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[Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Well Coli is back up...But this makes me wonder...Does guild rank even have a purpose? Like guild rank is completely tied to your guilds overall league rank but you get nothing at all for your guild being highly ranked. It just seems like wasted potential considering guild ranks reset each month with coli ranks.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Well Coli is back up...But this makes me wonder...Does guild rank even have a purpose? Like guild rank is completely tied to your guilds overall league rank but you get nothing at all for your guild being highly ranked. It just seems like wasted potential considering guild ranks reset each month with coli ranks.

Doesn't even seem like pvp has a purpose other than free ally points/medals/pots. No special prize for being top 10 at least.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Question for the group:
Do you cannabalise/fuse/sell your lower rank cards at once, or wait until your deck is completely full before you start purging? Just curious about playstyle. I tend to keep everyone around until the deck gets crowded, then purge from the lowest levels up, usually dependent on whether I like the artwork or not.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

ANNNNNND finally max kitty.


Even though the other screenshot was close enough. <.<
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

that 63k attack...Jesus.

I'm so tempted to make a full warrior +99 HN deck for shits and giggles.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

I just realized medal rewards reset too, so another SR guaranteed here I come~!
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Doesn't even seem like pvp has a purpose other than free ally points/medals/pots. No special prize for being top 10 at least.

There are pvp events that give rewards depending on your coliseum ranking:
1-20: Quaranteed UR gacha ticket x3, UR dragonstaff x1, skill element
21-100: same as above except x2 tickets
101-200: same but 1x ticket
201-500: same but no staff
501-1000: SR ticket x1, skill element

and so on, the skill deals extreme damage to 1-4 enemies in corners (action act). Another event also has guild ranking rewards:
1-3: Awakened Diske (UR), dragonstaffs 1xUR 1xSR
4-10: Same but no SR staff
11-30 No Diske, dragonstaffs 1xSR 2xHR
Those are nice bonuses for just being in a guild, in the JP server, the first pvp event started immediately after the very first event, we'll see how Nutaku handles the events. There's already that notification, an event will start in the 4th. I'm guessing Reina raid but we'll see.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

How do we collect these pvp rewards? Unless i dropped from 400 down to 1001 in a day.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

If you mean those rewards I posted, they are pvp event only, Nutaku will inform us when any events start, pvp or otherwise. Right now those rewards are unattainable, guess I was a bit unclear, sorry. Normally when there are no events you'll only get coliseum coins, mini-talismans & mini-vigors for ranking up and coins and ally points for winning, losing still gives some coins and points. All rewards can be found in your present box.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Since I had nothing better to do, I made a pvp video. Most cards used are easily available for anyone, you may have an SR or 2 different, which can easily be replaced by another card later. Also shows the exact setup I use so you can copy it if you want, or develop a counter to it just because you can. :p

If I had known what I did now, I would've awakened Ema instead of Numeltiti because of my skill up priority. Ema is a decent character to waste your skill up stones on since she has a buff and a reduction skill. This is only assuming you don't pull a better SR though. If Ema ends up being the character you skill up, remember to put the learned skill on her before doing so.
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Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Since I had nothing better to do, I made a pvp video. Most cards used are easily available for anyone, you may have an SR or 2 different, which can easily be replaced by another card later. Also shows the exact setup I use so you can copy it if you want, or develop a counter to it just because you can. :p

If I had known what I did now, I would've awakened Ema instead of Numeltiti because of my skill up priority. Ema is a decent character to waste your skill up stones on since she has a buff and a reduction skill. This is only assuming you don't pull a better SR though. If Ema ends up being the character you skill up, remember to put the learned skill on her before doing so.

Zzzz I wasn't in top 10 when the video happened, damn you work today.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

Zzzz I wasn't in top 10 when the video happened, damn you work today.

Kay, uploading another video just for you then. :p

Since it's special just for you, I gave you 5 fights instead of 3.

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Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

I just want to see it for myself since it feels like RNG likes to ruin me D:

I'd say you're just not buffing yourself enough, so not RNG. The two times you started out with a direct hit on my kitty, you didn't kill it in 1 hit, even though she has below average defense.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

I'd say you're just not buffing yourself enough, so not RNG. The two times you started out with a direct hit on my kitty, you didn't kill it in 1 hit, even though she has below average defense.

obviously i could arguably cheese it and just throw my magic in mid, which would effectively kill the cat.
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

wish i can post images since i gave it a trial run and the magic classes just went and one shotted the cat >_>
Re: [Nutaku] Dragon Tactics

the SR I got in particular has powerful recovery so it continually nullifies the damage dealt.

It removes everyone's buffs including your own. Basically you're just attempting to outdamage me skillwise with your UR/SRs. For that to work more effectively, you'd need a whole team of attack skillers though, since your card also removes your own buffs every turn.
