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RPG RPG Maker [ 星のカルテット] 精霊ものがたり RJ141513

Re: 精霊ものがたり

sukebei.nyaa.se/?page=view&tid=804737 A link to v5 on nyaa
Re: 精霊ものがたり

Where do you get the Beef Steak recipe? Or is there something else I'm missing? I airship over to the Dark Continent, and Marguerite won't move unless I feed her.

You need more recipes. From what I can remember, the shy girl at the pub in the town of light will give you more recipes once you make friends with her. She'll do this twice and one of those recipe books has the item you need.
Re: 精霊ものがたり

Little 2 months pass, but still. Anyone want a partial on this?