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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I was busy leveling Cloris* in case I get too many silver dragons

What was I thinking hahahaha.

*(she's garbage)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So I was busy leveling Cloris* in case I get too many silver dragons

What was I thinking hahahaha.

*(she's garbage)

Why not, you can skill lvl up chloris easily with those silver dragon.
I for 1 already have lvl 60 chloris (abit regreting wasted exp, but who cares) and i plan to skill her up since she like the only unit with atk 3. *PS: I DEMAND CLAIRE TO BE OUT !!*
Gonna CC a few of those silver dragon to get my thetis at least lvl 3 skill as well
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

this event is impossible for me -__-
could finish the last map on the last event either

I can rly mob the floor with everything (at least till map 6) but the damn mages are impossible to beat. I tried to tank em with my highest hp tank and two healers but one of those mages are enough to beat this

first 3 missions 3 star then 4 and 5 1 and 6 is undoable for me as long as I got my team on lv 35+ xD

Anyone got a strategy for me?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

.... somebody was saying some bad things about Clissa earlier on this thread...

Well, my CCd lvl 62 Clissa just beats the crap out of ANY mage unit solely by herself. Without support of healer even.

I kinda like that a LOT about her:)

Also: i frigging need four black spirits. Very much.

Obsessed with idea to CC and max level my Liana that i got from 2k gatcha yesterday.

EDIT: yeah. Everyone reporting their results. Here are mine:

8 maps cleared three stars first attempt. Only a bunch of bronze dragons as a drop. Gotta wait two more hours for the try on the last one.

Is the last map like tremendously more difficult than all of them before (as it was in the last event)?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I can rly mob the floor with everything (at least till map 6) but the damn mages are impossible to beat.

Anyone got a strategy for me?

Get Clissa or use maxed Dahlia.

They rock.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

First day went a bit slow mainly because I was too stubborn trying to 3 star Ryujinn King when I should have just moved on. Alt account I did it in 2 tries as well as the next map, World of Darkness I think it was called?, I could have gotten it first try, but I recalled Dahlia too slow. Oh, well....18 days to go, will probably finish at the half way point like last time. Really not looking forward to the last map after looking it up awhile back. Difficulty sure jumped up since Belinda's event.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

First day went a bit slow mainly because I was too stubborn trying to 3 star Ryujinn King when I should have just moved on. Alt account I did it in 2 tries as well as the next map, World of Darkness I think it was called?, I could have gotten it first try, but I recalled Dahlia too slow. Oh, well....18 days to go, will probably finish at the half way point like last time. Really not looking forward to the last map after looking it up awhile back. Difficulty sure jumped up since Belinda's event.

14 Days though. till may 12
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


It seems though that the videos for dragons nest and depths of the earth are switched.

thanks but I got no princesses yet and only silver HA.
so I nothing to do than to lv the shit out of my HAs T_T

Get Clissa or use maxed Dahlia.

They rock.

thats easy to say but I dont think that I am going to manage that xD
at least not before the event ended
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Time to do my monthly premium roll. I wonder if I'll...
Welp. This game just got a whole lot easier.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Alright guys. This is what I have so far. I'm off to the Hongfire group and the Facebook group to get questions from them

1. Are the skipped events going to be permanently skipped or will we get them later in some form?

2. Assuming they are permanently skipped. Are the units specific to those events going to end up in Premium/Rare/Base Summon like Liana?

3. What are the drop rates for dailies? If you can't give us exact numbers how about at least the range?

4. Will we still get event for Liana(or other event units put into premium/rare/base summons) even though she's been put into the premium/rare/base summons?

5. If the event for Liana(or any other event unit placed into premium/rare/base summons) is not planned for the English version; Are there any plans to get her/them a 2 cost reduction automatically to bring her/them in line with others of their class and rarity?

6. What did you mean by drop rates being 'in-line' with the Japanese version. It is fairly vague, and any given pattern such as 25, 50, 75, 100% could be considered 'in-line'.

7. Will we ever see characters that were left out due to being "loli" (ie. Black Iris, Mischa, etc.); or will some characters be permanently removed from the English version?

8. Would it be possible to add the backstory of the female characters similiar to what the male units have? It has been mentioned that in the Japanese all ages version of Aegis that they got this instead of the normal hentai scene. To be slightly more specific, can we have both scenes? Maybe in the fashion of 25% story scene, 50% sex scene, 75% story scene, 100% sex scene.

9. When will we see the Extreme maps?

10. When will we see Awakening introduced?

11. When will we get the other story maps implemented?

12. When can we expect to see both the global cost reduction and priority for specific units update?

13. If you are not against telling use drop rate, would it be possible for it to be shown under 'check rewards' for each map after obtaining said reward?

14. How are Sapphire units and Serial codes going to be handled?

15. Will a 10x or 100x base summon button ever be implemented?

I just came up with another question.

When will second storage box be implemented?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Show me your team i will try develop strategy for you.

Why Clissa is weak ? she have a black status for a start that show her base status is higher than platinum pretty simple right ?

Next premium roll.
Everytime i see someone here is lucky, my luck just got a major downturn so no i'm not taking that bait :D

That question for nutaku..... good luck :D
The only think i can answer probably 1st 2 If we missed and old event, these unit / map will be brought back trought revival event on weekend daily.
In revival event you collect item revival crystal just like demon crystal and buy the unit no CC no CR lvl 1.
The dfference on this unit is their chance to CR is doubled (usualy it take 100% 50% 25% 25% 25% to CR on revival unit it become 100% 100% 50% 50% 50%) skill chance up also same

Awakening event should be way way far off about a yr after it release no idea whats the dev team plan, there also skill awaken , subjugation event. shard summon , even the count for revival crystal in trade tab not there...etc etc which not even a hint of implementation as yet
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Show me your team i will try develop strategy for you.

Why Clissa is weak ? she have a black status for a start that show her base status is higher than platinum pretty simple right ?

Next premium roll.
Everytime i see someone here is lucky, my luck just got a major downturn so no i'm not taking that bait :D

all others I have are silver units with lv 20 or lower

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

all others I have are silver units with lv 20 or lower


I really need at least 1 CC healer and 1 CC archer or your unit gonna die by the mage :(
if you want at least mission completion or 2 star its also a good idea to intentionaly let some of the enemy unit passed.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I got a demon crystal, iron fairy bronze fairy, 3 bronze dragon soldiers and a Gadorasu so far.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So just completed the event, all three stars. Now to get the completion rewards that I want.

Almost got it on the last map on the first try.

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

All stages done, 27 stars earned. Time to farm the ever-living shit out of the silver dragon.... then completion rewards I guess. I want Julian for sure to 30CC and feed to Aria/Katie