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[WIP - Partial] 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)


Jungle Girl
Mar 4, 2015
Reputation score
I'm working on a partial to extend the work done by Tansoku. This is not for the most recent version (0.68b+). More details and instructions are in the text file.

Total novice at japanese here, so some things will be... off. Please chime in with fixes and stuff if you understand moonrunes.

Original game thread:

Link to current partial:

Link to folder:

  • Wharf roach gallery events
  • "Look at sea" dialogue
  • Talking to Oniku
  • Lumia's store discussions and lust refiner
  • Mosquito events
  • Oniku/Parasite gallery events
  • Zap Jelly rape/consent
  • Gallery events
  • Combat conversations/phrases
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Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

I support this endeavor. Thanks for taking the time to do it.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Got the parasite (beast) and oniku scenes done as well as their gallery text. Haven't tested everything so give me a heads up if anything is wrong.

Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Thank you for all your hard work.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Thank you so much ! I support you 100% for this project
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

I hope this continues

I'm still working, just won't be able to get an update out for a while since I just got a new job and need to move. There are also some things that were missed in the roach stuff so I want the next update to get all of that cleared up and include a fresh set of events.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

I was wondering how do you translate a cardwirth game ? It look complicated as hell
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

I was wondering how do you translate a cardwirth game ? It look complicated as hell

After a lot of poking and prodding, it's actually not super bad, just frustrating since I don't read moonrunes naturally and variables/flags look like dialogue.

Once you open the module in the cardwirth builder there's two windows that should come up automatically. If you close one out by accident they're in the menu under (V). Tansoku got most of the stuff in the window with cards which includes items and possibly battle skills (As a side note updating the characters here will not change area cards). The other window has all of the big stuff (Area, Packages, and Battle).

In area (エリア) you can double click a scene and edit the cards or switch to the third tab (イベントビュー) which is kind of the scripting editor and select an action to modify. The left side has the dialogue boxes, flags, and link into the next area/package/etc. The right side will have menu selections (edit with right click -> (Z) or select -> F2). A simple one to check out is Area4.wid -> Back to Inn

Battle packages(バトル) are pretty self explanatory. They don't hold much of interest aside from the win/loss text. Most of the combat stuff dialogue is contained in packages.

Packages (パッカーヅ) have the bulk of actual event text. Double click one to open an event editor similar to the area files and have at it. Most of the time these will include lots of transitions, slideshows, or audio routines so it's pretty normal to find 0 to 1 lines of dialogue in a package, but some of the systems lead to a lot of duplicated stuff. When in doubt just translate all the things!

If there's a certain event you're looking for I would recommend digging through area packages to find the right package numbers. Roaches in particular have a ton of duplicate/garbage packages.

Edit2: As for the actual translation, I copy/paste from cardwirth into a doc to work off of and take notes. All of my lookups are done with google, jisho.org, and the jaded network for sfx. From there I try to make a literal translation, then edit into something that reads more clearly (or fits the window) and paste back into cardwirth. Once you save in cardwirth the data is written is the associated .wid file which I toss into a translated folder and periodically backup.

I've attached a screenie for reference since I'm too lazy to convert the doc to a common format.


  • mnksample.jpg
    20.3 KB · Views: 16
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Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Not really an update, but I figured I'd toss the Lumia encounter out so people can read the event as it's pretty early in the game. This will get lumped in with the next event I get finished.

Hmm... What's this presence behind me?



Ah... I thought you were an insect.​

Suddenly attacking like that is excessive!​

Well... it's because you were concealing yourself and approaching from behind.​

Well that was to... by the way, are you an adventurer?​

I really am one, I'm investigating this island.​

Horray! I thought nobody else was in the area...
Oh, I'm a merchant making a living from local trade, but I just discovered I could come work on the island...
Nobody is here... there are only insects. I figured they aren't buying potions and it's getting dark.​

The lodge is safe and yet nobody is there...​

Because of my business how about a self-introduction? My name is Lumia, what's yours?​

I'm [pc].​

[pc]... That's a good name!
The bugs will come if we stay longer. I'm going to go back soon.
My business moved from the beach to the coast lands. Come to this area if you want a hiding place!
Oh, but with the exception of (Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday) I'm inside.​

Lumia turns back and quickly runs in the direction of the beach.

I should go see it later.
I'm feeling motivated!​
If I understand this correctly she should be in everyday except Tuesday-Thursday. That or I got it backwards... Japanese why!?
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Nice work I am looking forward to this
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Where exactly do I put the translated files? I think I have been putting them in the wrong folder
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Where exactly do I put the translated files? I think I have been putting them in the wrong folder


You know you have the right folder when it contains a ton of stuff in it (AreaX.wid, BattleX.wid, BeastX.wid... ect). You just want to overwrite those files with the ones in my "patch".
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Ok, "Zap Jelly" rape/consent events are up in knm3.rar. Check the op. There are bits of the gallery that need to be fixed, but the the rest of the menu (scene selections) should be fully translated. The only other thing missing is the lead in to the loss, but I have no idea where those are. The actual night/loss scene just pulls from the rape packages anyway.

Next up I'll tackle the leech events. Now that I'm moved into my new place and stuff I should be able to get another event set done every week or two. Catch yall later and ping me if something is up.
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

good work mate, I appreciate you!
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Its actually the thread Im monitoring the most here
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)


You know you have the right folder when it contains a ton of stuff in it (AreaX.wid, BattleX.wid, BeastX.wid... ect). You just want to overwrite those files with the ones in my "patch".

I figured my issue was that I was on the newest version of the game so I switched back, but I don't have a 蟲の姦獄TL folder
Re: 蟲の姦獄 (Mushi no Kangoku)

Its the folder with Mushi scenario