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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Does anyone like going first? I think my win rate is 15-20% going first.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I'm expecting a game that incentivizes both free and paid play. And its worth it to keep bitching until they actually take the hint and hit the glaring issues with the game.

Now, you're say still playing for perfectly fine reasons: collecting, creative AI decks and exciting PvP. My problem is, two of those reasons are only available to paying players: free players simply cannot expect to get new card beyond the occasional event cards, and tourneys are just so horribly one-sided (unless you're grinding levels all day every day) to be unfun 9/10 matches.

EDIT: Also Millenarian Power isn't really that good a card. :p Actually having it and cards that benefit from it at the same time, at the right time, is very rare.

I meant there's no point in bitching about the rates here. I know it's an issue, you know it's an issue, it's been brought up in the past, there's no point in going back and forth on that front. :p

If the devs still haven't budged on it in a month or so (hi, Aigis devs, where's autocomplete again?), then yeah, I'll freaking join you on the complaints. Right now, though, not much to do except wait on Sunday's dungeon or see what other new things the devs have planned.

I'm not sure why you think free players are locked out of collecting. Going with the Aigis comparison again, free players can't expect to get much outside of silver and event units either, since we get crystals far too slowly thanks to the slow event schedule, and we haven't and probably won't ever get a gold rush. At least here, we can expect to get a few ticket rolls every event, and unlike Aigis' sacred crystals, the tickets don't serve any other purpose, whereas you can probably only get one or two premium shrine rolls every Aigis event, assuming you can three-star all of them to begin with, and you aren't saving the crystals for other purposes.

The only problem is, once again, rates. Even then though, it's not impossible to get an HR here and there, and barring some heavy arena grinding or plain luck, I have doubts that people have all the rares they'll ever need, if it took me this long to get my third Natalie.

As for tourneys, one-sided matches are inevitable, and it's still pretty early in the game for whales to just have a huge lead on everyone else. Of course, it's still possible for free players to win on draw luck or otherwise dumb luck (i.e. disconnects, the players who accidentally skip their turn without sacrificing mana or summoning anything, etc.), but where's the fun in that? I agree that matchmaking is still off. But there's really no easy answer to this that a single player can do to improve their experience (without cashing, anyway), so there's not much else to discuss here. More players, more time for people to max out their decks, and better matchmaking are all well and good, but not something we really have control over.

For Millenarian Power, it's undoubtedly situational, but it is incredibly deadly with the right starter hand. Just having two or three 2-4 cost cards buffed by this card at the start of the match can be enough to dominate early-game, which could lead to easy board control by lategame, if not an early win entirely. If it works like Cost Shackles and any later card summoned to the field is also affected by the card, even better.

Comparing this to LoV or Aegis is apples to turtles. Those aren't TCGs in the true sense.

I've played a LOT of TCGs, physical and online. The very few that try to put a leveling scheme on individual cards never last, and the rest know better.

It's really not a stretch to compare this to LoV, considering they have the same dungeon progression mechanics.

If those other TCGs you've played have a similar stamina-based PvE system, then maybe you can enlighten me on how they keep their free players playing if everything is available to them at full potential from the start (or conversely, how they keep their paying players paying if they don't have a distinct edge over free players).

Unless all of their cards are available to every player without any gacha/rate limitations, maybe. But I'm not really seeing how lack of levels is going to even the playing field otherwise.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

There aren't that many places were AS and other Nutaku games get discussed in any great detail. If I bitch about it here, it gets other people bitching, and then the devs read it and understand. Unless they are just totally in a vacuum, which wouldn't surprise me.

As far as rares go, I've just about 500 arena wins (which isn't all that much, having started when the game started) and I finished x3 of every rare awhile ago (except Emily #3, where r u ;; ).

What matchmaking needs the most right now is just more players. If there's only 1-2 in queue with you at any given time, then that's who you're fighting, regardless of RP difference. And this makes the tragedy of driving away players all the worse.

My fastest (arena) wins have come by Millenarian, yeah, but just so rarely worth it. 2-3 mana per card, 4 mana for MP itself, you don't have the mana early on to play more than one card at a time, and you need them all in hand right away. It does work on later cards, yes. (Side note: Contrary to what you might think from the card text, you CAN get rid of MP with Occult.)
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

There aren't that many places were AS and other Nutaku games get discussed in any great detail. If I bitch about it here, it gets other people bitching, and then the devs read it and understand. Unless they are just totally in a vacuum, which wouldn't surprise me.

As far as rares go, I've just about 500 arena wins (which isn't all that much, having started when the game started) and I finished x3 of every rare awhile ago (except Emily #3, where r u ;; ).

What matchmaking needs the most right now is just more players. If there's only 1-2 in queue with you at any given time, then that's who you're fighting, regardless of RP difference. And this makes the tragedy of driving away players all the worse.

My fastest (arena) wins have come by Millenarian, yeah, but just so rarely worth it. 2-3 mana per card, 4 mana for MP itself, you don't have the mana early on to play more than one card at a time, and you need them all in hand right away. It does work on later cards, yes. (Side note: Contrary to what you might think from the card text, you CAN get rid of MP with Occult.)

It's been mentioned several times already that the devs are on Chatango quite often and always open to suggestions. I think they asked people if they had any new suggestions twice in the past two days. Go there if you want your voice heard.

Did not know that Millenarian can be destroyed. That does kill its usefulness a bit. Damn misleading text.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Anybody else piling up losses due to server timeouts mid-game? I just lost two points due to no fault of my own. Losing games, I can handle that. But having my tourny points taken from me because the servers are wonky or w/e... don't touch my tourny points! :mad:
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

the servers taking your points do to failure on their side has always been there, will probably always be there (seeing as how they dont address it's a problem). gotta just suck it up. you never know when your next loss is gonna be, due to wonky server connection and not your own.

as a matter of fact, last working tournament i complained and they told it me it was working as "intended". guess this is gonna be the status quo.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

try reloading your browser when you think that's happening
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Lol, I thought I was waiting for my opponent to reconnect then I was the one who lost.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I think I just fought you Dartred, and it happened to be with the worst hand I've ever had. I only drew 3 monsters the entire match, 2 of which were 11 cost...Such a poor showing. :( poor Muriel didn't pop up till, what was it, turn 4? Depressing.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I think I just fought you Dartred, and it happened to be with the worst hand I've ever had. I only drew 3 monsters the entire match, 2 of which were 11 cost...Such a poor showing. :( poor Muriel didn't pop up till, what was it, turn 4? Depressing.

Dartred's greatest strength isn't his Miyabi, it's his amazing ability to cause foes to draw awful, awful hands.

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Dartred's greatest strength isn't his Miyabi, it's his amazing ability to cause foes to draw awful, awful hands.


My greatest strength is drawing hands like those vs 1100-1200 rated players 75% of the time. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Guys if you not sure if it's you lagging or opponent - try to click on graveyard. If it wont open - refresh.

PS -still hate the opponents with lvl 90 SSR's =-= i can 2 or 3 of those . but thats it =-=
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

oh you're saucepirate?... what happened with that swordswoman sarah in def mode game? was the def mode a mistake? after that you gave me the win.

currently ranked 9th.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

oh you're saucepirate?... what happened with that swordswoman sarah in def mode game? was the def mode a mistake? after that you gave me the win.

currently ranked 9th.

It was definitely a mistake, I don't remember what I was thinking when I did that. I guess I didn't expect an attack right away.

After that it was pretty much a string of cards I couldn't play, so I just said screw it, let's not drag this out longer than it needed to be.

EDIT: My deck is basically unchanged from last tourney (though a bit higher leveled) but my card draws have just been awful. Half my games have had no cards to place in that crucial 5-9 mana period.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Might I suggest for future tournaments, perhaps shifting the reward requirements up by 1.5x, then awarding three points for a win and 1 for a loss that goes at least 10 turns?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Ugh...I find myself far more frustrated in this tourney than the last; part of it is terrible luck for me/ridiculous luck on the other end, and the other is getting matched against the top 10 half the time. I know I'm ranting, sorry. Just getting my ass kicked (down 200 RP after starting the event). :( It's really not fun playing well and fighting for advantage only to get stonewalled by a single maxed unit.

EDIT: Screw it, I'm 3/11. Might as well start throwing matches until I get to a low enough RP to play weaker players.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I don't even care about my RP.. I'm just trying to get the points.

Something else I'd suggest is some sort of mulligan for initial draw. It seems 60% of matches are decided solely on how crappy your opening hand is.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Ugh...I find myself far more frustrated in this tourney than the last; part of it is terrible luck for me/ridiculous luck on the other end, and the other is getting matched against the top 10 half the time. I know I'm ranting, sorry. Just getting my ass kicked (down 200 RP after starting the event). :(

If you're playing right now, it's expected, since a lot of people aren't on during these hours, especially on a weekday.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Anyone got EX-Nena yet? I want to know if it's worth going the full 200 for.