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[Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

So uhhh...
I just finished arrival of the goddess, won the boss fight, got a cutscene, and then I was supposed to battle again. Got an application error instead and now I feel kinda cheated out of a boss fight and its reward. Anyone else got something like this?
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Lots of stam pots.

Besides, I would think that, realistically speaking, you'd run out of upgrade mats much faster than losing money. With the exception of fire and dark, I'm not sure how you're drowning in stones and brews.

Stones and brews are only needed for HR+. Most of us are doing maxed R or N cards I would imagine. Gold cost adds up once all your cards hit 50+.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

The entire nutaku.net is down. And I was just about to win a though match. I needed one more attack. Just 10 seconds or so. :mad:
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Had another funny game. Enemy had Silvie and Antaret. I only had a facedown Sakura on the field. He only had 600+ LP left and I saw the I had 2 Framboises. I put them face down along with an Asuka. Luckily, the guy attacked Sakura and Asuka and I managed to sneak a win, eheheh.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Or he bought stamina potions.

You're talking about actual money, right? (If I could buy stamina potions with in-game money, that'd be an excellent money sink). Otherwise this daily event is fairly useless to me; I'm also loaded on in-game money (and even materials)...don't see a need to upgrade my monsters if I don't have enough leveling material to level them up anyway. The Saturday event was much, much more helpful to me.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

I HATE that I cannot throw a match before turn 6 without losing point. I'm desperately trying to get 200 points. Then I walk into 1500+ RP players and I know that it's impossible for me to win right away, yet I have to waste time for 6 turns. It's so damn frustrating.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

You're talking about actual money, right? (If I could buy stamina potions with in-game money, that'd be an excellent money sink). Otherwise this daily event is fairly useless to me; I'm also loaded on in-game money (and even materials)...don't see a need to upgrade my monsters if I don't have enough leveling material to level them up anyway. The Saturday event was much, much more helpful to me.

Of course it was about actual money when referring to stamina pots. The person in question was mentioning how the new daily was completely useless to them because they had no need for money at all.

Also, this money daily does nothing for me. Hope they add more money sinks soon.

As for the matter of getting more leveling material, only way for that is to play more. :p
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Played against Channy.
I thought I was doing okay on Turn 4; card advantage in hand and field. Then he flips Keyaki, summons Cera with her and smashes my face in that turn. The next game, I lose because of friggin Momoji. Hah, it must be nice to P2W. :/

EDIT: Lost a game because I didn't realize the FIRST trap you set is the one to be activated first. I know, it's my own stupid fault, but I guess that's something to build on. Still though, the auto-use of trap cards in this game just gets a little more irksome when you've got field control but you're forced to waste a Prepare for Battle rather than use a EX-Invitation on a single buffed Silvie.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Oh, this is just fucking bullshit now.

I managed to pull Flora to hold off a field of four characters of 2000+ attack, and four traps. For the next FOUR turns (huh, seeing a pattern here), I didn't draw a SINGLE spell or trap to bolster my Flora's defenses or get rid of the traps. No Banish, no Occult, all three of my Books of Awakening were nowhere in sight. End result, I got Decree'd.

I'm really feeling the whole "opponent always has the right card to dismantle my plans, I never draw anything good to turn shit around" thing this tourney.

And I lost the next match to a guy with level 1 cards because of bad draws. This fucking game, man.

There, finally got 15 wins for the energy drinks. Back to the drawing board for this deck. I knew focusing on lategame was a bad idea, but I wasn't expecting everyone to have maxed out midgame already. And I'm too stubborn to level any midgame cards of my own *cough* because I find most of the common ones aren't cute *cough*.
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Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

in order to actually play this game you would have to spend sooo much freaking money. Seriously not worth it
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

0$ spent, formerly 18th place or something, then Osawari came out. RIP rank.
Re: [Nutaku] Angelic Saga

Free players can win against P2W players, but it does require some luck and getting your good cards, the fact P2W cards simply outmatch the R/HR cards free players have relatively easy access to make it a losing game the longer the match goes on.

Free player here, got top 300 in tournament 1 which I was perfectly fine with.
This tournament I'm sitting in the lower 400s, I haven't had much time to play tournament matches this time around.