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(Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)


Maintenance alert: Millennium War Aigis will be down for scheduled repairs tomorrow from 6am GMT to 10am GMT.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Just pulled Julian with my free base summon o 3o

On a side note, we need that 10 summon for base Dx
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

So does the charisma/stamina regeneration stop when the game's down? I would guess so, which means we need to take that into account in our event preparations :>
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Wow they making a jp. free unit a en. pay unit, haha that makes my decision very easy not to support nutaku with my money.

Hey at least you can get a "bonus summoning rate" to the 3% chance :rolleyes:

Who knows maybe it'll be a 4% chance now
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hey at least you can get a "bonus summoning rate" to the 3% chance :rolleyes:

Who knows maybe it'll be a 4% chance now

No its still 3% but if you score it your chance are higher to get the Healer or HA.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Hey at least you can get a "bonus summoning rate" to the 3% chance :rolleyes:

Who knows maybe it'll be a 4% chance now

the chance to get black is still 3%, what increased is the chance to get that HA and Healer had you roll a black unit (less sybilla and nanaly :D)
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

the chance to get black is still 3%, what increased is the chance to get that HA and Healer had you roll a black unit (less sybilla and nanaly :D)

Well, that's hurt. I like the fact the healer is free unit. As summon unit, it hurts so much.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

the chance to get black is still 3%, what increased is the chance to get that HA and Healer had you roll a black unit (less sybilla and nanaly :D)

Oh even worse then, glad to know that we're probably going to see a ton of free units in the original version of the game become impossible to obtain for players who don't want to spend because they're just going to throw them into the summoning shrine.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

any one have any tips for dwarf battle?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Well I imagine she was chosen to go in since we can't get Saint Iris until she is modified...
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

A lot of negative talk because it was decided to put an event unit into the shrine. Guess I'll play devils advocate this time.

Few things I'd like to point out (right wrong indifferent, here it is):

1> Its an event unit, so equivalent to a plat, generally with more cost But we've already seen costs do not always cross over to us (looks at Adele, and her max reduced cost of 13 compared to JP's 12). One does not directly correlate to the others in all instances.

2> So okay, all naysayers how many silver healers you got for this character ready to go so you can CC her? Anyone? Now my paid account might be able to do it, though I see no reason to, I know my free account can't, hell i'll be happy if I can CC my two silver healers when the time comes. This early in the game, it really doesn't matter that they put a plat healer in there, cause most people wont be able to use her as is, unless many copies can be gotten and even then, unit cost wise a plat healer at this point just isn't "needed". We'll need em later sure, but no one here has an excess of silvers just lying around ready for new units so they can be CC'ed.

3> An event unit to me should be something a bit special, and frankly put there isn't a damn thing special about healers. They're not exciting, they have no awe factor, they are just there and needed by the mechanics of the game. So we skipped her event.....big f'ing deal. That means we'll get events that are more worthy and that Nutaku (or the JP devs at least) are actually being a bit picky as to the events they are giving us. Meaning we aren't just getting a bunch of scraps to placate and to give the illusion the events are actually worth doing.

4> This type of decision shows they are scaling the events and release to not only catch us up but are trying to keep the pace for the users that are playing now and those who may start or just recently started.

TL : DR - No big deal to see a plat healer event that got skipped, most people would be disappointed if that was our current event, because simply put, a plat healer is completely useless to us right now. We don't have the maps that need her.

Just throwing my 2 copper out there.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

TL : DR - No big deal to see a plat healer event that got skipped, most people would be disappointed if that was our current event, because simply put, a plat healer is completely useless to us right now. We don't have the maps that need her.

Just throwing my 2 copper out there.

It still sets a precedent of putting units that would otherwise be events or free into the gacha. That's content that's gone from free players forever, not just their power in battle but also their h-scenes and other content related to them. Sure it's just "A plat healer" this time, but now any unit that was an event can wind up in this situation.

Events are the lifeblood of non-paying users, forgive me if I'm upset that content that we would otherwise have access to is getting removed.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Sad to see that an otherwise free unit is going into the premium gatcha.I hope it's just this time I agree it isn't the most exiting unit right now.

By the way any comment on Despara?I just pulled her and I can't see what makes her a black unit is she just a more expensive and "bigger" Cloris or I'm missing something?
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

to answer question 2, i have 4 silver healers spare that aren't being used XD. 2 copies each of alissa and dorca XD

i have 3 phyllis and 2 craves... it's gonna be a hassle to cc them though.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

@Xovian Ahmm sorry but she has a story that we skipped, she is a black healer that could be max. cr. in the event to cost only 19 points to deploy and she has only 11 points less then the black healer iris the best healer in jp.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

It still sets a precedent of putting units that would otherwise be events or free into the gacha. That's content that's gone from free players forever, not just their power in battle but also their h-scenes and other content related to them. Sure it's just "A plat healer" this time, but now any unit that was an event can wind up in this situation.

Events are the lifeblood of non-paying users, forgive me if I'm upset that content that we would otherwise have access to is getting removed.

I get ya, I understand where you coming from, but you are ignoring the flip side of that equation.

When we are caught up to JP (or at least close) it doesn't mean we will have all the same maps, challenges ect unlocked. When we get closer to JP our "free" units will blow everything currently that we currently see away (outside of very specific black units).

Like every game there is some marginal amounts of power creep. If we started getting units 3 months from now that were only released to JP a few months ago, you don't think that gives our free players an "edge" that JP didn't have? Again, my second account is completely free, so I'm well aware of how skipped units affect the game, I struggle like everyone else with my freemium account, and at this early stage of the game it's expected. They can't drop last weeks units from JP on us, it would be game breaking both financially for them and to the players. We'd have zip for challenge if they did that, people would have no desire to spend at all, and the game would fade into obscurity.

Again, there's some pros and cons to this, I think some people are more focused on those cons with out seeing the balance they are trying to achieve. Given what I've spent, I'm way more critical of what units they are releasing and what they aren't then the average player. Believe me, when I say I securitize what info they are giving quite a bit. The units shown for gatcha I see no negative or positive too other then getting the unit poll up for the gatchas. Now a few pages back a certain defensive princess was mentioned, that's the type of event I do expect us to see, and would raise holy hell if the event isn't given to us.

I pick my battles as far as what's worth a complaint and what isn't. Thus far I've got no complaints, doesn't mean I wont in the near future but for the info we have right now, I see no negative.

to answer question 2, i have 4 silver healers spare that aren't being used XD. 2 copies each of alissa and dorca XD

i have 3 phyllis and 2 craves... it's gonna be a hassle to cc them though.
Last time you showed your units you didn't have a single one of them CC'ed. If you have 4 healers at this moment, you technically only have two as 2 of them as somewhere sometime and some point you will need to CC them.
A single healer plat or not isn't going to get you very far.

@Xovian Ahmm sorry but she has a story that we skipped, she is a black healer that could be max. cr. in the event to cost only 19 points to deploy and she has only 11 points less then the black healer iris the best healer in jp.
Again this goes back to breaking the game by releasing power units too early. For JP was she released a month after the game started? I'd be surprised if you give a "yes" answer.
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Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

Im just hoping we dont miss out on too much of the stories or the events, since they seem like they will be fun to participate in. Though I am sad about the healer, since i really need some stronger ones now.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

yeah, since that picture i got another valerie and have cc'd my fairy queen. next ill probably do healer camilia.
Re: (Nutaku) Milenium War Aigis (English Version)

I'm just going to put this out there... I'm actually pretty indifferent to this whole event in gatcha situation. I'm also inclined to agree with Xovian on picking the event we throw hell about. Even if this does set a precedent.

Anyway who says we will not get these events at some point in some form... Hell if I remember the JP wiki there were some events repeated multiple times for them. Maybe when they are repeating one we will get one we otherwise should have gotten if we weren't playing 'catch up'.

However I feel Liana wasn't a good choice if Chydis is going to be in the trading post for another two months or so... that would mean we have a guaranteed platinum healer. On top of that we can get a -3 Cost 5/5 skill Dorca with this event tomorrow.... so we have a supped up healer and what has been mentioned to be one of the best healer in game already given to us.

Liana being put there.... reduced both her and Dorca/Chydis worth, and just makes rolling her feel extremely bad.