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Noxian Nights (Updated 9/28 - FINAL CONTENT UPDATE)

Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

Hmm, i wish we could also reload from the slave trainer part. I had to keep quitting the game and opening it again to reload when i'm playing the slave trainer.

Also now it feels whatever i do don't matter anymore, all the choices are at the end. Ideally we should have different path depending on what we do to Riven during the training just like the version before...
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

Hmm, i wish we could also reload from the slave trainer part. I had to keep quitting the game and opening it again to reload when i'm playing the slave trainer.

For RPGmaker games hitting f12 at any point will return you to the main menu, allowing you to quickly load back a save (appears to be changed to f5 for RPGmaker MV)
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

I'll second the whip bug. Whipper guy only ever uses pain potion. I've never even seen his scene without the potion (assuming he has one) because the potion never gets used up, and there's no option to choose whether he uses it or not.

Salesman just keeps going on about buying one of two whips, but never offers to sell them.

Frankly, some way to see how many potions you have left would be great. Not having an inventory screen sucks. (maybe tie it to the potion cabinate where you can use health-potions?)

As for other stuff... I'm torn. I loved the first version. It was small, but it had a better "tone" than this one.

This one is longer, and I laughed a little at some of the scenes, but the whole "failing slaver fumbles his way to victory" isn't as interesting to me.

Plus. Whoring Rivan out sorta goes against the plot, where it's mentioned several times that the slaver is keeping her to himself. (if you choose to play it that way.)

Doing the "heroic rescue" option and training her obidience over her lust makes it clear that you're going for the "personal slave" ending, but you still have to whore her out to make money.

Robberies seem a little too common too. I was seriously struggling to make enough money to hire guards to stop me getting robbed, because I was getting robbed.
Especially bad when you're only making 7 gold a day and you get burgled every three or four days.

I had to use CE to get out of that rut.

Whipping bug is a weird one, since it only appears to some people, but we are trying to find the cause.You said you use CE so maybe that can have a finger in it, or just as suggested from some of the stuff you said, not visiting some of the other events.

As for the slaver, he is trying to make a fast profit and get his business running, that doesnt interfere with later having a trained Riven only for himself, you are probably comparing it too much to the previous version.

For the robbing, I dont understand how it can be such a problem to force you to cheat, I found them quite the small hindrance even just something to make it slightly harder in the start. There are multiple ways to battle it, or you can just tank the amount they steal, but having in mind you start with 100 gold and you lose 10 at a robbery, I'm not sure where did you use them. You can just buy 2 guards and have them deal with it for you, and that is something possible on day 1.

Hmm, i wish we could also reload from the slave trainer part. I had to keep quitting the game and opening it again to reload when i'm playing the slave trainer.

Also now it feels whatever i do don't matter anymore, all the choices are at the end. Ideally we should have different path depending on what we do to Riven during the training just like the version before...

We were thinking of making two paths, one that would be with a more obedient Riven and centered quests missions around it and one with a more lustful one, and both would give a specific ending, but in the end we decided that it would divide the game too much and cut content, so we went with one path type of thing for a more longer and complete experience.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

For the robbing, I dont understand how it can be such a problem to force you to cheat, I found them quite the small hindrance even just something to make it slightly harder in the start. There are multiple ways to battle it, or you can just tank the amount they steal, but having in mind you start with 100 gold and you lose 10 at a robbery, I'm not sure where did you use them. You can just buy 2 guards and have them deal with it for you, and that is something possible on day 1.

Not sure what you mean by "multiple ways to battle it" since the only option seems to be "spend 50gp on a guard"

Plus the claim that they can only steal 10gp per night is completely untrue.

I've gone from 30+ gold to 1 gold in a single robbery atleast twice now.

Yes you start with 100 gold, but there's no warning that you need to buy guards now or saving money will be impossible, so I blew it on training and whipping gear. By the time I knew I needed to hire another guard right now I had like twenty gold left, which was then all taken.

As for comparing it too much to the last version... Yeah, I'm explictly comparing it to the last version. That was kinda the entire point of my previous comment.

It just seem odd that the Slaver will say things like "She's all mine, I won't let the guards have her" but then you have to rent her out to make money.

Gameplay and story segregation, I guess would be the term for it.
I did like having a stat for how much Riven liked the slaver specifically, from the last version.

It felt like it added another dimension to the minigame. Something more than making her want to fuck or obey. Like the game had diffrent routes.

The new version has you unlock all three endings at the same time.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

I'll add that I've never used CE, so that's not a factor in the whipping scene being bugged, I imagine it might have something to do with the pain potion not being used up under certain conditions (maybe having more than one, or having certain other potions. But it seems I did something stupid and lost my save so I can't share it, I'll see if I can reproduce it later today.

As for the thefts, I too got more than 10g stolen at a time, at the time it happened I was able to make just barely over 50g before I went right back to 0 (most that got stolen was about 31~ gold, it just put me back to 0 no matter how much I seemed to have)

And as for preferring the old version again, the slavemaker insists she's his (obviously) at a time where the guards are just taking his property for their own (and not paying or getting permission) so it's not as if he's trying to hoard Riven, just that he doesn't want his damn guards slacking off on their work and sampling the goods without permission. His whole heroic entry is clearly more of an act to ingratiate Riven to him and make her more obedient (or at least undo some of the damage the crass treatment the guards caused in that regard, since she couldn't even get any proper rest)

Don't take that as meaning you can't have enjoyed the previous version more, but just keep in mind this version is entirely different and there really isn't any time where the slavemaker is trying to establish some sort of exclusivity with Riven, even the ending where he keeps her is only as opposed to selling her off to other groups and losing her entirely (which also cuts into his profits from the brothel)
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

Based on all I'm hearing about multiple endings and now this ending, it seems I'll have a lot to do in the next version, when I'll write the next walkthrough.

Sierra, Nomo, why do you do this to me? I'm already foreseeing having to write multiple walkthroughs based on what ending people want. Which means multiple playthroughs for me.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

You'll only need some slight variations to get the one ending your(?) current walkthrough doesn't cover as it requires you to pick options for LeBlanc specifically. The Slave segment has different endings but they're all choices with no separate requirements, though there are some variables in the slave section it's nothing that will require a complicated write-up, just some X does Y and event A needs to be done before day B.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

Not sure what you mean by "multiple ways to battle it" since the only option seems to be "spend 50gp on a guard"

This is a bit frustrating that you morphed your criticism on the gameplay in the beginning of it being so hard, that you need cheat engine, and now you are saying you are aware that guards are the thing that can completely remove it and somehow you make it sound as a negative?

But yes there are ways to do it without paying for guards on day 1

Game starts at day 2

d2 Buy whipping equipment, whip Riven
d3 First lesson
d4 They steal from you, so you just let her rest
d5/d6/d7/d8 work
d9 Another Lesson
d10/d11/d12 let her rest, and make her work 2 times
d13 buy health pot from the market
d14 make her rest until d 17 for another robbery then work her 4 times and use the potion, and work her again until you get 50 gold
d23 buy a guard because your income will be capped otherwise

After that its easy, you just need one more lesson to 5 obedience and then you can whip her on your own, make her blow you and make Riven call you master so your income rockets and you can just buy guards to completely remove robbery.

Plus the claim that they can only steal 10gp per night is completely untrue.

It is in fact completely true, I was talking about the first 100 gold you seem to have ignored, when you get robbed in the very start of the game with that sum of money, it is only 10, you can go to d2 and keep resting to see for yourself.

Yes you start with 100 gold, but there's no warning that you need to buy guards now or saving money will be impossible, so I blew it on training and whipping gear. By the time I knew I needed to hire another guard right now I had like twenty gold left, which was then all taken.


"but there's no warning that you need to buy guards "

Did we play the same game?

''so I blew it on training and whipping gear''

As I showed above it is not blowing it, if you have the patience to see the pattern in robberies and work in it.

As for comparing it too much to the last version... Yeah, I'm explictly comparing it to the last version. That was kinda the entire point of my previous comment.

You were comparing it by thinking about the affection system from last version and not being able to divide the new game from it. The main idea here is to train a slave and to make profit, him getting interested in her enough to get her as personal slave can be completely reasonable, by her successful training, him getting so much scenes with her, just in general why not? So you saying ' Whoring Rivan out sorta goes against the plot' doesnt really hold any logic being it if you dont think about the old version and the affection system there, if you could just look this version as what it is, a man seeing another woman in stacked sexual scenes all day long and also using her multiple times is the most logical thing plot wise.

While I welcome negative criticism, since this is what makes anyone better, when you make it so over the top, and follow it by more false arguments it does get irritating.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

Wanted to let people know that walkthrough v1.0.4 is coming. I'm writing it right now.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

So I've been going through it again to try and find out what's causing the whip trainer to get obsessed with pain potions and here's some results;

One thing I ran into is that at some point I was making 18 gold per day, I then increased Riven's stats a bit and started earning more than my guard total allowed, reducing me to 17 gold per day. Obviously it makes sense since the guards just can't handle the amount of people and that comes at a cost, but I did find it remarkable.

I cannot seem to get rid of the pain potion, the whip trainer just isn't using it up no matter what I do. Once made, that's it, the whip trainer will only ever speak of using the pain potion.

I'm not sure what I did, but I was actually able to buy the whips off the merchant this time (the 250 each ones) I'm not sure if this is due to not brewing the pain potion at all (loaded a save where I never made it since it's completely stuck otherwise) or the fact that I bought the regular whip training (which I couldn't even do the first time due to having made the pain potion on day one >_>)

I was only able to buy one (the erotic whip) set of whips from the vendor (he just asks me to tell him how it works out) and I've been unable to apply the orgasm potion in any kind of whip training or otherwise. After using the erotic whipping option though, finally getting the pain potion now no longer limits me to just using that option (I now actually get a menu with all three options; regular, erotic and pain)

So in conclusion it seems that making the pain potion before taking advantage of either whips (I guess you can only pick one of the two?) will lock the trainer into only ever offering pain potion training and render you unable to even buy either of the two whips. Hope this helps narrow down the problem.

I've still not been able to figure out if that guy on the bridge at the start (he talks about wanting a quality woman and he's gone after 28~ days) and any further advice on where to use the orgasm potion would be great ^^
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

Hey guys! Sorry I've been out of the discussion until now - been working on 1.0.5... no matter how many bugs we've fixed, players always find more. >.<

Anyway, just wanted to drop in to confirm that I have made a bunch of changes to the whipping-related parts that I believe will fix all of the bugs. So thanks for the reports, but no need to send any more until the next version is out.

Regarding the special whips: yes, you can only choose one.

Regarding the Orgasm Potion: it changes something you probably did once and then forgot about...
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

Regarding the Orgasm Potion: it changes something you probably did once and then forgot about...

Fair enough, I noticed something similar with the endurance potion being a requirement for the last stage of the hound training which I completely missed the first time around due to having one stocked at the time.

I quite like this style of game though, what with many separated events with different requirements and results and being able to charter your own course through such events, I enjoyed that for example when you miss the girl asking for a healing potion for her son a completely different event shows up later, which was a nice touch.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

We were thinking of making two paths, one that would be with a more obedient Riven and centered quests missions around it and one with a more lustful one, and both would give a specific ending, but in the end we decided that it would divide the game too much and cut content, so we went with one path type of thing for a more longer and complete experience.

At least you guys are consistent. The main game has pretty similar feel too, with really big decisions at the end and smaller differences sprinkled here and there.

This version of slave trainer definitely has beefier story, it made me chuckle a few times. But i'm a control freak so i really like choices that impact the ending, maybe we'll get a new path on ver 1.1?;)

Thx man, I never knew f5/f12 feature exists in RPGmaker. I only know how to make the game go fullscreen:(
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

At first I thought it was a bug until I checked my gold. It looks like you guys subtract 10,000,000 gold from our funds once we start the slave trainer (both from losing the battle and the ending select screen). My totally 100% legit save still had 89m gold so I had to investigate that :p I guess it isn't a problem for anyone not cheating, but I thought I'd let you guys know I'm on to you.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

I've skipped many of the versions of this game. I'm just wondering if a skip text function has been implemented yet because when I play these games, I am playing in a manner to test for bugs and sometimes I have to do things many times and sometimes that means some scenes that are longer take forever to go through multiple times. I've always enjoyed playing the game, but the same text over and over again is just killing my inspiration to play until a final version is out.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 3/20)

This is a bit frustrating that you morphed your criticism on the gameplay in the beginning of it being so hard, that you need cheat engine, and now you are saying you are aware that guards are the thing that can completely remove it and somehow you make it sound as a negative?

Because the guards cost money and you can't earn enough money to hire a guard when you're constantly being robbed all the time. Hence the necessity of hiring the first guard with your startup cash on day one.

I think the main thing you're misunderstanding here is that after I was robbed the first time, I did realize I needed to get a guard. It was made quite clear by the way the Slaver says "I should hire a guard."

I just couldn't afford one.

Saying "work a bunch of days to save up 50gp for a guard" doesn't work when you can't store any money because everything is stolen every two or three days.

Can't earn money without a guard that you can't hire because you don't have money. Catch 22.

I mean, If I'd just spammed work over and over I might have got an uninterrupted string of seven days of earnings without getting robbed (which would be enough to hire the first guard and hopefully cut the robberies down to a reasonable level) but after getting knocked back to zero gold before I could save up more than thirty pieces. (about four times in a row) I just gave up and cheated.

I didn't say that it was "too hard". I said it was poor game design that can leave the player with no way to progress if they don't spend some of their startup gold on a guard immediately.
If I didn't state it outright, then the implication was that the robbery mechanics should be tweaked so it happens less often, or they steal less, thus allowing the player to save up enough gold to do things and eventually stop the robberies from taking place.

Given that you've come out and said that should only steal 10gp at a time, (which would be far more reasonable than the current trend of stealing 30+ gold every two or three days) then it's not even a game design problem, it's probably just a bug.

Given that you can earn 7 gold a day, and you probably won't get robbed every single day, then thieves taking 10 gold whenever they rob you would be perfectly manageable.

Rather than the current trend of them stealing money as fast as you can earn it. Leaving you incapable of buying or hiring anyone, and thus incapable of progressing through the game in any way.

Good to hear that the pain potion thing has been fixed though. I do wish there was a screen to see how many of each potion you current have though. Not having an inventory is kinda tricky.
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Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 6/26 - COMPLETE)

Noxian Nights is complete and freely available at version 1.0.5! This version of the game includes a variety of features:

- Go to the ruins to enter the final dungeon and complete the game!
- There are two default endings that anyone can choose.
- There are three unlockable character endings.
- Beating the game will unlock a gallery with all non-ending scenes.
- Be sure not to miss the new slave trainer bad end! In addition to being a full mini-game, it contains multiple new scenes and a high number of variants.
- There are three new superbosses lurking for all you overleveled fans to crush.
- The slave trainer bad end is reworked and in its final version, so if you played in previous versions, check it again for new content!.

Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 6/26 - COMPLETE)

does complete mean, that it now contains the minoataur bad end and you guys are now working fulltime on KoD ?
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 6/26 - COMPLETE)

does complete mean, that it now contains the minoataur bad end and you guys are now working fulltime on KoD ?

The game is complete as story and what we had planned when we started it, the minotaur end is a commission and like a DLC content, that will come mid next month.
Re: Noxian Nights (Updated 6/26 - COMPLETE)

Thanks for your hard work!
hreinngames is one of the few professional western h-games developer I know. Sadly there are many scamers around (even promoted on this forum) that get an absurd amount of money for little to no work. I always was impressed by how you kept giving game updates every month and thus every penny you get is more than earned. Frankly you deserve much more support and I'm sure once you start on your second game your patreons number will rise.

The only thing I missed from NN were some RPG elements like sidequests and a vaster lore with deeper story, maybe more towns. But I guess this was partly because you intented to finish NN in 5 updates or so?

Will the next DLC basically be only a H-scene with minotaurs? and will this be the last DLC or do you plan in coming back once in a while when you get tired of KoD :)?
Last but not least, I know many guys keep asking you this question, but will the shack guy, that basically rescued Riven ;), have one final scene with her?