certain Herbs and green mushrooms on field not properly applying gathering level
-Reduced base spawns for field area materials
-Reduced Neutral Magic: Basic Lasers cost by 300 gold (New Game Only)
-Reduced potion 2's cost by 500 gold (New game only)
-Reduced Magical Trap's cost by 200 gold (New game only)
-Reduced Elementalism and You: Fire and Water's cost by 500 gold (New game only)
-Moved Coach in Aeorbics classes to not be run over

Known Issues-
-Sometimes Olivia's clothes flash on a second after she appears on-screen
This... should be fixed on the revamp of her bust image that's inprogress
-Field skills still broken (mostly brighten... gonna revamp soon)
-Should gate book club's groping/showing off to at least not being pure, or
adjust dialog to be more reluctant
-Still need to fix stuff with the swimming class. Just waiting(ok working) on the new redesign for Olivia before I do spritework or draw a new swimsuit

V0.15.0 Patreon Release!
-Updated Olivia's artwork! Only the base school uniform made it in, but I'll work over the next few updates to fix up the other outfits, as well as update any artwork/scenes that used the previous artwork (imp scenes in particular, and some corrupt church ones)

-Added 3 new music tracks! 2 of them to the daytime rotation, and one to the nighttime! These play on alternating semesters (and, in the case of one song, only every few semesters, to add variety)

-Anya's side story has been expanded again! Including a repetable scene option that branches into two distinct scenes!
-Anya can now get pregnant! It's just with humans (and there's no birth scene yet)

-Added 3 new classes: Neutral: Mana Torrent, Fire: Flamethrower, Water: Water Jet
- 3 new corrosponding skills- Mana Torrent, Flamethrower, and Water Jet

-Nerfed Magic Archery 2. It was just too strong compared to the rest of the skills gained at around that same level. Will test balance more as combat evolves over the next few updates.

-Fixed Swiming 1 sometimes causing you to be able to walk through walls afterward
-Fixed Anya's bust images using static instead of the new dynamic bust system for non-major characters. This... probably wasn't even noticible until I got pregnancy implemented for her
-Fixed water- whirlpool 1 assignment not consuming research
-Fixed field areas being possible to be knocked off-map(I think)

Known Issues
-Some strange positioning for the masturbation scene for reading an erotic book
in book club
-Basically all of the varients of the standing bust are broken (easiest to see in the imp scenes and showing off boobs for book club recruitment)
-All clothes are also broken (maid, gym uniform, and swimsuit). I ran out of time!
-Stats screen still needs to be updated with the new art...
-Also the tattoos for blessings/curses. A lot of the bust stuff is broken...
-Anya's H-scenes look odd when she's pregnant as the rest of the art hasn't been fixed for them. Will work on fleshing out some of that artwork later to fix it up.


V0.15.1 Bugfixes

- Added an additional multiplier to impregnation chances when under the curse of fertility
- Added the option to quit research early when researching calmly - This is tied to the smutty romance book option)

- Fixed a glitch where, when nude, it displays a varient of the bust image without color of the left arm
- Fixed returning from the corrupt church at night possibly getting you into restricted areas
- Fixed magic archery 2 damage being off from intended values
- Fixed being able to walk through walls after swimming classes
- Fixed possible infinant loop in research calmly in the library

Known Issues
- Sometimes patients dont appear in beds for nurses ptj
- Climbing the bookshelf can sometimes skip the time block without giving you anything for it/playing the minigame properly
- Floor 3 still needs its map screen! I'll try to get this running soon, the third floor is so close to being done so I should finish it up since it's expanded a lot since I added a few classrooms to it.
- Floor 2's map needs to be updated to show the wind elemental wing

V0.16.0 Patreon Release!


-A new dungeon has been added: Forest Ruins

-It's not complete, the boss and later parts have yet to be done, and there's a gathering mechanic and field-change mechanics that still need to be fleshed out and implemented, but the dungeon itself is about halfway complete!

-Immature Tentacle Plants added! (as well as a few other enemies!)

-These feisty tentacle plants love to get a little handsy, and their sap has Aphrodesiac properties! They're unable to perform reproductive activities yet though on account of their growth, but that does make them a bit less dangerous at least...

-Expanded the tutorial with a new messaging system!

-This will do more than just tutorial stuff later, but for now it acts as an expanded tutorial, with the help of Vinyae! It's also not complete, only the first 3 or so days are done.

-This can be disabled in your Comm Options as well

-Added a "Hiding" pose to the main character's portrait images!

-This mostly shows when nude or underwear at high/neutral purity, while not pregnant

-Expressions change based on clothing state!

-Nothing big, just changes the "Neutral" expression to an embarrased one if nude/underwear and pure

-Added artwork for blessing of pleasure, blessing of development, and curse of fertility!

-New artwork for the imp scenes!

-One office in the first floor office wing is now owned by the potions


-New H-Scene- Nurses Aid: Solo Handjob

-Added an autosave feature!

-Expaned save slots to 21, and each morning an autosave is created on said new slot, before class choice is brought up.

-This is not designed to be a main save method, so please make manual saves as well!

-Refined Mana Regen as a stat!

-It now is listed on the stats screened

-Is now gained from attending the corrupt church's group activity as well as from book club

-It now has a cap of 10, instead of 3

-The first 3 levels of mana regen now are easier to reach


-Switched the basic attack key from Z to S, freeing us of the annoying "pew" while gathering on the field!

-Removed the option to save each morning, since it now autosaves each morning.

-Changed default resolution from 1024x900 to 1600x900 to support widescreen (and get rid of the black boxes around the edges!)

-Much of the artwork/scenes/text/maps if I can manage will be repositioned and fixed in the near future as time allows/i rework them (main character bust is in the middle of the screen! Oops...)


-Fixed a bug that tries to subtract a negative number from the nurse's aid ptj if you fail to cure an issue

-Removed debug text accidently left inside nurses aid ptj stuff

-Fixed slowness flask applying the technical skill rather than the true skill, this was preventing it from being used at all...

-Fixed many spells, and many spell-parts, having the wrong element applied

-Misc spelling and grammer fixes

-Fixed Carla's bust images not showing occassionally

-Fixed Field Spells not working! (particularly Brighten...)

Known Issues-

-Need to tweak the imp artwork for pregnancy varients... Or more likely redo it entirely

-Womb curse marks show through arms if hiding pose is active. Looks a bit weird.

-The two new AI types(used for archers and still enemies like tentacle plants) is still a little wonky... They sometimes try to flee directly into your face for archers, or forget to shoot...

-Autosaves do not work unless you have made a manual save on that file first.

-Tentacle Plants: Strange lag/freeze if you alt-tab out of the game during/before bind? It lasts a while, but eventually proceeds?

-Dungeon pacing and design still leaves much to be desired. Will continue working/studying it!

-Shadow/lighting errors will be seen when continuing from an old game. Should fix itself on map change/or next morning.


The mystery guest artist is revealed! Check out TwoDust's stuff at his newgrounds account here! (And get a glimpse of our next collaberation together a bit early!)

-Changed piercing of certain skills (magic archery 2, etc) to not pierce walls
-Fixed several broken movement areas in the new forest ruins dungeoon
-Fixed blessing/curse marks appearing over the arms when hiding pose is active
-Fixed Slime game over showing on defeat in the new dungeon

V0.17.0 Patreon Beta Release!

-Revamped Anya's bust images!
-There may still be areas that are missing the updated graphics. I'll try my best to get to them all as soon as I can(including animations!)
-Added Pushable boxes! These can be pushed around, and are used in a variety of situations in dungeons... For now only one is available, in the kitchens.
-Added the "Pull" Field spell (learned on morning 8 from Vinyae)
-This spell, when cast, allows you to grab and pull movable boxes! (instead of pushing) Casting again cancels it. It can be cast outside of battle.
-Added F3 Maps!
-Secret passages still aren't tracked, but areas and general maps is up!

-Added a ball to the gymnasium!
-It can be pulled by the pull spell!
-Added 1 new H-Scene- Potion's Extra Credit!(voyer)
-Seen in the potion's professor's office on the first floor on certain nights

-Updated F2 Map to include the Wind Elemental Wing!
-Fixed Tutorial Call interfereing with financial aid office visit
Known Issues-
-Anya's bust image is either too big, or the rest are too small.
I'll figure out which looks best and then adjust to match!
-I think once you're on the first side-story for Anya several of her repeatable scenes get locked out(since they're accessable via Comm only as well...)
-So many class issues. Assignments break, potions can't be learned (revamp #3 of the recipes perhaps is needed...), grades go ploot.... I'll figure these out as soon as I can.



-Added Linux Builds to my compiles!
-Reset character speed and direcitonal lock each morning
-Fixed homeroom tutorial sending you to floor 2's spellcasting wing
-Fixed Writing papers in the mornings in your room sending you to the library
-Fixed treatments popping up error messages about missing class grades (these were debug text for certain H-events that only trigger when you've passed essence stocking in potions, IE: taken most potions classes)
-Fixed the ghostly guide that caused lag while trying to chase you down stuck in the wall outside the dorms
-Fixed research minigame breaking on obtaining >25 int
-Fixed the curse of Undying Love not removing itself properly(may need to re-obtain it and then remove it again to properly remove it)
-Fixed Slowness Flask recipe not learning properly in class.
-Fixed books not despawning in the research minigame, causing slowdown

Known Issues
-Status screen is seriously outdated now
-Health/mana bars get in the way during text on the field
-Lots of gatherable items aren't animated properly
-Secret passages on F3 still aren't tracked in maps
-Most of the main characters outfits(swimsuit and maid outfit mainly)
are missing (need to redraw them!)
-Need to redo imp artwork for pregnancy (since they don't fit properly!)
-Anya's animations in several scenes need to be redone with new artwork
-Olivia's clothes are too tight, will redo as soon as I can!
-AI issues on the new AI types.
-Tentacle plants cause freeze/locks
-Tall grass blocks projectiles. No idea why, tried to keep it mostly out of the way because of it.
-Autosaves don't work unless you manually save first.
-Elemental training needs some revamps, it's hard to visualize a .1 times increase in damage for the matching element.... And it needs expanded content/events/rewards.
-Bust image size mismatches (Anya too big? rest too small?)
-Gathering needs some work on the field to improve flow
-Lots of class issues (grades wonky, assignments break, etc)
-Possible issues with infirmiry using wrong items on insomnia, stress, or anxiety
-Corrupt church baptism still using old art, stealing your hair, and generally breaking
-Curses seem a bit cumbersome to get/tinker with. Need to play with making it easier to get there, and expand rewards/ add new content to the corrupt church.
-Once you're on the first side-story for Anya several of her repeatable scenes get locked out(since they're accessible via Comm only as well...)
-Showing boobs broken for multiple events, need to redraw them!
-Title screen needs updated. Looking into it.
-(Technical) - Game Updater still updates from V0.1.0 all the way to the latest, causing minor slowdown when updating from older versions of the game. Should probably trim that to 3-4 versions back to increase performance.


-Revamped Anya's bust images!

-There may still be areas that are missing the updated graphics. I'll try my best to get to them all as soon as I can(including animations!)

-Added Pushable boxes! These can be pushed around, and are used in a variety of situations in dungeons... For now only one is available, in the kitchens.

-Added the "Pull" Field spell (learned on morning 8 from Vinyae)

-This spell, when cast, allows you to grab and pull movable boxes! (instead of pushing) Casting again cancels it. It can be cast outside of battle.

-Added F3 Maps!

-Secret passages still aren't tracked, but areas and general maps is up!

-Added 1 new H-Scene- Potion's Extra Credit!(voyer)
-Seen in the potion's professor's office on the first floor on certain nights

-Added a ball to the gymnasium!

-It can be pulled by the pull spell!


-Updated F2 Map to include the Wind Elemental Wing!


-Fixed Tutorial Call interfering with financial aid office visit

Known Issues-

-Anya's bust image is either too big, or the rest are too small.

I'll figure out which looks best and then adjust to match!

-I think once you're on the first side-story for Anya several of her repeatable scenes get locked out(since they're accessible via Comm only as well...)

-So many class issues. Assignments break, potions can't be learned (revamp #3 of the recipes perhaps is needed...), grades go ploot.... I'll figure these out as soon as I can.


-3 new classes! Potions: Explosive Flask, Mana: Mana Fountain, Artifacts: Basic Translation

-2 new skills - Explosive Flask, Mana Fountain

-New blowjob animations (both Anya and Olivia! - Although Anya has no scenes yet...)

-Re-Wrote Classes Code- reducing lag on class start, errors on assignments and classes, and improving saving time and save file size!

-New Assignment Types - Assignment Notebook
-Using the key item "Assignment Notebook", given during certain classes, to complete assigned schoolwork in the field!

-New Equipment + Recipes - Forest set, Slime Amulets
-New Refined Material + Recipe - Distilled Slime
-New Potion + Recipe - Explosive Flasks

-Added weather effects!
-These are basic rain/snow, happening following the seasons at random (rare) times

-Added (visual) seasons to the school grounds!
-Just winter for now, and it's fairly plain (snow on the ground and little snowmen). Will be expanded to other seasons and areas later.

-Improved Tin gear, reducing penalties and adding a HP boost to parts.

-Fixed "Toilet Training for Toddlers" book hitbox being too small, making it unreadable from the teacher's desk during the class it is assigned
-Fixed Triple Slash and Enhance adding their grades to another class in addition to their own
-Fixed softlock when you have 0 gold and go to deposit gold via COMM
-Fixed Essence STocking assignment adding grade to another class

Known Issues
- Possible Issues with assignment journal (like I might have left in debug text....)

V0.19.1 Update!
-Added flowers blooming during spring

-Added Tentacle Plants(mature) - These variants of the base tentacle plants are stronger, and have pollen-based attacks, and can impregnate you with parasites you if you're caught and don't escape!
-Currently, they are only found in the open field during rain
-Added Tentacle Plant Parasites! - These unique parasites grow inside you based on a few conditions!
-As with all parasites, these are difficult to remove(as they stay in the body even after birth), requiring an expensive nurse visit or a hard to craft potion, so be careful on the field!

-Added 4 new title screens - These change as you play based on events!

-Added 2 New H-Scenes
- Tentacle Impregnation - Standing
- Tentacle Birth - Pods

-Added artwork for Olivia showing off her boobs
-Added artwork and animation for Tentacle Parasite Implant - Standing
-Added internal view artwork for Tentacle Parasite Implantation
-New Animation - Standing Tentacle Implant

-Loosened Olivia's Shirt in her base standing bust
-Removed Game Over Text stating game over event name
-Reduced checks to close HP view from once every 60 frames to once every 15 frames to increase responsiveness in removing HP during dialog
-Decoupled neutral magic 1 from Artifacts 1 at the start of the game, it now requires a page of neutral magic research instead of aquiring a wand
-Increased chance of rain/snow from 1/7 to 1/5 each morning
-Increased volume of snow/rain both indoors and outdoors

-Fixed scholarships not applying even if you get good grades
-Fixed slowdown occuring before pull spell tutorial starts
-Fixed Students not appearing during gym classes
-Fixed Anya using the wrong bust image during the tutorial days 3 and 7
-Fixed snowmen not having hitboxes when they appear in winter
-Fixed Vinyae not transporting you to class when asked during Pull tutorial
-Fixed first introduction to homeroom slowing you down afterward
-Fixed - Waterway - Anya uses old bust images during first visit
-Fixed - Waterway - Combat mode enables on entering the last room first visit
-Fixed - Waterway - Losing to the slimes counts as a win, not a loss
-Fixed - Waterway - Stone tablet enables combat mode even on first visit
-Fixed - Waterway - Could save mid-dungeon
-Fixed - Waterway - Fixed brighten not casting at the start
-Fixed Anya using wrong bust images during Artifacts classes
-Fixed Anya using wrong bust images during Mana Manipulation Classes
-Fixed party skills applying to R instead of F (making the tutorial wrong at the waterway as well)
-Fixed season incrementing at start of game instead of at end of semester
-Fixed a bug in class selection filters that marked a class with a grade of 80% as neither Available nor Unavailable, only being visible when the filter was set to show all classes.

Known Issues
-Still so many, but a few quick ones....
-Stats screen doesn't show tentacle pregancies yet.
-Potion makeing still hasn't been fixed 100% yet! (hopeful to have that done for V0.19.1)
-Several places in floor 3 (and probably elsewhere) don't support gate crystals because I inexplicibly tied their existance to standing student code running (and then forgot to add standing/walking students to newer maps

Bugfixes -
-Changed the way potions are learned and saved in memory. Tested with Potions 3, 4 lessons(slowness and poison flasks) and it seems to fix the issues!

Known Issues -
-Still lots, 2 interesting ones are....
-Possible issues with class processing if you don't select 4 classes. (turns out null values of -1 for everything really aren't making new class code happy)
-Relationship/dating with Anya has issues with some events being messed up/not appearing? Will test/fix.


-Added several food items to the village shop!
-All currently useless
-Added another scene to Anya's side story!
-New Animation- Anya Pregnant Cowgirl

-Added another stage to the lifecycle of the Tentacle Plants
-This is triggered by semen, turning the tentacle pods into fertilized pods
-Added another Birth event for the tentacle plants to match the new lifestage

-Added relationship skip and resets for both Eillana and Anya to the debug tool
-Added methods to manipulate Potion recipe's array (reset and learning individual recipes) to debug tool

-Adjusted Anya's Side-Story human Pregnancy to roughly match the length of the main character's human pregnancy


-Fixed saving not being disabled in 2nd floor night dungeon
-Fixed Anya's sprite being applied to Andrew after he joins homeroom
-Fixed Major issue on new game where potions array isn't initiated properly, making recipes unlearnable
-Fixed a bug that enabled translation abilities without taking the artifacts class to do so
-Fixed issues with assignment notebook assignments (mana fountain, new one)

Known Issues
-Floor 3 map still doesn't show secret passages properly
-Old images showing during the corrupt church baptism (without hair)
-Skirt hiking up in the corrupt church glitches, hand missing
-Attending black mass doesn't pass time properly
-Having less than a full courseload is still broken sometimes
-Nurses aid has stock menu issues
-Enemies can still knock you out of bounds in some places
-water jet, flamethrower assignments bugged
-Andrew vanishes after morning time together session
-Debug Tool needs some fixing- It's getting unwieldy




  • New Scene: Tentacle Parasite: Eliana, Requires you to have seen all her scenes, and to be currently carrying the parasite Tentacle Pods: Fertilized
  • Reduced the size of the F2: Church map
  • Added failure states to the optional realism mode! Failing to use the restroom and eat properly lose a single time block! Not too punishing, but enough to encourage use of the systems if you enable it.
  • Changed transports on school outer entrance to reduce travel time to the village
  • Traveling Potions Merchant was added! Located in the middle of the new dining hall, he’s here to sell potions and buy a few ingredients from you until I properly fix potion making!

  • Changed blessing of piety compulsion when donating to the church to 1/5th of your gold on-hand, instead of 1/10th
  • Set default save state to 1 (since it kept defaulting to the autosave slot at 21)

  • Fixed water class transfering you into a wall afterward
  • Fixed Neutral Magic 1’s assignment log showing the wrong objectives and description
  • Removed a fadeout from tutorial message transports to reduce screen flickering
  • Fixed getting stuck in the desk after library tutorial on day 2
  • Fixed an old bust of Anya’s showing up during morning 4 tutorials in artifacts hall
  • Fixed getting stuck in gardening club entry in tutorial
  • Fixed class errors when taking less than 4 classes (at least, I think they’re fixed, more testing to make sure is required)
  • Fixed old Anya bust after beating the slimes in the waterway
  • Fixed a broken shortcut in spellcasting wing leading to the old Floor 2 Stairs instead of the new (and added the missing counterpart to the new F2 stairs)
Known Issues: (Some bugs, some misc thoughts on development)

  • MAJOR- Can’t learn potions recipes for some reason (or rather, they get deleted?) Been happening for a while, need a third rehaul to fix it.
  • New scene’s artwork is still unrefined. Will be tweaked later!
  • Balance is all over the place. Once I get a baseline in I need to make sure costs aren’t too high or low, monsters aren’t too dificult/easy to defeat, etc etc.
  • Morning 3 tutorials Anya vanishes when walking
  • Can study Null (new placeholder for empty class) and can also see it in stats screen, travel, etc
  • Double text appears if you click too fast when starting the choir club
  • Leaving without cleaning something in a room when it doesn’t need to be cleaned counts as a failure in the tavern ptj
  • Choosing classes UI needs updates (I need to figure out how to make better UI in general) At the very least, it should show classes you chose so far.
  • Class selection after finals can bug out, showing wrong course (workaround – Chose 4 cheep courses, get to the end of selection, and choose not to take them)
  • Class costs need some tuning to start, before you get raises it’s a bit of a pain the first few semesters
  • More maps still need to be redesigned, particularly large empty ones like the combat wing, Waterway dungeon, F2 corrupt church, school outside, infirmiry, village, etc
  • Neutral magic wing transport needs to be decoupled from mana manipulation room
  • Secret passages need some sort of labeling system – Will look into it for later


  • Fixed taking 3 or fewer classes 99% – Triple tested and everything!
  • Fixed taking 3 or fewer classes causing you to get automatic 100%s on classes you’re not taking
  • A few other things that were breaking in the class selection methods


-Revamped the assignment journal!
-Each class type now has a single quest, with assignments being objectives in the main one
-Class assignments now are cleared at the end of each semester
-New Assignments: Main Storyline Assignments branch
-This will track an overarching main storyline for the game
-At present it only has a basic start to attent classes, get gold for classes, etc
-New Assignments: Relationship Assignmnets
-Currently only for Eillana, keeps track primarily of current Relationship Main Quest,
as well as sidequest status
-Gardening club update
-3 new seeds, 2 unlocked in the shop after some time has passed, 1 found in a dungeon with a certain gathering level
-Harvesting plants now gives gathering experience, leveling your gathering skill much like field gathering does
-Implemented (fast regrowing) plants, which take a long time to grow initialy, but produce faster afterward until the growth season ends
-New Side Story: Eilana’s Training – Part 1!
-Join Eilana as she investigates a mysterious branch of magic that might help her
enhance her own abilities!
-Adjusted map transports to reduce travel time in some maps(again)
-Restructured Spawns on the 2nd floor dungeon to accomadate changed transports
-Traveling potion merchant now travels, appearing rarely with two different inventories to sell
-Traveling potion merchant’s buying prices have dropped
-Changed Neutral Magic Courses to use the MANA prefix, getting their own transport closer to their door
-Fixed Studying during the tutorial text displaying at the wrong time
-Fixed text on nurses aid job still saying 5 will is required instead of 3
-Fixed the first Artifacts class sending you out into the old (unused) floor2
-Fixed weather effects still playing in tailor shop

V0.26.1 Bugfixes
-Redesigned Tavern F1
-Changed some map transfer locations to reduce travel time
-Fixed Nurses aid job still not requiring 3 will
-Fixed the job board in the boy’s dorm not working
-Fixed bathrooms often chucking you into a wall
-Fixed third floor transports on the left side being misconfigered
Known Issues
-Shortcut causes repeat of waterway introduction after artifacts class
-Anya’s relationship scenes need fixing, all relationships in general need some editing
-Forced transports to room too close to bed/save point
-Survival mode has no meters/visible indications of hunger/pee needs.
Need some sort of configurable/context-sensitive UI
-Spell assignment in general needs an overhaul- you need mana to equip and there’s no indication
of where it was assigned to
-Stats UI needs an overhaul, art + needs to show corrupt church stats, selfishness etc
-Many class issues still unresolved
